Friday, July 30, 2010

Create Your Own Wrestling Nicknames

2. Il vero successo della «strategia della tensione» (all'interno del capitolo: XI. Gli anni della «strategia della tensione»).

[...] Con piazza Fontana inizia quella che è stata chiamata la «strategia della tensione»: un inasprimento «forzato» dello scontro sociale volto a spostare a destra l'opinione pubblica prima ancora che l'asse politico; e volto a costruire le basi per «governi d'ordine», se non presidenzialismi autoritari o aperte rotture degli assetti costituzionali. Gli attori di quella strategia di più lungo periodo - fatta di attentati terroristici, di aggressioni squads or unlawful use of the apparatus of the state - are already at work in all slaughter of Milan and in the management of the investigation and judicial processes. There is also an element that makes it "unique" the massacre of December 12: it is the only one to be given for a long time to the left, or groups that are part of it. Moreover, thanks to the "battle of truth" on Fountain Square, this will be the last time the "official version" - of the police headquarters, prosecutors and government - will be automatically accepted by the country, or most of it. This "uniqueness" explains why they then introduced profound changes in cultural horizons, even before the social and political confrontation. [...]
E 'in this climate that the neo-fascist squads launched the offensive in Republican most serious ever attempted, with different players and different connections: from the militants of the Italian Social Movement in the nebula of groups or semi-clandestine immigrants; and until men variously present in military, intelligence, the most diverse state apparatuses. In the climate that we have evoked, paroxysmal so exasperated by the right-wing press (from "Night" to "Time", and of course "The century of Italy"), aggression towards locations and leftists - and suspected - reach great intensity. The weight of the right in the violence - according to a documented study - is equal to 95% between 1969 and 1973, 85% to 78% in 1974 and 1975 el [1 ] . Research also coordinated by Marco Galleni draws from up close the increasing unfolding of violence against persons or property committed by neo-fascist groups: from 148 in 1969 (compared with 10 assigned to the left) to 286 in 1970, up to 460 of 1971 [ 2 ] . In the autumn of 1971 the Lombardy Regional Council presents the results of its investigation: there were 400 episodes of fascist violence in the region since 1969, one every two days [ 3] . Soon, bombs claimed by Sam (Team Action Mussolini) hit the home of Attorney General Luigi Bianchi of Milan Espinosa, who had the audacity to impeach the Secretary of the MSI Giorgio Almirante and other party leaders for reconstitution of the Fascist party. It 'called Almirante the period in which the clash "too physical" with the Communists [ 4] various documents and confirming the action of paramilitary structures specific to the MSI and its youth organizations.
[...] In the days and months to 12 December the escalation of violence is reported by the same neo-fascist prefects: from Trieste to Palermo, Naples, Brescia, Trento, Bergamo, Varese or from Turin to Cuneo (when start an activity more intense squad). At the same time I return to ride the neo-fascist leaders are facing the most subversive of those years, that of Reggio Calabria: a story in itself, of course, but that still galvanize demonstrations across Italy hagfishes [ 5] . We leave aside, for now, the revolt of Reggio, and leave aside the signals that leaked on extreme action, and that since the coup attempt in December Junio \u200b\u200bValerio Borghese: cuffed farcical but with less slapstick comedy connected with areas of secret services and armed forces. [...] And
'But Milan, the city where the squads shows more virulent. The picture painted by the investigation conducted by the Region is also confirmed by the prefectural reports which, although limited to severe cases, they too point to a growing continuum of aggression, which punctuate the episodes until the election of the MSI. You read that on the rally in Cathedral Square of the Secretary of the party Almirante, 24 May 1970, attended by three thousand MSI:
At the end meeting participants, notwithstanding any prior warning police agencies improvised procession with hymns fascists taking octagon gallery where staged violent uproar even by throwing Molotov cocktails et firecrackers causing repeated police actions designed. Since then frazionatisi demonstrators in groups of different textures but not less than two at or three hundred people gave rise to serious unrest and guerrilla warfare in the vast area of \u200b\u200bdowntown [ 6].
Soon after, the prefect announced that - due to "repeated episodes of violence" - the police has sent to the magistrates' reports documented hazardous activities designed to highlight the major exponents of neo-fascist organizations headed at known association "Young Italy" " [ 7] . Other reports indicate a continued presence of neo-fascists held between the headquarters of the Young Italy and Piazza San Babila in downtown Milan [ 8] , with constant attacks and regular shipments to the venues of the movement Student [ 9] . For its part, the 'Committee for the defense of the Republican' (which includes all parties, with the exception of the MSI) termination sequence for the month of "acts of hooliganism, assault, devastation from some tens of mercenaries, seedy individuals [...] hired tolerated by the police that lets you act on weapons and assault in their own eyes [ 10] .
So this is the picture [...].

1 D. della Porta and M. Rossi, Figures cruel. Balance Italian terrorists, Bologna 1984, p. 25; [...].
2 Reports on Terrorism, edited by M. Galleni, Milano 1981.
3 See fascist violence: one every two days, 400 episodes from 1969 to today , in "The Day", October 22, 1971. See also Report fascist violence in Lombardy, the full text of the Commission of Inquiry appointed by the Government of the Lombardy Region, Rome, 1975; [...].
4 Almirante in Florence called the clash "too physical" with the Communists , in "The Day", June 6, 1972.
5 "Battipaglia, Reggio, in Milan [or Rome, etc..] Will be worse," she cries in the demonstrations hagfishes.
6 Report of May 24, 1970 [...].
7 See the report of June 24, 1970 [...].
8 President of the Young Italy Milan, during this time, you Ignazio La Russa : cf. "The Century of Italy ', 5 and 10 March 1971. In 1971 - according to "The Century of Italy," March 10, 1971 - Provincial Directorate of Youth of the MSI and the 'Coordinating Committee' belong among others, in addition to La Russa, Gianluigi Root (provincial secretary, arrested and tried several times for assaults and confrontations with the police until it stops hitting it after the murder of police agent Antonio Marino), Nestor Crocesi (arrested in 1970 per l'assalto alla federazione del Pci di Brescia, colpito da mandato di cattura nel 1972 per gli attentati delle Sam-Squadre d'azione Mussolini ecc.) e altri ancora. Gli articoli citati sono riprodotti nel Rapporto sulla violenza fascista in Lombardia cit., pubblicato dalla Regione, sul quale mi baso anche per le altre informazioni.
9 [...] Un massiccio tentativo di assalto all'Università Statale è messo in atto a febbraio: cfr. Dopo una manifestazione «europea» volevano assalire la Statale. Con cariche e lacrimogeni dispersi i fascisti , e G. Bocca, A proposito del raduno neonazista di Milano. In attesa degli spostati , in «Il Giorno», 2 e 4 febbraio 1970; cfr. inoltre Anarchici in centro, i fascisti alle armi , ivi, 24 marzo 1970; I fascisti scatenati devastano il centro , ivi, 25 maggio 1970; [...].
10 Il testo del comunicato è in Basta con i fascisti al centro della città , in «Il Giorno», 18 giugno 1970. E' una realtà documentata da molteplici testimonianze: «i fascisti stazionano [...] a piazza San Babila e in corso Monforte [...], pestano i "rossi" riconoscendoli dalla barba e dai jeans, insultano chi rifiuta la loro stampa [...]; e lì, agli angoli della piazza, ci sono i jeeponi della Celere con su i poliziotti immobili, che do not see and feel ' G. Bocca, Terrorism 1970-80 Italian, Milan 1981 , p. 53. also Cederna, Pinelli , p. 29.

From: Guido Crainz, The country missed. From an economic miracle to the eighties, Rome, Donzelli, 2003 , pp. 368-373

The beginning of " Slap the Monster on Page " by Marco Bellocchio, 1972.
Ignazio La Russa in Milan in a manifestation of the "silent majority" (some Italian flags with the emblem of Savoy because of that body were their anti-monarchist):
"Italians who have not renounced the call of men to join the above factions, above party, above the divisions concerned and wanted, above the now outdated, and unused for too long exploited anti-fascism and fascism , to unite to say yes to freedom of the order. This demonstration, this event aims to demonstrate that you can beat communism, it is possible to beat the enemies of Italy, and together we will. Long live Italy! "


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