The GAAS, Animation and Social Action Group continues to expand its activities in support of children of the eighteenth-century neighborhoods.
Born in March 2007 with the willingness to implement new strategies of intervention in an area marked by a severe emergency housing, social and economic deals with mediation, guidance and social activity through a door fixed and mobile assets in these districts, in synergy with local services.
Childhood and Adolescence, also because of the almost total lack of space for socializing are the groups most exposed to high risks in the area is.
In view of the role socializing, cathartic and educational role of sport, GAAS has recently partnered with the U.S. FOGGIA school football for the formation of a "New Youth Sector."
In view of the role socializing, cathartic and educational role of sport, GAAS has recently partnered with the U.S. FOGGIA school football for the formation of a "New Youth Sector."
It will thus be used as a means of preventing juvenile delinquency also the game of football to channel these children, who often play alone on the streets of the Quarter eighteenth century, towards compliance with the rules and the other, the acceptance of defeat, self-confidence and self-discipline, led by a teacher adult is able to transform a passion for life in the gym.
Football is indeed in a sense, a metaphor for society, a community experience that if you go down together in the field, only if we act and think collectively, each with its own role and its unique specificity and unique, it becomes possible to overcome and address problems and challenges of life.
may enroll in the school football boys and girls between 5 and 12 years of age.
Football is indeed in a sense, a metaphor for society, a community experience that if you go down together in the field, only if we act and think collectively, each with its own role and its unique specificity and unique, it becomes possible to overcome and address problems and challenges of life.
may enroll in the school football boys and girls between 5 and 12 years of age.
The training will take place in the "Parish of the Sacred Heart."
For details ask at the door on a GAAS Meridiana 58 on Wednesday afternoon from 18:00 to 19:00 or call 320-4094562.
Anna Cecilia
Anna Cecilia
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