Now in its fifth edition, was held last October 17, 2010 the " Night Without Residence "organized by the Brotherhood of Railway of Foggia, Catholic association that deals with many years of assistance to marginalized immigrants and denouncing the discomfort of those who have only the sky as the roof, as the road home and a cardboard bed.
And it is precisely the path he has made from the stage at the event, included in the 'network' of national event organized by the Milan ' Terre di Mezzo' , when UN World Day to combat poverty .
The vestibule of the Town Park has hosted , gathered around a round table entitled "'Foggia open to homeless people: the way to the dormitory for the poor. Tests for possible inclusion ' , the Mayor of Foggia Gianni Mongelli , the President of the Province of Foggia Antonio Pepe , Councillor for Social Policies of the Municipality of Foggia Pasquale Pellegrino , the Extraordinary dell'IPAB Foggia SS. Sorrows Alfonso De Pellegrino , the President of the Brotherhood of Railway Leonardo Ricci ed il Presidente dell’Associazione G.A.A.S. Benvenuto Grillo .
Protagonista indiscusso della serata Corrado Pasquale Rizzi , primo senzatetto di Foggia ad aver beneficiato di ‘ Via della Casa Comunale’ , la cosiddetta Via per i poveri che consente ai senza dimora di ottenere la residenza anagrafica , proposta inserita nel programma elettorale di Antonio Barbone, simbolicamente e provocatoriamente candidato sindaco di Foggia per far reflect on the plight of the homeless.
Today Mr. Conrad can get service health and socio-legal, voting rights, the registry of certification status, a home where to send your personal mail. During the evening he told his story with dignified composure, from divorce, job loss, to the road. He then appealed to the municipal administration for the provision of financial assistance for those who like him, homeless and jobless, struggling to survive. Councillor Pellegrino, called into question, said which, unfortunately, there are currently no financial resources destined to fight poverty because of serious financial crisis that looms over the town of Foggia. He added, however, pleased to see that soon, probably within a year, thanks to opening the proposals to local community groups conducted on behalf of the disadvantaged, will be built a dormitory for the homeless in the former prison Sant 'Eligio, a project presented by the City and dall'Ipab Mary of Sorrows owner of Foggia. The President dell'ipab De Pellegrino stated that the dormitory will be provided for 24 beds, a canteen, health services and a one-stop guidance and listening to Italian and foreign assistance is still fragile situation in society. The President of the Brotherhood of Railway, Leo Ricciuto, expressed his satisfaction for having opened the fifth annual "Night of the Homeless" with some good news and positive outcomes in the affirmation of the rights of "recent" results Only a year ago seemed far away.
There were also surprises in the course of the Round Table. The subjects covered, in fact, have taken shape and expression in the face of an excited young Romanian che, con parole colorite e appassionate al limite della violenza verbale, รจ irrotto nella scena denunciando le politiche locali di integrazione dei cittadini stranieri, manifestando le proprie problematiche e portando la sua esperienza di lavoratore onesto, privato del diritto di ricevere i contributi previdenziali dopo tre anni di duro lavoro. Il Sindaco di Foggia Gianni Mongelli e l’Assessore alle Politiche Sociali Pellegrino hanno risposto alla comprensibile rabbia del giovane con spirito sensibile e accogliente, rimarcando gli sforzi dell’amministrazione comunale, nonostante la difficile situazione di dissesto economico che grava su di essa, nella ricerca di soluzioni possibili per favorire l’integrazione sociale degli immigrati.
Welcome Grillo, President of GAAS, recalling the incident, he stressed the importance of listening to those who, like the Romanian boy in question, are experiencing the first person in distress and that, even if apparently seem able only to destroy and criticize, if accepted and listened with attention and respect, they are also able to suggest and propose constructive assistance to the institutions to give concrete answers to their discomfort. He also thanked the City Council for having been able to grasp and put into planning the needs of the area, filtered by local associations, reiterated the President of GAAS, will continue to monitor on the work of the institutions through participatory channels that citizens see the stars of territorial changes. The GAAS, Grillo added, in synergy with the local world of associations, will undertake the creation of OAC, autonomous organizations of citizens (as under the European Charter of Active Citizenship) with the aim to collaborate with institutions, shared project implementation and sup-bring the voice of the people, innovation, which pushes up from below.
After singing, dancing and wine tasting, as every year, the event ended with a gesture of solidarity more eloquent than many words spent during the evening: we stayed in a symbolic way of witnessing the harsh realities of homelessness. To continue to sue, bring, share.
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