Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Many Calories In Bean With Ham Soup

Workshop "Foggia to the PUG: Let's idea"

next Wednesday, March 16, starting at 8:30, at the premises of the Municipal Art Gallery "Il9Cento", in Marquis De Rosa, held a workshop around some issues related the development of the General Urban Plan of Foggia, entitled "Foggia to the PUG: Let us have an idea."

Administration City started the path of Foggia PUG announcing on 18 January, the Conference copianificazione with corporations and other entities justifiably concerned (trade association business, trade unions, environmental groups etc..), called to express opinions and suggestions with the goal of affecting the municipal planning, in accordance with national and regional laws.

The Department of Planning and Housing Policy, on the basis of some experience, he asked the cooperation of the Social Cooperative "Scurpiddu" to organize the investigation of una tematica specifica: raccordare i bisogni, interpretati e rappresentati da associazioni o gruppi aventi scopi sociali o culturali, con opere e servizi pubblici da realizzare.
Il momento - rappresentato dalla copianificazione del PUG e dallo svolgimento delle conferenze di servizi sui programmi selezionati nell’ambito del bando pubblico per l’housing sociale - appare come una preziosa opportunità per condurre una sperimentazione pratica su cui verificare, a brevissimo, gli effetti.

Nella mattinata di mercoledì 16 marzo tenteremo, dunque, di selezionare un pacchetto di opere e servizi pubblici, integrando so the activity that the City Council and the Region of Puglia are doing, negotiating with private parties selected under the contract on 'social housing.
workshop will also stem from a model for the rest of the activities involved in drafting the PUG. Leading the workshop will be integrated team of professional experts in the field of participatory planning.

any association or group belonging to the third sector can therefore play roles in promoting, awareness and dissemination processes to achieve equity in the future, against citizens not affiliated to any organization. Processes must be able to plan and set urgency, priority, economic viability and administration of the works of social utility to be carried out.

The work of the day will be divided as follows:
- 08:30 am Registration of participants
- 08:50 hours and closing of the registration organization of the tables
- 09:00 am start of the work
- 10:00 am start of the laboratory
- 12:30 pm closing of the laboratory
- 13:00 on completion of the work

Given the need to organize the day's proceedings in relation to the number of associations present, it is recommended punctuality.

entire town is invited to attend.


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