Friday, March 5, 2010

Best Gay Fileshare Blog


Tiziana Paghini

This is the news of the day. Gd. Weber offers a kind of cut from 10,000 € to those in Germany demonstrate that the animals are treated with kid gloves and do not stop to vivisection or God knows where and for what purposes. This is the video posted on Youtube, then nessuna castroneria detta da noi oppositori che, a giusta ragione, non siamo d'accordo con l'espatrio delle nostre creature per lidi del tutto oscuri. Noi, tacciati di ignoranza, di non vedere oltre il nostro nasino aristocratico, osiamo fare le pulci a questo mercato meravigliosamente proficuo... Diecimila euro...Che dire? Questo è il prezzo corrente per una valida testimonianza? Adesso le testimonianze hanno un valore di mercato? Ma dai, non lo sapevo...è proprio vero che bisognerebbe poter vivere mille vite per imparare tutto, e forse non sarebbero sufficienti! Sono tutti così certi della loro posizione nell'Olimpo degli Dei da dover offrire soldi per una sacrosanta verità? Io non credo proprio, o meglio, cerco di spiegarmi meglio. Se I knew that in a strange place - out of the Motherland-Italian animals were treated well, but really good, I would not need to pocket the size in question. And believe me, € 10,000 are comfortable for anyone, but I do not wish, as well as refuse to accept a reward if I were to find a lost animal. Santa is? No! Simply never been for sale and never will be. This is a very low rung of the men, and perhaps, as a fierce beast in my turn, I would not even think of accepting it. The truth has a 'very big money, you know know, but not commensurate with the base money. Jesus, but we realize certain things? As the daughter of working class and proud of it, I was taught that the moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bare not for sale! If a fact can be supported by real evidence, and with this s'intente name, as well as a place of belonging of a person, why not offer money?
One approach, that of the sign. Weber, in my view highly questionable and arbitrary, as if what he says should be the truth, offering a similar sum, I bet what you want to tens that will present themselves to say that abroad, allocation of too many animals Italians, c ' is heaven on earth, that's for sure.
Would not it be fairer, simpler than that, witness the true names and surnames of the adopters? Where there is a problem implementation of something that, in event, should be inescapable truth? After all, would be many more than myself, to be interested in seeing for yourself what seems to be so sure but that, on balance, there seems to be supported by nothing except the words of certain associations twinned with countries' Alps! Too bad these are just words and nothing more. And if it is true that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty, the fact remains that, until proven itself where there are no palpable certainty, everything is and will remain a big question with no way back.
Translated in simple terms, Sign. Weber, she takes us-obviously not the only person to have physical evidence and no doubt ...- miserable sizes from Far West, and we might find dialogue. Otherwise, as is clear, silent, and there will always be a great figure!
Further translated, this is further proof that collides with a hyperbolic number of animals and Italian, to destinations very, very uncertain.
Ah, but I forgot what some willing volunteer I have already noted that careless ... I am! We draw from sources without knowledge of the facts only, and not because we are fighting on the front but only because, not knowing how to bring evening, baste absurd plots on the PC.
And if they say that the 'trench' there are, will no doubt be true ...
O no?

Tiziana Paghini
Un padrone che li accudisce e li ama? Ebbene, dov'è il problema nel dire che si è adottato un cane o un gatto? E' un segreto di Stato?


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