Il primo incontro organizzativo della XIII Giornata di Strada dell' "Operazione Scurpiddu" ( prevista per Domenica 20 Marzo 2011), tenutosi Giovedì 17 Febbraio alle ore 19:30 presso la sede del G.A.A.S., ha visto la partecipazione dei rappresentanti delle associazioni Libera, Music & Color, Ecstrarte, FAI e Alla Salute. Assenti per motivi personali ma disponibili alla collaborazione le Associazioni Fratelli della Stazione, Clan Destino, Logos, Arci Bellamì, Cerchio di Gesso, Teatro dei Limoni, Capitanata Futura, l’Aquilone, V.A.S., Arci Bellamì, ACLI e Progetto Futuro Uno. Altre realtà associative dovrebbero manifestare nei prossimi giorni la propria eventual membership. To open the meeting the President of GAAS Welcome Grillo, which summarizes the objectives of the present event, which will be implemented in Piazzetta di Via Crispi called "The Coffin" was recently vandalized by unknown assailants and will see the participation of the City that will socialize with the citizens of all projects relating to Social, Civic and Cultural District regarding the eighteenth of Foggia. Specifically, the City's planning department, Social Politics and Culture of the Municipality of Foggia take place in information materials concerning respectively the case of regeneration Compiled for the Urban Districts of eighteenth-century social projects relating to the Day Centre for Children and the Center for Civil and Criminal Mediation which will be implemented in the headquarters of the former District of Frascolla Street Gym and ex-GIL Via Matteotti 900, and the Art Gallery Public Relations Office suite.
The event is also sponsored by the Province of Foggia.
The President of GAAS inform the public that the thirteenth day of road you want to start a consultation with residents over the possibility of restructuring of the "Square of the coffin" for which the city of Foggia has recently allocated the sum of 4,000 €. GAAS undertake a workshop with the children, from the photos of so-called "Piazza Tavuto, thus adjusted so as to replace the" coffin "with a blank space will allow them to express with a design that you wish you were in his place. Adults, however, will be called to express their own opinions through a symbolic referendum in which to choose whether to restore the square as it was or what to delete from the residents themselves is called "tavuto" and never has been the object of aesthetic appreciation -urban. The ultimate goal, specific Welcome Grillo, could be represented by a case of adoption of the property by the same guys responsible for the act destructively. Assigning responsibility, then, rather than punish them, as suggested by Antonio Vigilante, a member of the Friends of Sunday, but no more than willing to contribute to the Day Street.
representative took the floor of the Cultural Music & Color, who announced to those present will animate the street with the thirteenth day of the exhibition in the square of their group, which will serve as background music to activities of social activity.
Association Health, the Italian Environment Fund and the Group Artistic Ecstrarte confirm their full willingness to cooperate in the success of the event, providing their volunteer resources. Specifically, the representative of Ecstrarte proposes the creation of an extemporaneous art on the streets focused on portraits of passers-by and the views of the square. The GAAS Association suggests the creation of a mural "participate" with the boys, as a sign of identity to be left on the walls of the square "anonymous."
We agree with the need to request permission from the competent bodies for its development.
There being no other up to discuss this should refer to the second organizational meeting of the thirteenth day of road that will take place Thursday, February 24, 2011 at 19:30 at the headquarters of GAAS in via Meridiana 58.
Action Group Animation and Social
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