Thursday, January 28, 2010

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Nell'ultima settimana è accaduta una cosa molto brutta ad Alessia Franguelli, Presidente dell'Associazione 'La Grande Cuccia', visitabile al sito:

Il panico ha pervaso tutti coloro che supportano e seguono Alessia e il suo operato, consci della sua buona fede e del suo impegno a tutela e difesa degli animali. Pur non conoscendola personalmente, ho avuto modo di seguire dal principio questo 'tornado' che l'ha investita. Catturata in una tela di lavoro incredibile non ho potuto offrirle il giusto appoggio nel momento stesso in cui il mondo le è caduto sulle spalle, However, I never ceased to follow the facts wherever possible, and squeeze in a virtual embrace of brotherhood and solidarity for what was happening. I was conscious of the fact that Alessandro was not alone, as many true friends really have done their utmost, not only with words, to help her. To them all my thanks, animal lover, but also because it goes beyond the word itself.
will not publish anything from scratch, on my own initiative, targeting primarily to visit her beautiful web space and, in faith, bringing his whole story as she has lived and brought to the public.
Now, it seems that an alarm is returned, and despite the black clouds of the day Recently, thanks to the intervention targeted to people who have lived with you the minute this drama, everything seems to be back as it should be. Ergo, cats well cared for and hosted by Alessia returned to 'home', or in his loving care and his arms and I sure will be very strong to withstand a few hypothetical disagreement due to whom, in black consciousness, he wanted do harm to everyone free of charge, mainly tearing animals a healthy, loving, which could allow them a chance of real life.
Happy for the good news only reached me today, since all of you agree or rather, the history of events leading lady who saw this girl and its animals. This girl with a heart of gold and its small, large group.
My hope and my moral support go to her, the noble cause that advocates tirelessly and with unconditional love. A sincere hug to all the people who wanted to support it and a strong sense of blame for all those who have abandoned. But no matter, what matters are the values \u200b\u200bof those who fight with sincere heart and clean with no desire for glory but for real justice. Now, Alessia won, but especially his battle was won on animals and takes care of that urge to be strong even before the ugliness of a world that can sink under the beauty of good that does not know.
's your story, and again the invitation a supportarla come meglio potete all'indirizzo web :

Brava, Alessia. Alla fine, le persone pure di cuore in un modo o nell'altro avranno sempre giustizia.
Un abbraccio sincero.

Tiziana Paghini

Da Alessia Franguelli, Associazione ' La Grande Cuccia':


19 gennaio 2010,
I vigili urbani del COMUNE DI VIMODRONE si presentano accompagnati da un veterinario della ASL di Melzo dichiarando di dover fare un sopralluogo ed in seguito a tale sopralluogo, data la mancanza delle autorizzazioni all’inizio delle attività e della mancanza dell’esecuzione of work required, consider moving the cats found at the kennel health Pantigliate agreement.
the 20 animals 17 are taken away, three of us are left in poor health because there is also scope out all the paperwork to the reliance on property of the years 2008, 2009 and 2010, the animals are transferred at the animal shelter agreement with the ASL Pantigliate.

January 20, 2010 The President and some of our members have gone at the kennel Pantigliate Milano2 the National health service which has responsibility for the City of Vimodrone ...), where they were brought to our cats, to ask for 'personal expectations ...
He was told that the animals are seriously ill in treatment and therefore can not adopt ... The City
publish on its website a statement in which the Mayor denied its responsibility in the matter and declare that the ASL has acted as a legal obligation as a result dell'esposto of some citizens.

January 21, 2010 We have been contacted by the offices of the Municipality to establish a technical meeting for the day Jan 22, during which it will set the steps to get the licenses provided.
the same venue we delivered to the relevant offices a summary of what happened on January 19th at our office, including the list of animals seized corredato, per ogni animale, di foto e relazione medica del veterinario che ha visitato e/o curato l'animale all'atto del suo ingresso in sede più copia del libretto sanitario timbrato e firmato dagli stessi medici veterinari che hanno somministrato le varie terapie.
Nella mattinata dello stesso giorno la Presidentessa si è recata presso il canile chiedendo di vedere i gatti trasferiti. C'è stata piena disponibilità da parte del personale ma abbiamo dovuto constatare che i nostri animali, sono custoditi in gabbie di volumi ben inferiori a quelle cui erano abituati, senza cucce ed in locali privi di riscaldamento ( siamo in inverno ed alcuni di questi animali erano abituati in appartamento) questo ci rammarica poichè tale situazione non è consistent if the seizure took place in order to protect the animals.

22 gennnaio 2010
The President went to early morning at the offices of the City of Vimodrone where, in a climate of high availability, there was a technical table where they developed the necessary steps to begin to retrofitting of our local, unfortunately for our misunderstanding with the architect we could not make the completion of practical applications.
In general, the City Council said they had great interest in the project and the activities of the Association and will support us .... morally ... in completing the process for our "regularization". In this
occasion has been shown for the first time against the statement of our condominium association.
Regarding our 17 cats, the junta seized the mayor's commissioners and municipal officials all have done their utmost so that it did clarify the situation and the Mayor said that it will respond personally to the ASL for the animals to accelerate to entrust people we had previously selected.
In late morning the President also held a meeting with officials of the ASL Melzo, upset dall'innumerevole number of protest mail arrived, it has nevertheless been more than willing to settle proactive and effectively as soon as possible problematic.
E 'was first criticized the responsibility of the Association in having acted without regular authorizations and yet, having demonstrated the good intentions behind the project, had a soft treatment that has avoided possible criminal evidence. In fact, there is common ground that could not prove the origin of the animals you could even think that might have been stolen.
There has also been reported that the SLA had intervened as an act by dell'esposto presented by the condominium association itself and at the request of the City.
As far as we seized 17 cats, it was confirmed that as early as you can from Tuesday 26 give them to people in foster care that the Association had already selected for adoption.

January 23, 2010 The President visited with volunteers at the shelter to see Pantigliate of cats brought into the facility but he was denied permission and is verbally assaulted by an officer of the same kennel accusing the association of wanting to profit from animal and maltreatment.

January 24, 2010
The ASL Melzo issued a letter of response to statements by the Mayor in which you points out that the same ASL acted exclusively as requested by the City and not, as declared by the City, due to act or its act.

January 25, 2010 The President
si è recata in comune per mettere a punto una lettera indirizzata alla ASL in cui si dispone che gli animali sani possano essere dati in adozione alle persone selezionate dall’Associazione e gli animali malati accolti presso la Clinica Veterinaria Gran Sasso di Milano che collabora con l’Associazione ( a spese dell’Associazione stessa) .

Messaggio/ bollettino informativo aggiornato di Alessia:

<< Cari amici, rieccomi qui sul web.
Mancavo da qualche giorno, da quando martedi' 19/01/10 i gatti della nostra Associazione sono stati spostati al canile di Pantigliate.
Da quel giorno mi sono dannata l'anima per tirarli fuori da li'. E non ho fatto altro nelle mie giornate.
In questa vicenda abbiamo tutti delle colpe. Quelle dell'Associazione sono : l'iniziare l'attivita' propria dell'Associazione senza aver fatto i lavori richiesti dall Asl, senza avere i permessi necessari per l'inizio dell'attivita' e senza aver comunicato alla Asl di competenza la nascita dell'Associazione e le sue attivita'.
Il comune in tutto questo si e' sempre dimostrato solerte e disponibile. Da subito infatti si e' attivato per supportarci e aiutarci e risolvere questa incresciosa situazione. Ed infatti, l'intervento risolutivo e' arrivato proprio nella persona del Sindaco del nostro Comune che ieri 26/01/10 ha scritto una lettera alla nostra ASL di competenza chiedendo la restituzione dei micioni spostati in data 19/01/10, micioni a cui l'Associazione already had 'found a home or who had already' reserved a shelter at the vet clinic at their own expense.
And I thank him forever. Who is not 'never busy day of these cats, can not' understand what we were worried for them, sapendoli to a location very different from what they were used. I myself had lost her appetite and sleep, but I did not think about them, how they felt ... Who knows cats are also known as stress is detrimental to them and how this can unleash all their physical .
because I also thank the City 'in parallel to each other "Micioni" helped us to pursue the matter "at work".
question to which 'the subject matter then "Request permits to start business'. "

In this story, however, 'I must also thank Dr. Marco Sirtori that granting the request of the Mayor told us yesterday afternoon to bring us to the pound on Wednesday morning Health' 27/01/10 to pick up the cats.
thank the Doctor for the interview last Friday elapsed. 'interview in which he pointed out all the mistakes made, but during which I also gave valuable suggestions for the future and for future work to be done.

This dear friends to tell you that eventually the cats, are vet clinic for a check up. After that will be retained if they need care or go home!
All this and ' obtained thanks to you all, but also thanks to the authorities cited above, their availability '.


Association The large kennel>>

Bulletin No. 8 of January 27, 2010 Thanks to the efforts of

Mayor jointly by all the municipal offices concerned we can finally give you good news!
Oggi siamo stati in grado di ritirare i micioni dal canile di Pantigliate!!!
Gli animali saranno visitati dai veterinari che li stavano seguendo per conto nostro prima del loro prelevamento e, se ritenuti idonei, saranno dati in affido alle famiglie che avevamo già selezionato per loro, se ritenuti non idonei per l'affido saranno ricoverati in clinica per le cure che si renderanno necessarie.
Come all'inizio di questa spiacevole vicenda abbiamo pubblicamente espresso il nostro contrasto con il Comune per quanto abbiamo subito, dobbiamo ora altrettanto pubblicamente rendere atto che la decisione del Sindaco e l'impegno dei funzionari comunali sono stati determinanti al fine della restituzione dei micioni per una loro collocazione in ambienti più comfortable and this we are grateful because our say or do has always had and just as the only justification for the concern for the welfare of animals. About our local
we performed all duties required permissions and now expect to proceed with the implementation of the infrastructure adjustments required to start the activity.
We are confident that after the purchase of the premises, this additional great economic effort that we support (... not yet know how ...) will be rewarded with a future of close cooperation and synergy with institutional bodies in charge, that will allow us to take advantage of further goals, which is still ambitious, to help an increasing number of four-legged friends.

M. Hay
Secretary and a founding member of


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