Friday, October 16, 2009

Nipples Pregnant Foto

Coffee Philosophical

The October 15 began in Florence, the "Celebration of Creativity" now in its fourth edition, among the countless events there is also a "Coffee Philosophy" theme will be "Philosophy, politics, religion and the topics covered will be: the encounter / clash between different religious cultures in an increasingly global society, the sense of" sacred " the delicate relationship between politics and religion and between church and state.

The most interesting meetings I think they are those of Saturday, October 17 and those of Sunday, October 18:
Saturday, October 17, 16:00 Religion and Politics SERGIO Givon, Emilio Gentile, Carlo Galli
Sunday, October 18, at 16.00 church and state Sergio Caruso, Gustavo Zagrebelsky , PIER PAOLO Portinari

About Zagrebelsky meeting on Sunday with former President of the Constitutional Court and Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law in Turin, I bring to your attention the exegesis that, just yesterday, Zagrebelsky ha condotto del momento politico-istituzionale che stiamo traversando, analisi che ritengo molto delucidante.

Gustavo Zagrebelsky e la sua invidiabile lampada da tavolo.
di Gustavo Zagrebelsky
Repubblica 15 Ottobre 2009

Si annuncia, anzi è in corso, una crisi istituzionale di vasta portata. A che cosa sia e a che cosa essa chiami coloro che occupano posti di responsabilità nel nostro Paese, sono dedicate le considerazioni seguenti, esposte in quattro punti concatenati tra loro, dall' astratto the concrete.
1. What are they and what are the institutions . The human race has discovered the institutions to curb the 'aggressiveness el' instinct to dominate that thrive - in a longer, more in less - in all of us to spread trust and cooperation, to ensure some 'stability and security in human relations and protect as much of the freedom that is compatible with social life. In a word: to drive away again and again, even one day, the "trials of strength" that accompany it, like ghosts can materialize, contact between humans. The institutions are primarily used to this: to neutralize our destructive instincts and civilized. Because in the end we are wild animals, we can also say: we need to tame, harnessing and directing our energy in structures, procedures, safeguards and controls, thus transforming them from destructive to constructive works of lasting.
not seem excessive to speak of the works and days of our country at this time, proceed so far and the bottom, that this little summary of the famous writing of Sigmund Freud's "Civilization and Its Discontents" (1929). It is a warning about what happens when the institutions s' weaken or disappear, swallowed up by the ego of those who impersonate and use them for their own interests. Or - and this is the same - is a warning about the dangers of spreading the idea that when they are encumbrances, or have betrayed their function and are now simply covers the political struggle. In short, this is the worst outburst of energy, that institutions and the "sense of the institutions" can not control. This is exactly our risk, the slope on which we made because of what, with an expression which was not abused longer grasps the drama, called "de-legitimization." Without institutions, everything becomes possible. The "showdown" pre-political, that is outside the rules we have set ourselves to "institutionalize" the physiological political conflict, is to doors.
2. pre-political conflict. Look what happens. Leave aside the too many who, as always happens, without waiting to see discover how things are going to stand by the "right way". Besides the many indifferent, taken dell'assillo of other problems, those who are stakeholders are divided by a rift that can not or will not fill. On the one hand, there are those who swear on the belief that there is an ongoing conspiracy against the President of the Council and its majority, led by criminal methods oligarchs politically irresponsible and corrupt judiciary, an end to anti-democratic: to contradict the result of free elections and put nothing in the will of millions of voters. On the other side, you would swear on the belief that, however, the way crime is that of a prime minister, in order to avoid criminal charges in court to answer some very serious and defamatory, wants to place itself above the Constitution and the law, changing for his own use and consumption. Thus, we face two charges: the attack on democracy, on the one hand, to attack the rule of law, on the other. This split is pre-political. Not about how to act within the rules of politics that are given by the Constitution, but even if you stay inside, or get out. Fly In fact, in both directions, on charges of forcing a groped. Someone speaks of "coup", without realizing what dice o forse rendendosene ben conto. Quando questo veleno entra in circolo, tutto – atti e parole che, nella normalità, sarebbero inimmaginabili o apparirebbero disgustose intimidazioni e prepotenze – diventa lecito, anche a fini preventivi.
Gli storici diranno di chi è la responsabilità della stasis , del punto morto al quale siamo arrivati. Ma noi ora vi siamo dentro e non possiamo consolarci pensando, ciascuno sulle proprie posizioni, che la storia ci darà ragione. Abbiamo il dovere di districarci nella difficoltà, per noi e i nostri figli, ai quali vorremmo consegnare un Paese pacifico e civile. Non serve a nulla, a questo punto, la ricerca della responsabilità originaria. Serve solo ad attizzare il conflitto. Non serve a nulla lo scambio di accuse tra due fronti che sembrano non ascoltarsi più. Anzi, serve a scavare ancora il fosso e a dare spazio all´avventura. Nessuno ha da rinunciare alle proprie idee, al giudizio su sé e su gli altri. Ma ora si tratta di prendere atto che la spaccatura esiste come "dato", come "cosa" che minaccia le istituzioni e, con esse, la convivenza ch'esse devono assicurare.
3. "Delegittimazione democratica" delle istituzioni". La minaccia alla convivenza va di pari passo con l'indebolimento delle istituzioni, con la loro "delegittimazione". È una storia che viene da lontano, che si ripete ogni volta, con l'affermarsi nella pratica e nel senso comune di un'idea identification of politics as a leader among his people ("I want to be someone like you") and of a people in its head ("I want to be like you"). Quest'immedesimazione in history has taken many forms and many names: plebiscite democracy, demagoguery, Caesarism, Bonaparte, Peronism, and so on. takes other forms and names today and will take in the future as a result of the technical resources quell'immedesimazione. In any case, however, those who govern in the people identifying with salt on there and people look down on everything, I can not conceive that there may be limits and controls. In the name of which, incidentally? Some judge or lawyer that wig is not that himself? Politics as identification o "identitaria" non ha bisogno d´istituzioni; le sono d'impaccio, anzi nemiche. Esse non possono che raffreddare un rapporto che si vuole invece caldo, tra capo e corpo, leader e seguaci. Nascono movimenti, simboli, inni, motti e frasi fatte, eventi e opere, ricorrenze, spettacoli, esempi, che celebrano e rafforzano quel rapporto e quella vicinanza, facendo appello indifferentemente, secondo che occorra, a nobili slanci altruistici o gretti sentimenti egoistici; ora adulando supposte virtù patriottiche, ora stuzzicando nascosti impulsi volgari. Si tratta di rappresentare il "paese reale" per impiantarvi una cosa che viene chiamata democrazia, anzi "vera democrazia", in contrapposizione a quella "falsa", "formale", "Empty", that is mediated by the institutions.
We assist in this process. In the name of "true democracy" (I can do what I want because I have the people on my side: true or false), the institutions that do not conform are labeled as enemies. Do not even imagine they can do their duty honestly that is not a burden to keep this or that but, for example, to apply the law and defend the Constitution or, for institutions of information, simply post news. Need to be allies of the enemy. If the power is "right" means you accuse of being "leftist." If the power had never left, the very concept of democracy le farebbe accusare d'essere "di destra". Ma le istituzioni della democrazia pur esistono e non è pensabile di eliminarle, a favore di una demagogia pura e semplice. Bisogna pur salvare le forme, anche per non essere banditi dal consorzio delle nazioni civili. Allora, via alle intimidazioni o – ed è lo stesso – alle seduzioni e, se non basta, via alle riforme per ridurre l'autonomia e l´indipendenza delle istituzioni non allineate. Così, si cambia regime dall'interno, lasciando l'involucro ma svuotato della sostanza. Così è per il governo, da rendere obbediente al "primus inter pares", per il Parlamento, da ridurre a esecutore passivo del governo; del presidente della Repubblica, per l'intanto tenant to make submissive, why not elected by the people (learn co-existence, waiting for the presidential system), the Constitutional Court and the judiciary, to be reformed to remove them from the sphere of law and move them to that of (subordination) policy.

The fourth point I intentionally resected, thus breaking the chain, because I find it less convincing analysis of the three points above , But if you want to examine independently the validity, click on "Democracy de-legitimized "and you will be taken directly to the article in the integrity" of the Press Room ".


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