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Condivido questo interessante e importantissimo articolo tratto da 'La Zampa.it' e di paternità di Marco Zatterin.
Vi invito ad un'attenta reading, but above all to reflect deeply on a dramatic subject, where the material interest strays beyond acceptable logic.
A document that shows us a reality, or at least a part of reality, raw tones, where respect for nature and his sons are dying crushed by greed of those who had enough money never is.
Tiziana Paghini
Animals that we will no longer
Sushi ivory and threaten the world: the summit in Doha on animals close to extinction
Marco Zatterin
Brussels correspondent
Europe arguing on the bluefin tuna that almost no Moreover, Africa has a considerable problem with the insatiable ivory hunters who are killing elephants and rhinos. In Asia are looking for a way to defend a long series of almost extinct creatures, from cute dugong, marine mammal celebrated by Jules Verne and star of many legends in the South Seas planetary governments would like to find a solution to protect them from those who kill for trade them to pieces. We will try to Doha, from tomorrow to March 25, is hoping another Copenhagen. They all want to give a signal that was not done to stop climate change must fail with animals that the greed of man is wiping off the face of the planet. A
this point in history only the name of the event makes me shudder. It's called COP15 too, as the unfortunate Danish summit in December, with which it shares not even the auspicious aegis of the United Nations. It is the fifteenth Conference of the Parties that have signed the CITES or the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Since 1973, well 175 countries have committed to coordinate and regulate the trade in plants and animals in order to ensure their survival. In recent years we have managed to compile, on a scientific basis, a list of 33 000 plant and animal species to be protected with different ways and intensity.
It went well, all things considered, at least if we exclude the sad fate Air Spix, a parrot extinct in the wild for ten years, then after the launch of CITES. Yet not enough. Economic interests collide with those of the ecosystem, as evident in the case of bluefin tuna on which Europe is tearing in the name of sushi and sashimi. In September, at the initiative of the Principality of Monaco, and discussed the stop to catch the delicious Mediterranean and Atlantic fish. The European Commission gave a favorable opinion. The Twenty-seven have refused the offer, arguing that after all the stocks are not yet sufficient to justify the ban on fishing from which thousands of families depend.
Tomorrow the Executive shall be required to formulate a new proposal alla luce delle ultime rilevazioni scientifiche, elaborate proprio in vista della conferenza del Qatar. Disastrose, a quanto si apprende. Gli esperti dell’Iccat, la Conferenza internazionale per la conservazione del tonno atlantico, dicono che anche dopo le recenti riduzioni delle catture per il 2010, esiste appena il 60% delle possibilità di avere una ripopolamento nel 2023. Inoltre, rispetto agli anni Novanta, gli stock si sarebbero ristretti di oltre l’85%. Sono dati che il responsabile europeo per l’Ambiente, Stavros Dimas, ritiene incontestabili. Pertanto chiede ai colleghi e alle capitali di mettere a riposo i cacciatori di tonno e di studiare una via per garantir loro un reddito alternativo.
A Doha questo sarà a crucial debate, at least as that sull'avorio. In Qatar, the delegates to Tanzania and Zambia had asked to sell, respectively, 90 and 22 tons of tusks to head the year, circumventing a ban on hunting elephants and rhinos in Africa decided in 1989. I count very large elephants in a number between 400 and 600 000 units, compared to the millions of a few decades ago. The request is aimed at combating the activities of poachers, but environmentalists argue that expanding the market also encourages hunting outlawed. And the ivory is sold at $ 750 per kilo.
currently eight hundred species that CITES considers untouchable, they are all animals and plants that can not be traded only with special permits and strict limits, ranging from tigers to whales. In Doha, we will re duels well known, very green with Europe and the Far East to positions of lower profile. "We see them accepting the Japanese light-hearted to see the price rise of raw fish to the stars," says the Commission. "And the governments that pay for those fishermen who are left without money," adds an experienced environmentalist. It's the usual story, the better the planet or your wallet? It is a tragic dilemma. Because when you choose the short-term money in the long run does not win anyone.
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