Thursday, March 10, 2011

Folladas Con Milena Velva

The stranded wire ...

composition of flowers in stranded wire on wooden frame.

How To Defeat Faction

Thinking of Easter ...

Hen eggs emptied, washed, dried and decorated with the technique of paper quilling!

My Ankle Hurts On The Inside

E 'coffee time!

Small coffee decoupage decorated ....

Ap Biology Certification

Pumpkins! A Carnival

Here is another dried gourd decorated with decoupage ...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Free Dmv Ny Bill Of Sale For Car


Tuesday, March 15 at 11 am from the centers of Ce.Se.Vo.Ca being Marinaccio 4 / d, the press conference will take place on the thirteenth day of Operation Scurpiddu Road, which will be held Sunday, March 20 2011, starting at 09:30, in Piazzetta called "the coffin" of Via Crispi.

Day Street, sponsored by the City Government and the Province of Foggia, will be carried out in collaboration with numerous organizations and social groups operating in the area.

The event will include, in addition to usual workshops in creative play for children and animation musical and artistic, the organization of a referendum Advisory, entitled "The word to the people 'with which they will be asked to vote on an issue on the regeneration and its uses same square.

Request of GAAS addition, the Departments for Social Policy and Planning of the Municipality, will take place in the socio-urban projects planned in the territory of the "Quarters eighteenth century".

During Press Conference Details available for the entire program of the event.

Anna Cecilia

How Many Calories In Bean With Ham Soup

Workshop "Foggia to the PUG: Let's idea"

next Wednesday, March 16, starting at 8:30, at the premises of the Municipal Art Gallery "Il9Cento", in Marquis De Rosa, held a workshop around some issues related the development of the General Urban Plan of Foggia, entitled "Foggia to the PUG: Let us have an idea."

Administration City started the path of Foggia PUG announcing on 18 January, the Conference copianificazione with corporations and other entities justifiably concerned (trade association business, trade unions, environmental groups etc..), called to express opinions and suggestions with the goal of affecting the municipal planning, in accordance with national and regional laws.

The Department of Planning and Housing Policy, on the basis of some experience, he asked the cooperation of the Social Cooperative "Scurpiddu" to organize the investigation of una tematica specifica: raccordare i bisogni, interpretati e rappresentati da associazioni o gruppi aventi scopi sociali o culturali, con opere e servizi pubblici da realizzare.
Il momento - rappresentato dalla copianificazione del PUG e dallo svolgimento delle conferenze di servizi sui programmi selezionati nell’ambito del bando pubblico per l’housing sociale - appare come una preziosa opportunità per condurre una sperimentazione pratica su cui verificare, a brevissimo, gli effetti.

Nella mattinata di mercoledì 16 marzo tenteremo, dunque, di selezionare un pacchetto di opere e servizi pubblici, integrando so the activity that the City Council and the Region of Puglia are doing, negotiating with private parties selected under the contract on 'social housing.
workshop will also stem from a model for the rest of the activities involved in drafting the PUG. Leading the workshop will be integrated team of professional experts in the field of participatory planning.

any association or group belonging to the third sector can therefore play roles in promoting, awareness and dissemination processes to achieve equity in the future, against citizens not affiliated to any organization. Processes must be able to plan and set urgency, priority, economic viability and administration of the works of social utility to be carried out.

The work of the day will be divided as follows:
- 08:30 am Registration of participants
- 08:50 hours and closing of the registration organization of the tables
- 09:00 am start of the work
- 10:00 am start of the laboratory
- 12:30 pm closing of the laboratory
- 13:00 on completion of the work

Given the need to organize the day's proceedings in relation to the number of associations present, it is recommended punctuality.

entire town is invited to attend.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How To Add A Name To A House Deed, Baltimore

.... Every joke that is!

mask made with the technique of Biedermeier.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Motion Sensor Paper Towel Dispenser How Work


at the third organizational meeting the thirteenth day of road of the 'Operation Scurpiddu "held Thursday, March 3, 2011, representatives of the Associations for Health, Music & Color, FAI, ACLI, Kite, Emergency and Captain Future. He also joined the initiative 'Association Auser of Foggia.
The President of GAAS explained to participants that as a result of the letter sent to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Alderman of Public Works, on behalf of the member associations for the day, the First Citizen of Foggia has given consent popular referendum through which citizens seek to preserve landscaping of the square of the Bara and its benches, an alternative hypothesis of total floor space with removal of flower beds and benches, as already determined. The Mayor has nonetheless made clear that, given the current laws and time constraints for implementing the day, we should wait on the possible proposal of the Associations to create a mini playground.
If the referendum were to address the choice tunes on the Conservation of green, you may proceed with the same temporary adoption by residents and young perpetrators of acts of vandalism perpetrated in the square. In that regard, take the word Mrs. Pina Pitta, a member of the Association for Health, which proposes to require institutions to identify a possible symbolic ceremony where the boys, one year hence, should be able to successfully take care of the square. He also arranged to contact the boys to explain their intentions into action and involve them in drawing up a banner commemorating their friend Frank Cannon, brutally murdered on the morning of February 20, 2011.
Associations have finally reached an agreement to bring each on the basis of its ability, a gazebo and tables for the implementation of activities planned throughout the day and for the promotion of their purposes social, and organize Ce.Se.Vo.Ca at the press conference to promote the initiative, at a date to be determined.
At the end of the meeting the President of GAAS member associations are invited to send as soon as the logo in jpg format, to be included in flyers and posters, which will be implemented by Ce.Se.Vo.Ca.
The participants have agreed to meet again the week before the Day of Road scheduled for March 20, 2011, to define the final details of organization.
You can still, by each member association, send e-mail address of the GAAS any proposal would contribute to the success of the event, the GAAS will spread.
In view of timing and deadlines, all associations are invited to take part in the last organizational meeting set for the day March 14, 2011 at 18:30 at the headquarters of GAAS in via Meridiana 58.

Action Group Animation and Social

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Avocado Tree Dying, What To Do

Summary According to the thirteenth day organizational meeting of the Street' Operation Scurpiddu"

On February 24, 2011, at the headquarters of the GAAS, was held on the second organizational meeting of the thirteenth day of Operation Road Scurpiddu.
Present at the meeting the representatives of the Associations for Health, Fai, and Emergency One future project. Do not submit to personal commitments already members of other associations which have joined the association LIPU - Italian League for Bird, the animal rights association Rambo POCS and the Association of Barcelona.
The President of GAAS informed participants that the Provincial Authority has granted the sponsorship initiative and that, on the basis of shared information that emerged from the first organizational meeting, was presented a formal request to the City of Foggia (Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Jobs Public) to propose an alternative to the existing executive determines the restructuring of the square, with a budget amounting to € 4,001.00. This includes determining, by the Public Works, the complete removal of the "Coffin", the remaining small flower beds and benches, and the total floor space.
The alternative proposed by GAAS and the member associations is summarized in the creation of a symbolic referendum to ask people with whom the residents to choose between the proposal determined by the Public Works and the prospect of maintaining green areas and benches. ;
If the referendum were to reward the alternative proposed by the associations, they, along with resident volunteers, we will remove the coffin and the earth and it contains the junction of plants with colorful flowers to decorate the remaining hexagonal flowerbed flowerbeds and small outline .
With the money saved, remaining within the limits determined by the City of € 4,000 may be purchased two or three games that would go to build a mini playground for children from 0 to 3 years.
Children participate in the referendum through a form of preference made by a drawing to choose whether to redesign the "Coffin" park or the mini-games.
The proposal also reaffirms the intention of empowering the perpetrators of acts of vandalism perpetrated in the square through a symbolic adoption of space, which preserves the care and maintenance.
Obviously we await answers from the Mayor regarding the possibility to proceed under the guidelines set forth.
addition to activities already decided in the first meeting, it was decided to involve the friends of the boy killed the night of Saturday, February 19, Francis Cannon, who lives in District eighteenth century, to create a banner in his memory.
To Regarding the decision to create a mural on the walls of the buildings bordering the square by the Artistic Group Ecstrarte, discussions about the difficulties mainly dictated by the times require permits and licenses to the owners of the wall is almost never present, both the City given the constraints dictated by the laws on urban historic centers. It should be added that the cancellation of already written in the past made by the children, could be viewed by them as an act of injustice to their work. For these reasons, related to the principles of legality by which the GAAS will not matter, it was decided to postpone any action so I thought. Ecstrarte, then, as proposed inizialmente, realizzerà un’estemporanea d’arte interattiva con ritratti dei partecipanti.
Relativamente all’animazione musicale, che verrà curata dall’Associazione Music&Color, si è provveduto a chiedere ad un residente della piazza un temporaneo allaccio di corrente per l’attacco di un piccolo amplificatore ed una piccola console.
Al termine di una breve discussione sugli argomenti, l’incontro viene aggiornato a Giovedì 3 Marzo 2011 alle ore 19:30 presso la sede del G.A.A.S. in via Meridiana 58 .

Il Gruppo di Azione e Animazione Sociale

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Liquids Can You Put In A Camelbak

Summary First organizational meeting of the thirteenth day of Road 'Operation Scurpiddu "Taste of Africa

Il primo incontro organizzativo della XIII Giornata di Strada dell' "Operazione Scurpiddu" ( prevista per Domenica 20 Marzo 2011), tenutosi Giovedì 17 Febbraio alle ore 19:30 presso la sede del G.A.A.S., ha visto la partecipazione dei rappresentanti delle associazioni Libera, Music & Color, Ecstrarte, FAI e Alla Salute. Assenti per motivi personali ma disponibili alla collaborazione le Associazioni Fratelli della Stazione, Clan Destino, Logos, Arci Bellamì, Cerchio di Gesso, Teatro dei Limoni, Capitanata Futura, l’Aquilone, V.A.S., Arci Bellamì, ACLI e Progetto Futuro Uno. Altre realtà associative dovrebbero manifestare nei prossimi giorni la propria eventual membership. To open the meeting the President of GAAS Welcome Grillo, which summarizes the objectives of the present event, which will be implemented in Piazzetta di Via Crispi called "The Coffin" was recently vandalized by unknown assailants and will see the participation of the City that will socialize with the citizens of all projects relating to Social, Civic and Cultural District regarding the eighteenth of Foggia. Specifically, the City's planning department, Social Politics and Culture of the Municipality of Foggia take place in information materials concerning respectively the case of regeneration Compiled for the Urban Districts of eighteenth-century social projects relating to the Day Centre for Children and the Center for Civil and Criminal Mediation which will be implemented in the headquarters of the former District of Frascolla Street Gym and ex-GIL Via Matteotti 900, and the Art Gallery Public Relations Office suite.
The event is also sponsored by the Province of Foggia.
The President of GAAS inform the public that the thirteenth day of road you want to start a consultation with residents over the possibility of restructuring of the "Square of the coffin" for which the city of Foggia has recently allocated the sum of 4,000 €. GAAS undertake a workshop with the children, from the photos of so-called "Piazza Tavuto, thus adjusted so as to replace the" coffin "with a blank space will allow them to express with a design that you wish you were in his place. Adults, however, will be called to express their own opinions through a symbolic referendum in which to choose whether to restore the square as it was or what to delete from the residents themselves is called "tavuto" and never has been the object of aesthetic appreciation -urban. The ultimate goal, specific Welcome Grillo, could be represented by a case of adoption of the property by the same guys responsible for the act destructively. Assigning responsibility, then, rather than punish them, as suggested by Antonio Vigilante, a member of the Friends of Sunday, but no more than willing to contribute to the Day Street.
representative took the floor of the Cultural Music & Color, who announced to those present will animate the street with the thirteenth day of the exhibition in the square of their group, which will serve as background music to activities of social activity.
Association Health, the Italian Environment Fund and the Group Artistic Ecstrarte confirm their full willingness to cooperate in the success of the event, providing their volunteer resources. Specifically, the representative of Ecstrarte proposes the creation of an extemporaneous art on the streets focused on portraits of passers-by and the views of the square. The GAAS Association suggests the creation of a mural "participate" with the boys, as a sign of identity to be left on the walls of the square "anonymous."
We agree with the need to request permission from the competent bodies for its development.
There being no other up to discuss this should refer to the second organizational meeting of the thirteenth day of road that will take place Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 19:30 at the headquarters of GAAS in via Meridiana 58.

Action Group Animation and Social

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Healing Time After Freezing Genital Wart

Ode Theatre

Each place has its own tale. And every story still holds it own colors, sounds, scents and traditions of the country of origin.

In country after country in the history of history, taste in taste, the fourth of six monthly appointments " Merenda theater - endless, Stories", a series of tales from different parts of the world , led us in Africa, in the so called, inappropriately, " Dark Continent, land of warm colors and bright red and orange sunsets. Africa " fair as the moon and joyful as the sun ," just as Kumba, the Senegalese protagonist of the story "Who will marry Kumba? " messa in scena Sabato 19 Febbraio all’ Oda Teatr o dagli attori della Compagnia Teatrale “ Cerchio di Gesso ”. 
Come di consueto i bambini, accompagnati da nonni e genitori, sono stati accolti all’interno di uno spazio ludico allestito all’ingresso dell’Oda Teatro, nel quale hanno potuto disegnare, colorare e familiarizzare con i libri, in attesa dell’arrivo del simpatico “ professore ” dallo strano accento straniero.
Dopo una breve presentazione del continente di provenienza della favola, attraverso immagini rappresentative della cultura africana, lo spettacolo ha avuto inizio. Tutti giù per terra,  intorno al palco, catapultati dentro la rovente atmosfera del “ continente dai mille color i”, per un emozionate assaggio letterario dell’Africa.

Tanto tempo fa tre amici vivevano nello stesso villaggio e amavano lo stessa ragazza….

I bambini, trasportati dal vortice tribale di parole e musica, hanno seguito la danza dei corpi e delle voci narranti, lenta e cadenzata, con grande attenzione e rispettoso silenzio, presto tramutatosi in allegro chiacchiericcio dinanzi al tavolo delle merende. Le stories, if well-narrated, open your mind but also the stomach. And Africa deserves to be tasted and praised for its spicy flavors and aromas.
After the audience the story of Hate Theatre has been invited to approach the " snack table, laid for the occasion with traditional African craft products: statues and wooden masks, musical instruments, clothing, textiles and cheerful ethnic cadres.
well as a sweet snack of bread and nutella and fruit juice, small-audience diners with their parents, have enjoyed a typical sweet Senegal made with cous cous and fruit pieces.

Finally, with a full belly, the children have made some small artifacts inspired by the traditions of the country in the laboratory of the story in creative play edited by ' GAAS Association and the Cooperative Scurpiddu that, using materials readily available in home-like styrofoam cups, rubber bands, latex gloves and foil, led children and parents in building a small djembè , tipico tamburo a calice originario dell’Africa Occidentale, collocato come di consueto all’interno dei pannelli scenografici, raffiguranti paesaggi africani, realizzati dalle atelieriste del G.A.A.S. con materiali di scarto e di uso quotidiano. 

Il prossimo viaggio letterario e culinario attraverso le favole del mondo ci condurrà in Sud America con la Favola “ Il sale e lo zucchero ” ( Perù ). 
We look forward to Saturday, 26 March 2011 at 17.30 hours, at the Oda Theatre.

Anna Cecilia

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Vowrenewal Cake Design

first organizational meeting" XIII Day Road "Operation Scurpiddu

Sunday March 20 GAAS 2011 the organize the XIII Day Street of 'Operation Scurpiddu .
Day will be implemented in the Piazzetta di Via Crispi called "The Bara " recently vandalized by unknown assailants.
occasion, the government will invited to mingle with locals all the projects of social, urban and cultural districts that cover the eighteenth of Foggia.
The GAAS, as a practice, will conduct workshops in creative play for children, and seek to develop ideas aimed at the Civic Participation of adults in relation to the institutional activities that affect them.
The idea that we want to promote is to enter into consultation with the residents with respect to cases of reconstruction of the "Square of Bara" destroyed recently.
The first organizational meeting will be held on the Day at the headquarters of GAAS, in Meridiana 58 Thursday, February 17, 2011, at 19:30.
All associations are invited to participate and distribute the contents of this communication.
Each association will have a space to promote their activities and can contribute, through suggestions and proposals to realize the event.
you there!

Action Group Animation and Social

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cheerokee Filmography

Robert Brandom revives Le bon Dieu est

Animating Ideas of Idealism:
A Semantic Sonata in Kant and Hegel

Lecture One

Norms, Selves, and Concepts

1. In these lectures I consider some of the ideas that animated the philosophical tradition, anchored and epitomized by Kant and Hegel, which they called ‘idealism.’ My aim is to reanimate some of those ideas, breathing new life into them by exhibiting a new perspective from which they show up as worthy of our interest and attention today. I do that by retrospectively rationally reconstructing a coherent, cumulative trajectory of thought, carving it out of the context in which it is embedded, ruthlessly ignoring elements near and dear to Kant and Hegel that are not essential to the line of thought on which I am focusing. This will seem to some a perverse sort of enterprise. At the end of my third and final lecture I assemble conceptual raw materials drawn from all three lectures, in order to address the methodological issue of how to think about the nature, justification, and possible value of this sort of undertaking.

2. At the heart of Descartes’ innovations in epistemology and the philosophy of mind lies a revolutionary semantic idea. He saw that the rising new science required giving up the old ways of thinking about the relations between appearance and reality. Since the Greeks, the idea had been that, at least when things go well, the way things appear to us resembles the way they really are. Resemblance in this sense is a matter of sharing properties (or some more general sort of form), as a realistic picture shares some elements of shape and perhaps color with what it pictures. But on Copernicus’s account, the reality behind the appearance of a stationary Earth and a revolving Sun is a rotating Earth and stationary Sun. No resemblance there. And Galileo’s reading of what he calls the “book of nature, written in the language of mathematics” finds the best way of getting a grip on the reality of motion to be by manipulating geometrical appearances, in which a period of time shows up as the length of a line, and acceleration as the area of triangle. The category of resemblance is of little help in understanding the connections that are being exploited. And in Descartes’ own algebraized geometry, the equations of lines and circles do not at all resemble the geometrical figures about which they let us reason so effectively. Descartes sees that a more abstract notion of representation is needed. We’ve been worrying about it ever since.
3. Where Descartes’ semantic concerns center on the nature of representational success, Kant addresses more fundamental questions about the nature of representational purport. What is it, he wants to know, for our ideas so much as to seem to be about something? What is it for us to take or treat them as, for them to show up to us as, representings, in the sense of something that answers for its correctness to what thereby counts as being represented? This issue is the core around which cluster the other elements of Kant’s concern with what he calls “objectivity.” The line of thought he develops to answer these questions begins with the identification of a critical shortcoming of the account of judgment he inherited. That account finds its place as part of the traditional classificatory theory of consciousness. This is the idea that to be aware of something is to take it as something: paradigmatically, to classify something particular as being of some general kind. In its form as a theory of judgment, it becomes the view that judging is predicating one concept of another: putting two concepts into a relation, marked by a copula, whose paradigm once again is bringing a particular concept under a general one, or subordinating a less general to a more general one.

In a radical break with the whole of the logical tradition he inherited, Kant rejects this way of thinking about judgment. The reason he gives is that it does not apply to logically compound judgments:
I have never been able to accept the interpretation which logicians give of judgment in general. It is, they declare, the representation of a relation between two concepts…(W)hat is defective in this interpretation…(is) that it applies only to categorical, not to hypothetical and disjunctive judgments (the two latter containing a relation not of concepts but of judgments), an oversight from which many troublesome consequences have followed. [CPR B140-1]
It will be instructive to fill in some of those “troublesome consequences.” The same logical tradition distinguishes between mental acts and their contents—that is, between the two sides of what Sellars calls the “notorious ‘ing’/‘ed’ ambiguity,” which affects concepts such as judgment, representation, experience, and perception—between what one is doing in judging, representing, experiencing, or perceiving, on the one hand, and what is judged, represented, experienced, or perceived, on the other.

4. For this reason, Kant could not take over the traditional classificatory theory of consciousness, which depends on understanding judging as predicating. But what can go in its place? Here is perhaps Kant’s deepest and most original idea, the axis around which I see all of his thought as revolving. What distinguishes judging and intentional doing from the activities of non-sapient creatures is not that they involve some special sort of mental processes, but that they are things knowers and agents are in a distinctive way responsible for. Judging and acting involve commitments. They are endorsements, exercises of authority. Responsibility, commitment, endorsement, authority—these are all normative notions. Judgments and actions make knowers and agents liable to characteristic kinds of normative assessment. Kant’s most basic idea is that minded creatures are to be distinguished from un-minded ones not by a matter-of-fact ontological distinction (the presence of mind-stuff), but by a normative deontological one. This is his normative characterization of the mental.

Drawing on a jurisprudential tradition that includes Grotius, Pufendorf, and Crusius, Kant talks about norms in the form of rules. Judging and acting—endorsing claims and maxims, committing ourselves as to what is or shall be true—is binding ourselves by norms. It is making ourselves subject to assessment according to rules that articulate the contents of those commitments. Those norms, those rules, he calls ‘concepts’. In a strict sense, all a Kantian subject can do is apply concepts, either theoretically, in judging, or practically, in acting. Discursive, that is to say, concept-mongering creatures, are normative creatures—creatures who live, and move, and have their being in a normative space.

It follows that the most urgent philosophical task is to understand the nature of this normativity, the bindingness or validity (Verbindlichkeit, Gültigkeit) of conceptual norms. For Descartes, the question was how to think about our grip on our concepts, thoughts, or ideas (Is it clear? Is it distinct?). For Kant the question is rather how to understand their grip on us: the conditions of the intelligibility of our being bound by conceptual norms.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hollow Eyes Makeup Tips

third edition of" Snacks Theatre "and the Goat Kids

" There once was a goat with three kids. The first two were bad and rude. The third one was good and good. As they say: The hand has five fingers and no two fingers equal .

This is the incipit of the Romanian fable " The goat and three kids " (Capra cu Trei Iezi - Editions Carthusian) staged Saturday, January 22, 2010 to ' Oda Theatre by Theatre Company " Circle of Chalk."

Despite the bad weather, the third of six events of " snacks at the theater - endless stories " was attended by many families that have been accepted by a cute Russian professor, who described to those present images representative of Romania, the land of Dracula and vampires in the collective, but also a land rich in history, contrasts and pristine natural.

For the occasion, the theater was decorated with typical clothes and Romania, making the 'atmosphere even more fabulous.

Between games of lights, nursery rhymes and music in language suggestive of the children, along with three kids, met Wolf, universal and undisputed protagonist of many stories from different countries of the world. Between emotion and twists in the growing fear is then dissolved in cathartic final, which was followed by a tasty snack to satisfy the Italian-Romanian " famished " of children.

As usual, after the happy snack, the children were busy with the creative laboratory " Mondolandia: The world inside a book " to care of ' GAAS Association. and Cooperative Scurpiddu, building small artifacts representative of the country narrated.
Questa volta i bambini, insieme alle mamme ed ai papà, hanno realizzato dei piccoli e simpatici pipistrelli che hanno fatto poi “volare” all’interno di una scenografia incantata, popolata di castelli, ragnatele e montagne innevate.

Il prossimo appuntamento, previsto per Sabato 19 Febbraio 2010 , a partire dalle ore 17,30, ci condurrà in Senegal con la favola “ Chi sposerà Kumba?” (Centro Africa) .

Anna la Cecilia

Qui di seguito il video dell'appuntamento di Merende a teatro di Sabato 22 Gennaio, visibile sul sito del Cerchio di Gesso

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Stomach Virus Bad Farts

Foggia: The city suspended between past and future. Closed excavations in Piazza De Santis

I-pog, the large cube speaker who has linked to two months the city above the city below, Tuesday, December 28, 2010 has turned off the spotlight by last light on the " Memory lost and memory regained . This is the title of the project for the excavation of hypogeum Piazza De Santis, sponsored by the "Consortium Head Down" and financed by the "Fondazione Banca del Monte " of Foggia, which saw the spin off the University of Foggia " Archaeological "work with" upside down, "from November 4 to December 20, to find the rooms below the cathedral.
" A project that will have a follow ", as pointed out by Francis Andretta, President of "Fondazione Banca del Monte " during the closing meeting of the excavation, and start again from its discovery, which was found during the investigation, a compartment that could lead to the main entrance ipogeico hypogeum.
under layers and layers of earth to a subterranean level above 8 feet from the road surface, excavation led to the identification of two hypogean environments due to a well dating back to 700/800 and a pit of wheat, whose date might be even before the eighteenth century, probably from medieval times, as specified by Giuliano Volpe, Rector of the University of Foggia.
The presence of various waste and scrap materials is a hopeful sign that the environment, in his last period of use, has been used as a dump. More detailed information on nutrition and lifestyle of our ancestors will be given to us as a result of studies on archaeological finds, most animal bones, fish bones and ceramic utensils.
This was a first real action of "urban archeology " made in the heart of the city of Foggia, innovative and experimental project, especially in its mode of participation.
The "Cooperative Scurpiddu " founding member of the "Consortium head down " , oversaw aspects of social communication and involvement citizenship through the development of a social survey questionnaire, distributed directly from the trading activities of the center. As reported by Welcome Grillo, President of the Cooperative, " the 3000 questionnaires distributed to schools, residents and merchants of the historic center have been completed and returned 304 . Therefore, it exceeded 10% interest, is important in light of the disturbing " cultural apathy" that too often characterizes the territory dauno. Do not underestimate also the data concerning the first question on the degree of knowledge received on the occurrence of Foggia subterranean environments. The 22.03% answered "not at all " , the 58.55% answered "very ," 17.1% " enough" and only 2.3% " very .
Since the latter is even more worrying when one considers that the social survey was conducted in schools that serve their own activities and the old town, full of tombs. The Consortium also with the support of the "Fog Production Video ” di Sergio Grillo , ha realizzato un video documentario, proiettato nel corso della serata in Piazza De Santis in cui, oltre alla  documentazione costante degli scavi da parte degli archeologi e speleologi, sono state raccolte testimonianze ed aneddoti dei cittadini legate alla “ memoria degli ipogei ”.
Quella memoria che, in silenzio, chiama dalle viscere della terra e chiede di essere ritrovata.
Perché, come espresso da uno dei tanti cittadini ascoltati,“ la città è nostra. E siamo noi che dobbiamo riscoprirla .”

Below is the trailer of the documentary " Memory lost, memory regained " produced by Sergio Grillo - Fog Video Production

Anna Cecilia