Tiziana Di Paghini
Journal Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/lifestyle/pets/2010/01/25/2010-01- 25_brit_docs_create_worlds_first_bionic_cat.html
is normally used to believe that cats have nine lives. So says the legend feline and we like to believe. For Missy, but once the end of its 'stock' lives, there was the miraculous power of the occasion, for the first time ever, receive a tenth, so far unknown to all. Cats, from now on will have another chance of resurrection and the merits of the British veterinary surgeons for Missy, una meravigliosa gattona di strada di ben otto anni, hanno compito un miracolo senza precedenti.
Per capire meglio cosa è successo riassumiamo in poche righe la vita di Missy. Dopo essere stata investita da un auto e aver agonizzato per ben due giorni, riparata da un cespuglio, questa signora felina aveva solo un'opportunità, e non proprio vantaggiosa; l'eutanasia.
Con due zampe maciullate è stata ritrovata dalla sua proprietaria, la signora Louise Morris di Petworth. La corsa dal veterinario era una gara contro il tempo, poichè Missy sembrava davvero non avere alcuna speranza di sopravvivenza. L'amputazione dell'arto maggiormente compromesso non era auspicabile perchè l'altra zampetta di Missy aveva fratture in ben otto punti. Anywhere else, this cat is the only way would be open suppression, but providential intervention / experiment by a British physician, Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick, who performed the surgery in his clinic in Guildford, she has developed for an artificial knee, which had never been done before. Here, with all the risks of such a situation, the miracle happens. So, for the numerous broken bones in the cat veterinarians have agreed the inclusion in special scaffold called Spider (Secured Pin intramedullary Dorals Epoxy Resin Frame). For the other paw, however, doctors have opted for total knee replacement, using a system created in stainless steel and built on the basis of radiological and ultrasound images of the cat. The device consists of two parts connected together by a mechanism that mimics the feline knee ligaments in order to avoid the risk of further dislocations.
"The hardest thing was miniaturize the equipment and ability to adjust the movement so that the cat could walk, run and jump, which cats often do."
Tell your doctor.
"A human patient with a robotic knee probably walk or run, but you would not expect to jump like a cat."
he added. The operation to remove and replace the damaged knee with the bionic limb lasted two and a half hours and it would seem that everything has gone in the best way. Now Missy is fine and has returned home to convalesce. This miracle has offered a real chance to live a cat Missy 'vita'non tenth in the program. We hope that this step of veterinary medicine also provides an opportunity for other animals to return to a normal life despite a severe injury and is increasingly removed the possibility of discontinuing the animal has chosen not true and that sees us as the only decision-making powers of his life.
Congratulations to Missy and her owner Louise, and a sincere pat on the back to Mr. Fitzpatrick and his team for their work.
Tiziana Paghini
Posed by Tiziana Paghini on Feb, 2 - 2010
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