SOCIAL AND LOVE FOR IRA. The District Candelaro mobilizes to save dog invested
. AAS is pleased to convey a touching story with a happy ending that tells of mutual fidelity and love atavistic, tenacious and combative, which distinguishes the dyad dog-man. Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Big Black Beast 10 Milena
senior exemplary breed chow chow, no longer has good eyesight and hearing that, despite its name , is a good dog and loving to all actually adopted by the citizens of the District Candelaro . The night of Thursday, July 8 Ira was hit by a car, seriously injured in both jaws with profuse bleeding. On the spot, thanks mostly to the immediate recommendations and requests by citizens of the District, the veterinarian Francavilla
along with Vice President of 'Association Rambo Elisa Longo , which for years has been care voluntarily and expense of many stray dogs in the city, have provided first aid to the dog. The next day, Ira has undergone a delicate operation lasted 4 hours by doctors Lo Curcio
and Ricucci , in collaboration with the Dr. Francavilla , after which was followed by an observation period of 2 days. All costs for the delicate surgery and treatment durante il periodo di osservazione sono state sostenute dai tre medici che si sono impegnati ben oltre gli orari e le competenze dell’Azienda Sanitaria Veterinaria Locale. La sera di Domenica 10 Luglio i tre medici hanno affidato la cagnetta alle cure della Signora Elisa Longo che dichiara di non volersene piĆ¹ separare. L’Associazione di volontariato Rambo di Foggia, che con i suoi volontari si occupa di tutela, cura e nutrizione di cani e gatti randagi presenti sul territorio, ringrazia calorosamente gli abitanti del
Quartiere Candelaro
ed i dottori Francavilla, Lo Curcio and Ricucci for bringing the dog to safety Ira. GaAs, however, thanks Elisa and her Association for the constant and time-consuming efforts to serve the elderly and sick stray, for which the members of the Rambo wish for the emergence of a refuge, a small oasis Pool where they can receive care and love as an alternative to deletion. This four-legged dream born from a basic principle of reciprocity: the boundless devotion and loyalty in our canine friends are able to be earned and reciprocated. Do not get angry enough, you must strive to give legs to dreams.
For those who want to learn more about the Association of Voluntary Rambo and eventually contribute to its purposes, you can contact Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. and / or Mrs. Elisa Longo at number 329 49 71 690.
Anna Cecilia
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