Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Painful Heel Not Sure If Verucca


Di Tiziana Paghini

Apparentemente costretta al silenzio. Minacciata, querelata, denunciata, vilipesa, sotto indagine per Dio solo sa cosa e in attesa di lumi, scomoda perchè in grado di capire nel mio piccolo che c'è qualcosa che non va. Lasciata sola da chi, al contrario avrebbe avuto la decenza per DOVERE di appoggiare questo dramma che non si limita affatto ai cani. Ricordiamoci per favore, che i gatti non sono meno vittime dei cani, anzi! Ricordiamoci anche che gli animali che finiscono in Germania non sono di attenzione superiore a quelli non propriamente definiti d'affezione e la cui sorte è barbara.

Ricordiamoci che il traffico illecito degli animali interessa in gran parte anche i gatti that often contraario dogs, are not 'mapped', and just disappear. And do not even want to believe that someone may have done away with my Dell, my great friend for a similar reason. The heart says otherwise, the reason ferocee waver in doubt, I regret to say that the concerns often become excruciating and painful certainties.

Apparently the gag to her mouth, but this is not a problem because the facts speak without my even intervene directly. Glad to see, however, that things did not depend by me, from my work, my readers who have always had the sole aim to seek clarity where the darkness was the only available light, even though some want to believe otherwise.

Cut off completely by those who have interest in the truth because of that boasts fertile and wraps the shoulders of a standard that today becomes insulting the flag of the same animal because, by those who say to defend it from those who claim to be viable but in due Specifically, like Pontius Pilate washes his hands.

Marginalized but not silly at all, even if the real bomb in my opinion is not far to explode, because when you pull the rope too and it is believed 'untouchable' the noose tightens around the lies and liars and things, the facts be degenerate, I find this document video on Youtube and publish it at that.

We are capable of consent? We can think with our heads? We can appeal to the freedom of thought and expression especially where there are back bills? We are not in total censorship. We are not in China. If something is wrong, if we do not get answers related to tangible concreteness we are in moral and ethical duty to ask. This tells our Constitution as the cornerstone to rely not only our duty but also our rights.

If at least one of these questions you answered a resounding "yes", then this video is enlightening.

Unomattina comes from this passage of truth, the voice is that of someone who is Federfauna, hunters, and we just do not like the idea that the only real voices come from those who-I do not want representatives of Federfauna, nothing personal against them but a different way to approach the ideas and beliefs-not really embrace them as friends because we do not like hunting.

This video is available at:

and directly on Youtube at:

What to say in addition?
What it speaks so much time they can not say how much? What we read large but are 'modified', torn, trampled the first to arrive?
that, even if not as they should, the media too often or for other reasons crap shoot articulate arguments in this case meet the many doubts that many of us have jobs?

few minutes of video, and if anyone still has doubts means that instead of advocating the cause of animal should be content with cultivating the 'greens' in their 'backyard' of holiness without which bear on the ground because there is no saint, here among mortals there is almost nothing.

Everyone does what it can and does not want wreaths and red carpets. Only the truth. Not one shot at your own convenience, but one that can touch because non è essenza astratta ma verità tangibile in negativo o in positivo.

Potrete cercare 'illusoriamente' di spaventare chi vede e sente con lettere verdi della Procura. Potete portarci in Tribunali, dinanzi a Giudici, ma nei miei 40 anni di vita vi posso dire una cosa: sottovalutare una persona comune che, di fatto non appartiene a nessuna fazione politica e a nessuna Associazione, non significa propriamente che chi ci sta dinanzi è nudo, abbandonato a se stesso e alle proprie iddee considerate rivoluzionarie.

Questo è peccare di superbia, e sappiamo che questa viaggia in carrozza e il più delle volte, tempo a tempo, se ne torna a casa a piedi scalzi.

Rifettete, vi prego. Perchè è tutto what remains to try to stem a leak of Transatlantic is not taking on water, but sinking in a sea of \u200b\u200binnocent blood and human shit. And there are no watertight bulkheads take.

Tiziana Paghini


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