CATS KIDNAPPED. VLADIMIR, Joyn, CALEDON: IN MEMORY 13 March 2000 - March 13, 2010
Di Tiziana Paghini
Mie sono ( non parlo al passato, loro ci saranno sempre )queste meravigliose creature che oggi avrebbero compiuto dieci anni.
Sono sparite 'misteriosamente' diverso tempo fa, quando ci fu nella nostra zona della provincia di Pavia il feroce sospetto/certezza che la sparizione di decine e decine di gatti di proprietà, ben tenuti e nutriti, quindi non randagi, venissero catturati per raggiungere 'destinazioni sospette'. Inutile dire che questi gatti sarebbero stati destinati ai laboratori per la vivisezione. Questo fatto gravissimo non ha visto l'adesione o la coesione di nessuno di coloro che, come me, sono stati vittime di questa atroce e disumana crudeltà. C'è stata rabbia, indignazione apparente, ma a conti fatti nessuno ha avuto 'Face' to go by the police to lodge a formal complaint against unknown though. They all confirmed the theory of the abduction of their beloved animals, yet no one has stepped forward to fight for you to actually take the truth light. Perhaps an action, even if it was only right to do as a collective, it would not be served anything, but many could have been the voices of the choir, so a small result could be achieved.
But you know, some people are ashamed to show their feelings for the loss / death of an animal. Many do not care, others are just full of alls good talk but did nothing, many, like me reveal it but are often forced by circumstances to remain silent and pretend that everything is fine even eats the liver, and others simply are ashamed of what most would consider an unforgivable weakness. A weakness at the edge of emptiness, because in a world beset by hunger, war and natural disasters is unthinkable to worry about the other life forms. Forms of life worthy of respect in the same way to human, and if one may point out, many times it is to a greater extent. The animal is not typical cowardice and wickedness human, ergo, this simply puts the sage define what the 'beast', dozens of steps higher than in males (also a beast, and not just to say) .
With the memory of what doveva essere il decimo anno di vita di Caledon, Joyne, Vladimir, non solo ho desiderato rendere immortale ancor più il dono della loro seppur breve vita che ha arricchito la mia esistenza, ma porre nuovamente l'accento sull'allarme esponenziale del traffico degli animali per destinazioni non propriamente rosee. A tal riguardo, molto ho scritto in web e, certamente, la mia esperienza personale di vittima secondaria, poichè il reale agnello sacrificale è l'animale rubato alla propria famiglia, alla propria libertà che è diritto di ogni essere vivente e privato della propria vita, diviene una battaglia personale. Una battaglia che combatto e che non mi vede e non mi vedrà mai favorevole a nulla che io non possa constatare con mano. Per understand, I can feel good for reasons of force majeure (and I mean REALLY force majeure) an animal leaves home and country, but this does not become a mere excuse to show the world what is not. Too many animals are lost (it can easily happen), and the legitimate owners are not informed of their discovery even if regularly chipped . Many animals are caught for illegal trafficking. This dramatic reality is often reported by the news more important. Heaven on earth does not exist, this is known, and perhaps there is no heaven beyond this mortal life, least of all, once you believe in fairy tales grew. Fairy tales with all the trappings of the occasion, but never with a reliable documentation, with a witness by name. Just words, and woe to anyone who raises legitimate doubt or disagreement. But legitimate questions, such as freedom of speech, thought, replication, are the rights of everyone, not just the storyteller. Perhaps, as they themselves became futile in their websites, we do not do anything for animals. Of course, if they say it is a guarantee as a guarantee that everything spoken! We do a lot, instead! And how! We do just enough to rebel in the name and on behalf of those who can not defend itself and is loaded into a van, tossed about for thousands of miles without food or water, and perhaps to see the end of his vile and unacceptable suffering of a laboratory with death. Death certainly do not come so merciful. We we ensure that the decree Garavaglia, who many years ago warned of the danger today is shamefully rampant objectivity, you become more feasible. We do not need to boastful, of false-gooders who wear a uniform like the schoolboy who would not want to remember. We do not need to play the role of leader and followers that we do not want to worship. We do not seek wealth for themselves and not making deals with the devil, even if it leads us to look attractive proposals or incinerated with the larvae that would close your mouth and bind her wrists. We want and we must be united to fight this horror unfolding every minute. Who can do it is actively in the state, and the State we must not forget. We need facts, and that these facts, protecting the animal species, protect ourselves. No promises from the election campaign, please, we have really deep pockets. Especially when followed by action which is only mildly questionable. The laws are there, there are years and years had to be applied, followed. Someone tried to fight to enforce them, but it is obvious that someone, by contrast, had an interest to let them die.
Here's what we do down as the fuck da PC: noi riportiamo alla luce verità scomode.
Ripubb lico il decreto di Maria Pia Garavaglia, e mi auguro che in molti lo leggano bene. Mi auguro anche che a nessuno capiti di vedersi sottratto un animale così come successe a me. In quel caso, se davvero avete amato il vosto amico a quattro zampe, il dolore della sua scomparsa va a sommarsi con lo strazio di sapere cosa davvero gli è successo. Per questo strappo nel cuore, le belle parole non servono a niente. Servono i fatti, non le baggianate farcite di frutta candita come la casetta delle streghe nelle fiabe.
Tiziana Paghini
Ministero della Sanità
N. 600.8/24433/AG./4751
Roma, 12 agosto 1993
Alle Regioni
Assessorati alla sanità
Loro sedi
Alle Provincie Autonome
Assessorati alla sanità
Loro sedi
Al Comando Carabinieri Nas
Alle Prefetture
Loro sedi
Circolare n. 33
OGGETTO: Esportazione cani randagi.
Continuano a pervenire segnalazioni di affidamenti di cani randagi da parte di canili comunali o intercomunali o privati convenzionati a persone che spesso si presentano sotto l'egida di Associazioni protezionistiche e che invece fungerebbero da intermediari con organizzazioni straniere che nulla hanno a che vedere con la protezione animale.
Si sarebbe infatti instaurato un vasto traffico di cani ma anche di gatti che, prelevati a cifre irrisorie in Italia, verrebbero dirottati e rivenduti a cifre più elevate in Germania, Austria e Svizzera ed anche in altri Paesi per essere destinati alla sperimentazione, vigendo in tali Paesi norme meno restrittive che in Italia.
Si raccomanda pertanto, per quanto di competenza, di attenersi scrupolosamente alla normativa vigente affinché distrazione o buonafede nell'affido degli animali non favoriscano il traffico in argomento.
Si richiede particolarmente che, a norma dell'art. 2 della Legge 281 del 14/8/1991, i cani ospitati presso i canili devono essere tatuati, e non devono essere ceduti prima the expiry of the period of 60 days, to give way to its rightful owners to repossess it. It should then record the number of dogs returning tattoo, date of entry and release date and number of the card count. Furthermore, in the manner of disposal of animals, we need a careful assessment with regard to guarantees of good treatment must ensure that individuals or in the case of protectionist associations regarding the reliability of them.
It is believed that waiting to take more restrictive measures that may become necessary, from the sale to be put particular care in drawing up the type of custody that must be clearly gli elementi identificativi del soggetto che viene ceduto (razza, mantello, sesso, età approssimativa e tatuaggio), nonché la dichiarazione sottoscritta dell'affidatario che s'impegna a mantenere l'animale in buone condizioni presso di se e a non cederlo se non previa segnalazione alla U.S.L. competente. L'affidatario deve pertanto fornire l'esatto recapito dove l'animale sarà mantenuto che deve essere riportato sulla scheda assieme agli altri dati (nome, cognome, residenza, telefono, numero del documento di riconoscimento valido e luogo del rilascio); copia delle schede deve essere conservata presso il canile a disposizione per eventuali controlli, unitamente alla fotocopia del documento di identità dell'affidatario.
Sarà opportuno non cedere cani conto terzi ma direttamente all'interessato, valutando le motivazioni della richiesta caso per caso, e limitando, se occorre, il numero dei cani ceduti per persona, come pure non cedere cani in tempi differenti alla stessa persona se non dopo aver accertato o fatto accertare lo stato degli animali precedentemente prelevati. Egualmente con particolare cautela devono essere considerate le richieste che pervengono da parte di persone non residenti o addirittura residenti all'estero.
Si ravvisa l'opportunità di segnalare a questo Ministero, per esperire le necessarie indagini, i casi sospetti soprattutto in relazione a cessioni o a richieste di cessioni ricorrenti nel tempo da parte della stessa persona o dello stesso Ente.
Si It recommends, for those regions that had not already done so, the establishment of the Registry dog \u200b\u200band the adoption of all necessary measures to streamline its operation and improve its management.
Health Minister Maria Pia Garavaglia
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Best Gay Fileshare Blog
Tiziana Paghini
This is the news of the day. Gd. Weber offers a kind of cut from 10,000 € to those in Germany demonstrate that the animals are treated with kid gloves and do not stop to vivisection or God knows where and for what purposes. This is the video posted on Youtube, then nessuna castroneria detta da noi oppositori che, a giusta ragione, non siamo d'accordo con l'espatrio delle nostre creature per lidi del tutto oscuri. Noi, tacciati di ignoranza, di non vedere oltre il nostro nasino aristocratico, osiamo fare le pulci a questo mercato meravigliosamente proficuo... Diecimila euro...Che dire? Questo è il prezzo corrente per una valida testimonianza? Adesso le testimonianze hanno un valore di mercato? Ma dai, non lo sapevo...è proprio vero che bisognerebbe poter vivere mille vite per imparare tutto, e forse non sarebbero sufficienti! Sono tutti così certi della loro posizione nell'Olimpo degli Dei da dover offrire soldi per una sacrosanta verità? Io non credo proprio, o meglio, cerco di spiegarmi meglio. Se I knew that in a strange place - out of the Motherland-Italian animals were treated well, but really good, I would not need to pocket the size in question. And believe me, € 10,000 are comfortable for anyone, but I do not wish, as well as refuse to accept a reward if I were to find a lost animal. Santa is? No! Simply never been for sale and never will be. This is a very low rung of the men, and perhaps, as a fierce beast in my turn, I would not even think of accepting it. The truth has a 'very big money, you know know, but not commensurate with the base money. Jesus, but we realize certain things? As the daughter of working class and proud of it, I was taught that the moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bare not for sale! If a fact can be supported by real evidence, and with this s'intente name, as well as a place of belonging of a person, why not offer money?
One approach, that of the sign. Weber, in my view highly questionable and arbitrary, as if what he says should be the truth, offering a similar sum, I bet what you want to tens that will present themselves to say that abroad, allocation of too many animals Italians, c ' is heaven on earth, that's for sure.
Would not it be fairer, simpler than that, witness the true names and surnames of the adopters? Where there is a problem implementation of something that, in event, should be inescapable truth? After all, would be many more than myself, to be interested in seeing for yourself what seems to be so sure but that, on balance, there seems to be supported by nothing except the words of certain associations twinned with countries' Alps! Too bad these are just words and nothing more. And if it is true that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty, the fact remains that, until proven itself where there are no palpable certainty, everything is and will remain a big question with no way back.
Translated in simple terms, Sign. Weber, she takes us-obviously not the only person to have physical evidence and no doubt ...- miserable sizes from Far West, and we might find dialogue. Otherwise, as is clear, silent, and there will always be a great figure!
Further translated, this is further proof that collides with a hyperbolic number of animals and Italian, to destinations very, very uncertain.
Ah, but I forgot what some willing volunteer I have already noted that careless ... I am! We draw from sources without knowledge of the facts only, and not because we are fighting on the front but only because, not knowing how to bring evening, baste absurd plots on the PC.
And if they say that the 'trench' there are, will no doubt be true ...
O no?
Tiziana Paghini
Un padrone che li accudisce e li ama? Ebbene, dov'è il problema nel dire che si è adottato un cane o un gatto? E' un segreto di Stato?
Tiziana Paghini
This is the news of the day. Gd. Weber offers a kind of cut from 10,000 € to those in Germany demonstrate that the animals are treated with kid gloves and do not stop to vivisection or God knows where and for what purposes. This is the video posted on Youtube, then nessuna castroneria detta da noi oppositori che, a giusta ragione, non siamo d'accordo con l'espatrio delle nostre creature per lidi del tutto oscuri. Noi, tacciati di ignoranza, di non vedere oltre il nostro nasino aristocratico, osiamo fare le pulci a questo mercato meravigliosamente proficuo... Diecimila euro...Che dire? Questo è il prezzo corrente per una valida testimonianza? Adesso le testimonianze hanno un valore di mercato? Ma dai, non lo sapevo...è proprio vero che bisognerebbe poter vivere mille vite per imparare tutto, e forse non sarebbero sufficienti! Sono tutti così certi della loro posizione nell'Olimpo degli Dei da dover offrire soldi per una sacrosanta verità? Io non credo proprio, o meglio, cerco di spiegarmi meglio. Se I knew that in a strange place - out of the Motherland-Italian animals were treated well, but really good, I would not need to pocket the size in question. And believe me, € 10,000 are comfortable for anyone, but I do not wish, as well as refuse to accept a reward if I were to find a lost animal. Santa is? No! Simply never been for sale and never will be. This is a very low rung of the men, and perhaps, as a fierce beast in my turn, I would not even think of accepting it. The truth has a 'very big money, you know know, but not commensurate with the base money. Jesus, but we realize certain things? As the daughter of working class and proud of it, I was taught that the moral and ethical values \u200b\u200bare not for sale! If a fact can be supported by real evidence, and with this s'intente name, as well as a place of belonging of a person, why not offer money?
One approach, that of the sign. Weber, in my view highly questionable and arbitrary, as if what he says should be the truth, offering a similar sum, I bet what you want to tens that will present themselves to say that abroad, allocation of too many animals Italians, c ' is heaven on earth, that's for sure.
Would not it be fairer, simpler than that, witness the true names and surnames of the adopters? Where there is a problem implementation of something that, in event, should be inescapable truth? After all, would be many more than myself, to be interested in seeing for yourself what seems to be so sure but that, on balance, there seems to be supported by nothing except the words of certain associations twinned with countries' Alps! Too bad these are just words and nothing more. And if it is true that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty, the fact remains that, until proven itself where there are no palpable certainty, everything is and will remain a big question with no way back.
Translated in simple terms, Sign. Weber, she takes us-obviously not the only person to have physical evidence and no doubt ...- miserable sizes from Far West, and we might find dialogue. Otherwise, as is clear, silent, and there will always be a great figure!
Further translated, this is further proof that collides with a hyperbolic number of animals and Italian, to destinations very, very uncertain.
Ah, but I forgot what some willing volunteer I have already noted that careless ... I am! We draw from sources without knowledge of the facts only, and not because we are fighting on the front but only because, not knowing how to bring evening, baste absurd plots on the PC.
And if they say that the 'trench' there are, will no doubt be true ...
O no?
Tiziana Paghini
Un padrone che li accudisce e li ama? Ebbene, dov'è il problema nel dire che si è adottato un cane o un gatto? E' un segreto di Stato?
Monday, March 1, 2010
Ultra Tight Jeans Men
Non volevo affrontare nuovamente l'argomento. Tante volte l'ho fatto nei mesi passati e credevo di essere stata chiara sulla mia posizione in merito alle troppe facili adozioni dei nostri animali ( non solo cani! )in Germania. Evidentemente, tanta è la foga di chi la pensa diversamente che gli articoli da me pubblicati non sono stati letti con attenzione, quindi si ritorna in campo a combattere.
Questo post sarà piuttosto long, and certainly not so because I want, but I hope you have enough patience to read it all, in order to find some answers that many seek.
Yesterday, February 28, 2010 I get an email that I want to disclose all of you readers, as I have always done in the past. There are omitted
duties but the substance of the contents of this letter does not change. Democracy is a concept far removed, especially if it is working in the right way, or to defend a dramatic reality which has to raise awareness and move some consciousness. Taking into account the fact that those who should protect the animals you are not really working hard as it should, we bloggers is the only way forward, that is to make our voice heard through the power of the Internet and put it to good use.
Below the text of the email, then my analysis in further response to the points which I consider to be emphasized.
From: robyxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 02/28/10 05:02:36
To: tizianaxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: international adoptions
The site 2009/10/cani-
is clear
your point of view on international adoptions. I currently do not have
points of view but I am gathering information (the sources, which is always better
Tuttavia non capisco la presa di posizione contro Laura
Fabbri e compagni di Rieti e quasi a favore della TECNOVETT.
Chi a
Rieti c'è stato non se la sentirebbe di parlare come lei: ho visto cani
provenire da quel canile e non depongono a favore del gestore-
Dal Suo sito peraltro non è chiaro se lei sia
attivamente impegnata sul fronte della prevenzione del randagismo in
qualche canile più o meno lager o parla per sentito dire o tanto per
dar aria alla bocca o pechè è più facile scrivere pensieri in libertà
su una tastiera che infangarsi insieme ai cani di canile. Infatti penso
che quelle ragazze non le abbiano risposto perchè use the time more
If you like, but perhaps not interested, the story
what I saw on Valentine's Day in Frankfurt after the German
a friend of mine who lived for years in Italy. Among other things, she is
never been to Germany?
For Valentine's Day was scheduled meetings between adoptive families and about 25 dogs from Spain.
The meeting was held at the home of the chairwoman of the name: HUNDEHILFE
V. (Http:
/ /
The courtyard was soon animated festive these dogs, aside from a few more so. Gradually came the families: couples with children, leashes, harnesses and a few new coat, dog biscuits for the friendly welcome and leaving lipstick marks on the hairy chosen.
The components of the association have quietly done so to take the documents
adopters' and give them the international passport of the adopted dog. The new owners must register their pet in taxes, a sort of registry canine world, so if you lose your dog, for example in Chile, anyone having read the chip can be traced back to the owner in Germany. Over the last 6
years ago, when there is an association, have given up for adoption around 2000 dogs. The
dogs available for adoption are filed from the point with respect to behavior and health status and are included in their site. If someone wants to take contact the association going to do an inspection to see how that dog will be required. For example, a dog for a lady contact the association, saying it was a dog for himself. During the interview with the volunteer showed that the dog was not for himself but to keep company to her daughter that is only because of the work of the mother. Because the dog was not suitable to the situation that dog was not given, probably there is a dog for that situation, but could not be that. I was told that the family seek suitable for the dog and not a dog for the family. Or, another person wanted a dog and took in the garden. The dog was not given because he had to have the opportunity to stay at home to establish a good relationship with the "two-legged companion." As a result of the skill set of each when inspecting the post-foster care. E '
possible that a person who adopted a dog for some reason in the future can no longer keep him. Then the association feels responsible for that dog and will be held
by a volunteer until he is found another family.
Not all dogs just arrived from Spain had prepared a family: four were taken into custody by volunteers of the association until they had found a family that usually comes at the latest within 4 months, although some become attached and then hold it. So I asked some questions that arise spontaneously
: first of all, what makes a German family
to take a dog abroad? Perhaps they too have the strays?
Well, the information I have received have been many. First of all we
we have too many dogs, we have them on the street in certain regions, while they
the street do not.
Their kennels are exclusively local, for which there is the executive's kennel that thrive with stray: the municipalities or some combination
directly manage kennels and shelters.
also often are aware that there are situations in kennels, and worst of Europe German kennels and this pushes German families to choose a dog days. It 's a little bit what happens here: I know of local volunteers while knowing that emergencies in Italy
choose a dog from Spain or Romania, as there often are worse or at risk of death
sometimes violently. In addition, whenever a
kennel association is adopting a dog or the adopter pays a fee
animal protection, which a dog is about 200 €, you need to do check-up animals, sterilization, all even the males before giving it up for adoption, so that the adopter know exactly the state of health of the dog and has no surprises. Breeding is strictly
normed: there may be the amateur breeder
is constantly giving birth to his dog: the civic consciousness is sufficiently developed so that the neighbors saw the dog continually pregnant
report the situation to the Guard of Livestock and penalties are severe.
Volunteers kennel must have been a little over 4 hours before operation, can bring out the dogs from the kennel to know and to do
socialize with other animals, with cats and with other people.
E 'banned in Germany importing or mastiffs pitbull like that, even if
within the country you can breed them. Only then stocking fees are so high that private individuals are discouraged from averne.Dei dogs kept in kennels and shelters, 80% comes from private transfers and 20% from neglect. In fact, if a private
can no longer keep the animal transfers it to the local dog pound and paid a one-off figure.
I was also told that as well as in Italy, you can not take dogs from shelters
for experimentation. Now, since I believe that this could not be a gigantic sham, a plot to my own damage, it might be worth
investicare without preconceptions. But she
to write what he writes is documented on-site or only on the Internet? He realizes that circulates on the network of everything and its opposite at the risk for each of us to come to the wrong conclusions? Roberta
After this prologue I believe you are entitled to the nth replica public. We begin to say that civilization goes in two directions, so the aggressive approach I avoid it but my answer is definitely not friendly.
The pleasantries aside and let them discuss the same style of mail received.
This lady is not present, does not say who he is and what it does but pretends that I offer a life of my culliculum morality in the field of animal welfare. This lady attacks because they do not agree with his point of view and knows correctly that I never will be. This lady obviously did not understand much of the post with so much mention of any link in reference to an article published in mid-October 2009, delirious and draws conclusions on the content thereof.
Since I have neither time nor desire to repeat all that I can only ask the same Article, and if it is not enough to read it again, do it a hundred more. Reread my public response to Edgar Meyer, and find the answers that so craves.
In analysis, I want to emphasize certain passages in his long annoying mail. In bold are my answers.
1) However I do not understand taking a stand against Laura Fabbri and fellow Rieti and almost to the TECNOVETT. Who was there in Rieti not bring himself to talk like her, I saw dogs provenire da quel canile e non depongono a favore del gestore- proprietario.
Io sarei a favore della Tecnovett? Questo dimostra con quale leggerezza l'articolo è stato letto. E mi limito a dire questo per buona educazione. IO NON HO MAI DIFESO IL CANILE DI RIETI NELLA PERSONA DEI SUOI GESTORI/PROPRIETARI. Questo lo ha 'letto' lei, ma io non l'ho mai nè detto nè scritto, e lungi lontanamente da me farlo. Chiaro è che se non si vuole scendere a patti con il diavolo, non ci si firma un protocollo d'intesa. Non sono stata io a siglare con il mio nome e cognome un accordo, ergo la sua interpretazione del tutto soggettiva e discutibile non mi tange affatto. So quello che dico e mai ho espresso favore o difesa per la Tenovett. A Rieti we were all, including those who do not admit it, because the shameful pictures and from that concentration camp for animals have been around the world. Sometimes there is no need to go to hell to know that it exists.
2) From your website, however it is unclear whether she is actively engaged on prevention of stray dogs in the kennel a few more or less lager or speak from hearsay or just to give air to the mouth or peche is easier to write thoughts in freedom on a keyboard together with muddy dog \u200b\u200bkennels.
fact I think that those girls do not have responded because they use the time more profiqua.
Forget the mistakes grammar - made out to me but I leave as they are in faith to the letter, and get to the point of the matter. I'm so sick, but so sick of hearing the same things, the same phrases, the same old story! Let's change the stylus of the turntable because I believe that this litany have tired many others besides me. Dear lady, it is not clear commitment on my face because I do not need dell'aureola and applause of others to work. She does not know me but I think I can come for the sermon just because our thoughts will never meet, thank God!
I have done volunteer work for years, and two four-legged animals. In my day, although I have not yet thirty-nine, we did not need the red carpet to feel good when we did a good work. Even today, actually. Nobody gave us a pat on the back and even now, despite our constant efforts, we do not need or do we go looking for it. I was always enough to know that I was doing good in relation to my physical and economic, without overdoing it, without any public proclamations. I have always fought actively for the protection of animals and humans, and often, very often, I have faced situations hallucinating without asking anything to anyone. I have not bitten off more than you can chew and I never suggested to become the new Mother Teresa of Calcutta of the animal world. I did, and I just know I'm doing and see what che ho operato è cosa buona. E mi creda, cosa buona lo è veramente. Una ricchezza che il denaro non potrà mai comprare. I deliri di onnipotenza, oltre a non essere contemplati nel mio modo di pensare e di agire, li lascio a chi cerca solo una soddisfazione del proprio ego. Io mi accontento di poco pur facendo sacrifici immani. Nemmeno le sto a dire che lavoro quasi solo per sfamare e curare creature che nessuno ha voluto. Nemmeno le sto a raccontare che tirate faccio per far sì che tutto funzioni nel migliore dei modi. Io non cerco la gloria, non cerco l'immortalità. Io sono una peccatrice terrena come molti altri, ma mi creda, sapesse quanto è bello addormentarsi stanca morta e sapere che, nel mio piccolo molte vite sono state salvate o verranno Saved! All this in silence, not praise, and that's okay.
3) By the way, she's never been to Germany?
dramatically ... I have to laugh to laugh. Let's say you invited me in Germany and I'm leaving tomorrow morning? We do, once there, you can see and touch everything, not just what suits show? You do not know if I am in Germany, Finland, Norway have been there and I speak from knowledge of the facts? But for her it is obvious that it can not be. We are opposed because we know that for many, many years, many do not fit the trip of our animals abroad?
charges against her? No, if anything, clarifications what with great obstinacy will show you how Nirvana and no real evidence in hand for the general public. A specific place, a specific name in Germany and there I would be just me, believe me!
Please note that the phenomenon raises suspicions and doubts as early as the second half of the seventies too many of our dogs and cats see the journey of hope in Germany and Switzerland but were never able to get back to telling the story?
Is that enough! Thousands of animals vanished into thin air ...
The girls did not answer because I have decided to commit their time in a better way? I do not doubt at all. I too would have done without the loss of my precious time to point out once again my point of view, avvalorato da molti altri concordi. Sinceramente le dico che anche lei avrebbe fatto meglio ad impegnare il suo senza perdersi nella vacuità di internet. Ogni minuto buttato via per un copia/incolla generale di un testo è indebitamente sottratto alla cura e al benessere degli animali. Non crede?
4) Ma lei per scrivere quello che scrive si documenta sul posto o solo su Internet? Si rende conto che sulla rete circola di tutto e il suo contrario col rischio
per ognuno di noi di giungere a conclusioni sbagliate?
Guardi, io mi documento su tutto e in ogni dove, e in particolar modo su testimonianze fisiche di persone attendibilissime che hanno visto un loro animale sparire per luoghi definiti paradisiaci senza quasi neppure avere il tempo per accorgersene. Persone che sono ricorse a vie legali per riottenere il loro animale finito ignobilmente in laboratorio! Vogliamo aggiungere in quali condizioni questo è ritornato in madre patria? E questo per lei non è fonte ottimale?
Sul fatto che ci si documenta ANCHE su internet è fuori discussione, ma qui, se lo lasci dire con calore, qualcuno detiene un posto meravigliosamente privilegiato. Gli accoratissimi appelli non sono miei. I cani presenti contemporaneamente in Italia e Germania, in internet non ce li ho messi io. Gli insulti a chi non si dimostrava giustamente soddisfatto delle scarne informazioni sul dove si trova esattamente un animale, non li ho fatti io. Ora, visto che di tempo ne ho perso anche too, I find a minute or more to remind you that freedom of expression is a constitutional element of the absolute. Ask and answer is lawful and courtesy. If it were not informed, please read well for Art. 19 of our Constitution: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, including the right not to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers" . Out of habit I always do my job well, and this both publicly and privately and tell her that the text of his mail has a tone that I do not like at all. She did not ask, she accuses. She took part for the party but will retain un diritto autoproclamato di fare la vittima e di spiegare ragioni in maniera discutibile ed arbitraria, tuttavia agli altri non è concesso mettere in discussione nulla. Un atteggiamento a dir poco totalitarista, non è d'accordo anche lei? O per andare d'accordo con voi bisogna pedissequamente pensare con la vostra testa?
Esprimo il mio legittimo dubbio se l'occasione lo richiede, e mi permetto di criticare ciò che non mi torna soprattutto dinanzi ad oggettività di cronaca e testimonianze oggettive. Per farla breve, no, non sono assolutamente d'accordo con i cosiddetti viaggi della speranza. No, non ci credo neanche lontanamente che i tedeschi o i giapponesi o i coreani -tanto per non citare sempre gli stessi- possano cercare un nostro animale after that unfortunate, tangible estimates, the number of animals present on their territory would be much higher than the population of the same place.
No, I do not believe that heaven exists on earth, especially when national newspaper articles constantly alert to destinations not so golden creatures that can not have their say. And do not think that in Italy there can be no room for these beings. Let's say someone makes it easier to say this and thus justify the dramatic increase of our animals to other shores.
In Germany there were many people I know so well in Switzerland, and what they tell is not really a fairytale for our animals. You are not on that side of the fence? Good for you, but do not be absurd claim that the world revolves around you is on your side only because you say so sentenced. As for my people, I think, that's okay. I know what I say and I'm not the only person feeling this way.
In the future, let us not waste any more precious time to attack those who disagree with your actions. This luxury you let us, who are camping from morning to night behind a PC and not 'help' anyone. We
, because I'm not really alone in this world blindfolded and ears plugged, you might not go down in history, but what do we do in the sacred silence, dirty hands and feet of shit kennel and cattery and we do not want trophies. We, when we close our eyes at night, we fight for the right and try to understand what is right there, but mostly just for animals and humans is not.
Tiziana Paghini
Non volevo affrontare nuovamente l'argomento. Tante volte l'ho fatto nei mesi passati e credevo di essere stata chiara sulla mia posizione in merito alle troppe facili adozioni dei nostri animali ( non solo cani! )in Germania. Evidentemente, tanta è la foga di chi la pensa diversamente che gli articoli da me pubblicati non sono stati letti con attenzione, quindi si ritorna in campo a combattere.
Questo post sarà piuttosto long, and certainly not so because I want, but I hope you have enough patience to read it all, in order to find some answers that many seek.
Yesterday, February 28, 2010 I get an email that I want to disclose all of you readers, as I have always done in the past. There are omitted
duties but the substance of the contents of this letter does not change. Democracy is a concept far removed, especially if it is working in the right way, or to defend a dramatic reality which has to raise awareness and move some consciousness. Taking into account the fact that those who should protect the animals you are not really working hard as it should, we bloggers is the only way forward, that is to make our voice heard through the power of the Internet and put it to good use.
Below the text of the email, then my analysis in further response to the points which I consider to be emphasized.
From: robyxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 02/28/10 05:02:36
To: tizianaxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: international adoptions
The site 2009/10/cani-
is clear
your point of view on international adoptions. I currently do not have
points of view but I am gathering information (the sources, which is always better
Tuttavia non capisco la presa di posizione contro Laura
Fabbri e compagni di Rieti e quasi a favore della TECNOVETT.
Chi a
Rieti c'è stato non se la sentirebbe di parlare come lei: ho visto cani
provenire da quel canile e non depongono a favore del gestore-
Dal Suo sito peraltro non è chiaro se lei sia
attivamente impegnata sul fronte della prevenzione del randagismo in
qualche canile più o meno lager o parla per sentito dire o tanto per
dar aria alla bocca o pechè è più facile scrivere pensieri in libertà
su una tastiera che infangarsi insieme ai cani di canile. Infatti penso
che quelle ragazze non le abbiano risposto perchè use the time more
If you like, but perhaps not interested, the story
what I saw on Valentine's Day in Frankfurt after the German
a friend of mine who lived for years in Italy. Among other things, she is
never been to Germany?
For Valentine's Day was scheduled meetings between adoptive families and about 25 dogs from Spain.
The meeting was held at the home of the chairwoman of the name: HUNDEHILFE
V. (Http:
/ /
The courtyard was soon animated festive these dogs, aside from a few more so. Gradually came the families: couples with children, leashes, harnesses and a few new coat, dog biscuits for the friendly welcome and leaving lipstick marks on the hairy chosen.
The components of the association have quietly done so to take the documents
adopters' and give them the international passport of the adopted dog. The new owners must register their pet in taxes, a sort of registry canine world, so if you lose your dog, for example in Chile, anyone having read the chip can be traced back to the owner in Germany. Over the last 6
years ago, when there is an association, have given up for adoption around 2000 dogs. The
dogs available for adoption are filed from the point with respect to behavior and health status and are included in their site. If someone wants to take contact the association going to do an inspection to see how that dog will be required. For example, a dog for a lady contact the association, saying it was a dog for himself. During the interview with the volunteer showed that the dog was not for himself but to keep company to her daughter that is only because of the work of the mother. Because the dog was not suitable to the situation that dog was not given, probably there is a dog for that situation, but could not be that. I was told that the family seek suitable for the dog and not a dog for the family. Or, another person wanted a dog and took in the garden. The dog was not given because he had to have the opportunity to stay at home to establish a good relationship with the "two-legged companion." As a result of the skill set of each when inspecting the post-foster care. E '
possible that a person who adopted a dog for some reason in the future can no longer keep him. Then the association feels responsible for that dog and will be held
by a volunteer until he is found another family.
Not all dogs just arrived from Spain had prepared a family: four were taken into custody by volunteers of the association until they had found a family that usually comes at the latest within 4 months, although some become attached and then hold it. So I asked some questions that arise spontaneously
: first of all, what makes a German family
to take a dog abroad? Perhaps they too have the strays?
Well, the information I have received have been many. First of all we
we have too many dogs, we have them on the street in certain regions, while they
the street do not.
Their kennels are exclusively local, for which there is the executive's kennel that thrive with stray: the municipalities or some combination
directly manage kennels and shelters.
also often are aware that there are situations in kennels, and worst of Europe German kennels and this pushes German families to choose a dog days. It 's a little bit what happens here: I know of local volunteers while knowing that emergencies in Italy
choose a dog from Spain or Romania, as there often are worse or at risk of death
sometimes violently. In addition, whenever a
kennel association is adopting a dog or the adopter pays a fee
animal protection, which a dog is about 200 €, you need to do check-up animals, sterilization, all even the males before giving it up for adoption, so that the adopter know exactly the state of health of the dog and has no surprises. Breeding is strictly
normed: there may be the amateur breeder
is constantly giving birth to his dog: the civic consciousness is sufficiently developed so that the neighbors saw the dog continually pregnant
report the situation to the Guard of Livestock and penalties are severe.
Volunteers kennel must have been a little over 4 hours before operation, can bring out the dogs from the kennel to know and to do
socialize with other animals, with cats and with other people.
E 'banned in Germany importing or mastiffs pitbull like that, even if
within the country you can breed them. Only then stocking fees are so high that private individuals are discouraged from averne.Dei dogs kept in kennels and shelters, 80% comes from private transfers and 20% from neglect. In fact, if a private
can no longer keep the animal transfers it to the local dog pound and paid a one-off figure.
I was also told that as well as in Italy, you can not take dogs from shelters
for experimentation. Now, since I believe that this could not be a gigantic sham, a plot to my own damage, it might be worth
investicare without preconceptions. But she
to write what he writes is documented on-site or only on the Internet? He realizes that circulates on the network of everything and its opposite at the risk for each of us to come to the wrong conclusions? Roberta
After this prologue I believe you are entitled to the nth replica public. We begin to say that civilization goes in two directions, so the aggressive approach I avoid it but my answer is definitely not friendly.
The pleasantries aside and let them discuss the same style of mail received.
This lady is not present, does not say who he is and what it does but pretends that I offer a life of my culliculum morality in the field of animal welfare. This lady attacks because they do not agree with his point of view and knows correctly that I never will be. This lady obviously did not understand much of the post with so much mention of any link in reference to an article published in mid-October 2009, delirious and draws conclusions on the content thereof.
Since I have neither time nor desire to repeat all that I can only ask the same Article, and if it is not enough to read it again, do it a hundred more. Reread my public response to Edgar Meyer, and find the answers that so craves.
In analysis, I want to emphasize certain passages in his long annoying mail. In bold are my answers.
1) However I do not understand taking a stand against Laura Fabbri and fellow Rieti and almost to the TECNOVETT. Who was there in Rieti not bring himself to talk like her, I saw dogs provenire da quel canile e non depongono a favore del gestore- proprietario.
Io sarei a favore della Tecnovett? Questo dimostra con quale leggerezza l'articolo è stato letto. E mi limito a dire questo per buona educazione. IO NON HO MAI DIFESO IL CANILE DI RIETI NELLA PERSONA DEI SUOI GESTORI/PROPRIETARI. Questo lo ha 'letto' lei, ma io non l'ho mai nè detto nè scritto, e lungi lontanamente da me farlo. Chiaro è che se non si vuole scendere a patti con il diavolo, non ci si firma un protocollo d'intesa. Non sono stata io a siglare con il mio nome e cognome un accordo, ergo la sua interpretazione del tutto soggettiva e discutibile non mi tange affatto. So quello che dico e mai ho espresso favore o difesa per la Tenovett. A Rieti we were all, including those who do not admit it, because the shameful pictures and from that concentration camp for animals have been around the world. Sometimes there is no need to go to hell to know that it exists.
2) From your website, however it is unclear whether she is actively engaged on prevention of stray dogs in the kennel a few more or less lager or speak from hearsay or just to give air to the mouth or peche is easier to write thoughts in freedom on a keyboard together with muddy dog \u200b\u200bkennels.
fact I think that those girls do not have responded because they use the time more profiqua.
Forget the mistakes grammar - made out to me but I leave as they are in faith to the letter, and get to the point of the matter. I'm so sick, but so sick of hearing the same things, the same phrases, the same old story! Let's change the stylus of the turntable because I believe that this litany have tired many others besides me. Dear lady, it is not clear commitment on my face because I do not need dell'aureola and applause of others to work. She does not know me but I think I can come for the sermon just because our thoughts will never meet, thank God!
I have done volunteer work for years, and two four-legged animals. In my day, although I have not yet thirty-nine, we did not need the red carpet to feel good when we did a good work. Even today, actually. Nobody gave us a pat on the back and even now, despite our constant efforts, we do not need or do we go looking for it. I was always enough to know that I was doing good in relation to my physical and economic, without overdoing it, without any public proclamations. I have always fought actively for the protection of animals and humans, and often, very often, I have faced situations hallucinating without asking anything to anyone. I have not bitten off more than you can chew and I never suggested to become the new Mother Teresa of Calcutta of the animal world. I did, and I just know I'm doing and see what che ho operato è cosa buona. E mi creda, cosa buona lo è veramente. Una ricchezza che il denaro non potrà mai comprare. I deliri di onnipotenza, oltre a non essere contemplati nel mio modo di pensare e di agire, li lascio a chi cerca solo una soddisfazione del proprio ego. Io mi accontento di poco pur facendo sacrifici immani. Nemmeno le sto a dire che lavoro quasi solo per sfamare e curare creature che nessuno ha voluto. Nemmeno le sto a raccontare che tirate faccio per far sì che tutto funzioni nel migliore dei modi. Io non cerco la gloria, non cerco l'immortalità. Io sono una peccatrice terrena come molti altri, ma mi creda, sapesse quanto è bello addormentarsi stanca morta e sapere che, nel mio piccolo molte vite sono state salvate o verranno Saved! All this in silence, not praise, and that's okay.
3) By the way, she's never been to Germany?
dramatically ... I have to laugh to laugh. Let's say you invited me in Germany and I'm leaving tomorrow morning? We do, once there, you can see and touch everything, not just what suits show? You do not know if I am in Germany, Finland, Norway have been there and I speak from knowledge of the facts? But for her it is obvious that it can not be. We are opposed because we know that for many, many years, many do not fit the trip of our animals abroad?
charges against her? No, if anything, clarifications what with great obstinacy will show you how Nirvana and no real evidence in hand for the general public. A specific place, a specific name in Germany and there I would be just me, believe me!
Please note that the phenomenon raises suspicions and doubts as early as the second half of the seventies too many of our dogs and cats see the journey of hope in Germany and Switzerland but were never able to get back to telling the story?
Is that enough! Thousands of animals vanished into thin air ...
The girls did not answer because I have decided to commit their time in a better way? I do not doubt at all. I too would have done without the loss of my precious time to point out once again my point of view, avvalorato da molti altri concordi. Sinceramente le dico che anche lei avrebbe fatto meglio ad impegnare il suo senza perdersi nella vacuità di internet. Ogni minuto buttato via per un copia/incolla generale di un testo è indebitamente sottratto alla cura e al benessere degli animali. Non crede?
4) Ma lei per scrivere quello che scrive si documenta sul posto o solo su Internet? Si rende conto che sulla rete circola di tutto e il suo contrario col rischio
per ognuno di noi di giungere a conclusioni sbagliate?
Guardi, io mi documento su tutto e in ogni dove, e in particolar modo su testimonianze fisiche di persone attendibilissime che hanno visto un loro animale sparire per luoghi definiti paradisiaci senza quasi neppure avere il tempo per accorgersene. Persone che sono ricorse a vie legali per riottenere il loro animale finito ignobilmente in laboratorio! Vogliamo aggiungere in quali condizioni questo è ritornato in madre patria? E questo per lei non è fonte ottimale?
Sul fatto che ci si documenta ANCHE su internet è fuori discussione, ma qui, se lo lasci dire con calore, qualcuno detiene un posto meravigliosamente privilegiato. Gli accoratissimi appelli non sono miei. I cani presenti contemporaneamente in Italia e Germania, in internet non ce li ho messi io. Gli insulti a chi non si dimostrava giustamente soddisfatto delle scarne informazioni sul dove si trova esattamente un animale, non li ho fatti io. Ora, visto che di tempo ne ho perso anche too, I find a minute or more to remind you that freedom of expression is a constitutional element of the absolute. Ask and answer is lawful and courtesy. If it were not informed, please read well for Art. 19 of our Constitution: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, including the right not to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers" . Out of habit I always do my job well, and this both publicly and privately and tell her that the text of his mail has a tone that I do not like at all. She did not ask, she accuses. She took part for the party but will retain un diritto autoproclamato di fare la vittima e di spiegare ragioni in maniera discutibile ed arbitraria, tuttavia agli altri non è concesso mettere in discussione nulla. Un atteggiamento a dir poco totalitarista, non è d'accordo anche lei? O per andare d'accordo con voi bisogna pedissequamente pensare con la vostra testa?
Esprimo il mio legittimo dubbio se l'occasione lo richiede, e mi permetto di criticare ciò che non mi torna soprattutto dinanzi ad oggettività di cronaca e testimonianze oggettive. Per farla breve, no, non sono assolutamente d'accordo con i cosiddetti viaggi della speranza. No, non ci credo neanche lontanamente che i tedeschi o i giapponesi o i coreani -tanto per non citare sempre gli stessi- possano cercare un nostro animale after that unfortunate, tangible estimates, the number of animals present on their territory would be much higher than the population of the same place.
No, I do not believe that heaven exists on earth, especially when national newspaper articles constantly alert to destinations not so golden creatures that can not have their say. And do not think that in Italy there can be no room for these beings. Let's say someone makes it easier to say this and thus justify the dramatic increase of our animals to other shores.
In Germany there were many people I know so well in Switzerland, and what they tell is not really a fairytale for our animals. You are not on that side of the fence? Good for you, but do not be absurd claim that the world revolves around you is on your side only because you say so sentenced. As for my people, I think, that's okay. I know what I say and I'm not the only person feeling this way.
In the future, let us not waste any more precious time to attack those who disagree with your actions. This luxury you let us, who are camping from morning to night behind a PC and not 'help' anyone. We
, because I'm not really alone in this world blindfolded and ears plugged, you might not go down in history, but what do we do in the sacred silence, dirty hands and feet of shit kennel and cattery and we do not want trophies. We, when we close our eyes at night, we fight for the right and try to understand what is right there, but mostly just for animals and humans is not.
Tiziana Paghini
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