Saturday, December 18, 2010

Does Having A Remote Starter Cause Problems

Ce.Se.Vo.Ca.: Project “Racconta il Volontariato con una Video Intervista”

the 8th of July the European Parliament approved, with 416 signatures of members of the Assembly, a recommendation which requires the European Commission to formally declare 2011 "European Year of Volunteering An no .
In line with the objectives of the European Voluntary Service, including the recognition of voluntary activities, strengthening of organizations through the provision of new energy and increased awareness of the value of volunteering in a society that is becoming increasingly multicultural, the Ce.Se. Vo.C a - Centre for Voluntary Service of captains - has created a series of promotional initiatives of local volunteers including: interactive map of volunteering, the project " Tell us about volunteering with a video interview "Spot and entitled" Volunteering ... you can be too .
latter, visible on the site of Ce.Se.Vo.Ca and broadcast by local TV stations ((Telefoggia, Teleradioerre, Teleblu, Teledaunia, Teleradio Padre Pio, Telecattolica, Teleradio San Severo), starring presidents, beneficiaries and voluntary associations of a sample of Foggia (Association of Microcitemico captains, CHALLENGE, brothers of the Station, San Gaspar, AISW, GAAS, Noos, Aido, Genevieve De Troy, The eye, Alittihad).

Spot Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. from Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. on Vimeo .

The spot was created under the Project referred to above (" Volunteer Tell a Video Interview with" ), which aims to spread through the media and new technologies, activities, hopes and difficulties experienced by voluntary associations of captains, while keeping alive the memory and identity with an archive of original testimonies.
audiovisual products made can be viewed in the "Volunteer Tell a Video Interview "on the homepage of the site and within Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. factsheets that form the new " Map volunteer captains."
Below the Video Interview 's GAAS Association.

GAAS from Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. on Vimeo .

Anna Cecilia


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