Thursday, November 25, 2010

2001 Volvo Heater Core Replacement

Christmas is coming ...


E' Natale ogni volta che sorridi a un fratello e gli tendi la mano.
E' Natale ogni volta che rimani in silenzio per ascoltare l'altro.
E' Natale ogni volta che non accetti quei principi che relegano gli oppressi ai margini della società.
E' Natale ogni volta che speri con quelli che disperano nella povertà fisica e spirituale.
E' Natale ogni volta che riconosci con umiltà i tuoi limiti e la tua debolezza.
E' Natale ogni volta che permetti al Signore di rinascere per donarlo agli altri.
(Madre Teresa di Calcutta)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Where Do I Get Plates For My Trailer In Ontario

Change headquarters

Ciao a tutti, con questo messaggio vi informo che il blog Pensiero Agile viene chiuso perché mi sono trasferito su


Painful Heel Not Sure If Verucca


Di Tiziana Paghini

Apparentemente costretta al silenzio. Minacciata, querelata, denunciata, vilipesa, sotto indagine per Dio solo sa cosa e in attesa di lumi, scomoda perchè in grado di capire nel mio piccolo che c'è qualcosa che non va. Lasciata sola da chi, al contrario avrebbe avuto la decenza per DOVERE di appoggiare questo dramma che non si limita affatto ai cani. Ricordiamoci per favore, che i gatti non sono meno vittime dei cani, anzi! Ricordiamoci anche che gli animali che finiscono in Germania non sono di attenzione superiore a quelli non propriamente definiti d'affezione e la cui sorte è barbara.

Ricordiamoci che il traffico illecito degli animali interessa in gran parte anche i gatti that often contraario dogs, are not 'mapped', and just disappear. And do not even want to believe that someone may have done away with my Dell, my great friend for a similar reason. The heart says otherwise, the reason ferocee waver in doubt, I regret to say that the concerns often become excruciating and painful certainties.

Apparently the gag to her mouth, but this is not a problem because the facts speak without my even intervene directly. Glad to see, however, that things did not depend by me, from my work, my readers who have always had the sole aim to seek clarity where the darkness was the only available light, even though some want to believe otherwise.

Cut off completely by those who have interest in the truth because of that boasts fertile and wraps the shoulders of a standard that today becomes insulting the flag of the same animal because, by those who say to defend it from those who claim to be viable but in due Specifically, like Pontius Pilate washes his hands.

Marginalized but not silly at all, even if the real bomb in my opinion is not far to explode, because when you pull the rope too and it is believed 'untouchable' the noose tightens around the lies and liars and things, the facts be degenerate, I find this document video on Youtube and publish it at that.

We are capable of consent? We can think with our heads? We can appeal to the freedom of thought and expression especially where there are back bills? We are not in total censorship. We are not in China. If something is wrong, if we do not get answers related to tangible concreteness we are in moral and ethical duty to ask. This tells our Constitution as the cornerstone to rely not only our duty but also our rights.

If at least one of these questions you answered a resounding "yes", then this video is enlightening.

Unomattina comes from this passage of truth, the voice is that of someone who is Federfauna, hunters, and we just do not like the idea that the only real voices come from those who-I do not want representatives of Federfauna, nothing personal against them but a different way to approach the ideas and beliefs-not really embrace them as friends because we do not like hunting.

This video is available at:

and directly on Youtube at:

What to say in addition?
What it speaks so much time they can not say how much? What we read large but are 'modified', torn, trampled the first to arrive?
that, even if not as they should, the media too often or for other reasons crap shoot articulate arguments in this case meet the many doubts that many of us have jobs?

few minutes of video, and if anyone still has doubts means that instead of advocating the cause of animal should be content with cultivating the 'greens' in their 'backyard' of holiness without which bear on the ground because there is no saint, here among mortals there is almost nothing.

Everyone does what it can and does not want wreaths and red carpets. Only the truth. Not one shot at your own convenience, but one that can touch because non è essenza astratta ma verità tangibile in negativo o in positivo.

Potrete cercare 'illusoriamente' di spaventare chi vede e sente con lettere verdi della Procura. Potete portarci in Tribunali, dinanzi a Giudici, ma nei miei 40 anni di vita vi posso dire una cosa: sottovalutare una persona comune che, di fatto non appartiene a nessuna fazione politica e a nessuna Associazione, non significa propriamente che chi ci sta dinanzi è nudo, abbandonato a se stesso e alle proprie iddee considerate rivoluzionarie.

Questo è peccare di superbia, e sappiamo che questa viaggia in carrozza e il più delle volte, tempo a tempo, se ne torna a casa a piedi scalzi.

Rifettete, vi prego. Perchè è tutto what remains to try to stem a leak of Transatlantic is not taking on water, but sinking in a sea of \u200b\u200binnocent blood and human shit. And there are no watertight bulkheads take.

Tiziana Paghini

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Unblocking Farmville News Feed

Uova di gallina svuotate e pulite, in seguito decorate.

How To Make A Poem On Aphrodite

few new job ....

Cestinetti piccoli con composizioni floreali e in biedermeier

Composizione in biedermeier su base di zucca essicata

Composizione in biedermeier realizzata con l'utilizzo di un limone fatto essicare con dentro i chiodi di garofano

Piccoli ceppi in biedermeier arricchiti con fiorellini.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Is Epsom Salt In Swedish?


After the positive results achieved last year, it will start again Thursday, November 25, 2010 door Listening and Mediation School, sponsored by experimental First Learning Circle N. Parisi, within the project "School friend - Listening Mediation Information Communication welcome. "
The service will be operated by a teacher and two mediators of systemic family Cooperative Scurpiddu (Anna Cecilia and Tonia Deddi), in coordination with the Ins. Fabrizia Sperandeo, contact the Area Discomfort School.
Welcome As pointed out by Grillo, President of the Cooperative Scurpiddu, during the meeting of presentation of the door, held Tuesday, November 16 in the presence of teachers and parents of school pupils in Parisi, "the service aims prevent and manage conflicts, latent or manifest, there can be layered in the triad of student-parent-teacher conference. Far from wanting to find a culprit, the mediation is designed to accompany the parties in the recovery of interrupted communication, in the interest of ensuring the welfare of the child. "
During the meeting The focus was on the courage and pioneering sull'innovatività intervention of Prime Didactic N. Parisi who strongly wanted to introduce the practice of mediation within their own institution, as a bridge of cooperation between voluntary social, family and the institutional universe.
addition to the mediation will be put in place measures listening, guidance, counseling and psychological support to children and parents from families multiproblematic. At the request of teachers, moreover, can be made maieutic workshops for teachers in conflict about the relational dynamics, teaching and educational classes to be taken in difficult to manage. Fundamental is the issue of the Contact Area School of discomfort that will act as a spoiler of discomfort recorded by teachers and parents, as well as coordinator of the relationship between the school, households and firms in the door.
The work of the latter will not stop the weekly appointment at the school, but will continue with a door fixed and mobile social mediation in the District eighteenth century, the territory of reference of the Palmer School, characterized by a high and widespread social unrest.
outreach unit, if necessary and on the recommendation of the local social services or of schools, will visit the homes of people trying to strengthen the parental role and to halt the phenomenon of 'abandonment school.
The door will be open every Thursday from 09:15 to 11:15 am at the library hall of the Master of the school and from 17.30 to 19.00 at the headquarters of the Cooperative Scurpiddu Via Meridiana No 58.

Anna Cecilia

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Did Shaolin Monks Wear ?


Bringing children to the theater, reading and knowledge of traditions and customs from other cultures, all accompanied by a tasty snack.
These are the ingredients of " Snacks Theatre. endless stories ", a journey of discovery-ethnic countries in the world, proposed by the Theatre Company" Chalk Circle "that, through the mediation of the story as a bridge between cultures, aims to promote reading as a magic moment of the game, sharing and intercultural dialogue.
The first of the six events took place last November 13, 2010, at the 'Theatre Oda, with the African tale entitled "The warrior and the wise ", taken from the collection of tales of bilingual editions Carthusia.
The many families with their children or grandchildren, who took part in, were greeted by an eccentric teacher with an accent that, with the help of a giant wand a projector, playfully illustrated children's images of Algeria.
After a brief introduction degli aspetti paesaggistici e culturali del Paese in questione i bambini si sono riuniti in cerchio intorno agli attori sul palco dell’Oda Teatro, rapiti dalla lettura animata della storia proposta.
Al momento di raccoglimento ha fatto seguito un momento di aggregazione e socializzazione tra i piccoli spettatori che hanno gustato una deliziosa merenda insieme agli interpreti della favola, per consacrare il gusto della narrazione al piacere del cibo.
L’incontro si è concluso con la realizzazione di un laboratorio creativo curato dagli operatori dell'  Associazione GAAS and Cooperative Scurpiddu which, together with mothers and children, built with a small cork camel, animal typical of the Sahara, situated within the landscape of Algeria, also made with material recycled.

It 'been so open the first page of " Mondolandia : the world in a book", the Big Book of cardboard that in turn will present the landscapes of world relating to fairy tales told.
The next event scheduled for Saturday December 4, 2010, starting at 17.30, will lead us toward the Asian continent with the fable "The Island of dreams. "
"What are you waiting. Turn off the television and offer your fig them an exciting alternative to a passive mode and canned to manage their leisure time. Bring your children to the theater. Go with the discovery of beauty of the other territories. Teach them to look at the world with curious eyes that light up, chasing rumors that vibrate and live bodies on stage. You allow adult children to return and grow with your children . "Is the exhortation of those who organized the event.

The" Circle of Chalk "and all those who participated in the project are waiting for you!

Anna the Cecilia

Friday, November 5, 2010

Best Boobs In Ballwood


Support public and private initiatives aimed at the protection, enhancement and enjoyment of the cultural underground. This far-sighted about the Consortium Fistful ( Sertur Consulting Ltd, Coopers Scurpiddu, Studio Stasolla, Centro Studi "John Scillitani," POCS-Project Association of Artists for Open and Closed Space Scultpure Association, Prometheus- Training Agency), a private group formed to give continuity to Foggia namesake cultural event "A Fistful of . Foggia Underground "made in 2008 and 2009.
On November 3, 2010 during the press conference held outside, in the space in front of the Bar in 2000, the consortium that has submitted to the national project " Memory lost, memory regained. Surveys and dug out in Piazza De Santis - Foggia . The initiative aims at the discovery and study of specific factors relevant to a reconstruction of historical events dating back to the origins of the city.
The archaeological investigations, already underway, will be undertaken under the direction of the Department of Humanities of the University dauno concern and, in fact, already found the underground room in the 30's in Piazza De Santis.
ambitious and innovative in its participatory way as is clear from the program of investigations, awareness and social activity, which will frame to 20 days of digging in the ground, presented during the conference.
L’ordinario scavo archeologico circoscritto ai soli addetti ai lavori si trasformerà in un originale cantiere aperto e comunicante, rappresentato da una struttura a forma di cubo che fungerà da elemento catalizzatore della partecipazione dei cittadini.
Questi ultimi, infatti, attraverso un’interfaccia video collocata su una facciata del cubo, potranno calarsi virtualmente nell’ambiente ipogeico insieme agli archeologi e monitorare in diretta, giorno dopo giorno, le fasi dello scavo.
Il sapere tecnico-scientifico si intreccerà con il sapere popolare. 
The Cooperative Scurpiddu Indeed, during investigations into the ground, will conduct a survey of opinions of inhabitants to gather prior knowledge, expectations and anecdotes related to the mysterious world ipogeico, with the active participation of businesses adjacent to the site, involved in the project, such as promoters of participatory channels.
operators GAAS and the Cooperative Scurpiddu realize also pop up workshops focusing on construction of urban underground, which will see the involvement of children in three elementary schools of the Old Town: Santa Clara, Pasture and Parisi .
to cheer the three weeks of construction, the cube revolve around the mythical " scazzamurill ", the friendly and feared goblin ancestral home since time that inhabits the local popular imagination, which will lead us hand to hand until 'final event, expected at the conclusion of the investigation.
We just have to wait and follow the course of events, gathered around the "cube speaker," as it was about time to fire home to tell and collect stories, predictions and discoveries.
We do not know what will emerge from the excavation, but certainly in questo viaggio di scoperta, sotto strati di terra e macerie, ritroveremo lei, Fovea, la bella principessa imbrigliata in secolari trame rupestri, che dorme immemore nelle viscere della terra. 
Chiunque volesse far visita allo scavo in Piazza De Santis, è invitato a compilare il questionario di indagine sociale, magari sorseggiando un buon caffè, presso l’adiacente Bar 2000.

Di seguito riportiamo la favola ideata per l’occasione dalla Cooperativa Sociale Scurpiddu intitolata “Fovea e la città incubata ”. Buona lettura!


Once upon a time, so many layers is, in a deep time, a tiny village called Greenshank muddy and swampy that stood proudly on the surface of water from the banks low and swampy. The place was almost deserted, only enlivened by a large oak tree, and went to drink some ox along the catchment area.
lived in this muddy estuary lost a beautiful girl named Fovea. She had long, thick hair like vast fields of wheat, dark skin like the earth and green eyes and shiny like the grass wet with dew. Each sunrise and sunset every wondered where it came from and whether there were other places, other lives, beyond the horizon and its narrow oasis. With his head tilted downward as heavy and overflowing pitcher of water, sat along the shore of the pond and let her tears fall on the dry ground. He cried so much that year after year, drop by drop, formed around her lakes and rivers surrounded by woods, olive groves and thick reeds. But Fovea was more sad because he could not share none with the beauty of its solitary reign, so still and always equal to itself.
A day like any other, while the girl gazed into the waters of the ancient brook, the mouth of the muddy swamp and expanded in a hollow voice said: "You are beautiful like wild lily, floating blemish on my water never muddy. But inside you are like a garden close that no one has ever visited . "The girl jumped up, almost gets to the heart had been pinned.
" But who are you to scrutinize the murky water in my most secret thoughts? "said bewildered.
"I'm the oracle water, sacred primordial liquid from which everything arises, I live deep in the mire, mirror images of the eternal tension inside of me to peer into the abyss. For many years I have seen your reflection in my mirror of water and I know every shadow and wrinkle your forehead frowning. Me a question I will answer "said the Horse's Mouth, already knowing the thoughts of the girl.
Fovea lowered his eyes downcast. He thought qualche secondo e con un ritrovato sorriso affermò: “ Tu che prevedi l’avvenire degli uomini, dimmi, sono forse destinata a vivere per sempre in questo eremo solitario, lontana dai miei simili? Conoscerò mai il volto dei miei avi, le mie origini, ciò che esiste al di fuori di questo tempo immobile  e di questo spazio recintato?
Mia cara ” rispose l’oracolo nel suo linguaggio criptico, sorridendo briosa dietro il velo dell’acqua “ Ho atteso per tutti questi anni che tu mi ponessi queste domande. Adesso sei finalmente matura e pronta per cominciare il tuo viaggio di scoperta. Risponderò your questions one by one but I want you to listen to me carefully. "And so saying its water became more clear. The long fingers of Fovea unconsciously touched his face more and more angry. " Travel? But I do not want to travel, I just want answers "Fovea thought dried up, emitting a slight snort.
" The past is an ancient and precious sight unseen, buried beneath layers and layers of dust. Only you can dig and recover your past. If you can open the box, off and discover your future ... our future ... 'said the oracle pronouncing sentences more and more mysterious. " But we know that time is a spiral along which past and future are inextricably entwined. Along the spiral layers circular storm moved away and came up as a fascinating and hypnotic dance at every turn that leads back and forth, up and down. "Fovea became thoughtful. " might have been better not to ask questions and stay here alone in my little world family. The oracle is expressed in a way incomprehensible to me "she thought to herself the girl.
" Approach "the oracle continued narrowing the" let me reveal another secret. Your horizon is limited by the walls that you built around you. 'S why you can not see beyond. Your apparently flat universe is actually curved. In this desolate time and space are mixed and have created a city concentrically wrapped herself up inside a large cube. As a snake curled up inside a basket that awaits his piper to emerge from the bottom winding, so Pantani a temporal succession of different cities rolled and layered one inside the other, incubated in a city waiting for someone to pull it out of his universe set of Chinese boxes. The city of the future unfolds and extends in the past. Only you can get us out of here. We need each other. "Then, rippling, he added," If will not be reflected in new faces in my water, I dry up forever. "
" I just wanted to help me find my past, but you who need my help ." Fovea said in tears, seeing his dreams fade as the water evaporates after the rain.
" Do not cry my baby, let me explain! "said the oracle with sweet and reassuring tone, almost maternal.
" No, I will no longer listen to you. And then, if you ask me, I just can not understand what you say, speak so strangely "the girl uttered in anger.
"You must understand everything now. The answer to your question you only the time you get to the top of the spiral. But before leaving, s iediti near me. Let me tell you una storia ” , annunciò l’oracolo,  “ Tante lune fa, questa terra era un regno rigoglioso, crocevia di ricchi mercanti , pullulante di  facoltosi agricoltori e nobili famiglie che vivevano in palazzi sontuosi. Il suo nome era Federicia. Ma quel periodo d’oro non durò a lungo, purtroppo. Guerre, saccheggi, epidemie, terremoti distrussero buona parte dei suoi edifici and its beauty, so that the people survived these disasters were convinced that loomed over them a terrible curse. See the masks of the area who knew incomprehensible incantations, they adopted the most diverse protective measures in order to defend themselves. Placed it with the sharp scissors or scope flipped open the front door of the house, hung on the walls of their houses of gold shaped like a horseshoe, throwing salt at the door to ward off evil spirits. There were those who wore necklaces of sea urchin jaws or who ingratiates guillemot house uttering ogni giorno lodi alle loro malridotte abitazioni.  Ma a nulla valse tanto da farsi. Il regno continuava a subire razzie e scorribande senza tregua ”. Fovea era rapita dal racconto dell’oracolo. Finalmente qualcuno le parlava delle sue origini lontane. Presa da un moto ansioso di curiosità, interruppe bruscamente l’oracolo e domandò :“ Ma allora è andato tutto distrutto? Non esiste più nulla del regno dei miei avi? ” . “ Abbi pazienza Fovea ” , replicò l’oracolo,  “ non ho ancora terminato la storia ” . E così dicendo, proseguì: “ Un giorno passò di lì un forestiero, uno strambo architetto che, venuto a conoscenza dei terribili avvenimenti che avevano colpito il regno di Federicia, annunciò agli abitanti di essere certo di avere la soluzione ai loro mali. Mostrò loro un grande cubo di color marrone  rugginoso, dello stesso colore della terra. Disse loro che l’unico modo per salvarsi era rifugiarsi dentro la sua massiccia costruzione cubica e aggiunse che, di certo,  lì dentro il male non vi sarebbe più penetrato. Gli abitanti disperati gli credettero ma non sapevano che quello che pensavano fosse un maleficio era soltanto opera dell’uomo e della natura mentre quello che credevano fosse la loro salvezza era in realtà un vero architect the strange spell that had launched them come from afar, jealous of the beauties of the city. Since then, time has stood still and the inhabitants of that ancient kingdom, as contained within the chest of an old music box, continue to twist and turn on a carousel of horses and carriages, in a motion eternally static. Time has swallowed everything and everyone as a huge black hole, covered in dust incubated the city, on which were raised then other cities. But nobody knows that underneath, in the bowels of the earth, still beats the hidden city that calls and pretends to be discovered. Only you know, now .
- " Ma ci deve essere un modo per sciogliere l’incantesimo!” – esclamò concitata la fanciulla.
-“ Si scioglierà solo quando qualcuno entrerà dentro il cubo magico a visitare la città incantata e, ripercorrendo strato dopo strato la spirale del tempo, riuscirà ad aprire dal di dentro la scatola cubica, dissolvendo la barriera che separa il dentro dal fuori. E’ l’unico modo per liberare il futuro della città . Solo allora la città di dentro e la città di fuori capiranno di avere un corpo unico ed un’anima sola. Cerca di capirmi Fovea. La tua felicità dipende da questo viaggio. Liberating the city under free yourself. This place is desolate and anonymous because he lost his soul, because you have stopped looking for you and satisfied of its surface. Under the skin of the city, however, there is a whole hidden world of shadows and silence, and deep wells of hidden treasures . "He took a short break and then went" Down there is your soul ".
"Now I understand " Fovea said, lowering her eyes, as if to find a corner to think about, staring at swarms of ants come and go freneticamente da un buco scavato nel terreno.  “ Sono pronta per cominciare il viaggio ”  aggiunse convinta.
Bene. Sappi però che all’inizio ti sembrerà di girare a vuoto, di tornare indietro, ma sarà proprio dalla discesa che riprenderai la forza necessaria per affrontare il tornante successivo. Ad ogni giro ti capiterà di vedere le stesse cose ma ad un livello diverso, più ampie e mature.  Man mano che salirai  l’orizzonte della tua percezione si amplierà e vedrai ciò che al momento non riesci a vedere ”, disse l’oracolo, continuando “ Now I will ask myself a question: are you ready to accept change? ". Fovea nodded his head. In his eyes now moist vibrated flickering flames to illuminate the face. The oracle of the water became suddenly silent, then opened its mouth and sucked the girl cloudy, pushing it deep in the swampy waters.
After a steep descent along underground veins of the city, came up to 'end of the spiral, getting lost in a labyrinth of caves, tracks, tunnels, narrow corridors and secret passages that led to the stables, cave houses, shops artisans, was barn, magnificent palaces with gardens, stables, fountains and ponds filled with fish. He met robbers goatherds, carters, blacksmiths, saddlers and scoparia and again princes, knights and noble ladies ... but that's another story. Fovea continued to get on and off, to walk the half circles and spiral stairs without stopping. New worlds were born along the lines of the spiral upward and disappeared a moment later, along the lines of descendants, only to reappear broader and renewed the next lap. Had risen to a sort of carousel or swing that seemed never to stop. At one point, to my surprise, he realized that he was going. How long have wandered in that universe damp and dark, glossy dust and mold? Maybe 20 days or 4 centuries or only a few seconds ... it did not matter. Now, finally reached the top of the spiral, saw things from above, from a different perspective. Everything was clearer. Suddenly he looked up and saw a light enter through a crack. He climbed down a rope ladder that led to a trap square. He stretched his hands on him and making power with the head and shoulders could lift the lid, creaking, opened falling backwards. The girl could not believe his eyes. He leaned forward from the waist up from the hatch, looking around in amazement. He was returned to the starting point, vicino la vecchia quercia e al ruscelletto melmoso. Non si era mai mossa di lì in realtà, ciò che era cambiato era solo l’angolazione da cui osservava il mondo. Capì che le cose esistono a più livelli contemporaneamente, che la realtà visibile nasconde dentro di sé altre dimensioni che si rincorrono come dentro un gioco di specchi al cubo.
 L’incantesimo che incatenava la fanciulla e gli abitanti del regno invisibile era finalmente spezzato. Il tempo riprese a scorrere e Fovea non era più sola. L’antico e il nuovo convivevano fianco a fianco, diramandosi orizzontalmente e verticalmente, mescolandosi e fondendosi per poi ricomparire in sempre nuove fogge .
Gli abitanti della nuova città unificata la ribattezzarono “ Foggia ” per via della sua camaleontica capacità di rigenerarsi,  plasmarsi e assumere nuove e imprevedibili forme a seconda del punto da cui la si guardava.
Quel giorno vi fu una grande festa, un continuo saliscendi di gente che si spostava dal mondo di sotto a quello di sopra e viceversa. C’è chi dice che Fovea scelse come sua dimora il palazzo di un principe che aveva conosciuto nel suo viaggio sotterraneo.
 Oggi, a vederla da quassù, Foggia sembrerebbe un’unica long flat line paved with bricks. But changing angle, lowering his head just barely down and bringing the ear to the ground, there are those who swear that they heard voices festive pealing of bells and clatter of horses come from the deepest caves of the earth.

Anna Cecilia