96. His wife Eleanor [ 1]
Everything in calm. The only critical reactions [ 2] against DC Luca no funeral [ 3] .
Noretta My sweet,
very thin after a moment of optimism [ 4] , perhaps due to my misunderstanding of what I was saying is, we are now, I think [ 5 ] at the final moment. I do not think the case to discuss the thing in itself and dell'incredibilità a penalty that falls on my goodness and my moderation. Of course I'm wrong, for a good purpose in setting the course of my life. But now you can not change. It remains only to recognize that you were right. One can only say that perhaps we should have been punished in other ways, we and our children. I want to stay well clear responsibility of the DC with his absurd and unbelievable behavior. And 'it must be said firmly as it should reject any coin that is usually called in this case. It 'also true that many friends (but do not know the names) or deceived by the idea that harms me or worried about their personal positions, did not move as they should. One hundred signatures were only forced to deal [ 6] . And that's all in the past. For the future is now una tenerezza infinita per voi, il ricordo di tutti e di ciascuno, un amore grande grande carico di ricordi apparentemente insignificanti e in realtà preziosi. Uniti nel mio ricordo vivete insieme. Mi parrà di essere tra voi. Per carità, vivete in un'unica casa, anche Emma se è possibile e fate ricorso ai buoni e cari amici, che ringrazierai tanto, per le vostre esigenze. Bacia e carezza per me tutti, volto per volto, occhi per occhi, capelli per capelli. A ciascuno una mia immensa tenerezza che passa per le tue mani. Sii forte, mia dolcissima, in questa prova assurda e incomprensibile. Sono le vie del Signore. Ricordami a tutti i parenti ed amici con immenso affetto ed a te e tutti un caldissimo abbraccio pegno di un amore eterno. Vorrei capire, con i miei piccoli occhi mortali come ci si vedrà dopo. Se ci fosse luce, sarebbe bellissimo. Amore mio, sentimi sempre con te e tienmi stretto. Bacia e carezza Fida, Demi, Luca (tanto tanto Luca) Anna Mario il piccolo non nato Agnese Giovanni. Sono tanto grato per quello che hanno fatto. Tutto è inutile, quando non si vuole aprire la porta. Il Papa ha fatto pochino: forse ne avrà scrupolo
1 Recapitata il 5 maggio, insieme con la successiva, da don Mennini, ma la data di stesura potrebbe essere antecedente. Non è presente tra i dattiloscritti ritrovati nell'ottobre 1978, né tra le fotocopie dei manoscritti di dodici anni dopo. L'originale è riprodotto negli Atti della Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sulla strage di via Fani, sul sequestro e l'assassinio di Aldo Moro e sul terrorismo in Italia. E' lettera autonoma dalla seguente. Lo stesso giorno, qualche ora prima, il comunicato n.9 delle Br annunciava: «Concludiamo quindi la battaglia iniziata il 16 marzo eseguendo la sentenza a cui Aldo Moro è stato condannato». Divulgata il 13 settembre 1978 dal «Corriere della Sera», p.6, ma fu pubblicata per la prima volta integralmente e in modo autonomo dalla successiva, in Aldo Moro, L'intelligenza e gli avvenimenti. Testi 1959-1978 , pp. 427-28.
2 Si distingue una «t» corretta: forse in precedenza had written "policies".
3 E 'as usual exergue added after the residual space of the paper.
4 This term does not appear to be justified by the confident tone of the two versions of the letter to Zaccagnini and above the mandatory argument of the final pages of the "Memorial", which are certainly not the product of a "very thin optimism."
5 The prisoner, compared to the next letter, "believes" yet, that is not entirely sure of dying in 55 days this would be the third time in which a similar emotional state of imminent threat of death. 6
About this collection of signatures, Guerzoni Commission testified in massacres, June 6, 1995, "Mr Moro said the collection of a hundred signatures to convene the National Council of twenty-nine and we arrived at that point I said that I would not have worked together to seek the signatures, because I did not want Mr Moro remain in history as the one that led to the break Formal party. I think in fact Mr Moor did not want to break the party, rather that the contradictions were in evidence. The more I thought about that because I knew he would never come back, and then we were going to plus the historical significance of the operations that do not even need to save it. " According to the testimony of Victor Cervone, one of the promoters in 1968 of the current Democratic "friends of Aldo Moro," the May 9, at 13, leading members of the group had gathered for lunch at the restaurant "Barroccio" and were deciding to request the convening of the National Council of the DC, when they were joined by the tragic news of the discovery of the corpse of the politician ( Vittorio Cervone, I did everything to save Moro , p. 44).
97. His wife Eleanor ¹
Now, suddenly, when it was some slim hope ², inexplicably comes the order of execution. Noretta sweet, are in God's hands and yours.
Pray for me, remember the little sweet Caress gently all. May God help you all. A kiss of love to all
first delivered on May 5 by Don Mennini, but the date of execution could be earlier. The original is reproduced in the Proceedings of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the massacre of Fani, the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro and terrorism in Italy. It was published for the first time in Aldo Moro, intelligence and events. Texts 1959-1978, p. 427.
2 Again note that 'slim hope' does not justify the peremptory tone used by Moro Zaccagnini and in letters to the back pages of the "Memorial".
2 Again note that 'slim hope' does not justify the peremptory tone used by Moro Zaccagnini and in letters to the back pages of the "Memorial".
From: Aldo Moro, Letters from prison , edited by Miguel gotor, Torino, Einaudi, 2008, pp . 177-179
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