34. Alla moglie Eleonora [ 1 ]
Mia dolcissima Noretta,
credo di essere giunto all'estremo delle mie possibilità e di essere sul punto, salvo un miracolo, di chiudere questa mia esperienza umana. Gli ultimi tentativi, per i quali mi ero ripromesso di scriverti, sono falliti. The rincrudimento of repression, of no use, he weighed the situation. There appears to be way out. It remains mysterious why you chose this road ruinous, and condemning me without a reference point and balance. Already we see that it means not having someone who can think. I say this without controversy, as a simple reflection of history. Now I want to hug you so much and tell all the sweetness I feel, though mingled with bitter things, for having the gift of a life with you, so full of love and deep understanding. God knows what I hoped to go a little longer, to give care and help our beloved Luke, to help everyone pass the tests the hard way. I tried everything and hours will be done by God, I think I get back to you in another form. I do not think I know who I am honored to be condemned. But it's [2 ] you with a Christian spirit and sense of opportunity. I have entrusted to Freato and Rana for every need and I trust that God will help you. You care more and try to be quiet as you can. We will meet again. We will meet. We loved in return. I wrote to all for Luke, because they are committed to him. I must say thanks to you, infinite thanks for all the love you gave me. Love a bit 'jealous I was nervous when I saw you' sunk ' [ 3] in a book. But true love that will remain. I I will pray for you and you for me. May God help the dear family. In summer, the sea, made by the family Riccioni company do for you and your baby. I left my store to be sold by Sen. Luke Spadolini and Dr. Guerzoni to be a little peculiar that will help him stay in life. I forgot to say, but to tell you that the photos Guerzoni family and the executors will choose what is worth preserving the family. In the tape-largest, which is in my office, we have already collected small voice of Luke transferred from one pocket. You can gradually transfer is complete. The coils are in our room, movies and photos on the desk of the study. I would, as a small reminder that the pen my dressing gown day went to Luke that she loved him "and the ashtray John," another "marker " the chest of John Brown, a pen like the first on chiffon to Agnes, and Fida and Anna, and you could choose what you want in that cupboard. Feel Manzari, see to make a will [ 4] . I hope that I have sent two have arrived and will refer a copy. Be sure to do and to make the flu shot, if it is Russian. Been followed by Giuseppe [ 5] also as a friend. By Rana ago to check the stability of the roof on our room « e cura che il gas sia chiuso la sera. (Agnese) » . Per la tomba di Torrita [ 6 ] « almeno nell'immediato c'è » rischio di sicurezza. Forse converrebbe alloggare altrove, [o su di lì] stesso « o nella chiesa con speciale permesso ». Forse, per ora: consigliati con Freato. Who knows how many things I forgot. You're more united than you can and also keep my things together with you, because they are yours. I prayed a lot La Pira. I hope to help me otherwise [7] .
thank everyone, all the relatives and amicicon great affection. May God help us. Remember that you were the most important thing in my life. Remind me to discreetly Luke with some pictures and some description, who does not feel entirely without his grandfather. And then to be happy and not make my mistakes generous and naive.
hug forte forte e ti benedico dal profondo del cuore. A nonna un bacio, nella forma che troverai.
¹ Non recapitata. Lettera ritovata solo nell'ottobre 1990 come fotocopia di manoscritto (Atti della Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sulla strage di via Fani, sul sequestro e l'assassinio di Aldo Moro e sul terrorismo in Italia).
² Missing the apostrophe in the photocopy of the manuscript.
³ The word replaces a poorly understood 'scared' deleted.
4 Giuseppe Manzari, Moro friend since college and his legal adviser, had been the chief of staff when he was education minister from 1957 to 1959 and as Chairman of the Board from 1963 to 1968 and from 1974 to 1976. Then he was president of the Chamber of the Council of State and Head of the Diplomatic Adviser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On January 21, 1977, Moro had sent the draft text of his and his wife for advice from him (Acts of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on terrorism in Italy and the causes of the failure to identify those responsible for the massacre).
5 The reference should be more in Giuseppe Manzari as a doubling of the 'p' is sufficiently clear. [...]
6 followed by a word erased.
7 Giorgio La Pira, Dominican tertiary, a professor of Roman law, was one of the founding fathers working in the Commission on 75 near the so-called group of "Professorin" Giuseppe Dossetti, Amintore Fanfani, Giuseppe Lazzati and more Young Moro. Much loved mayor of Florence for two terms from 1951 to 1957 and from 1961 to 1965, died in 1977 with a reputation for holiness and in his honor has opened a cause for canonization. The first to prick up their antennas on the pass, unknown until October 1990, was Sofri Shadow Moro , p.41 , noting that just the name of La Pira was invoked, along with with that of Don Luigi Sturzo, during a session spiritca, which was held April 2, 1978 in a cottage in Zappolino, near Bologna. As is known, in fact had gathered to spend the holiday together with their families, a group of academics, including Alberto Clo, Mario Baldassarri and Romano Prodi. During the meeting, which took place the so-called Article plate method, indications emerged in rapid succession of "Gradoli, Bolsena, Viterbo" Dark as a place of captivity. On 6 April, the police came in "careful reconnoiter" in the village of Viterbo because Prodi saw fit to inform the fact that the spokesman for Zaccagnini, in turn, contacted Luigi Zanda Loy, the chief press officer of Cossiga (Acts of Commission parliamentary inquiry on terrorism in Italy and the causes of the failure to identify those responsible for the massacre). When, 18 April 1978, it was discovered the lair of Gradoli way to Rome, where he went to sleep Moretti during the seizure arose allegations, suspicion and curiosity of all types and so the episode of the seance was gradually brought to the attention of the general public becoming a real cliche of the Moro case and its misteriologie. Not immediately, though, because Prodi, appointed November 28, 1978 Minister of Industry, was interrogated by the judiciary for the first time December 22, 1978, together with Clo. The scholar of the French Revolution Georges Lefebvre taught to be sensitive to the historical origin of the news, the way they start to move and feed with the passage of time. It should be noted, therefore, that the public kick-off this year's game - during the past twenty years under consideration judiciary and the two parliamentary committees of inquiry - should be an article of October 17, 1978 by Roberto and Antonio Martinelli Padellaro "Where is the leader in dc?" asked the spirit of La Pira. And the answer came with the ashtray: "... 095 Gradoli" , in Corriere della Sera, p.7, where they gathered in quotation marks, the alleged statements of a professor from Bologna, "not for long, covered anonymity.
Policy transcription
The documents published here were received in the original manuscript (in the period March 16 - 9 May 1978), in typed copy (found in Milan, Via Monte Nevoso, on I October 1978) and a photocopy of the manuscript (found in Milan, Via Monte Nevoso, October 9, 1990). [...] I made the following interventions:
- tra parentesi quadre [ ] ho inserito le opportune integrazioni di lettere o parole omesse per evidenti sviste dello scrivente, dei fotocopiatori o nel caso di congetture ritenute altamente probabili;
- tra parentesi uncinate ho posto le parole scritte fra le righe o aggiunte dall'autore posteriormente fra due vocaboli [per problemi di linguaggio html, al posto delle parentesi uncinate ho utilizzato le virgolette «»];
From: Aldo Moro, letters from prison, by Miguel gotor, Torino, Einaudi, 2008, pp . XXVIII, 62-65.
¹ Non recapitata. Lettera ritovata solo nell'ottobre 1990 come fotocopia di manoscritto (Atti della Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sulla strage di via Fani, sul sequestro e l'assassinio di Aldo Moro e sul terrorismo in Italia).
4 Giuseppe Manzari, Moro friend since college and his legal adviser, had been the chief of staff when he was education minister from 1957 to 1959 and as Chairman of the Board from 1963 to 1968 and from 1974 to 1976. Then he was president of the Chamber of the Council of State and Head of the Diplomatic Adviser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On January 21, 1977, Moro had sent the draft text of his and his wife for advice from him (Acts of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on terrorism in Italy and the causes of the failure to identify those responsible for the massacre).
5 The reference should be more in Giuseppe Manzari as a doubling of the 'p' is sufficiently clear. [...]
6 followed by a word erased.
7 Giorgio La Pira, Dominican tertiary, a professor of Roman law, was one of the founding fathers working in the Commission on 75 near the so-called group of "Professorin" Giuseppe Dossetti, Amintore Fanfani, Giuseppe Lazzati and more Young Moro. Much loved mayor of Florence for two terms from 1951 to 1957 and from 1961 to 1965, died in 1977 with a reputation for holiness and in his honor has opened a cause for canonization. The first to prick up their antennas on the pass, unknown until October 1990, was Sofri Shadow Moro , p.41 , noting that just the name of La Pira was invoked, along with with that of Don Luigi Sturzo, during a session spiritca, which was held April 2, 1978 in a cottage in Zappolino, near Bologna. As is known, in fact had gathered to spend the holiday together with their families, a group of academics, including Alberto Clo, Mario Baldassarri and Romano Prodi. During the meeting, which took place the so-called Article plate method, indications emerged in rapid succession of "Gradoli, Bolsena, Viterbo" Dark as a place of captivity. On 6 April, the police came in "careful reconnoiter" in the village of Viterbo because Prodi saw fit to inform the fact that the spokesman for Zaccagnini, in turn, contacted Luigi Zanda Loy, the chief press officer of Cossiga (Acts of Commission parliamentary inquiry on terrorism in Italy and the causes of the failure to identify those responsible for the massacre). When, 18 April 1978, it was discovered the lair of Gradoli way to Rome, where he went to sleep Moretti during the seizure arose allegations, suspicion and curiosity of all types and so the episode of the seance was gradually brought to the attention of the general public becoming a real cliche of the Moro case and its misteriologie. Not immediately, though, because Prodi, appointed November 28, 1978 Minister of Industry, was interrogated by the judiciary for the first time December 22, 1978, together with Clo. The scholar of the French Revolution Georges Lefebvre taught to be sensitive to the historical origin of the news, the way they start to move and feed with the passage of time. It should be noted, therefore, that the public kick-off this year's game - during the past twenty years under consideration judiciary and the two parliamentary committees of inquiry - should be an article of October 17, 1978 by Roberto and Antonio Martinelli Padellaro "Where is the leader in dc?" asked the spirit of La Pira. And the answer came with the ashtray: "... 095 Gradoli" , in Corriere della Sera, p.7, where they gathered in quotation marks, the alleged statements of a professor from Bologna, "not for long, covered anonymity.
From: Aldo Moro, letters from prison, by Miguel gotor, Torino, Einaudi, 2008, pp . XXVIII, 62-65.
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