Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Can I Use My Colorado Cpa License In Florida

different tracks: Stray? Mestizo? Please: Random Source 2


TRACCE DIVERSE: Randagio? Meticcio? Prego: Random Source 2

Veniamo a noi allora, perché non c’è chi non sappia che affrontare il discorso “ricerca” per gli Stati Uniti vuol dire, naturalmente, parlare della ricerca in Europa: parametri e protocolli sono gli stessi, anzi sono tout court quelli americani. E sono le stesse anche le necessità pratiche ed economiche. Il mondo della sperimentazione è un villaggio globale.

Ci sono in Europa i B dealers per la ricerca? Ci sono eccome, col loro esercito di bunchers (avevamo già il nostro Dealing Dogs. È lo svizzero Tiere in der Forschung di Mark Rissi, del 1992, diciotto anni portati benissimo: http://traccediverse.blogspot.com/2008/07/sofferenza-sino-al-tavolo-del.html). Sono accettati? Lo sono eccome: non da tutti, ma da chi conta. E fanno parte di un sistema così profondamente incardinato in quello dell’economia e della politica da rendere arduo anche solo il discuterlo - At least for now. Europe Animal Class B, the rich, industrial, driving, and cancellation, trade, experimentation. On this bedrock float laws and measures that often sound very good ... confirming a practice that goes in the opposite direction, perhaps with the help of some official or unofficial trick where you have to deal with conflicting claims. To meet needs while responding to the password ... the urgent and growing needs of dogs.

Like after the entry into force of Tierschutzgesetz German, a good repertoire of tricks laws. Since the '80s, in place of direct labor to hook up supplying laboratories, prompted the advent of a myriad of "groups" modeled on the import of animals from Class B to less industrialized countries and their trade. Which, looks a bit ', is being prosecuted in Germany only when it complies with the rules on the proper treatment of animals (the rest is perfectly integrated into the German economic system, so as to fall below the VAT sales tax).

Obviously this brings a total change of language. So when it comes to Tierschutzverein, also known as Vermittlung: placement, mediation ... in translation targeted foster care. E "rescue" is called the removal of cheap goods. It is a job like any other, just understood. Taught as Juliet in Romeo, also rose by another name always has the same scent.

For their part, the least developed countries adapt to the hand like a glove: welcome collection centers of foreign trade, let it develop the local business support, multiply the dog population, minuet on the law. Someone pushes the zeal to proclaim the indispensability of these benevolent actions, as required by the party.
The web of trade routes from the Mediterranean, the Balkans and Russia, Africa and Asia lead the Northern Europe know. We know the web of associations between branches and agencies of different countries (some with bilingual website, directly or German) and more often we encounter in the support given to them by generous foundations of science. We want to mention for completeness relations of synergy between associations of Germany, Great Britain, the United States in the management of the basin of abstraction? We want to add that American associations go to save dogs and cats that Greeks and Turks and their German sister stretch her hand up in Latin America, as is already done and you certainly will by the United States?

The Strasbourg Convention on the Protection of Pet Animals was signed in 1987, when the Union Europea non esisteva ancora. Per la sua stessa natura di accordo fra parti diverse, si guardava bene dal toccare più di tanto certi interessi e necessità di singoli Stati o di gruppi di Stati. Purché gli animali non soffrano troppo, si tiene fuori dal tema della sperimentazione e da quello della soppressione fatta per motivi, diciamo così, pratici (basta leggere l’art. 11: Uccisione). Per la stessa ragione le è estraneo anche il tema dei traffici di animali, e più che mai quello dei commerci di randagi e del mondo oscuro che si portano dietro. Perché non fu affrontato? Perché, diciamo ancora così, non ce n’era motivo. Finché si scherza si scherza, ma queste son cose serie.

Chi si fosse proposed more stringent standards that had to be adopted into national law (Article 3).
Subsequent history, however, is that of the European Union is no more conventions, but planning a policy intervention - and non-intervention - in order to approve the behavior of various states on an economic policy. And so the cards, sparigliarle today, blew out two exceptions (ie, from the European point of view, two events): Greece and Italy. The former had already adopted Law 1197/1981 on the protection of animals, then recast in 3170/2003. The second, just one year before the birth of the Union, had issued under the law 281/1991. In both countries, no more transfer of the dog kennel for experimental purposes, no more suppression, more or less balanced with a tight schedule and sterilizations dell'Anagrafe dogs. Commendable, innovative and daring. The result? Multiplication of the stray dog \u200b\u200bkennels in disarray, and a business already suspicious that easily adapts to acquire the rules of traffic (only within the borders of both countries, because once past the Swiss border, German or Austrian everything is in place). Bad laws? No: law inapplicable, or not designed to be applied. Fluctuations in resonant surface, while the practice, which is influenced by many other needs, continua ad andare in tutt’altra direzione. Non per nulla le proteste contro i traffici di chi onestamente tutela gli animali non hanno mai prodotto più che circolari o direttive ministeriali, apprezzate quando si scherza e ignorate con discrezione quando si fa sul serio.

Nel frattempo il business del randagismo è diventato uno dei più floridi settori economici nel campo della fornitura di beni e risorse, sorpassando a livello europeo (ampiamente, crediamo) l’import-export dei cuccioli di razza. Solo che in Italia, dove non è regolamentato come tale e quindi deve funzionare sotto mentite spoglie, si organizza da sé secondo la legge della giungla. Da un lato la necessità di escogitare slalom continui fra (e fuori di) regole che non gli appartengono, di piroettare fra identità cangianti, di sapersi rafforzare con joint ventures con partner esteri, di insinuarsi accortamente fra o negli organi di controllo di ogni livello produce una selezione naturale: solo i forti, i furbi e i coalizzati governano la barca. Ai remi stanno quelli con la sindrome di Noè, i patiti e i manovali dell’animal hoarding, i corrieri, i fattorini e gli anarchici del cosiddetto animalismo. Ma per la stessa ragione di fondo si è prodotta anche una vera guerra dei clan: scippi, arrembaggi e rapine tra affaristi di ogni genere ed etichetta; B dealers veri e mascherati in concorrenza spietata per strapparsi i rispettivi settori imprenditoriali; avventurieri alla conquista di ghiotti traffic sectors. Traffic coming out, but be careful, even in transit. Under the eyes of law enforcement and judicial bodies that move too much without knowing where to go, tools, and especially without the support of the legislature, and when they have a certain perception of the offense and desperate they are forced to rely on the most fragile compasses, that under the rule of law would have no reason to exist: the sensitivity of personnel assigned to the control and repression.

in this situation is that Italy is preparing to ratify the Strasbourg Convention, and it shows. The decree of the Ministry of Health which is now under discussion is broader than the Convention, because many things have happened in the meantime. In fact, it comes at last, how much of a novelty, trades pets ... that illegal importation of puppies from the East. Point. Why? but because we continue to say that there is no reason to talk about something else. As long as you mess around with kids ... what follows, and it was flawless Franco Frattini, foreign minister and vice-president of the European Commission (and, say, a careful observer of the stray problem in the Union), to collect and re-verbatim, in Italy and abroad, the message wrapped in this "crime of trafficking of cats and dogs" ready- halved.
Message received. Perhaps, then, is a good time to ask some serious questions about the function and especially on the meaning of animal protection. Not that whining and chirping, and even the Taliban and self-managed, they are just the reverse of a terrible story. However, much less what to pursue first and foremost the preservation of itself, as is now the major associations around the world, indulging pleasure to compromise masquerading (badly) in the communication effect. It seems to us that it makes sense that that appeals not to love, but to respect and protect the rights and follows with wisdom, firmness and independence, the path of legality without pretense, cunning, disguises and complicity. We would like this other message, ours was well understood by all those who sit at the table in good conscience work opened by the Ministry of Health on truckloads of animals exported across the border "for adoption". Of the others we do not care, we already know everything.
Otherwise we say plainly that the spirit of Italian laws, we are even though they may have been made to look good to someone and that (quoting from the petition ENPA) are "the most advanced in Europe" , is a deviation, which must adapt to the economic framework of the Union has passed through the archaic residues such as chocolate with cocoa and cheese French artisan. As we said, just understood. If anything spieghiamolo also to "persons and associations estimated and credible" that what we have said here they say in Germany, and therefore above suspicion.

This blog has never given special importance to animal experimentation in the cities plundered our country, because he knows how wide the range of their uses and commercial consumers. Maybe from now on do so, given the urgent and growing need of animals for the implementation of the European project REACH for toxicity testing of tens of thousands of chemical compounds. But
in confidence, we wrote this post because well-informed the plan target of at least bullshit (bullshit NdT) exclusive use of purebred dogs, purpose bred for experimentation.

http://traccediverse.blogspot.com/2009/11/germania-il-gorgo-infinito-dei- cani.html
Strasbourg Convention:
http://traccediverse.forumattivo.com/tutela-animali-documenti-e-normativa -f10/convenzione-europea-per-la-protezione-degli-animali-da-compagnia-13111987-capp-1-3-t15.htm
http://traccediverse.forumattivo.com/tutela-animali-documenti-e -normativa-f10/convenzione-europea-per-la-protezione-degli-animali-da-compagnia-13111987-capp-4-7-t16.htm


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