Saturday, December 18, 2010

Does Having A Remote Starter Cause Problems

Ce.Se.Vo.Ca.: Project “Racconta il Volontariato con una Video Intervista”

the 8th of July the European Parliament approved, with 416 signatures of members of the Assembly, a recommendation which requires the European Commission to formally declare 2011 "European Year of Volunteering An no .
In line with the objectives of the European Voluntary Service, including the recognition of voluntary activities, strengthening of organizations through the provision of new energy and increased awareness of the value of volunteering in a society that is becoming increasingly multicultural, the Ce.Se. Vo.C a - Centre for Voluntary Service of captains - has created a series of promotional initiatives of local volunteers including: interactive map of volunteering, the project " Tell us about volunteering with a video interview "Spot and entitled" Volunteering ... you can be too .
latter, visible on the site of Ce.Se.Vo.Ca and broadcast by local TV stations ((Telefoggia, Teleradioerre, Teleblu, Teledaunia, Teleradio Padre Pio, Telecattolica, Teleradio San Severo), starring presidents, beneficiaries and voluntary associations of a sample of Foggia (Association of Microcitemico captains, CHALLENGE, brothers of the Station, San Gaspar, AISW, GAAS, Noos, Aido, Genevieve De Troy, The eye, Alittihad).

Spot Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. from Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. on Vimeo .

The spot was created under the Project referred to above (" Volunteer Tell a Video Interview with" ), which aims to spread through the media and new technologies, activities, hopes and difficulties experienced by voluntary associations of captains, while keeping alive the memory and identity with an archive of original testimonies.
audiovisual products made can be viewed in the "Volunteer Tell a Video Interview "on the homepage of the site and within Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. factsheets that form the new " Map volunteer captains."
Below the Video Interview 's GAAS Association.

GAAS from Ce.Se.Vo.Ca. on Vimeo .

Anna Cecilia

Patch Of Small Bumps On Stomach


The First Circle Learning Nicola Parisi opened the doors to families and to the territory to demonstrate their offerings.
"Parisi Christmas at home .... for Europe" is the symbolic title of a great celebration to be held in the schoolyard Sunday, December 19, 2010 from 09:30 to 20:00.
rich and articulated program of the day.

to do the honors will be the Headmaster Dr. Alfonso Rago parents who will present the project activities implemented by the Integrated Plan of the Institute under the Operational Program 2007-2013 National (PON) - Convergence Objective - financed by the European Social Fund.
Specifically we will cover the following training PON-FSE:
- "Euro ... Paideia: laboratories in counterpoint", a project divided into four training workshops to stimulate children to the pleasure of learning
- "From the Declaration of Human Services board " project aimed at teaching and developing skills for ATA sulla gestione amministrativo-contabile e di controllo e sulle procedure di acquisizione di beni e servizi
-“ Informatica, didattica e dintorni ”, i nterventi formativi rivolti ai docenti e al personale della scuola, sulle nuove tecnologie della comunicazione .

A partire dalle ore 10:00, presso la Sala Polifunzionale, seguirà la mostra dei lavori dei bambini e la vendita di dolciumi natalizi locali e stranieri , di manufatti artigianali ed oggetti di ceramica realizzati nell’ambito del progetto PON “ art from simple materials ... ", whose proceeds will be donated to charity.
The morning continued with the opening ceremony of the laboratories carried out with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - Music - Science - Computer Science. Occasion will be presented the work of training PON " Einstein Universe engineer."

at 11:00 am at the school gym, will take place the visual representation of the training PON " puppets teach enus renewable : Sun can save " followed by the parade of puppets.
During the morning the operators of the Association GAAS and Cooperative Scurpiddu will attend a banquet to give more detailed information to parents on the door Listening and Mediation School, sponsored experimentally by the first Didactic N. Parisi, part of the "School AMICA . ", Now in its second anno.
Verrà inoltre distribuita l’edizione straordinaria del giornalino scolastico “ Il Gessetto colorato ”.

Dopo una breve pausa la festa riprenderà nel pomeriggio, a partire dalle ore 16:00, nel cortile della scuola, con la manifestazione finale del percorso formativo PON “ Danze e balli da tutto il mondo ”, cui farà seguito il Concerto dell’Ensamble chitarristico della Scuola Secondaria di I° grado “PIO XII”, diretto dalla prof.ssa Ivana D’Alessandro.
At the end of the day, at 18:30, the choir will perform "The cantanote of Parisi " directed by the INS. Nadia Scotellaro.
not miss the final surprise. ... To wish everyone a happy and unforgettable "Christmas at Parisi.

Anna Cecilia

Plans For Mudroom Bench

..... more ....

Composition in shades of yellow ...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Glisten Dishwasher Cleaner Dealers

Kant dans le détail.

“Cosa avrebbe da fare il discorso se le cose apparissero già da sole e non avessero bisogno del discorso?" . Tre domande generali :

Da una nota di Umberto Eco su Aristotele (e il suo commentatore Aubenque): “In Poetica 1476b 7 (nota Aubenque) si dice: “Cosa avrebbe da fare il discorso se le cose apparissero già da sole e non avessero bisogno del discorso?. Aubenque (1962: 116) cita una pagina degli Elenchi . Poiché non si possono portare nella discussione le cose stesse,ma dobbiamo servirci dei loro nomi come di simboli, noi supponiamo che ciò che avviene nei nomi avvenga anche nelle cose, come del caso dei sassolini che si usano per contare. Ma tra nomi e cose non vi è completa rassomiglianza, i nomi sono in numero limitato, e così la pluralità delle definizioni, mentre le cose sono infinite in numero (e infiniti sono i loro accidenti)” ( Kant e L'ornitorinco , n. 10 p. 390)

1) Bordeaux , Granata , Rosso Geranio , Rosso Cadmio , Rosso Tiziano , Borgogna , Carminio , Sangria , Ruggine , Mattone , Rosso cardinale , Rosso Veneziano , Rosso di Persia , Terra cotta , Castagno , Ciliegia , Corallo , Melograno , Rosso Scarlatto , Vermiglione etc…. Posso percepire tutte le sfumature del rosso se non padroneggio questi concetti? (Per una considerazione del rapporto tra linguaggio e cose, dal punto di vista del dibattito tra filosofi della scienza, vedi il vecchio post )

2) Che relationship between the vocabulary that I learn to use during the course of painting, and my ability to observe certain shades of color in the things around me? And - to be fashionable - among the words that I learn (very hard) to use during the course of the sommelier and acquiring complementary capabilities (with similar efforts) to discern the nuances of flavor for my taste experience?

3) What role does my education (the development of perceptual skills and extension of my vocabulary) into the processes by which they perceive events (not just perception, the question also applies to the political and historical, but it is more convenient from base case)?

Towards a theory of gradient . (De Lillo Vs Calvin, Episode II. Select dialogue)

"January 11, 1955

Sometimes I think the education here is better suited to dispense a fifty that he understood that he missed the target on the first lap. Too many ideas abstract. eternal verities left and right. You need to look more and appoint a shoe parties. To you in particular, Shay, saw where you came from.
This seemed to revive him. He leaned over the desk and stared at him, literally, my wet boots.
- objects are horrible, right?
- Yes, no doubt.
- Nominami parties. Courage. Here we are not so ricercati, non siamo così intellettualmente chic da non poter esaminare uno studente faccia a faccia.
– Nominare le parti, – dissi. – D’accordo. Stringhe.
– Stringhe. Una su ogni scarpa. Procedi.
Alzai un piede e lo girai goffamente.
– Suola e tacco.
– Sì, continua.
Posai di nuovo il piede a terra e fissai lo stivale, che mi parve inespressivo quanto uno scatolone chiuso.
– Procedi, ragazzo.
– Non c’è molto da nominare, le pare? Un davanti e un dietro.
– Un davanti e un dietro. Mi fai venire voglia di piangere.
– La parte arrotondata sul davanti.
– Sei talmente eloquente che I have to take a break to recover. You mentioned strings. What do you call the flap under the strings?
- Tongue.
- Be '?
- The name I knew, only that I had not seen.
Father Paulus did his little number, throwing a dead body on the desk and wincing slightly as if in the grip of a terrible anxiety.
- You did not see because you can not watch. And do not you watch because you do not know their names.
shaking his head as if to reproach me bitterly, with a theatrical gesture, and drew back from the desk, dropping his swivel chair and look again before making a quarter turn and decided to lift the right leg quel tanto che bastava perché il piede, o meglio la scarpa, trovasse una sistemazione sul bordo della scrivania, punta all’insù. Una normalissima scarpa da prete nera.
– D’accordo, – disse. – Suola e tacco li conosciamo.
– Sì.
– E abbiamo identificato la linguetta e le stringhe.
– Sì, – dissi.
Delineò con il dito una striscia di pelle che attraversava il bordo superiore della scarpa e scendeva sotto la stringa.
– Cos’è? – chiesi io.
– Dimmelo tu. Cos’è?
– Non lo so.
– È il risvolto.
– Il risvolto.
– Il risvolto. And this rigid section over the heel. This is the reinforcement.
- This piece in between the flap and the strip above the sole. This is the back.
- The back - repeated.
- And the strip above the sole. What is the voyeur.
Say that again, boy. - The Peeping Tom.
- You see, as things are hidden in every day? Why we do not know their names. And the frontal area that covers the neck of the shoe's name?
- I do not know.
- I do not know. It is called the upper.
- Upper.
- Repeat.
- Upper. The front of the shoe that covers the neck. I thought of not having to learn things by heart.
- These are the ideas that you do not have to memorize. And do not take ourselves too seriously when their noses in front to learning by rote. The repetition helps to build a memory man. And the string you pass through what?
- This I know.
- Sure you do. The holes on both sides and above the tab.
- I can not think of the word. Eye.
- Maybe I'll let you live after all.
- The eyelets.
- Yes, and the metallic coating on each end of the string?
tapped the object in question with the middle finger.
- That I do not know neanche tra un milione di anni.
– L’aghetto.
– Neanche tra un milione di anni.
– Il puntale o aghetto.
– L’aghetto, – ripetei.
– E il piccolo anello di metallo che rinforza il bordo dell’occhiello attraverso cui passa l’aghetto. Stiamo facendo la fisica del linguaggio, Shay.
– L’anellino.
– Lo vedi?
– Sì.
– Questa è la guarnizione, – disse.
– Oddio, ragazzi.
– La guarnizione. Imparala, conoscila e amala.
– Sto andando fuori di testa.
– Questa è la conoscenza arcana definitiva. E quando porto la scarpa dal calzolaio e lui la mette su una forma per fare le riparazioni, un blocco di legno a forma di piede. Come si chiama?
– Non lo so.
– Si chiama semplicemente forma da scarpa.
– Mi si sta spaccando la testa.
– Le cose di ogni giorno rappresentano la conoscenza più trascurata. Questi nomi sono vitali per il tuo progresso. Cose quotidiane. Se non fossero importanti, non useremmo una parola così splendida di derivazione latina. Ripetila, – mi intimò.
– Quotidiano.

Mi oltrepassò con lo sguardo, facendo un ragionevole cenno d’assenso, e io mi girai per andarmene. Per un po’ camminai avanti e indietro attraversando la piazza nella tempesta di neve. Poi tornai nella mia stanza e mi liberai del giubbotto. Volevo cercare le parole sul dizionario. Mi tolsi gli stivali e lanciai il berretto sul lavandino. Volevo cercare le parole. Volevo cercare velleità e quotidiano e impararle a memoria, queste stronze di parole, una volta per sempre, impararne l’ortografia, la pronuncia, ripeterle ad alta voce, sillaba per sillaba – vocalizzare, produrre suoni vocali, emettere suoni, pronunciare le parole per quello che valevano. Questo è l’unico modo al mondo di sfuggire alle cose che hanno fatto di te quello che sei.

Underworld, Frammenti degli anni ’50 e ’60, pp. 576 – 580 .


Dettagli del calzolaio, dettagli del falegname.

La terza lezione americana di Calvino è dedicata al valore dell' Esattezza , di cui all’inizio lo scrittore definisce 3 significati. Il terzo significato (della terza lezione) è l'accezione che mi interessa “un linguaggio il più preciso possibile come lessico e come resa delle sfumature del pensiero e dell’immaginazione”. A tal proposito Calvino riprende un dialogo dalle Città invisibili in cui Kublai Kahn gioca a scacchi with Marco Polo and compare his achievements to the moves of a winning game.

"The final conclusion which led him this - Calvino writes - is that the object of his achievements is nothing but the piece of wood on which each piece sits a symbol of anything ...
But at that moment is a twist: Marco Polo calls the Great Khan to better observe what seems to be nothing

'Now Kublai Khan no longer had to send Marco Polo on distant expeditions: kept him playing endless games of chess. The knowledge of the empire was hidden in the design traced by the sharp jump of the horse, the gates that open to the diagonal alpha raids, and guarded by the shuffling of the king and the humble pawn, by the inexorable alternative for each game. The Great Khan tried to identify myself in the game, but now it was because of the game to escape. The end of each match is a win or a loss, but of what? What was the real issue? At checkmate, beneath the foot of the king blown away by the hand of the winner, it remains nothing: a square black or white. A force to separate his conquests to reduce them to the essence, Kublai had arrived at the extreme operation: the definitive conquest, of which the empire's multiform treasures were only illusory envelopes, was reduced to a piece of wood veneer.

Then Marco Polo spoke: - Your chessboard, sire, is inlaid with two woods: ebony and maple. The piece is fixed on which your enlightened gaze was cut into a layer of the trunk that grew in a drought year
: see how the fibers are arranged? Here you can see a node just mentioned: a bud tried to negotiate a spring day early, but the frost of the night forced him to desist -. The Great Khan had not realized until then that the stranger knew speak fluently in his language, but this was not a surprise. - Here's a bigger pore: perhaps it was the nest of a larva, not of a worm, because as soon as born
would continue to dig, but on a caterpillar chewing the leaves and was the cause for the tree was chosen to be killed ... This margin was incised with a chisel because dall'ebanista
's accession to the square near which is thicker than ...
The amount of things you could read in a piece of smooth wood and empty overwhelmed Kublai; Polo had already come to speak of the woods of ebony, rafts of logs to descend the rivers, harbors
, women at the windows. .. ' "

From Marco Polo in Calvino:
" So in the last few years, I alternate my exercises on the structure of the narrative description of exercises, now much neglected art. As a scholar who has taken to task "Describe a giraffe" or "Describe the night sky" [describe a shoe], I have applied to fill a notebook with these exercises and I did on a book. The book is called Palomar and is out now in English translation: it is a sort of diary on minimal knowledge of problems, ways to establish relationships with the world, rewards and frustrations in the use of silence and speech. "

Lesson III - Accuracy pp.81 - 83

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Cervix Image Before Periods

ring of Charlemagne. (Epigraph or appendix to the previous post)

He picked up the American Lessons Calvin after baseball, I came across an account interesting, especially for those who had read the previous post (and the corresponding book.) The pass is in the fifth and sixth paragraph of the second lesson, which Calvin dedicated to the theme (this is not the central) of Fast.
lessons, you know, were written to be kept as lectures at Harvard in the academic year 1985-1986. Calvin, however, died September 18, 1985 in Siena, and do not ever read them. Curious, before we start the story from which the lessons take their name (when he died, Calvin had not yet given the Italian title in the conferences - will be the wife to do so and explain the reason for choosing the Note ntroduttiva) : "If I decided to finally Memos is that last summer because of Calvin, Peter Cited came to see him often in the morning and the first question he took was: How are American lessons? And there was talk of American lessons. "

" The manuscript was on his desk in perfect order, each conference in a transparent folder, all collected in a rigid folder, ready to be put in the suitcase."

publishing the text of the lesson from the outset, to put in a song (who may wish to jump to the last two paragraphs):

"I'll start by telling an old legend. The Emperor Charlemagne in his old age fell in love with a German girl. The barons of the court were very concerned to see that the sovereign, all taken from his longing for love, forget and neglect the affairs of the royal dignity of the Empire. When she died suddenly, the dignitaries drew a sigh of relief, but not for long, because Charlemagne's love did not die with her. The Emperor did bring the embalmed corpse in his room, did not want to break away. Archbishop Turpin, terrified by this gruesome passion, he suspected a spell and wanted to examine the corpse. Hidden under the tongue dead, he found a ring with a precious stone. From the moment the ring was in the hands of Turpin, to Charlemagne hastened to bury the corpse, poured out his love on the person of the archbishop. Turpin, to escape a situation quell'imbarazzante threw the ring in Lake Constance. Charlemagne became enamored of the lake and did not want to move away from its shores.
This legend comes from a book on magic "is stated even more succinctly than I did it in a notebook of unpublished notes of the French Romantic writer Barbey d'Aurevilly. You can read the notes of the Pleiade edition of the works of Barbey d'Aurevilly (I, p. 1315). Ever since I read it, it continued to recur to my mind as if the spell of the ring continues to work through the story.
try to explain why a story like this can fascinate. There is a succession of events outside the norm that all s'incatenano to one another, an old man falling in love for a young, obsessive necrophiliac, homosexual leanings, and in the end it all calms down a melancholy contemplation: the old king engrossed at the sight of the lake. " Charlemagne, the Attachée vue sur son lac de Constance, amoureux de l'abîme caché," writes Barbeyd'Aurevilly the passage of the novel refers to which the note refers to the legend. (Old Mistress Une ).
to hold together this chain of events there is a link word, the word "love" or "passion", which establishes a continuity between different forms of attraction, and there is a link narrative, the magic ring, which establishes a relationship between the various episodes logical cause and effect. The race toward an object of desire that does not exist, an absence, a lack, symbolized by the empty circle of the ring, is given more by the pace of the story narrated by the facts. Just as the whole story is crossed by the feeling of death that seems to struggle frantically clinging to Charlemagne ties of life, an eagerness which then subsides in the contemplation of the lake.
The real protagonist of the story is, however, the magic ring, because they are the ones that determine the movements of the characters, and why is the link that establishes the relationship between them. Around the object is formed as a magical force field which is the field of the story. We can say that the magic item is a recognizable sign that makes explicit the connection between people or between events: a narrative that we could trace the history in the Norse sagas and romances, and that continues to occur in the poems of the Italian Renaissance. In the Orlando Furioso witnessing an endless series of exchanges of swords, shields, helmets, horses, each with characteristic properties, so the plot could be described by the change of ownership of a number of objects with certain powers, which determine the relations between a number of characters. In the realistic fiction
Mambrino's helmet becomes the bowl of a barber, but does not lose importance or significance, just as important are all items that Robinson Crusoe shipwrecked and saved by those he works with his hands. We would say that from the moment an object appears in a narrative, we charge a special force, as it becomes the hub of a magnetic field, a node of a network of invisible. The symbolism of an object can be more or less explicit, but always exists. We could say that in a narrative an object is always a magical object. "

From Italo Calvino, Six Memos . Six memos for the next millennium. (With introductory note by Esther Calvino) Einaudi 2009.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Does Anyone Get Cervical Mucus When Ur Pregnant

Christmas and after ......

I made these two compositions that I have been ordered to use them as centerpieces at Christmas, but made so that they can fit even after ... . I hope to be successful in my attempt!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sorority Initiation Ideas Tickle

The difference comes when the ball is hit. So nothing is the same.

"We know then that he was born in '36, who is of Italian origin (mother and father are originally from the province of Campobasso) and grew up in the Bronx, near Arthur Avenue, hating the school he considered a waste of time and a great boredom and adoring "every conceivable form of baseball," [...]. That the territory of its games, like many Italian-Americans, was the road. That does not feel bound in a special way to her Italian roots. Who graduated in Communication Sciences. For some time did a job that did not like the advertising copywriter. "

The trajectory of the ball of the famous home run to Bobby Thomson, Polo Grounds, New York 1951 .

"Underworld is considered by many critics as one of the best work of the writer and one of the most important novels of recent decades, winning numerous awards. It 's a good example of postmodern American literature "

Don de Lillo is therefore an author belonging to the current so-called postmodern American novel, which is perhaps the greatest exponent along with Thomas Pynchon (the famous writer 'recluse' - the author of 'Deceit of Lot 49 - which no one has ever seen and of which the 'last known photo dates back to the '50s. here BBC documentary). Underworld is the title of a book published in 1997, the novel on which I will start to extend 'the cycle of the dialogues', which began with reference to films alone, including excerpts from written texts. But first some information on the novel and its author:

On De Lillo:

"farther away from the so-called minimalism, generous and abundant, is a writer in search of the Great American Novel - the phoenix chased by every self-respecting U.S. writer, the novel that tells all about ' America, represent, speak with her voice. "

the novel:

With White Noise and Libra (an 'impressive reconstruction of a cross between fantasy and reality is viewed from the assassination of Kennedy by Oswald ) Underworld (a magnificent fresco of fifty years of America) is one of the three great American novels "De Lillo

Thomson's home run in the Daily News, 1951.

This is the biography of a baseball, from October 3, 1951 until the '90s. The ball is the thread that holds together the stories of many characters, which in turn are interwoven (and saturated) in the Great American History. Reading you are then to follow the passage of the ball through the story (but at the same time we see the story go inside the ball, the two processes become complementary) in a location where you mingle and show glimpses of life Bronx, the atomic bomb (an imaginary American presence post-war almost obsessive in the book), the masked ball of Truman Capote, a myriad of new and old, the passing of the existence of a network of fake and real characters (in the chapters of the novel, which are not ordered in time - see below - is rapidly changing time of day and local wires that bind different story unfolds only slowly).

These include for example, Lenny Bruce (the famous comedian, who has dedicated a song Bob Dylan and the Beatles immortalized in album cover Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - the fourth from the left face up ) and John Edgar Hoover (FBI director from 1924 to 1972), which assists with Frank Sinatra playing perhaps the most famous in the history of baseball, that tra i Giants e i Dodgers a New York ( 3 ottobre 1951 ) vinta con un miracoloso fuoricampo di Bobby Thomson (prima foto sopra).

“Tra loro c’è anche J. E. Hoover. Sta guardando dall’ampio corridoio in cima alla rampa. Ha detto a Rafferty che resterà alla partita. Andarsene non servirebbe a niente. La Casa Bianca darà la notizia tra un’ora. Edgar odia Harry Truman, gli piacerebbe vederelo contercesi su un parquet, stroncato da un attacco di cuore, ma non può criticare il presidente. Dando la notizia per primi, impediremo ai sovietici di presentare l’ accaduto a modo loro, indorando la pillola. E in una certa misura allenteremo la tensione del pubblico. La gente capirà che abbiamo retained control of news, if not the bomb, which is something "(Underworld, p. 23 The Triumph of Death. )

First page of The New York Times, October 4, 1951.

While Edgar just think of the bomb dropped by the Russians, the game ends with the famous home run and go down in history (there have even shot a documentary ), making Branca and Thompson (pitcher and batter, respectively) two characters famous, so much so that the two will meet again years later immortalized in the White House with President Nixon (in a photo in the novel is an object that will find their hung in many places).

But who has returned home with the historic ball, still remains a mystery.

"Nobody has the ball - said Sims - The ball never came up. Not he's never known anything, whoever had the hands. This is part of ... how do you say? ... Mythology of that game. Nobody has ever come forward to claim the authenticity of the ball with credible arguments. Or has come forward about a dozen people, each with a baseball, which is substantially the same "(p. 100 Underworld. Spring-Summer 1992). The

ball is not the protagonist of the book (there is a protagonist in the book if not history, a choir with many or almost all the main characters, one of which, Nick - raised in the Bronx, Catholic education - for biography and type of analysis was considered an alter ego author), it is rather a hole in history (the so-called 'true') which begins another story (true, false, true-false-and, when mixed, one should question Carlo Ginzburg way).

(Photo of the loss. The pylon 35, at least according to the novel, is green - the ball seems to have bumped into. I have not checked on any photos of the Polo Grounds, the stadium where he played in the match, if the information is correct)

The ball becomes the hinge of a large texture that takes place before the reader, in which momentous events, people objects, sometimes insignificant details, the ball itself, waste of any kind ("nuclear waste, general rubbish, sentimental fetishes, erotic art" is another leitmotif together the atomic attack) are mixed and bind, presented with a narrative technique that allows us to jump from one to another at will, presents them temporally and spatially separated, connecting them with references, details that we meet in several places (Storms) in the course of its progress:

"Reading this prose can be as strange to use a web browser: the narrative focus moves from character and character as fast as we are introduced to them, and regularly change the time frame to show me more connections between the main actors in history. This device - the literature as hypertext - is particularly effective in the early parts of the novel, and the technique does not intrude ever in the history itself. "

appears briefly in the history of chincaglie a collector of baseball, a paranoid old (young at a later step) locked in una cantina piena di oggetti per la magior parte insignificanti raccolti nel corso di anni ("spazzatura nostalgica dei tempi andati" , secondo un commento di un amico del compratore della sfera - Primavera-state 1992) tra i quali la palla, che ha rintracciato inseguendola per 22 anni e ricostruendone la storia a ritroso fino al giorno dopo il match (poi c'è un buco nella sua storia, del collezionista):

“- Marvin : La gente colleziona, colleziona, non fa che collezionare. C’è gente che insegue qualsiasi oggetto del periodo della Germania nazista. Nazisterie. Grandi collezioni che cercano la grande storia. Ciò significa forse che gli oggetti accumulati in questa stanza are totally insignificant? What is a word I'm looking for, it sounds as if you inject a vaccine into the muscle of the arm?

- Brian : Harmless says.

- Marvin : Yes here is harmless. What should I be harmless? Again, this is history, the last pages. History upside down. Happy, tragic, desperate. "(Underworld, p. 181. Mid eighties \\ early nineties)

The book is a collection of species, such as chasing the story cheMarvin collects the ball backwards, up and down breadth of America.

"The ball did not carry either lucky or unlucky. It was an object that changing hands. But pushing people to tell him things, tell him the family secrets and personal stories unmentionable, sobbing heart on his shoulder. Because they knew that he was their, you know, their instrument of relief.
Their stories would have taken a different relief, would be absorbed by something larger, the long journey of the ball itself and the absurd Marvin march through the decades. "

not the stories told by Marvin to be the subject of the book, rather than that of Marvin and his research is a ten-year history-which is interrupted in the first part - of the many that make up the story. In the song that inspired the box that I propose, Nick, the protagonist of one of the threads of the novel (he works in the treatment of industrial waste, all sorts of objects, the last stage of the 'story' of each object), talk to a priest to a reformatory in which it was locked up (for killing a man they still know very little, but I will not dwell on this aspect). However, given that the dialogue has nothing to do with the ball, send it back to the next operation, replacing it with another exchange of words pseudo-Orwellian whose protagonist is always the old paranoid, walking in his basement to a collection showing the visitor:

said Marvin: - I grew up in the Midwest. The Cleveland Indians were my team. And yesterday evening, when I came here by plane for business, I read an article in the journal of the airline, the piece on her and her collection, and I tried the irresistible impulse to contact you and see these things.
touched the cuffs of the silk smoking jacket of Babe Ruth.
- It 's been my daughter convinced me to do the interview, - said Marvin. - Do you think I'm becoming a sort of a how-his-name.
- Recluse
- Yes, an old recluse with only half the stomach. So now my picture is in the back pocket of twenty thousand seats. This is the idea that you have of going out and meeting people. They stick me in there along with the vomit bags.
Brian said - I was at an exhibition of machines and showed me a strange effect.
- That is the effect that he did?
- machines of the fifties. I do not know.
- She is self-pity. Do you think that is escaping from something but do not know what. Feeling alone in life. He has a job, a family and a will already prepared, at his age, because what counts is prepared to die, a legal death, with all the papers in order. Dying viable, so the heirs can convert everything into cash. At one time he thought he had the same size as the entire universe. Now it is a splinter lost. Look at the machines once and remember a goal, a goal.
- It 's ridiculous, right? But probably it is also irrelevant.
- Nothing is irrelevant - said Marvin - You are worried and scared. You see that the cold war is ending, and it leaves her breathless.
Brian passed through a turnstile from an old baseball field. Creaked with a sound nostalgic .
- The Cold War? - He said - Well, I do not think that is ending. However, if this were so, so much the better. I'd be happy.
- Let me tell you something that perhaps has never been the case.
Marvin was sitting in a chair next to an old trunk of equipment on cu era impressa la scritta “Boston Red Stockings”. Indicò con un gesto ampio la poltrona dall’altra parte del baule e Brian andò a sedersi .
- Bisogna che i leader di entrambe le parti facciano continuare la guerra fredda, è l’ unico elemento di stabilità. E’ onesta, è affidabile. Perché quando la tensione e la rivalità finiscono, allora sì che comincia il vero incubo. Tutto il potere e l’intimidazione dello stato smetteranno di circolare nel suo sangue e lei non si ritroverà più ad essere .. oddio, cosa volevo dire?
- Non lo so.
- Ah, sì, non sarà più il punto di riferimento principale. Perché verrà aggredito da altre forze bellicose pressing. The Cold War is his friend. For her, it must remain predominant.
- The accent on what?
- Do not you know? He does not understand the whole thing is linked to dominance in the world? Did not you see what is happening in England? Forty women who experience around an air base to protest against bombs and missiles. Some of them are men in disguise. There are Buddhists who play their drums.
Brian did not know how to react to these comments. He wanted to talk about old baseball players, the size of the stadium and nicknames of minor league towns. That was why he had come to surrender to nostalgia, to listen to his anecdotes OpSite famous, now classic stories of stupid actions and wild brawls, duels continued to launch until dusk, the stories collected by Marvin half a century - Eros heavy memory that stands out from other baseball sport.
Marvin sat with eyes fixed on the scoreboard, the cigar burned lievemete frayed end.

- I thought we talked about baseball
- We're talking about baseball. This is baseball. They see the clock? - Said Marvin - It 's still about three and cinquantaquantotto. Why? Perhaps because it is the time when Thomson struck the boundary on the launch of Branca? He called
Branker .
- or why that is the day when we discovered that the Russians had detonated an atomic bomb. He wants to know something of that game?
- What? - Brian did.
- There were twenty thousand empty seats. And you know why?
- Why?
- I laugh in your face.
- No, I promise.
- All right then. She is my guest and I want to feel at ease.
- Why so many empty seats for the biggest game of the year?
- many years - Marvin interjected.
- for many years.
- Why do some events have an element of unconscious fear. In my heart I am convinced that people sensed the disaster in the air. It had nothing to do con chi avrebbe vinto o perso la partita. Sentivano una forza tremenda che avrebbe obliterato.. è questa la parola?
- Sì, obliterato.
- Allora, che arebbe completamente obliterato la partita. Deve sapere che per tutti gli anni Cinquanta la gente è rimasta chiusa dentro casa. Uscivano solo per salire in machina. I parchi pubblici non erano pieni di gente così come adesso. Un museo era una serie di stanze vuote con cavalieri in armatura e un guardiano insonnolito ogni sette secoli.
- In altre parole.
- In altre parole, c’era una tendenza sotterranea a restarsene a casa. Perché nell’aria incombeva una minaccia.
- E’ lei vorrebbe dirmi che la gente ha avuto un’intuizione su questa giornata particular?
- Yes, it's as if they knew. Sensed that there was a link between the game and shocking that an event would occur on the other side of the world.
- This game in particular.
- not the day before or the day after, because it was the lot of all-or-nothing between the two most hated rivals in the city. People had the impression that the game was tied to something much bigger. So went through the mental process of asking, I really want to go out and find me in the crowd, which is the worst place to be where if something horrible happens, or you'd better stay home with my family and my new TV brand come suggerisce il buon senso, nel suo mobiletto impiallacciato d’acero.
Con sua sorpresa Brian non respinse questa teoria. Il che non significa necessariamente che vi credesse, però non la respinse. Ci credeva provvisoriamente, qui in questa stanza sotto il livello della strada, in una casa di legno, nel pomeriggio di un giorno di feriale a Cliffside Park, New Jersey. Era liricamente vera, mentre usciva dalla bocca di Marvin Lundy e arrivava all’orecchio medio di Brian, indimostrabilmente vera, remotamente e in ammissibilmente vera, ma non del tutto avulsa dalla storia, non priva di autentica storia interiore .
- E devo dire che la faccenda ha un interesse perché quando fabbricano una bomba atomica, questa is beautiful, the radioactive nucleus do the same size as a baseball - said Marvin.
- I had always believed that the size of a grapefruit.
- No. The ball was a major league baseball to regulate, not less than twenty-three inches in circumference, according to the rules. "

(Emphasis added of the non-dialogue is mine)

The post is put together from various reviews of the book which I have drawn (and which I translated it) freely 1 , 2 . From an old article Republic and one from the Sunday Times . For a number of additional articles on the work of De Lillo (the last novel, Omega Point, was released in February) here. The post title is also a quote from the novel: "The difference comes when you hit the ball. Then nothing is the same. The men trip, getting up from their squatting positions, and everything submits to the flight of the ball splashing away like a stone on water [...]" (Underworld, p. 23 The triumph of death. )

Sinus Infection Sensitive Hearing


eggs decorated using the technique of paper quilling

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Know If A Scorpio Guy Is Interested In You


" Fairy tales have long legs " and they bear the cultural characteristics of each people in the world. The stories travel far and should be enjoyed slowly, her eyes, the mouth and hands.
And it is the harmonious combination between art story-telling, traditional cuisine and size laboratory born Snacks Theatre - Stories trespassing ', a path Intercultural animazione teatrale del libro, promosso dal “Cerchio di Gesso”  che, utilizzando favole bilingue (Edizioni Carthusia), attraversa 6 continenti per far incontrare sul palcoscenico i differenti linguaggi, costumi e sapori del mondo.

Si è tenuto Sabato 4 Dicembre, presso l 'Oda Theatre , the second of six monthly meetings dedicated to the families and children of all ethnic groups, with the tale Asian " The Island of Dreams," staged with extraordinary talent by artists of the troupe, which involved young and old and wrapped in a suggestive atmosphere of lights, music, words and slender bodies.
Children and parents are meeting in the Philippines plunged into the sea sirens and sailors, caves and shiny code and then re-emerge from the imagination of the story and do a fantastic 'immersion culinary art Philippine pastry.

the snack was followed by a workshop on creative recycling tale narrated, edited by the 'Association GAAS. and Cooperative Scurpiddu , during which the children together with their parents, have made the typical Philippine boat rocker, fit in the Philippine scenario, which is also made with everyday materials.

The Big Book of cardboard Mondalandia: the world inside a book "continues to thicken in a fairy tale story, to lead us to" Interethnic Festival "scheduled at the conclusion of the reading path (Saturday, 9 April 2010), during which the final will be an exhibition of works made by children.
The next event scheduled for Saturday 22 January 2010, starting at 17.30, will lead us in Romania with fable "The goat and kids .
not miss it!

Anna Cecilia

Thursday, November 25, 2010

2001 Volvo Heater Core Replacement

Christmas is coming ...


E' Natale ogni volta che sorridi a un fratello e gli tendi la mano.
E' Natale ogni volta che rimani in silenzio per ascoltare l'altro.
E' Natale ogni volta che non accetti quei principi che relegano gli oppressi ai margini della società.
E' Natale ogni volta che speri con quelli che disperano nella povertà fisica e spirituale.
E' Natale ogni volta che riconosci con umiltà i tuoi limiti e la tua debolezza.
E' Natale ogni volta che permetti al Signore di rinascere per donarlo agli altri.
(Madre Teresa di Calcutta)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Where Do I Get Plates For My Trailer In Ontario

Change headquarters

Ciao a tutti, con questo messaggio vi informo che il blog Pensiero Agile viene chiuso perché mi sono trasferito su


Painful Heel Not Sure If Verucca


Di Tiziana Paghini

Apparentemente costretta al silenzio. Minacciata, querelata, denunciata, vilipesa, sotto indagine per Dio solo sa cosa e in attesa di lumi, scomoda perchè in grado di capire nel mio piccolo che c'è qualcosa che non va. Lasciata sola da chi, al contrario avrebbe avuto la decenza per DOVERE di appoggiare questo dramma che non si limita affatto ai cani. Ricordiamoci per favore, che i gatti non sono meno vittime dei cani, anzi! Ricordiamoci anche che gli animali che finiscono in Germania non sono di attenzione superiore a quelli non propriamente definiti d'affezione e la cui sorte è barbara.

Ricordiamoci che il traffico illecito degli animali interessa in gran parte anche i gatti that often contraario dogs, are not 'mapped', and just disappear. And do not even want to believe that someone may have done away with my Dell, my great friend for a similar reason. The heart says otherwise, the reason ferocee waver in doubt, I regret to say that the concerns often become excruciating and painful certainties.

Apparently the gag to her mouth, but this is not a problem because the facts speak without my even intervene directly. Glad to see, however, that things did not depend by me, from my work, my readers who have always had the sole aim to seek clarity where the darkness was the only available light, even though some want to believe otherwise.

Cut off completely by those who have interest in the truth because of that boasts fertile and wraps the shoulders of a standard that today becomes insulting the flag of the same animal because, by those who say to defend it from those who claim to be viable but in due Specifically, like Pontius Pilate washes his hands.

Marginalized but not silly at all, even if the real bomb in my opinion is not far to explode, because when you pull the rope too and it is believed 'untouchable' the noose tightens around the lies and liars and things, the facts be degenerate, I find this document video on Youtube and publish it at that.

We are capable of consent? We can think with our heads? We can appeal to the freedom of thought and expression especially where there are back bills? We are not in total censorship. We are not in China. If something is wrong, if we do not get answers related to tangible concreteness we are in moral and ethical duty to ask. This tells our Constitution as the cornerstone to rely not only our duty but also our rights.

If at least one of these questions you answered a resounding "yes", then this video is enlightening.

Unomattina comes from this passage of truth, the voice is that of someone who is Federfauna, hunters, and we just do not like the idea that the only real voices come from those who-I do not want representatives of Federfauna, nothing personal against them but a different way to approach the ideas and beliefs-not really embrace them as friends because we do not like hunting.

This video is available at:

and directly on Youtube at:

What to say in addition?
What it speaks so much time they can not say how much? What we read large but are 'modified', torn, trampled the first to arrive?
that, even if not as they should, the media too often or for other reasons crap shoot articulate arguments in this case meet the many doubts that many of us have jobs?

few minutes of video, and if anyone still has doubts means that instead of advocating the cause of animal should be content with cultivating the 'greens' in their 'backyard' of holiness without which bear on the ground because there is no saint, here among mortals there is almost nothing.

Everyone does what it can and does not want wreaths and red carpets. Only the truth. Not one shot at your own convenience, but one that can touch because non è essenza astratta ma verità tangibile in negativo o in positivo.

Potrete cercare 'illusoriamente' di spaventare chi vede e sente con lettere verdi della Procura. Potete portarci in Tribunali, dinanzi a Giudici, ma nei miei 40 anni di vita vi posso dire una cosa: sottovalutare una persona comune che, di fatto non appartiene a nessuna fazione politica e a nessuna Associazione, non significa propriamente che chi ci sta dinanzi è nudo, abbandonato a se stesso e alle proprie iddee considerate rivoluzionarie.

Questo è peccare di superbia, e sappiamo che questa viaggia in carrozza e il più delle volte, tempo a tempo, se ne torna a casa a piedi scalzi.

Rifettete, vi prego. Perchè è tutto what remains to try to stem a leak of Transatlantic is not taking on water, but sinking in a sea of \u200b\u200binnocent blood and human shit. And there are no watertight bulkheads take.

Tiziana Paghini

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Unblocking Farmville News Feed

Uova di gallina svuotate e pulite, in seguito decorate.

How To Make A Poem On Aphrodite

few new job ....

Cestinetti piccoli con composizioni floreali e in biedermeier

Composizione in biedermeier su base di zucca essicata

Composizione in biedermeier realizzata con l'utilizzo di un limone fatto essicare con dentro i chiodi di garofano

Piccoli ceppi in biedermeier arricchiti con fiorellini.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Is Epsom Salt In Swedish?


After the positive results achieved last year, it will start again Thursday, November 25, 2010 door Listening and Mediation School, sponsored by experimental First Learning Circle N. Parisi, within the project "School friend - Listening Mediation Information Communication welcome. "
The service will be operated by a teacher and two mediators of systemic family Cooperative Scurpiddu (Anna Cecilia and Tonia Deddi), in coordination with the Ins. Fabrizia Sperandeo, contact the Area Discomfort School.
Welcome As pointed out by Grillo, President of the Cooperative Scurpiddu, during the meeting of presentation of the door, held Tuesday, November 16 in the presence of teachers and parents of school pupils in Parisi, "the service aims prevent and manage conflicts, latent or manifest, there can be layered in the triad of student-parent-teacher conference. Far from wanting to find a culprit, the mediation is designed to accompany the parties in the recovery of interrupted communication, in the interest of ensuring the welfare of the child. "
During the meeting The focus was on the courage and pioneering sull'innovatività intervention of Prime Didactic N. Parisi who strongly wanted to introduce the practice of mediation within their own institution, as a bridge of cooperation between voluntary social, family and the institutional universe.
addition to the mediation will be put in place measures listening, guidance, counseling and psychological support to children and parents from families multiproblematic. At the request of teachers, moreover, can be made maieutic workshops for teachers in conflict about the relational dynamics, teaching and educational classes to be taken in difficult to manage. Fundamental is the issue of the Contact Area School of discomfort that will act as a spoiler of discomfort recorded by teachers and parents, as well as coordinator of the relationship between the school, households and firms in the door.
The work of the latter will not stop the weekly appointment at the school, but will continue with a door fixed and mobile social mediation in the District eighteenth century, the territory of reference of the Palmer School, characterized by a high and widespread social unrest.
outreach unit, if necessary and on the recommendation of the local social services or of schools, will visit the homes of people trying to strengthen the parental role and to halt the phenomenon of 'abandonment school.
The door will be open every Thursday from 09:15 to 11:15 am at the library hall of the Master of the school and from 17.30 to 19.00 at the headquarters of the Cooperative Scurpiddu Via Meridiana No 58.

Anna Cecilia

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Did Shaolin Monks Wear ?


Bringing children to the theater, reading and knowledge of traditions and customs from other cultures, all accompanied by a tasty snack.
These are the ingredients of " Snacks Theatre. endless stories ", a journey of discovery-ethnic countries in the world, proposed by the Theatre Company" Chalk Circle "that, through the mediation of the story as a bridge between cultures, aims to promote reading as a magic moment of the game, sharing and intercultural dialogue.
The first of the six events took place last November 13, 2010, at the 'Theatre Oda, with the African tale entitled "The warrior and the wise ", taken from the collection of tales of bilingual editions Carthusia.
The many families with their children or grandchildren, who took part in, were greeted by an eccentric teacher with an accent that, with the help of a giant wand a projector, playfully illustrated children's images of Algeria.
After a brief introduction degli aspetti paesaggistici e culturali del Paese in questione i bambini si sono riuniti in cerchio intorno agli attori sul palco dell’Oda Teatro, rapiti dalla lettura animata della storia proposta.
Al momento di raccoglimento ha fatto seguito un momento di aggregazione e socializzazione tra i piccoli spettatori che hanno gustato una deliziosa merenda insieme agli interpreti della favola, per consacrare il gusto della narrazione al piacere del cibo.
L’incontro si è concluso con la realizzazione di un laboratorio creativo curato dagli operatori dell'  Associazione GAAS and Cooperative Scurpiddu which, together with mothers and children, built with a small cork camel, animal typical of the Sahara, situated within the landscape of Algeria, also made with material recycled.

It 'been so open the first page of " Mondolandia : the world in a book", the Big Book of cardboard that in turn will present the landscapes of world relating to fairy tales told.
The next event scheduled for Saturday December 4, 2010, starting at 17.30, will lead us toward the Asian continent with the fable "The Island of dreams. "
"What are you waiting. Turn off the television and offer your fig them an exciting alternative to a passive mode and canned to manage their leisure time. Bring your children to the theater. Go with the discovery of beauty of the other territories. Teach them to look at the world with curious eyes that light up, chasing rumors that vibrate and live bodies on stage. You allow adult children to return and grow with your children . "Is the exhortation of those who organized the event.

The" Circle of Chalk "and all those who participated in the project are waiting for you!

Anna the Cecilia