Pumpkins (or rather thick-headed!) Decorated with decoupage technique
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Top Mature Ecchi Anime
Anna Cecilia
L ' GAAS Association, Action Group Animation and Social organizes a course in amateur theater free and open to all theater lovers willing to experiment yourself on stage.
The workshop will be held in the evening with a commitment of two or three days a week, at the scene of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, is meant to represent a play to be staged in the theater church and other places to be determined.
The course will be directed by Robert Pope and the proceeds of the performance will be donated to charity.
For more information contact director at 3273568412. The workshop will be held in the evening with a commitment of two or three days a week, at the scene of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, is meant to represent a play to be staged in the theater church and other places to be determined.
The course will be directed by Robert Pope and the proceeds of the performance will be donated to charity.
Anna Cecilia
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Getting Rid Of The Smell Of Mouse Urine
officially born in the United States in the first decade of the twentieth century to deal with conflicts arising mostly in the workplace, in the '70s is Mediation then extended to the legal processes of separation and divorce in order to reduce the emotional burden and cost of the couples in the process of separation. In Italy, mediation approaches the end of the 80 developed especially within the family as a way to help couples in crisis before, during and after separation, and then embrace the 90s onwards new areas such as education, cultural and social sense.
" cultivate a new culture: the mediation of conflicts. When the dialogue stops anyone can help us: the Ombudsman . "With this slogan, Thursday, October 21, 2010 was held even there, as in many other Italian cities, the" G ay National Mediation ", coinciding with the "Conflict Resolution Day " proclaimed ARC (Association for Conflict Resolution), in collaboration with the World Mediation Forum.
to the streets to promote awareness among the people and the spread of culture and practice of mediation, the ' Mediation Office of Civil and Criminal of the Municipality of Foggia, the Associations Logos , Gaas (Animation and Social Action Group), Growing Together , Parting Well and Mediterranean tiles, all r EALTA that, within their scope, dealing with conflict mediation.
"Mediate" does not resolve the dispute, but the parties work together to help them self-manage and out of situations of stalemate where both are crystallized mutual hostility. The conflict, in fact, that usually has a connotation negative plays in the mediation which implies a positive creative aspect, physiological and constitutive of the report that, deprived of this "disturbance", liable to atrophy.
"Mediate" does not resolve the dispute, but the parties work together to help them self-manage and out of situations of stalemate where both are crystallized mutual hostility. The conflict, in fact, that usually has a connotation negative plays in the mediation which implies a positive creative aspect, physiological and constitutive of the report that, deprived of this "disturbance", liable to atrophy.
Although still little known by most people, Foggia has been a well-prepared ground to receive the seed of the mediation, understood as a behavioral strategy alternative to violence and antagonism, oriented dialogue and encounter / confrontation constructively. Nowadays, in fact, on our territory there are several entities, working in different fields ( family, school, victims and offenders, condominiums, business and institutional environments, degraded urban) using the tool in the management of mediation and conflict transformation.
The Day was therefore an occasion to share with the people best practices and tools already present in our city, which should be spread in an ever more fragmented and diffuse to be understood and adopted da un numero sempre più crescente di persone che vivono situazioni conflittuali e che magari, per diffidenza o mancanza di informazione, restano bloccate nel loro malessere, impedendo al cambiamento di entrare nelle loro vite.
Nel corso della giornata è stato somministrato ai cittadini un questionario di indagine sociale per sondare il grado di conoscenza e radicamento di questa procedura alternativa di risoluzione delle controversie nel nostro tessuto sociale. Le associazioni che hanno promosso l’evento hanno inoltre donato, a tutti coloro che si sono mostrati curiosi ed interessati alla tematica, un piccolo sacchetto contenente i semi di una pianta, per trapiantare simbolicamente nel nostro territorio i semi of this new culture, with the hope to see you soon germinate and multiply.
Paraphrasing Danilo Dolci, the prophet of nonviolence, "the people are not ground but seed." Every person has within it the seeds of change. Mediation does not seek to resolve conflicts instead of shares or to indicate the right way to go but to be a good tree to climb to rest, relax in the conflict, viewed from a broader perspective, with the help of the mediator, and then decided to go down and address the conflict situations with new methods more effective and constructive.
Anna la Cecilia
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Std's And Bleeding Gums
Si è svolta ieri 18 Ottobre 2010, nella sede del G.A.A.S. , la cerimonia di consegna da parte del Foggia Calcio di materiale ed abbigliamento sportivo per i bambini dei Quartieri Settecenteschi che si iscriveranno alla scuola calcio dell’ U.S. Foggia For the formation of the new youth.
The ceremony was attended by Gianni Cagiano , Project Manager School U.S. Foggia Calcio "Peppino Pavone, historic sporting director 's U.S. Foggia, the guys Quarters eighteenth and operators GAAS
Welcome Grillo, President of Animation and Social Action Group, expressed his deep compiacimento per la preziosa collaborazione con la società sportiva, importante connubio tra sport ed educazione, che permetterà ai ragazzi dei Quartieri Settecenteschi, appartenenti a nuclei familiari disagiati, di crescere in maniera sana e divertente, rincorrendo sogni e palloni su quei campi di calcio, di erba o di asfalto che siano, che non di rado sono scuola di vita. E talvolta terreno per un futuro migliore.
" Il calcio non è soltanto uno sport ", ha sottolineato Grillo, " è uno strumento di educazione, di allenamento alla vita, di integrazione sociale e di apprendimento rules of civil coexistence. "
Peppino Pavone addressed the young people present, with emphasis on the" sports culture "understood as healthy way of understanding and living football, not only as a passion and joy of winning and play, but as a union of purpose, acceptance of defeat, discipline and commitment in achieving a common goal, compared and loyalty from all forms of violence and racism.
He also required to specify the audience that the school football is not meant to be a factory of false hopes and empty promises of career opportunities for those who aspire to become " professional players." "Of course ," he said Pavone, " may be young talent as the case of Giuseppe Colucci, boy fashioned from years of successful professional league , but these are cases that invoke the principle of '"One in a thousand stand it."
" The results and satisfaction in life are achieved only through hard work and sacrifice ," said sporting director, noting that often have to be educated are their parents, instead of inculcating in their children the healthy values \u200b\u200bof sport such as respect for others regardless of its color and its origin, or encourage the children to play just for the prospect of future economic enrichment.
Gianni Cagiano finally wanted to highlight that the majority of talent capable of building the sport with the possibility of social redemption come proprio da contesti poveri, dalla strada o dai ghetti, laddove il calcio diventa uno strumento di affermazione dei propri diritti.
Noi ci auguriamo che, al di là del talento, il gioco del calcio possa rappresentare per i bambini dei Quartieri Settecenteschi un’opportunità piacevole per stare insieme ed apprendere, tra un fallo ed un goal, che la vera sconfitta non è perdere ma arrendersi alla “partita” della vita, senza aver mai sudato né creduto di poter cambiare “il risultato” finale.
Here is a short video documenting the event. Enjoy everyone!
Here is a short video documenting the event. Enjoy everyone!
Anna Cecilia
Play Cube Field At School
Anna Cecilia
Now in its fifth edition, was held last October 17, 2010 the " Night Without Residence "organized by the Brotherhood of Railway of Foggia, Catholic association that deals with many years of assistance to marginalized immigrants and denouncing the discomfort of those who have only the sky as the roof, as the road home and a cardboard bed.
And it is precisely the path he has made from the stage at the event, included in the 'network' of national event organized by the Milan ' Terre di Mezzo' , when UN World Day to combat poverty .
The vestibule of the Town Park has hosted , gathered around a round table entitled "'Foggia open to homeless people: the way to the dormitory for the poor. Tests for possible inclusion ' , the Mayor of Foggia Gianni Mongelli , the President of the Province of Foggia Antonio Pepe , Councillor for Social Policies of the Municipality of Foggia Pasquale Pellegrino , the Extraordinary dell'IPAB Foggia SS. Sorrows Alfonso De Pellegrino , the President of the Brotherhood of Railway Leonardo Ricci ed il Presidente dell’Associazione G.A.A.S. Benvenuto Grillo .
Protagonista indiscusso della serata Corrado Pasquale Rizzi , primo senzatetto di Foggia ad aver beneficiato di ‘ Via della Casa Comunale’ , la cosiddetta Via per i poveri che consente ai senza dimora di ottenere la residenza anagrafica , proposta inserita nel programma elettorale di Antonio Barbone, simbolicamente e provocatoriamente candidato sindaco di Foggia per far reflect on the plight of the homeless.
Today Mr. Conrad can get service health and socio-legal, voting rights, the registry of certification status, a home where to send your personal mail. During the evening he told his story with dignified composure, from divorce, job loss, to the road. He then appealed to the municipal administration for the provision of financial assistance for those who like him, homeless and jobless, struggling to survive. Councillor Pellegrino, called into question, said which, unfortunately, there are currently no financial resources destined to fight poverty because of serious financial crisis that looms over the town of Foggia. He added, however, pleased to see that soon, probably within a year, thanks to opening the proposals to local community groups conducted on behalf of the disadvantaged, will be built a dormitory for the homeless in the former prison Sant 'Eligio, a project presented by the City and dall'Ipab Mary of Sorrows owner of Foggia. The President dell'ipab De Pellegrino stated that the dormitory will be provided for 24 beds, a canteen, health services and a one-stop guidance and listening to Italian and foreign assistance is still fragile situation in society. The President of the Brotherhood of Railway, Leo Ricciuto, expressed his satisfaction for having opened the fifth annual "Night of the Homeless" with some good news and positive outcomes in the affirmation of the rights of "recent" results Only a year ago seemed far away.
There were also surprises in the course of the Round Table. The subjects covered, in fact, have taken shape and expression in the face of an excited young Romanian che, con parole colorite e appassionate al limite della violenza verbale, è irrotto nella scena denunciando le politiche locali di integrazione dei cittadini stranieri, manifestando le proprie problematiche e portando la sua esperienza di lavoratore onesto, privato del diritto di ricevere i contributi previdenziali dopo tre anni di duro lavoro. Il Sindaco di Foggia Gianni Mongelli e l’Assessore alle Politiche Sociali Pellegrino hanno risposto alla comprensibile rabbia del giovane con spirito sensibile e accogliente, rimarcando gli sforzi dell’amministrazione comunale, nonostante la difficile situazione di dissesto economico che grava su di essa, nella ricerca di soluzioni possibili per favorire l’integrazione sociale degli immigrati.
Welcome Grillo, President of GAAS, recalling the incident, he stressed the importance of listening to those who, like the Romanian boy in question, are experiencing the first person in distress and that, even if apparently seem able only to destroy and criticize, if accepted and listened with attention and respect, they are also able to suggest and propose constructive assistance to the institutions to give concrete answers to their discomfort. He also thanked the City Council for having been able to grasp and put into planning the needs of the area, filtered by local associations, reiterated the President of GAAS, will continue to monitor on the work of the institutions through participatory channels that citizens see the stars of territorial changes. The GAAS, Grillo added, in synergy with the local world of associations, will undertake the creation of OAC, autonomous organizations of citizens (as under the European Charter of Active Citizenship) with the aim to collaborate with institutions, shared project implementation and sup-bring the voice of the people, innovation, which pushes up from below.
After singing, dancing and wine tasting, as every year, the event ended with a gesture of solidarity more eloquent than many words spent during the evening: we stayed in a symbolic way of witnessing the harsh realities of homelessness. To continue to sue, bring, share.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Lacrosse Funny Slogans
Try not to choose. First line
[Here there is only one piece of the 'Concerto for cello and wind orchestra that I wanted to let you listen, mostly placed inside an' interview (auf Deutsch ) to Gulda. Find the complete first movement in a beautiful performance here, I could not 'embedded' in the post. ]
At sixteen he won first prize in the prestigious international competition in Geneva, and that was the springboard for his career as a pianist:
"Masculino very clear, powerful, determined, resolute. The contexts can the mass of one piece, they become scrutabili at a glance, simple. Even with a time triggered not ever give a slip in clarity [literally: a 'non-clarity', Undeutlichkeit ] never left his digs as well, simply by chance, never the right rests without a purpose. His talent is extraordinary manual. He 'can ' - technically speaking - much of Schnabel and Kempf, Fischer or same-Richter. It has Gulda clear to himself, what can [ from 'anthology Joachim Kaiser, "Große Pianisten in unserer Zeit", badly translated by me]
From there begins the slippery slope. His stage appearances are always unconventional, eccentric and controversial: all the concerts, always rigorously without the lights out in the hall, dressed in a shabby see Gulda, zuccotto wool on his head, pants emerged from the mouth of a dog, dark sweater wrinkled gold Rolex wrist, dedicated to describing all the pieces performed from time to time. Gulda proposed compositions steeped in jazz but reduced to the classical form of theme and variations, a prelude and fugue, the Sonatina, absolutely specimens.
's performances start at Gulda Mozart
(The eccentricity in dress and self-management among other things, remember another contamination as Gilles Apap, which we discussed at the time. Gulda Some clothes are a mirror of the patchwork that is his music. We do not know if it is true, but it seems che il palcoscenico classico sia rimasto uno dei pochi luoghi dove si può trasgredire ancora col solo abbigliamento.)
e finiscono in delle variazioni sul tema di Light my fire dei Doors
Pare che una volta abbia suonato nudo sul palcoscenico il flauto traverso (che aveva imparato a suonare, dopo il pianoforte, assieme al sassofono baritono e a qualche altro strumento), ed è certo che durante i suoi concerti aveva l’abitudine di deviare dai programmi di sala e suonare altre opere.
Nell’estate 1973 Gulda doveva inaugurare col concerto di apertura il V Forum Music International. He should play the Wohltemperierten Klavier by Bach, and instead began with parts unknown. When it ended two hours after his execution - and meanwhile the larger part of the guests had gone - Gulda played for two hours Wohltemperierte Klavier.
In 1969, when he was awarded the Beethoven -Ring (ring Beethoven) by the Academy of Music in Vienna, Gulda criticized in his speech in front of Director, Professors and Students, the old and dusty machine ' music education. A few days later returned the ring.
[This is the last movement of the Concerto for cello and wind orchestra with which I started]

"For some it was an apostate, as a beloved interpreter of piano works by Bach, Mozart and Beethoven in particular, but feared because of his radicalism, and as a composer and fan of Jazz led him to the world of 'improvisation. For others, it was the one who kicks the ultimate frontier: one that opened the doors of its kind to overcome the dividing lines culturally restricted representation and interpretation, overflows in every direction. "
[Here there is only one piece of the 'Concerto for cello and wind orchestra that I wanted to let you listen, mostly placed inside an' interview (auf Deutsch ) to Gulda. Find the complete first movement in a beautiful performance here, I could not 'embedded' in the post. ]
Friedrich Gulda is among the greatest pianists of 900. By Jörg Demus and Paul Badura-Skoda, Gulda formed what became known as the "Viennese troika . It 'a Beethoven specialist, which is already at 23 years he played the entire repertoire of sonatas, in chronological order (a project of unusual and surprising for the '50s), and of which - despite his veins 'mix' - remains one of the greatest performers.
At sixteen he won first prize in the prestigious international competition in Geneva, and that was the springboard for his career as a pianist:
"In the Geneva Competition in 1946, sixteen, playing a Beethoven impressive, with the security of a mature lion of the keyboard, almost a summary of twentieth-century Austrian and German school. The jury understands immediately be confronted with a phenomenal pianist. His career was meteoric. The interpretation of his historical stature of Beethoven, Mozart, its enchanting (and overly ornate). "
"Masculino very clear, powerful, determined, resolute. The contexts can the mass of one piece, they become scrutabili at a glance, simple. Even with a time triggered not ever give a slip in clarity [literally: a 'non-clarity', Undeutlichkeit ] never left his digs as well, simply by chance, never the right rests without a purpose. His talent is extraordinary manual. He 'can ' - technically speaking - much of Schnabel and Kempf, Fischer or same-Richter. It has Gulda clear to himself, what can [ from 'anthology Joachim Kaiser, "Große Pianisten in unserer Zeit", badly translated by me]
But in Geneva, hosted by a family passionate about jazz, Gulda falls in love with the music that constantly runs on the gramophone. Victim of a kind of enlightenment, it seems, became a true fan of jazz set to become known that enfant terrible capable of contaminating the two genres (but not only) by acquiring enemies on both sides of the sides 'purists' of each of the two .
It all started during his own concert. When he was asked for an encore, Gulda choose not to play Schumman or Chopin, but he plays one of his improvisation A Night in Tunisia known song by Dizzy Gillespie. It was a scandal.
It all started during his own concert. When he was asked for an encore, Gulda choose not to play Schumman or Chopin, but he plays one of his improvisation A Night in Tunisia known song by Dizzy Gillespie. It was a scandal.
From there begins the slippery slope. His stage appearances are always unconventional, eccentric and controversial: all the concerts, always rigorously without the lights out in the hall, dressed in a shabby see Gulda, zuccotto wool on his head, pants emerged from the mouth of a dog, dark sweater wrinkled gold Rolex wrist, dedicated to describing all the pieces performed from time to time. Gulda proposed compositions steeped in jazz but reduced to the classical form of theme and variations, a prelude and fugue, the Sonatina, absolutely specimens.

His concerts were details of the mélanges, in which a Chopin nocturne and a Schubert Impromptu Jazz alternated with pieces of its composition or the long improvisations on a theme of Thelonious Monk.
's performances start at Gulda Mozart
(The eccentricity in dress and self-management among other things, remember another contamination as Gilles Apap, which we discussed at the time. Gulda Some clothes are a mirror of the patchwork that is his music. We do not know if it is true, but it seems che il palcoscenico classico sia rimasto uno dei pochi luoghi dove si può trasgredire ancora col solo abbigliamento.)
e finiscono in delle variazioni sul tema di Light my fire dei Doors
Pare che una volta abbia suonato nudo sul palcoscenico il flauto traverso (che aveva imparato a suonare, dopo il pianoforte, assieme al sassofono baritono e a qualche altro strumento), ed è certo che durante i suoi concerti aveva l’abitudine di deviare dai programmi di sala e suonare altre opere.
Nell’estate 1973 Gulda doveva inaugurare col concerto di apertura il V Forum Music International. He should play the Wohltemperierten Klavier by Bach, and instead began with parts unknown. When it ended two hours after his execution - and meanwhile the larger part of the guests had gone - Gulda played for two hours Wohltemperierte Klavier.
In 1969, when he was awarded the Beethoven -Ring (ring Beethoven) by the Academy of Music in Vienna, Gulda criticized in his speech in front of Director, Professors and Students, the old and dusty machine ' music education. A few days later returned the ring.
On 29 March 1999, faked his death to prepare the audience to his latest work, entitled "Resurrection." Ironically, the actual date of his death was pretty close to that simulated. He died a year later, January 27 (same day of the birth of Mozart). "I try not to choose", this has always been his motto, since 1960, poised between classical music and African-American music.
[This is the last movement of the Concerto for cello and wind orchestra with which I started]
- Radio Swiss' Retedue 'did a' interesting issue on Gulda (Jazzman side) located here, there's also an interview with the 'Maestro'.
SOURCES: This post is a collage of information obtained in part on the two sites mentioned above, partially translated by two pages on the Internet Gulda (one in English on classicaltv. com , the other in German on klassikakzente.de ), and a little 'put insieme a memoria da una trasmissione che ho ascoltato di recente su Rete Toscana Classica.
Friday, October 15, 2010
What Did Shaloin Monks Wear
The inclusion GAAS works initiative of the FAI of Foggia "spotlights FARM PANTANO"
Saturday, October 16, 2010, will take place the event "We aim to reflectors ", sponsored by the delegations FAI in the area, as part of a national campaign" Defend the Italy of your heart. " The goal is to "adopt" and raise funds for the renovation of a local representative of the collective good, abandoned or in a state of decay, to return to the community.
The Delegation of Foggia has decided to "spotlight" on Masseria Pantano, a farm
rural 700 important historical / architectural, currently seen in the context
urban expansion.
The event, organized by the Delegation of Foggia, provides a cultural walk entitled
"Meet Me in Masseria Pantano," which (weather permitting) will begin at 10.30 am Piazza Purgatorio 5, where is located the headquarters of the Delegation Make Foggia .
We will move then to reach the farmhouse and through the city, stopping at certain points in certain way that those wishing to participate to join the group.
The GAAS, involved in the project of the FAI, has brought an opportunity for the President FAI, Dr. Maria Luisa D'Ippolito, to ensure that the march passes through the eighteenth-century neighborhood, area chronologically contemporary with the construction of Masseria Pantano.
The 5 staging points where stationed representatives of Civil Protection are:
1 - Piazza Purgatorio
2 - Municipal Art Gallery (corner of Via Via Marchese de Rosa Ferrante Aporti )
3 - Liberty Square (Parking near INAM)
4 - Staircase of the Church of the Carmine New
5 - Top of tratturo Ordona-Sink
followed at 18.30, in the Auditorium of the Provincial Library of Foggia Captain La Magna, a symposium on "Masseria Pantano: yesterday, today and tomorrow." Historians, archaeologists, architects, entrepreneurs and public administrators, in the light of history and of research conducted on site, will launch a debate on the possibility of opening a path for the recovery of the testimony of local history, with the intent to bring the center of the city \u200b\u200blife.
contributions collected during the event will be the basis of symbolic funds necessary to restore and give back to the local community FARM DIRECTOR PANTANO.
you there!
Anna Cecilia (Social Action Group and Animation GAAS)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
Poem Bridal Shower Monatary
The GAAS, Animation and Social Action Group continues to expand its activities in support of children of the eighteenth-century neighborhoods.
Born in March 2007 with the willingness to implement new strategies of intervention in an area marked by a severe emergency housing, social and economic deals with mediation, guidance and social activity through a door fixed and mobile assets in these districts, in synergy with local services.
The GAAS, Animation and Social Action Group continues to expand its activities in support of children of the eighteenth-century neighborhoods.
Born in March 2007 with the willingness to implement new strategies of intervention in an area marked by a severe emergency housing, social and economic deals with mediation, guidance and social activity through a door fixed and mobile assets in these districts, in synergy with local services.
Childhood and Adolescence, also because of the almost total lack of space for socializing are the groups most exposed to high risks in the area is.
In view of the role socializing, cathartic and educational role of sport, GAAS has recently partnered with the U.S. FOGGIA school football for the formation of a "New Youth Sector."
In view of the role socializing, cathartic and educational role of sport, GAAS has recently partnered with the U.S. FOGGIA school football for the formation of a "New Youth Sector."
It will thus be used as a means of preventing juvenile delinquency also the game of football to channel these children, who often play alone on the streets of the Quarter eighteenth century, towards compliance with the rules and the other, the acceptance of defeat, self-confidence and self-discipline, led by a teacher adult is able to transform a passion for life in the gym.
Football is indeed in a sense, a metaphor for society, a community experience that if you go down together in the field, only if we act and think collectively, each with its own role and its unique specificity and unique, it becomes possible to overcome and address problems and challenges of life.
may enroll in the school football boys and girls between 5 and 12 years of age.
Football is indeed in a sense, a metaphor for society, a community experience that if you go down together in the field, only if we act and think collectively, each with its own role and its unique specificity and unique, it becomes possible to overcome and address problems and challenges of life.
may enroll in the school football boys and girls between 5 and 12 years of age.
The training will take place in the "Parish of the Sacred Heart."
For details ask at the door on a GAAS Meridiana 58 on Wednesday afternoon from 18:00 to 19:00 or call 320-4094562.
Anna Cecilia
Anna Cecilia
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
How Difficult Is It To Wakeboard
After nine months of the presentation by the City of Foggia in the Puglia region of three projects of social infrastructure, Saturday, September 25, 2010, came in the room of City Hall, held a press conference for approval el'ufficializzazione projects that will benefit a total funding of € 3 million (ERDF funds).
As many already know, there are two abandoned ruins for years that will soon be undergoing major renovation with change of use: the former Gil Via Matteotti Gymnasium will be transformed into a Centre for Mediation Civil and Criminal Court and the former Prison to be Sant'Eligio converted into a dormitory for the homeless. The third project, however, will see the former Cathedral of District II via Frascolla become a multi-purpose day care center for children.
meeting was attended by the Mayor of Foggia Gianni Mongelli, the City Councillor for Social Policies Pasquale Pellegrino, the special commissioner of the 'Sorrows of IPAB Foggia Alfonso De Pellegrino Alderman Regional Labor and Welfare Elena Gentile. The latter would like to congratulate the Municipality of Foggia for the work and have embarked upon listening to the territory, in line with the new welfare system of the Puglia Region, the most part e moderno, che promuove la persona quale soggetto attivo e competente, superando l’antica logica assistenzialistica. L’Assessore Gentile ha aggiunto inoltre che con queste nuove progettualità “è’ stata scritta una pagina di bella e buona amministrazione”.
Il G.A.A.S. e la Scurpiddu si associano alle parole dell’Assessore regionale ringraziando il Comune di Foggia per aver mostrato attenzione e sensibilità rispetto ai suggerimenti elaborati dalle due realtà associazionistiche, operanti da più di tre anni nei Quartieri Settecenteschi di Foggia, insieme ai residenti stessi (progetto “C.I.S.I – Centro di Integrazione Socio Istituzionale” e progetto “Centro Diurno Danilo Dolci”).
From the data of the monitoring carried out by the GAAS and Scurpiddu citizens, in fact, have expressed the need for an aggregation center for children and a place where their daily problems and support could be heard. This collaboration between citizens, institutions and the world of associations marks a major change in social policy: it goes dall'assistenzialismo the participation of stakeholders in the co-planning services to people. In this
sharing and co-construction of the choices of city government, last April 11 and the Cooperative Scurpiddu GAAS, along with many associations local authorities and with the support of City and Province of Foggia, have achieved the twelfth day of road in the courtyard of the First Circle Learning N. Parisi, adjacent to the Ex Gil Via Matteotti, in order to socialize with the people, even before its formalization, the three redevelopment projects, according to the principles of participation.
order for the yards are not disturbances but rather catalysts for the residents of curiosity and interest, and the GAAS Scurpiddu have already done so to submit new proposals to the City to ensure that those projects are not "dropped from 'high' but well accepted and defended by citizens. The idea pilot is to creatively take the time necessary for the completion of structural measures, transforming the urban space in an open site to citizenship that animates the construction period with days of entertainment-recreational-cultural artistic way. The site could then become an irreplaceable opportunity to strengthen social ties, upgrading the relations between citizens and institutions and to collect subscriptions for the birth of OAC
These are autonomous organizations of citizens, ie bodies of civic participation, protection common goods and supervision of the institutions to prevent abuse or injury to persons and ai beni comuni, promossi dalla “Carta Europea della Cittadinanza Attiva”, che stabilisce diritti e doveri delle organizzazioni civiche che partecipano ai processi decisionali relativi alle politiche pubbliche.
Anna Cecilia
One glimmer of light is visible through the cracks of the crisis.
Foggia is going to change his face. From the belly of the city abandoned to decay and all'incuria are going to create new social and health structures, calibrated on the real needs of the area. After nine months of the presentation by the City of Foggia in the Puglia region of three projects of social infrastructure, Saturday, September 25, 2010, came in the room of City Hall, held a press conference for approval el'ufficializzazione projects that will benefit a total funding of € 3 million (ERDF funds).
As many already know, there are two abandoned ruins for years that will soon be undergoing major renovation with change of use: the former Gil Via Matteotti Gymnasium will be transformed into a Centre for Mediation Civil and Criminal Court and the former Prison to be Sant'Eligio converted into a dormitory for the homeless. The third project, however, will see the former Cathedral of District II via Frascolla become a multi-purpose day care center for children.
meeting was attended by the Mayor of Foggia Gianni Mongelli, the City Councillor for Social Policies Pasquale Pellegrino, the special commissioner of the 'Sorrows of IPAB Foggia Alfonso De Pellegrino Alderman Regional Labor and Welfare Elena Gentile. The latter would like to congratulate the Municipality of Foggia for the work and have embarked upon listening to the territory, in line with the new welfare system of the Puglia Region, the most part e moderno, che promuove la persona quale soggetto attivo e competente, superando l’antica logica assistenzialistica. L’Assessore Gentile ha aggiunto inoltre che con queste nuove progettualità “è’ stata scritta una pagina di bella e buona amministrazione”.
Il G.A.A.S. e la Scurpiddu si associano alle parole dell’Assessore regionale ringraziando il Comune di Foggia per aver mostrato attenzione e sensibilità rispetto ai suggerimenti elaborati dalle due realtà associazionistiche, operanti da più di tre anni nei Quartieri Settecenteschi di Foggia, insieme ai residenti stessi (progetto “C.I.S.I – Centro di Integrazione Socio Istituzionale” e progetto “Centro Diurno Danilo Dolci”).
From the data of the monitoring carried out by the GAAS and Scurpiddu citizens, in fact, have expressed the need for an aggregation center for children and a place where their daily problems and support could be heard. This collaboration between citizens, institutions and the world of associations marks a major change in social policy: it goes dall'assistenzialismo the participation of stakeholders in the co-planning services to people. In this
sharing and co-construction of the choices of city government, last April 11 and the Cooperative Scurpiddu GAAS, along with many associations local authorities and with the support of City and Province of Foggia, have achieved the twelfth day of road in the courtyard of the First Circle Learning N. Parisi, adjacent to the Ex Gil Via Matteotti, in order to socialize with the people, even before its formalization, the three redevelopment projects, according to the principles of participation.
order for the yards are not disturbances but rather catalysts for the residents of curiosity and interest, and the GAAS Scurpiddu have already done so to submit new proposals to the City to ensure that those projects are not "dropped from 'high' but well accepted and defended by citizens. The idea pilot is to creatively take the time necessary for the completion of structural measures, transforming the urban space in an open site to citizenship that animates the construction period with days of entertainment-recreational-cultural artistic way. The site could then become an irreplaceable opportunity to strengthen social ties, upgrading the relations between citizens and institutions and to collect subscriptions for the birth of OAC
These are autonomous organizations of citizens, ie bodies of civic participation, protection common goods and supervision of the institutions to prevent abuse or injury to persons and ai beni comuni, promossi dalla “Carta Europea della Cittadinanza Attiva”, che stabilisce diritti e doveri delle organizzazioni civiche che partecipano ai processi decisionali relativi alle politiche pubbliche.
Nell’attesa che i sogni prendano forma e la città mostri il suo nuovo volto, più umano, curato e solidale, vi proponiamo qui di seguito il video relativo alla XII Giornata di Strada dell’Operazione Scurpiddu, a cui hanno preso parte anche il Sindaco Gianni Mongelli, il Vice Sindaco Lucia Lambresa e l’Assessore alle Politiche Sociali Pasquale Pellegrino, l’ex Assessore all’Urbanistica Nicola Lo Muzio, protagonists of the "symbolic flight" of three paper models depicting the structures that soon " will raise" the quality of health services .
The video was produced by Sergio Grillo, a skilled and sensitive narrator image, owner of Fog Productions video.
Enjoy everyone!
The video was produced by Sergio Grillo, a skilled and sensitive narrator image, owner of Fog Productions video.
Enjoy everyone!
Anna Cecilia
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