The First Circle Learning Nicola Parisi opened the doors to families and to the territory to demonstrate their offerings.
"Parisi Christmas at home .... for Europe" is the symbolic title of a great celebration to be held in the schoolyard Sunday, December 19, 2010 from 09:30 to 20:00.
rich and articulated program of the day.
to do the honors will be the Headmaster Dr. Alfonso Rago parents who will present the project activities implemented by the Integrated Plan of the Institute under the Operational Program 2007-2013 National (PON) - Convergence Objective - financed by the European Social Fund.
Specifically we will cover the following training PON-FSE:
- "Euro ... Paideia: laboratories in counterpoint", a project divided into four training workshops to stimulate children to the pleasure of learning
- "From the Declaration of Human Services board " project aimed at teaching and developing skills for ATA sulla gestione amministrativo-contabile e di controllo e sulle procedure di acquisizione di beni e servizi
-“ Informatica, didattica e dintorni ”, i nterventi formativi rivolti ai docenti e al personale della scuola, sulle nuove tecnologie della comunicazione .
A partire dalle ore 10:00, presso la Sala Polifunzionale, seguirà la mostra dei lavori dei bambini e la vendita di dolciumi natalizi locali e stranieri , di manufatti artigianali ed oggetti di ceramica realizzati nell’ambito del progetto PON “ art from simple materials ... ", whose proceeds will be donated to charity.
The morning continued with the opening ceremony of the laboratories carried out with funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) - Music - Science - Computer Science. Occasion will be presented the work of training PON " Einstein Universe engineer."
at 11:00 am at the school gym, will take place the visual representation of the training PON " puppets teach enus renewable : Sun can save " followed by the parade of puppets.
During the morning the operators of the Association GAAS and Cooperative Scurpiddu will attend a banquet to give more detailed information to parents on the door Listening and Mediation School, sponsored experimentally by the first Didactic N. Parisi, part of the "School AMICA . ", Now in its second anno.
Verrà inoltre distribuita l’edizione straordinaria del giornalino scolastico “ Il Gessetto colorato ”.
Dopo una breve pausa la festa riprenderà nel pomeriggio, a partire dalle ore 16:00, nel cortile della scuola, con la manifestazione finale del percorso formativo PON “ Danze e balli da tutto il mondo ”, cui farà seguito il Concerto dell’Ensamble chitarristico della Scuola Secondaria di I° grado “PIO XII”, diretto dalla prof.ssa Ivana D’Alessandro.
At the end of the day, at 18:30, the choir will perform "The cantanote of Parisi " directed by the INS. Nadia Scotellaro.
not miss the final surprise. ... To wish everyone a happy and unforgettable "Christmas at Parisi.
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