Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Did Shaolin Monks Wear ?


Bringing children to the theater, reading and knowledge of traditions and customs from other cultures, all accompanied by a tasty snack.
These are the ingredients of " Snacks Theatre. endless stories ", a journey of discovery-ethnic countries in the world, proposed by the Theatre Company" Chalk Circle "that, through the mediation of the story as a bridge between cultures, aims to promote reading as a magic moment of the game, sharing and intercultural dialogue.
The first of the six events took place last November 13, 2010, at the 'Theatre Oda, with the African tale entitled "The warrior and the wise ", taken from the collection of tales of bilingual editions Carthusia.
The many families with their children or grandchildren, who took part in, were greeted by an eccentric teacher with an accent that, with the help of a giant wand a projector, playfully illustrated children's images of Algeria.
After a brief introduction degli aspetti paesaggistici e culturali del Paese in questione i bambini si sono riuniti in cerchio intorno agli attori sul palco dell’Oda Teatro, rapiti dalla lettura animata della storia proposta.
Al momento di raccoglimento ha fatto seguito un momento di aggregazione e socializzazione tra i piccoli spettatori che hanno gustato una deliziosa merenda insieme agli interpreti della favola, per consacrare il gusto della narrazione al piacere del cibo.
L’incontro si รจ concluso con la realizzazione di un laboratorio creativo curato dagli operatori dell'  Associazione GAAS and Cooperative Scurpiddu which, together with mothers and children, built with a small cork camel, animal typical of the Sahara, situated within the landscape of Algeria, also made with material recycled.

It 'been so open the first page of " Mondolandia : the world in a book", the Big Book of cardboard that in turn will present the landscapes of world relating to fairy tales told.
The next event scheduled for Saturday December 4, 2010, starting at 17.30, will lead us toward the Asian continent with the fable "The Island of dreams. "
"What are you waiting. Turn off the television and offer your fig them an exciting alternative to a passive mode and canned to manage their leisure time. Bring your children to the theater. Go with the discovery of beauty of the other territories. Teach them to look at the world with curious eyes that light up, chasing rumors that vibrate and live bodies on stage. You allow adult children to return and grow with your children . "Is the exhortation of those who organized the event.

The" Circle of Chalk "and all those who participated in the project are waiting for you!

Anna the Cecilia


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