Thursday, October 21, 2010

Getting Rid Of The Smell Of Mouse Urine


" cultivate a new culture: the mediation of conflicts. When the dialogue stops anyone can help us: the Ombudsman . "With this slogan, Thursday, October 21, 2010 was held even there, as in many other Italian cities, the" G ay National Mediation ", coinciding with the "Conflict Resolution Day " proclaimed ARC (Association for Conflict Resolution), in collaboration with the World Mediation Forum.
to the streets to promote awareness among the people and the spread of culture and practice of mediation, the ' Mediation Office of Civil and Criminal of the Municipality of Foggia, the Associations Logos , Gaas (Animation and Social Action Group), Growing Together , Parting Well and Mediterranean tiles, all r EALTA that, within their scope, dealing with conflict mediation.
"Mediate" does not resolve the dispute, but the parties work together to help them self-manage and out of situations of stalemate where both are crystallized mutual hostility. The conflict, in fact, that usually has a connotation negative plays in the mediation which implies a positive creative aspect, physiological and constitutive of the report that, deprived of this "disturbance", liable to atrophy.
officially born in the United States in the first decade of the twentieth century to deal with conflicts arising mostly in the workplace, in the '70s is Mediation then extended to the legal processes of separation and divorce in order to reduce the emotional burden and cost of the couples in the process of separation. In Italy, mediation approaches the end of the 80 developed especially within the family as a way to help couples in crisis before, during and after separation, and then embrace the 90s onwards new areas such as education, cultural and social sense.
Although still little known by most people, Foggia has been a well-prepared ground to receive the seed of the mediation, understood as a behavioral strategy alternative to violence and antagonism, oriented dialogue and encounter / confrontation constructively. Nowadays, in fact, on our territory there are several entities, working in different fields ( family, school, victims and offenders, condominiums, business and institutional environments, degraded urban) using the tool in the management of mediation and conflict transformation.
The Day was therefore an occasion to share with the people best practices and tools already present in our city, which should be spread in an ever more fragmented and diffuse to be understood and adopted da un numero sempre più crescente di persone che vivono situazioni conflittuali e che magari, per diffidenza o mancanza di informazione, restano bloccate nel loro malessere, impedendo al cambiamento di entrare nelle loro vite.
Nel corso della giornata è stato somministrato ai cittadini un questionario di indagine sociale per sondare il grado di conoscenza e radicamento di questa procedura alternativa di risoluzione delle controversie nel nostro tessuto sociale. Le associazioni che hanno promosso l’evento hanno inoltre donato, a tutti coloro che si sono mostrati curiosi ed interessati alla tematica, un piccolo sacchetto contenente i semi di una pianta, per trapiantare simbolicamente nel nostro territorio i semi of this new culture, with the hope to see you soon germinate and multiply.
Paraphrasing Danilo Dolci, the prophet of nonviolence, "the people are not ground but seed." Every person has within it the seeds of change. Mediation does not seek to resolve conflicts instead of shares or to indicate the right way to go but to be a good tree to climb to rest, relax in the conflict, viewed from a broader perspective, with the help of the mediator, and then decided to go down and address the conflict situations with new methods more effective and constructive.
Anna la Cecilia


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