Saturday, February 26, 2011

Avocado Tree Dying, What To Do

Summary According to the thirteenth day organizational meeting of the Street' Operation Scurpiddu"

On February 24, 2011, at the headquarters of the GAAS, was held on the second organizational meeting of the thirteenth day of Operation Road Scurpiddu.
Present at the meeting the representatives of the Associations for Health, Fai, and Emergency One future project. Do not submit to personal commitments already members of other associations which have joined the association LIPU - Italian League for Bird, the animal rights association Rambo POCS and the Association of Barcelona.
The President of GAAS informed participants that the Provincial Authority has granted the sponsorship initiative and that, on the basis of shared information that emerged from the first organizational meeting, was presented a formal request to the City of Foggia (Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Jobs Public) to propose an alternative to the existing executive determines the restructuring of the square, with a budget amounting to € 4,001.00. This includes determining, by the Public Works, the complete removal of the "Coffin", the remaining small flower beds and benches, and the total floor space.
The alternative proposed by GAAS and the member associations is summarized in the creation of a symbolic referendum to ask people with whom the residents to choose between the proposal determined by the Public Works and the prospect of maintaining green areas and benches. ;
If the referendum were to reward the alternative proposed by the associations, they, along with resident volunteers, we will remove the coffin and the earth and it contains the junction of plants with colorful flowers to decorate the remaining hexagonal flowerbed flowerbeds and small outline .
With the money saved, remaining within the limits determined by the City of € 4,000 may be purchased two or three games that would go to build a mini playground for children from 0 to 3 years.
Children participate in the referendum through a form of preference made by a drawing to choose whether to redesign the "Coffin" park or the mini-games.
The proposal also reaffirms the intention of empowering the perpetrators of acts of vandalism perpetrated in the square through a symbolic adoption of space, which preserves the care and maintenance.
Obviously we await answers from the Mayor regarding the possibility to proceed under the guidelines set forth.
addition to activities already decided in the first meeting, it was decided to involve the friends of the boy killed the night of Saturday, February 19, Francis Cannon, who lives in District eighteenth century, to create a banner in his memory.
To Regarding the decision to create a mural on the walls of the buildings bordering the square by the Artistic Group Ecstrarte, discussions about the difficulties mainly dictated by the times require permits and licenses to the owners of the wall is almost never present, both the City given the constraints dictated by the laws on urban historic centers. It should be added that the cancellation of already written in the past made by the children, could be viewed by them as an act of injustice to their work. For these reasons, related to the principles of legality by which the GAAS will not matter, it was decided to postpone any action so I thought. Ecstrarte, then, as proposed inizialmente, realizzerà un’estemporanea d’arte interattiva con ritratti dei partecipanti.
Relativamente all’animazione musicale, che verrà curata dall’Associazione Music&Color, si è provveduto a chiedere ad un residente della piazza un temporaneo allaccio di corrente per l’attacco di un piccolo amplificatore ed una piccola console.
Al termine di una breve discussione sugli argomenti, l’incontro viene aggiornato a Giovedì 3 Marzo 2011 alle ore 19:30 presso la sede del G.A.A.S. in via Meridiana 58 .

Il Gruppo di Azione e Animazione Sociale


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