Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Know If A Scorpio Guy Is Interested In You


" Fairy tales have long legs " and they bear the cultural characteristics of each people in the world. The stories travel far and should be enjoyed slowly, her eyes, the mouth and hands.
And it is the harmonious combination between art story-telling, traditional cuisine and size laboratory born Snacks Theatre - Stories trespassing ', a path Intercultural animazione teatrale del libro, promosso dal “Cerchio di Gesso”  che, utilizzando favole bilingue (Edizioni Carthusia), attraversa 6 continenti per far incontrare sul palcoscenico i differenti linguaggi, costumi e sapori del mondo.

Si รจ tenuto Sabato 4 Dicembre, presso l 'Oda Theatre , the second of six monthly meetings dedicated to the families and children of all ethnic groups, with the tale Asian " The Island of Dreams," staged with extraordinary talent by artists of the troupe, which involved young and old and wrapped in a suggestive atmosphere of lights, music, words and slender bodies.
Children and parents are meeting in the Philippines plunged into the sea sirens and sailors, caves and shiny code and then re-emerge from the imagination of the story and do a fantastic 'immersion culinary art Philippine pastry.

the snack was followed by a workshop on creative recycling tale narrated, edited by the 'Association GAAS. and Cooperative Scurpiddu , during which the children together with their parents, have made the typical Philippine boat rocker, fit in the Philippine scenario, which is also made with everyday materials.

The Big Book of cardboard Mondalandia: the world inside a book "continues to thicken in a fairy tale story, to lead us to" Interethnic Festival "scheduled at the conclusion of the reading path (Saturday, 9 April 2010), during which the final will be an exhibition of works made by children.
The next event scheduled for Saturday 22 January 2010, starting at 17.30, will lead us in Romania with fable "The goat and kids .
not miss it!

Anna Cecilia


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