Friday, July 30, 2010

How Thick Are Floors Between Stories

University's long history of disaster

Guido Crainz
University's long history of disaster
La Repubblica, July 28, 2010

is very difficult to reflect on the partial reform of the university today question without having to reckon with the long history that is behind us and that calls into question a whole, responsibility for the political class and the academic world. A story in which, as in Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie, there is no one to blame: at the end of all possible defendants appear in various forms responsible. Is sometimes evoked the ghost of '68, but Gaullist France, for example, responded immediately to the "May" with the law Faure, who started a real modernization of the universities. None of this happened to us, and the reform debate on the eve of '68 - the inadequate law Gui - not so much had been sunk by the student protest as conservative obstructionism of the "Members-barons, fierce opponents of the incompatibility between teaching and parliamentary mandate, and the introduction of full-time. Even at '68 is sometimes attributed to the liberalization of access to all the faculty there since the conditional - so sometimes anachronistic - the school attended previously. Even this is not quite accurate: in the original government plan was expected as a result of the liberalization reform schools. Difficulties in realizing the majority then introduced without any "filter" and a premise that liberalization - as practiced - was introduced more than a failure. Start then that depleted levels of study that was highlighted on these pages by Carlo Galli. Begins, even an abnormal increase of students who fail to graduate or graduate in a very long time, one of the most negative of our legal system. In all this, the '68 does not appear the main culprit, and in its aftermath with it the fear of new flare-ups favored a truly innovative government project, presented with skill and intelligence from the Socialist - Offset "shareholder" - Tristan Codignola (his death is a heartfelt remembrance of Benjamin Placido it evoked the "sadness of the reformist," fueled the heavy obstacles in his long work). In that project, also the result of an extensive comparison of educational and political, became the central departments and degree courses, the Faculty traditional disappeared, he outlined the role of "teacher only", the students had substantial representations and spaces of autonomy, and so on. Passed the Senate but the House shelved in 1971-72 by the strength of broad areas the DC (and of course the potentates academics) that law was later definitive failure, and then began a long sleep. In the absence of defined rules multiplied figures of both intermediate and poor teachers of "fellows" or "fellows", which would put the bank "Law 382" in 1980. In it, the proclaimed "unity of the figure teacher" was immediately contradicted by the distinction between ordinary and associates: and for those who already had some form of teaching was provided for a fitness certificate to that associated with organic swelling immediately. The most innovative aspects would have to involve the recruitment of young people and have as its cornerstone research graduates and the institution of the role of researcher, destinato a sostituire la precedente pletora di figure sottoposte all' arbitrio del "barone". Figure che entrarono però tutte o quasi nel nuovo ruolo - anche qui con un giudizio di idoneità molto simile ad un' ope legis -, e anche questo frenò per molti anni il ricambio. L'autonomia del ricercatore era comunque affermata, ma questo è uno degli aspetti che la riforma Gelmini mette in discussione, come ha sottolineato bene Benedetta Tobagi (mentre i dottorati sono da tempo in crisi, e non solo per le ristrettezze finanziarie): i nuovi ricercatori saranno assunti a tempo determinato e potranno rimanere nell'Università solo vincendo un concorso da associato entro 6 anni (termine poco credibile, nel panorama attuale: è il preannuncio di future ope legis?). L' "innovazione" rischia così di reintrodurre o favorire nuove forme di subalternità e vecchi difetti senza alcuna motivazione reale. Oggi si diventa ricercatori dopo un percorso difficile e segnato da una dura concorrenza, anche se condizionato sin qui dalle dinamiche dei concorsi locali: non vi è comunque un grandissimo rischio che un giovane giunto in questo modo all'Università si trasformi nel "fannullone" paventato da Brunetta o dal rettore Frati. Permangono semmai gli ultimi residui di una situazione precedente, ed anche per scongiurare il suo ripresentarsi è necessaria invece una idoneità nazionale, così come lo è per le altre fasce (con modalità volte a ridurre, perlomeno, l' influenza of "group" or lobby). It is necessary to promote the progression of researchers - which today bears much of the royal road to learning with regular competitions and serious. Needless to hide, too, that in the concrete situation of the teachers retirement at 65 is the premise almost mandatory - though certainly questionable and not enough - a real turnover. Subject, of course, that there can be no reform of 'education without significant investments. But there is something missing in today's debate: there is no idea, a prospect that concerns background, together, the University and society. Yet the general idea was also visible in the "project Berlinguer" that led to 'present order, the "3 +2". There was the 'need for training that would put an emphasis on cognitive levels starting at the same time providing for incentives for specialization and depth. And there was the need to overcome a 'learning organization become ossified. The main failure induced by that law were not actually written into it but were the result of bad governance, 's of inadequacy and' insensitivity to the nodes of a large part of the teaching faculty: hence the fragmentation and the proliferation of materials and course, the emptying of the thesis, the lack of consideration of new ways of teaching and the profile of the new two-year specialist and so on. For this, too, have missed those supports these guidelines and educational - all 'is the entry level degree to which the specialist - who also were considered essential in' inspiration of the law. Still referring to the real academic world finally the failure of attempts so far made to reform the competitions (the local competitions were born as a remedy, which proved to be bad, recognized the shortcomings of national competitions). It refers to it, too, the substantial indifference with which they are normally received complaints despite heavy and well documented. In other words, the 'urgent need for radical change comes primarily from the fact that a substantial part of' current faculty has been shown to non essere facilmente "riformabile".

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2. Il vero successo della «strategia della tensione» (all'interno del capitolo: XI. Gli anni della «strategia della tensione»).

[...] Con piazza Fontana inizia quella che è stata chiamata la «strategia della tensione»: un inasprimento «forzato» dello scontro sociale volto a spostare a destra l'opinione pubblica prima ancora che l'asse politico; e volto a costruire le basi per «governi d'ordine», se non presidenzialismi autoritari o aperte rotture degli assetti costituzionali. Gli attori di quella strategia di più lungo periodo - fatta di attentati terroristici, di aggressioni squads or unlawful use of the apparatus of the state - are already at work in all slaughter of Milan and in the management of the investigation and judicial processes. There is also an element that makes it "unique" the massacre of December 12: it is the only one to be given for a long time to the left, or groups that are part of it. Moreover, thanks to the "battle of truth" on Fountain Square, this will be the last time the "official version" - of the police headquarters, prosecutors and government - will be automatically accepted by the country, or most of it. This "uniqueness" explains why they then introduced profound changes in cultural horizons, even before the social and political confrontation. [...]
E 'in this climate that the neo-fascist squads launched the offensive in Republican most serious ever attempted, with different players and different connections: from the militants of the Italian Social Movement in the nebula of groups or semi-clandestine immigrants; and until men variously present in military, intelligence, the most diverse state apparatuses. In the climate that we have evoked, paroxysmal so exasperated by the right-wing press (from "Night" to "Time", and of course "The century of Italy"), aggression towards locations and leftists - and suspected - reach great intensity. The weight of the right in the violence - according to a documented study - is equal to 95% between 1969 and 1973, 85% to 78% in 1974 and 1975 el [1 ] . Research also coordinated by Marco Galleni draws from up close the increasing unfolding of violence against persons or property committed by neo-fascist groups: from 148 in 1969 (compared with 10 assigned to the left) to 286 in 1970, up to 460 of 1971 [ 2 ] . In the autumn of 1971 the Lombardy Regional Council presents the results of its investigation: there were 400 episodes of fascist violence in the region since 1969, one every two days [ 3] . Soon, bombs claimed by Sam (Team Action Mussolini) hit the home of Attorney General Luigi Bianchi of Milan Espinosa, who had the audacity to impeach the Secretary of the MSI Giorgio Almirante and other party leaders for reconstitution of the Fascist party. It 'called Almirante the period in which the clash "too physical" with the Communists [ 4] various documents and confirming the action of paramilitary structures specific to the MSI and its youth organizations.
[...] In the days and months to 12 December the escalation of violence is reported by the same neo-fascist prefects: from Trieste to Palermo, Naples, Brescia, Trento, Bergamo, Varese or from Turin to Cuneo (when start an activity more intense squad). At the same time I return to ride the neo-fascist leaders are facing the most subversive of those years, that of Reggio Calabria: a story in itself, of course, but that still galvanize demonstrations across Italy hagfishes [ 5] . We leave aside, for now, the revolt of Reggio, and leave aside the signals that leaked on extreme action, and that since the coup attempt in December Junio \u200b\u200bValerio Borghese: cuffed farcical but with less slapstick comedy connected with areas of secret services and armed forces. [...] And
'But Milan, the city where the squads shows more virulent. The picture painted by the investigation conducted by the Region is also confirmed by the prefectural reports which, although limited to severe cases, they too point to a growing continuum of aggression, which punctuate the episodes until the election of the MSI. You read that on the rally in Cathedral Square of the Secretary of the party Almirante, 24 May 1970, attended by three thousand MSI:
At the end meeting participants, notwithstanding any prior warning police agencies improvised procession with hymns fascists taking octagon gallery where staged violent uproar even by throwing Molotov cocktails et firecrackers causing repeated police actions designed. Since then frazionatisi demonstrators in groups of different textures but not less than two at or three hundred people gave rise to serious unrest and guerrilla warfare in the vast area of \u200b\u200bdowntown [ 6].
Soon after, the prefect announced that - due to "repeated episodes of violence" - the police has sent to the magistrates' reports documented hazardous activities designed to highlight the major exponents of neo-fascist organizations headed at known association "Young Italy" " [ 7] . Other reports indicate a continued presence of neo-fascists held between the headquarters of the Young Italy and Piazza San Babila in downtown Milan [ 8] , with constant attacks and regular shipments to the venues of the movement Student [ 9] . For its part, the 'Committee for the defense of the Republican' (which includes all parties, with the exception of the MSI) termination sequence for the month of "acts of hooliganism, assault, devastation from some tens of mercenaries, seedy individuals [...] hired tolerated by the police that lets you act on weapons and assault in their own eyes [ 10] .
So this is the picture [...].

1 D. della Porta and M. Rossi, Figures cruel. Balance Italian terrorists, Bologna 1984, p. 25; [...].
2 Reports on Terrorism, edited by M. Galleni, Milano 1981.
3 See fascist violence: one every two days, 400 episodes from 1969 to today , in "The Day", October 22, 1971. See also Report fascist violence in Lombardy, the full text of the Commission of Inquiry appointed by the Government of the Lombardy Region, Rome, 1975; [...].
4 Almirante in Florence called the clash "too physical" with the Communists , in "The Day", June 6, 1972.
5 "Battipaglia, Reggio, in Milan [or Rome, etc..] Will be worse," she cries in the demonstrations hagfishes.
6 Report of May 24, 1970 [...].
7 See the report of June 24, 1970 [...].
8 President of the Young Italy Milan, during this time, you Ignazio La Russa : cf. "The Century of Italy ', 5 and 10 March 1971. In 1971 - according to "The Century of Italy," March 10, 1971 - Provincial Directorate of Youth of the MSI and the 'Coordinating Committee' belong among others, in addition to La Russa, Gianluigi Root (provincial secretary, arrested and tried several times for assaults and confrontations with the police until it stops hitting it after the murder of police agent Antonio Marino), Nestor Crocesi (arrested in 1970 per l'assalto alla federazione del Pci di Brescia, colpito da mandato di cattura nel 1972 per gli attentati delle Sam-Squadre d'azione Mussolini ecc.) e altri ancora. Gli articoli citati sono riprodotti nel Rapporto sulla violenza fascista in Lombardia cit., pubblicato dalla Regione, sul quale mi baso anche per le altre informazioni.
9 [...] Un massiccio tentativo di assalto all'Università Statale è messo in atto a febbraio: cfr. Dopo una manifestazione «europea» volevano assalire la Statale. Con cariche e lacrimogeni dispersi i fascisti , e G. Bocca, A proposito del raduno neonazista di Milano. In attesa degli spostati , in «Il Giorno», 2 e 4 febbraio 1970; cfr. inoltre Anarchici in centro, i fascisti alle armi , ivi, 24 marzo 1970; I fascisti scatenati devastano il centro , ivi, 25 maggio 1970; [...].
10 Il testo del comunicato è in Basta con i fascisti al centro della città , in «Il Giorno», 18 giugno 1970. E' una realtà documentata da molteplici testimonianze: «i fascisti stazionano [...] a piazza San Babila e in corso Monforte [...], pestano i "rossi" riconoscendoli dalla barba e dai jeans, insultano chi rifiuta la loro stampa [...]; e lì, agli angoli della piazza, ci sono i jeeponi della Celere con su i poliziotti immobili, che do not see and feel ' G. Bocca, Terrorism 1970-80 Italian, Milan 1981 , p. 53. also Cederna, Pinelli , p. 29.

From: Guido Crainz, The country missed. From an economic miracle to the eighties, Rome, Donzelli, 2003 , pp. 368-373

The beginning of " Slap the Monster on Page " by Marco Bellocchio, 1972.
Ignazio La Russa in Milan in a manifestation of the "silent majority" (some Italian flags with the emblem of Savoy because of that body were their anti-monarchist):
"Italians who have not renounced the call of men to join the above factions, above party, above the divisions concerned and wanted, above the now outdated, and unused for too long exploited anti-fascism and fascism , to unite to say yes to freedom of the order. This demonstration, this event aims to demonstrate that you can beat communism, it is possible to beat the enemies of Italy, and together we will. Long live Italy! "

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

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First line in Florence

We drew the first page of the introduction to my thesis.

This research aims to investigate the activity First line fighter organization in Florence in the period between 1977 and 1979.
The main intention was to carry out, through the scrutiny of a news source, a chronological reconstruction of the work of the armed group said. The source considered as appropriate for purpose has been identified in the newspaper La Nazione.
The motive was directed to the choice of this theme has been to see as part of the historiography on the armed struggle, a number of gaps on the whole experience of organized political violence can not be traced to an array Brigades. Critical reflection, in fact, on what is stato in Italia il fenomeno terroristico negli anni Settanta del Novecento, è stata a lungo monopolizzata da un’attenzione quasi esclusiva alla storia delle Brigate rosse, trascurando colpevolmente “l’altra lotta armata”, vale a dire quella pratica armata definibile “movimentista” (scaturita cioè dal movimento e che a esso faceva riferimento). Mancando un’analisi sistematica, il che si riscontra nell’assenza di testi storiografici esaurienti, la conoscenza di Prima linea, e quindi la sua comprensione, viene a risultare poco accurata. Le uniche monografie di cui disponiamo, vale a dire il volume di Giuliano Boraso, “Mucchio selvaggio” [ 1 ] e i due lavori di Sergio Segio, “Miccia corta” [ 2 ] e “Una vita in Prima linea” [ 3 ] , non possono essere accolte se non senza riserve. La pecca principale dell’opera di Boraso è il fatto che nel testo non venga affrontata una riflessione metodologica e di critica delle fonti, facendo sì che la trattazione risulti viziata da luoghi comuni e linee interpretative poco solide. Gli elaborati di Segio appartengono invece al genere memorialistico, e come ogni testimonianza autobiografica applicata alla ricerca storica, pongono necessariamente complesse problematiche metodologiche. Nicola Tranfaglia, a questo proposito, ci prospetta, nella prefazione a un testo che raccoglie memorie di ex-militanti, le criticità nell’utilizzarle quali fonti della ricostruzione storica:
La testimonianza è una fonte che deve essere letta con particolare cautela sia perché, sia pure di frequente, in maniera del tutto inconscia, può esserci un intento di giustificazione, sia perché i fatti a cui la testimonianza si riferisce sono accaduti, almeno in parte, alcuni anni fa e la successiva critica compiuta dai testimoni può per qualche aspetto aver sbiadito e reso opaco il ricordo di quel passato [ 4 ] .
L’approssimazione interessa persino la semplice ricomposizione circostanziata della “prassi rivoluzionaria”, portata forward, but in the few years that is dense focus, the armed group. This shortage of even basic data on the basis of which to rest a meditation based, has seen a degree of practical intervention. Through the counting of daily news source, we wanted to be given to amalgamating the armed actions carried out primarily in the context of Florence, but also to the prospects opened up a national framework.
Aspiration of fund that has permeated the implementation of the present study, was to be able to contribute, albeit in small part, to the reconstruction, ergo the understanding of the complexity of the years when, by internal minority areas in the world left, was experienced because of the armed struggle as a means for transforming the present.

1 G. Boraso, Wild Bunch, Rome, Castelvecchi, 2006.
2 S. Segio, short fuse, Rome, DeriveApprodi, 2005.
3 Id, A life on the line , Milan, Rizzoli, 2006.
4 D. Novelli - N. Tranfaglia, nascosto_Hidden , Garzanti, Milan, 1988, p. 12.

Monday, July 26, 2010

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The last (two) letters of Aldo Moro. Really the last.

96. His wife Eleanor [ 1]

Everything in
calm. The only critical reactions [ 2] against DC Luca no funeral [ 3] .

Noretta My sweet,
very thin after a moment of optimism [ 4] , perhaps due to my misunderstanding of what I was saying is, we are now, I think [ 5 ] at the final moment. I do not think the case to discuss the thing in itself and dell'incredibilità a penalty that falls on my goodness and my moderation. Of course I'm wrong, for a good purpose in setting the course of my life. But now you can not change. It remains only to recognize that you were right. One can only say that perhaps we should have been punished in other ways, we and our children. I want to stay well clear responsibility of the DC with his absurd and unbelievable behavior. And 'it must be said firmly as it should reject any coin that is usually called in this case. It 'also true that many friends (but do not know the names) or deceived by the idea that harms me or worried about their personal positions, did not move as they should. One hundred signatures were only forced to deal [ 6] . And that's all in the past. For the future is now una tenerezza infinita per voi, il ricordo di tutti e di ciascuno, un amore grande grande carico di ricordi apparentemente insignificanti e in realtà preziosi. Uniti nel mio ricordo vivete insieme. Mi parrà di essere tra voi. Per carità, vivete in un'unica casa, anche Emma se è possibile e fate ricorso ai buoni e cari amici, che ringrazierai tanto, per le vostre esigenze. Bacia e carezza per me tutti, volto per volto, occhi per occhi, capelli per capelli. A ciascuno una mia immensa tenerezza che passa per le tue mani. Sii forte, mia dolcissima, in questa prova assurda e incomprensibile. Sono le vie del Signore. Ricordami a tutti i parenti ed amici con immenso affetto ed a te e tutti un caldissimo abbraccio pegno di un amore eterno. Vorrei capire, con i miei piccoli occhi mortali come ci si vedrà dopo. Se ci fosse luce, sarebbe bellissimo. Amore mio, sentimi sempre con te e tienmi stretto. Bacia e carezza Fida, Demi, Luca (tanto tanto Luca) Anna Mario il piccolo non nato Agnese Giovanni. Sono tanto grato per quello che hanno fatto. Tutto è inutile, quando non si vuole aprire la porta. Il Papa ha fatto pochino: forse ne avrà scrupolo

1 Recapitata il 5 maggio, insieme con la successiva, da don Mennini, ma la data di stesura potrebbe essere antecedente. Non è presente tra i dattiloscritti ritrovati nell'ottobre 1978, né tra le fotocopie dei manoscritti di dodici anni dopo. L'originale è riprodotto negli
Atti della Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sulla strage di via Fani, sul sequestro e l'assassinio di Aldo Moro e sul terrorismo in Italia. E' lettera autonoma dalla seguente. Lo stesso giorno, qualche ora prima, il comunicato n.9 delle Br annunciava: «Concludiamo quindi la battaglia iniziata il 16 marzo eseguendo la sentenza a cui Aldo Moro è stato condannato». Divulgata il 13 settembre 1978 dal «Corriere della Sera», p.6, ma fu pubblicata per la prima volta integralmente e in modo autonomo dalla successiva, in Aldo Moro, L'intelligenza e gli avvenimenti. Testi 1959-1978 , pp. 427-28.
2 Si distingue una
«t» corretta: forse in precedenza had written "policies".
3 E 'as usual exergue added after the residual space of the paper.
4 This term does not appear to be justified by the confident tone of the two versions of the letter to Zaccagnini and above the mandatory argument of the final pages of the "Memorial", which are certainly not the product of a "very thin optimism."
5 The prisoner, compared to the next letter, "believes" yet, that is not entirely sure of dying in 55 days this would be the third time in which a similar emotional state of imminent threat of death. 6
About this collection of signatures, Guerzoni Commission testified in massacres, June 6, 1995, "Mr Moro said the collection of a hundred signatures to convene the National Council of twenty-nine and we arrived at that point I said that I would not have worked together to seek the signatures, because I did not want Mr Moro remain in history as the one that led to the break Formal party. I think in fact Mr Moor did not want to break the party, rather that the contradictions were in evidence. The more I thought about that because I knew he would never come back, and then we were going to plus the historical significance of the operations that do not even need to save it. " According to the testimony of Victor Cervone, one of the promoters in 1968 of the current Democratic "friends of Aldo Moro," the May 9, at 13, leading members of the group had gathered for lunch at the restaurant "Barroccio" and were deciding to request the convening of the National Council of the DC, when they were joined by the tragic news of the discovery of the corpse of the politician ( Vittorio Cervone, I did everything to save Moro , p. 44).

97. His wife Eleanor

Now, suddenly, when it was some slim hope ², inexplicably comes the order of execution. Noretta sweet, are in God's hands and yours.
Pray for me, remember the little sweet Caress gently all. May God help you all. A kiss of love to all

first delivered on May 5 by Don Mennini, but the date of execution could be earlier. The original is reproduced in the Proceedings of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the massacre of Fani, the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro and terrorism in Italy. It was published for the first time in Aldo Moro, intelligence and events. Texts 1959-1978, p. 427.
2 Again note that
'slim hope' does not justify the peremptory tone used by Moro Zaccagnini and in letters to the back pages of the "Memorial".

From: Aldo Moro, Letters from prison , edited by Miguel gotor, Torino, Einaudi, 2008, pp . 177-179

May 9, 1978 - Via Caetani, Rome (Gianni Giansanti)

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For me, it's over.

67. His wife Eleanor ¹

Noretta My sweet,
I think this is the last one. For some mysterious reason I appear to be blocked any hope. It is not known even approximately, what happens in the completion of the various initiatives such as [a] [...] time we talk. The Pope can not do anything even demonstratively, in this case? Because we had so many friends, ranks. Not a voice I know, has been raised so far. You've received one letter of the "Day", I wanted to carry on his chest, so to keep me company at the time of death ². But he lost in cleaning the prison. Though I have asked, I did not know each other. Almost thought I had done something shameful. But it is the mechanism, it can be. And you should have advised (forbidden) to make any protest, it would not be served anything, but I proved that I have loved some more. It 's been coldly determined and I was treated as if only I had used the DC But do not even have a time considered the situation to see what was appropriate to do save the situation, understand. A sudden fright. For me, it's over. Thinking of you and, if they are oppressed to distraction, you recall, we find, large and small, from elderly and young. And among all the beloved Luca step which still currently available. And then the doubt about your health, the reason for your silence. I hope you follow Freato and Rana. Our after 40 days will be a bit 'used to, but forgotten, I hope not. If Torre does not come, start by keeping me in Rome, or in the church of Torrita. Abbracciameli all all, one by one, each day, as I did. Remind me a bit ', please. I am dark and a bit 'dazed. I think I will not be easy to learn to look and talk to God and with their loved ones. But there is no hope other than this? Sometimes I think of the bad choices, so many, the choices that others do not deserve it. Then I say that everything was equal, because it is the fate that takes us. As we leave everything is love, great love for you and great for our made up of many incredible and impossible happiness. All that remains of something. I embrace you strong, my Noretta. I would die happy if I had a sign of your presence. I am sure that there is, but how it would be nice to see her.

God bless you with all

¹ undeliverable. Found as a photocopy of the manuscript in October 1990 (Proceedings of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the massacre of Fani, the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro and terrorism in Italy). Written around April 25 as indicated by the reference to the forty days spent in prison.

² The reference should be to the letter they published "The Day" on April 7 because of the April 26 letter written by his family claims not to know anything yet. According to the journalist of L'Espresso Mario Scialoja this track would be a further sign of the existence of a return channel in that it considers unlikely that More would bring to his chest "when he died" just a journal page (Proceedings of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry sulla strage di via Fani, sul sequestro e l'assassinio di Aldo Moro e sul terrorismo in Italia, audizione del 14 marzo 2000).

Da: Aldo Moro, Lettere dalla prigionia , a cura di Miguel Gotor, Torino, Einaudi, 2008, pp. 123-124.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

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We'll see. We will meet. We loved in return.

34. Alla moglie Eleonora [ 1 ]

Mia dolcissima Noretta,
credo di essere giunto all'estremo delle mie possibilità e di essere sul punto, salvo un miracolo, di chiudere questa mia esperienza umana. Gli ultimi tentativi, per i quali mi ero ripromesso di scriverti, sono falliti. The rincrudimento of repression, of no use, he weighed the situation. There appears to be way out. It remains mysterious why you chose this road ruinous, and condemning me without a reference point and balance. Already we see that it means not having someone who can think. I say this without controversy, as a simple reflection of history. Now I want to hug you so much and tell all the sweetness I feel, though mingled with bitter things, for having the gift of a life with you, so full of love and deep understanding. God knows what I hoped to go a little longer, to give care and help our beloved Luke, to help everyone pass the tests the hard way. I tried everything and hours will be done by God, I think I get back to you in another form. I do not think I know who I am honored to be condemned. But it's [2 ] you with a Christian spirit and sense of opportunity. I have entrusted to Freato and Rana for every need and I trust that God will help you. You care more and try to be quiet as you can. We will meet again. We will meet. We loved in return. I wrote to all for Luke, because they are committed to him. I must say thanks to you, infinite thanks for all the love you gave me. Love a bit 'jealous I was nervous when I saw you' sunk ' [ 3] in a book. But true love that will remain. I I will pray for you and you for me. May God help the dear family. In summer, the sea, made by the family Riccioni company do for you and your baby. I left my store to be sold by Sen. Luke Spadolini and Dr. Guerzoni to be a little peculiar that will help him stay in life. I forgot to say, but to tell you that the photos Guerzoni family and the executors will choose what is worth preserving the family. In the tape-largest, which is in my office, we have already collected small voice of Luke transferred from one pocket. You can gradually transfer is complete. The coils are in our room, movies and photos on the desk of the study. I would, as a small reminder that the pen my dressing gown day went to Luke that she loved him "and the ashtray John," another "marker " the chest of John Brown, a pen like the first on chiffon to Agnes, and Fida and Anna, and you could choose what you want in that cupboard. Feel Manzari, see to make a will [ 4] . I hope that I have sent two have arrived and will refer a copy. Be sure to do and to make the flu shot, if it is Russian. Been followed by Giuseppe [ 5] also as a friend. By Rana ago to check the stability of the roof on our room « e cura che il gas sia chiuso la sera. (Agnese) » . Per la tomba di Torrita [ 6 ] « almeno nell'immediato c'è » rischio di sicurezza. Forse converrebbe alloggare altrove, [o su di lì] stesso « o nella chiesa con speciale permesso ». Forse, per ora: consigliati con Freato. Who knows how many things I forgot. You're more united than you can and also keep my things together with you, because they are yours. I prayed a lot La Pira. I hope to help me otherwise [7] .
thank everyone, all the relatives and amicicon great affection. May God help us. Remember that you were the most important thing in my life. Remind me to discreetly Luke with some pictures and some description, who does not feel entirely without his grandfather. And then to be happy and not make my mistakes generous and naive.
hug forte forte e ti benedico dal profondo del cuore. A nonna un bacio, nella forma che troverai.

¹ Non recapitata. Lettera ritovata solo nell'ottobre 1990 come fotocopia di manoscritto (Atti della Commissione parlamentare d'inchiesta sulla strage di via Fani, sul sequestro e l'assassinio di Aldo Moro e sul terrorismo in Italia).

² Missing the apostrophe in the photocopy of the manuscript.
³ The word replaces a poorly understood 'scared' deleted.
4 Giuseppe Manzari, Moro friend since college and his legal adviser, had been the chief of staff when he was education minister from 1957 to 1959 and as Chairman of the Board from 1963 to 1968 and from 1974 to 1976. Then he was president of the Chamber of the Council of State and Head of the Diplomatic Adviser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. On January 21, 1977, Moro had sent the draft text of his and his wife for advice from him (Acts of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry on terrorism in Italy and the causes of the failure to identify those responsible for the massacre).
5 The reference should be more in Giuseppe Manzari as a doubling of the 'p' is sufficiently clear. [...]
6 followed by a word erased.
7 Giorgio La Pira, Dominican tertiary, a professor of Roman law, was one of the founding fathers working in the Commission on 75 near the so-called group of "Professorin" Giuseppe Dossetti, Amintore Fanfani, Giuseppe Lazzati and more Young Moro. Much loved mayor of Florence for two terms from 1951 to 1957 and from 1961 to 1965, died in 1977 with a reputation for holiness and in his honor has opened a cause for canonization. The first to prick up their antennas on the pass, unknown until October 1990, was Sofri Shadow Moro , p.41 , noting that just the name of La Pira was invoked, along with with that of Don Luigi Sturzo, during a session spiritca, which was held April 2, 1978 in a cottage in Zappolino, near Bologna. As is known, in fact had gathered to spend the holiday together with their families, a group of academics, including Alberto Clo, Mario Baldassarri and Romano Prodi. During the meeting, which took place the so-called Article plate method, indications emerged in rapid succession of "Gradoli, Bolsena, Viterbo" Dark as a place of captivity. On 6 April, the police came in "careful reconnoiter" in the village of Viterbo because Prodi saw fit to inform the fact that the spokesman for Zaccagnini, in turn, contacted Luigi Zanda Loy, the chief press officer of Cossiga (Acts of Commission parliamentary inquiry on terrorism in Italy and the causes of the failure to identify those responsible for the massacre). When, 18 April 1978, it was discovered the lair of Gradoli way to Rome, where he went to sleep Moretti during the seizure arose allegations, suspicion and curiosity of all types and so the episode of the seance was gradually brought to the attention of the general public becoming a real cliche of the Moro case and its misteriologie. Not immediately, though, because Prodi, appointed November 28, 1978 Minister of Industry, was interrogated by the judiciary for the first time December 22, 1978, together with Clo. The scholar of the French Revolution Georges Lefebvre taught to be sensitive to the historical origin of the news, the way they start to move and feed with the passage of time. It should be noted, therefore, that the public kick-off this year's game - during the past twenty years under consideration judiciary and the two parliamentary committees of inquiry - should be an article of October 17, 1978 by Roberto and Antonio Martinelli Padellaro "Where is the leader in dc?" asked the spirit of La Pira. And the answer came with the ashtray: "... 095 Gradoli" , in Corriere della Sera, p.7, where they gathered in quotation marks, the alleged statements of a professor from Bologna, "not for long, covered anonymity.

Policy transcription

The documents published here were received in the original manuscript (in the period March 16 - 9 May 1978), in typed copy (found in Milan, Via Monte Nevoso, on I October 1978) and a photocopy of the manuscript (found in Milan, Via Monte Nevoso, October 9, 1990). [...] I made the following interventions:

- tra parentesi quadre [ ] ho inserito le opportune integrazioni di lettere o parole omesse per evidenti sviste dello scrivente, dei fotocopiatori o nel caso di congetture ritenute altamente probabili;
- tra parentesi uncinate ho posto le parole scritte fra le righe o aggiunte dall'autore posteriormente fra due vocaboli [per problemi di linguaggio html, al posto delle parentesi uncinate ho utilizzato le virgolette «»];

From: Aldo Moro, letters from prison, by Miguel gotor, Torino, Einaudi, 2008, pp . XXVIII, 62-65.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Numb Right Arm And Chest Pain

... Spend his day to grow its own strengths, its values, its culture and soul, to make them serve something.

A Fernanda Pivano, Mondovì Breo.

[Roma,] venerdì [4 giugno 1943]

Cara Fern,

non è vero che sono parole esistenzialiste. Io dell'esistenz. me ne infischio. Sono parole dell'esperienza - che conta molto di più. E del resto Lei non ci ha capito niente. Se la cava dicendo «Per gli altri cosa?» e poi passa e insiste a blaterare di sé e delle Sue disgrazie e che L'hanno amata troppo e che è ingrata e che è leggera e punita e rotolerà dai tetti ecc. Questa in inglese si chiama maudlin self-pity, compassion Piangoli of himself, and is an evil which I know to have been my temptation continues for more than thirty years. Twenty-six and says he acts like a child of ten. I always went in the yard, near the manure, and I get dirty legs, and say, 'That's all I drive away, I'm alone, I'm in the muck, stench, I cry my eyes, I am a wretch, I'm so stupid. "Do not you miss that wallow in the muck and then will be complete. Well, try manure, in Mondovi not miss: we are stripped naked and roll in it. He understands the? But remember one thing: I, in the strongest of my masochism, I said "But there will come a day when they eat tutti, che sarò un grand'uomo, che farò qui, che farò là ecc.» Tra una cosa e l'altra ci si può salvare. Avrà il diritto di lamentarsi quando avrà fatto qualcosa, sinora no perché non ha provato. E se le consigliavo di donarsi e non di chiedere, è perché la miglior prova che valiamo qualcosa sta nell'aver fatto qualcosa per gli altri, proprio quegli altri che Lei ignora per matta bestialità. Si capisce che, così a occhio e croce, gli altri non esistono nemmeno; ma bisogna donarsi appunto perché questo è l'unico modo per farli esistere, e allora non si è più soli, allora si vale quel tanto appunto che si è donato. Donarsi come?
Donarsi vuol dire respect themselves, first, that spend their day to grow its own strengths, its values, its culture and soul, to make them serve something. Self-giving means not having time to look to the past and therefore not pitied. It makes me laugh with his 26 years. You can start at 40. Do you think age only because it is still a prisoner of your old mindset that considers the girls from their sexual performance and therefore believes that it is the most beautiful in the past 26 years. Stories.
Moreover, even with this history, the face over. Be the first athlete to break and then you ever will see things with clearer eyes. It is a nonprofit council I'll give you that. And speaking of legs do not even tell a joke that if you break them, because when you have as beautiful as her is a crime.
not write what I do or who you do not see why so much care of others.

Friday, July 23, 2010

How Long Ahead Can You Mix Pancake Batter

And that's all.

A Fernanda Pivano, Mondovi Breo.

[Rome] Sunday 30 [May 1943]

Dear Fern,

your letter moved me deeply and if I could just get the train to prove that it is true that surrounds the frost and the hostility . But I do not understand why he is so bad right now who knows who knows how to work nine hours a day and then remain almost. It does not always aspired to independence? Unless happen as everyone once ottenutala not know what to do with it. We go back to that what I've always recommended: we face an inner life - study, devotion, of human interests that are not only 'get', but 'being' - and see that life will have a meaning. I could not move because we had policemen in the house for long time - one of our employee was arrested ¹ - and imagine the grief.
Dear Fern, the loneliness that you feel and care in one way, going to the people and "giving" instead of "receive". (It's the same sermon sacrosanct). Not that I yearn to be the one to which you should donate - especially as the gifts that you could do me the solution but still would not increase the pie. It is a social and moral problem that first you must learn to work, to exist, not only for himself but also for some others, for others. Since
one says "I'm just 'are' foreign and unknown, "" I feel the frost, "will always be worse. 's just who wants to be , you remember well. To live a full and rich need to reach out to others, we must humble himself and serve. And that's all.
Our position here is very precarious. The host occasionally makes plans to restore the cabin in Piedmont - I would not mind. But in the meantime - fast and loose - I do not do anything and I have more peace. Stop it with that stupid story of the check. Think rather to translate the 'Farewell , and the check will buy a scooter.
Come and see.

¹ Among the numerous arrests for activities Fascist of May 1943 in Rome, there was also that of Lola Berardelli (future wife of Felice Balbo), arrested in the offices of the publishing house in via Claudio Monteverdi.

From: Cesare Pavese, Letters 1926-1950, vol. 2, edited by Lorenzo World and Italo Calvino, Turin, Einaudi, 1966, pp . 458-459.


Nuove composizioni in biedermeier create con la tecnica "di Salisburgo".

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Big Black Beast 10 Milena

SOCIAL AND LOVE FOR IRA. The District Candelaro mobilizes to save dog invested

. AAS is pleased to convey a touching story with a happy ending that tells of mutual fidelity and love atavistic, tenacious and combative, which distinguishes the dyad dog-man.
There are events which arouse anger for the cruelty of which man is capable to animals. There are stories, however, examples of civilization and loving co-existence between man and animal, going on love on love, can grow rapidly, like a flame burning, and mobilize an entire city.
It 's the case of
senior exemplary breed chow chow, no longer has good eyesight and hearing that, despite its name , is a good dog and loving to all actually adopted by the citizens of the District Candelaro . The night of Thursday, July 8 Ira was hit by a car, seriously injured in both jaws with profuse bleeding. On the spot, thanks mostly to the immediate recommendations and requests by citizens of the District, the veterinarian Francavilla
along with Vice President of 'Association Rambo Elisa Longo , which for years has been care voluntarily and expense of many stray dogs in the city, have provided first aid to the dog. The next day, Ira has undergone a delicate operation lasted 4 hours by doctors Lo Curcio
and Ricucci , in collaboration with the Dr. Francavilla , after which was followed by an observation period of 2 days. All costs for the delicate surgery and treatment durante il periodo di osservazione sono state sostenute dai tre medici che si sono impegnati ben oltre gli orari e le competenze dell’Azienda Sanitaria Veterinaria Locale. La sera di Domenica 10 Luglio i tre medici hanno affidato la cagnetta alle cure della Signora Elisa Longo che dichiara di non volersene più separare. L’Associazione di volontariato Rambo di Foggia, che con i suoi volontari si occupa di tutela, cura e nutrizione di cani e gatti randagi presenti sul territorio, ringrazia calorosamente gli abitanti del
Quartiere Candelaro
ed i dottori Francavilla, Lo Curcio and Ricucci for bringing the dog to safety Ira. GaAs, however, thanks Elisa and her Association for the constant and time-consuming efforts to serve the elderly and sick stray, for which the members of the Rambo wish for the emergence of a refuge, a small oasis Pool where they can receive care and love as an alternative to deletion. This four-legged dream born from a basic principle of reciprocity: the boundless devotion and loyalty in our canine friends are able to be earned and reciprocated. Do not get angry enough, you must strive to give legs to dreams.
For those who want to learn more about the Association of Voluntary Rambo and eventually contribute to its purposes, you can contact Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. and / or Mrs. Elisa Longo at number 329 49 71 690.
Anna Cecilia

Monday, July 12, 2010

How To Build An Inexpensive Murphy Bed

Continue ... Composition

Zoccolo in legno porta oggetti decorato con la tecnica biedermeier

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Scatola a libro

Monday, July 5, 2010

Herbsdistiller To Buy

Composizione in biedermeier con tecnica "di Salisburgo" realizzata per una sposa.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Cervix Open And Hard Pregnant

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Lavoretti realizzati associando il biedermeier alle zucche essicate.