February 17: The Day of the Cats
of Tiziana Paghini
Today is the day of the cat. An animal extraordinary, unique, wonderfully free.
Many are lovers of this fantastic creature. A being nothing short of perfect, a loyal and loving companion that dispels all the myths and legends that want to consider a pimp or an opportunist.
Who, at least once in their lifetime, had the honor to live with a cat knows that his honesty is equal to the dignity of his being. He does not worship anyone, but if you know loves unconditionally respected. It is not and never will be anyone's servant, and as all beings with self-love will live a life that will pierce the hearts of those who lived with him.
I want to dedicate a few lines about what you can not describe with words but must be lived with the soul.
The images speak for themselves, and my feeling is beyond any words can express, and that has not already been stated by the greats of the past.
Good life and good party, my friend Cat, and those who mistreated you can truly be haunted by the ghosts of a black heart of ignorance and dryness to the end of his days.
A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, not a cat.
If it were possible to equip the cat with wings, they do not want to be just birds, angels would
- Dick Shawn -
posted by Tiziana Paghini
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Babies R Us Jardine Dresser
SOURCE: http://www.lastampa.it/lazampa/girata.asp?ID_blog=164&ID_articolo=1589&ID_sezione=339&sezione=News
Tiziana Di Paghini
in the world nor are now little more than three thousand. There are tigers, and the Chinese calendar is the Year of the Tiger. Begins Feb. 14, the day of love, Valentine's Day. And if we try to extend the concept of love? If we were to think that this day is the day all the love in all its facets, in all its forms?
Let's imagine that the message / alarm raised by the WWF for thought and worry.
Our love / respect for creatures great for gifts of mother nature is disappearing with his children, or are we still in time to salvage a little bit and put some ugly things on track?
Actually, I do not know. You could try, but it seems to be a difficult task to understand the importance of preserving life forms that are about to become extinct.
WWF points out major threats to this beautiful creature, drew a map of the top 10 spots with the aim of curbing the risk of disappearance of tigers on our planet. Reducing habitat in India, climate change in Bangladesh, Mekong and deforestation in Russia, trade of bones, skins and tiger meat in China, Vietnam and Nepal, the major causes of the risks of extinction of this species identified by the group of Panda.
In Biodiversity, the tiger was chosen as a symbol of nature high risk of disappearing.
emphasize that since 1940, three subspecies of tiger are there, and a fourth, namely the South China tiger, is not sighted in the wild for over 25 years.
the dock that promote the extinction of this valuable animal, there are the industrialized countries of the civilized West, starting with the United States of America and in captivity they hold more than five thousand, and with almost total absence of laws aimed at 'ground marketing on the black market of products made of tigers.
We believe that this animal could be no chance of survival and that the alarm raised by the WWF runs out as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we can all do something. We begin to respect the power generating and her children, because only in this way can there be a chance to live better in a better world.
There is no other way.
Tiziana Paghini
SOURCE: http://www.lastampa.it/lazampa/girata.asp?ID_blog=164&ID_articolo=1589&ID_sezione=339&sezione=News
Tiziana Di Paghini
in the world nor are now little more than three thousand. There are tigers, and the Chinese calendar is the Year of the Tiger. Begins Feb. 14, the day of love, Valentine's Day. And if we try to extend the concept of love? If we were to think that this day is the day all the love in all its facets, in all its forms?
Let's imagine that the message / alarm raised by the WWF for thought and worry.
Our love / respect for creatures great for gifts of mother nature is disappearing with his children, or are we still in time to salvage a little bit and put some ugly things on track?
Actually, I do not know. You could try, but it seems to be a difficult task to understand the importance of preserving life forms that are about to become extinct.
WWF points out major threats to this beautiful creature, drew a map of the top 10 spots with the aim of curbing the risk of disappearance of tigers on our planet. Reducing habitat in India, climate change in Bangladesh, Mekong and deforestation in Russia, trade of bones, skins and tiger meat in China, Vietnam and Nepal, the major causes of the risks of extinction of this species identified by the group of Panda.
In Biodiversity, the tiger was chosen as a symbol of nature high risk of disappearing.
emphasize that since 1940, three subspecies of tiger are there, and a fourth, namely the South China tiger, is not sighted in the wild for over 25 years.
the dock that promote the extinction of this valuable animal, there are the industrialized countries of the civilized West, starting with the United States of America and in captivity they hold more than five thousand, and with almost total absence of laws aimed at 'ground marketing on the black market of products made of tigers.
We believe that this animal could be no chance of survival and that the alarm raised by the WWF runs out as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we can all do something. We begin to respect the power generating and her children, because only in this way can there be a chance to live better in a better world.
There is no other way.
Tiziana Paghini
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hole In Butcher Knife
Inhumans: SE SFAM a stray fines you
Di Tiziana Paghini
Non ho mai fatto mistero del mio essere 'cattolica non osservante', e non sarà certamente attraverso questo post che sento nel cuore che rettificherò quanto ho sempre affermato. Se devo dirla tutta, non posso neppure considerarmi atea, poichè nonostante lo schifo che impera nel mondo, sento che una forza superiore domina questa terra e tutti i suoi abitanti, me compresa. Purtroppo, duole ammettere che le ingiustizie sono tali e si consumano con tale regolarità da rendere dubbia qualsiasi considerazione di un essere superiore, tuttavia credo che il male fatto, in un modo o nell'altro, venga sempre scontato. Citando un passaggio di 'Misery', noto romanzo di Stephen King, c'è una giustizia superiore a quella dell'uomo, e da quella sarò giudicata, per il resto mi arrogo il sacrosanto diritto di dire la mia appellandomi al diritto costituzionale di controbattere alle troppe stronzate che dilagano farcite come una legge ma che sono totalitarismo bello e buono, soprattutto dinanzi alla cattiveria umana che non conosce limiti e confini di nessun genere. Bando alle ciance, la rabbia è molta dopo aver letto una notizia di tale assurdità sulle testate dei maggiori quotidiani nazionali che, ancora una volta, mi fanno vergognare di essere italiana. Non scenderò in un discorso puramente religioso or patriotic, but I will try to find the religion itself and the reasoning to hold a sentient being able to join the discussion under this article as alarming and a sense of civic consciousness-if any-that is in everyone.
The belief is belief, faith is faith, but without awareness you can fill your mouth with billions of words ends in themselves, and I do not want glory only because I tried to say the right thing at the right time or in for just cause.
'm not interested in this type of 'unhealthy' media like many celebrities, so that others may judge me a good 'Christian'.
I'm not a 'good Christian', but I know where is the thin red LIEA crosses between good and evil, and not exceed at any time. Strong character? Maybe. Of course meal is a bit of my bag, a bit is the good education that my parents have taught me even though their was little time to spare and humble backgrounds. Thing I do with pride, as those who had to struggle in life has full knowledge of what it is really a good thing in horror.
That said, I quote a biblical passage and connection with Article I of the newspapers that carry below:
"Then the King will say to those on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. Why I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you visited me in prison and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we saw you hungry and we fed you, or thirsty and gave thee drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit thee?
the King will answer them, Verily I say unto you: every time you did it to one of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me "(Mt 25, 34-40)
Why this passage?
sure to read the fine amenities of this article and you traetene the necessary conclusions.
Controversy Monte di Procida:
'Fines for those who give food to stray dogs'
NAPOLI (February 10) - fines ranging from 100 to 600 € for those feeds in the street or in parks, stray dogs and cats and pigeons. Are the penalties provided for by an order issued by the union town of Monte di Procida, in the province of Naples.
The use of the measure - it is stated in the order - is explained by the need to address "problems of health and hygiene in some public streets, squares and green areas, caused by food residues that are fed to stray dogs and cats and pigeons from private citizens. " Hence the ban on feeding food to stray.
"inhuman and absurd ordinance against which we are already working in order not to starve the dogs and cats of the town." So the commissioner of Campania, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, and the provincial secretary of the Greens, Carlo Ceparano, spoke on the order. "Today - continue environmentalists - are animals, tomorrow it could tap to the homeless or the homeless. Our lawyers, Pietro Amedeo Pisanti and Marzano, are already studying how to appeal against this order of shocking. " «Sosteniamo la protesta delle associazioni animaliste come "Fido e Dintorni" - afferma il consigliere comunale Peppe Pugliese - e chiediamo al sindaco di fare marcia indietro. In ogni caso continueremo a sfamare gli animali a nostro rischio e pericolo pur di non vederli morire di fame».
Questo pezzo non è firmato da nessuno, neppure con le iniziali di chi lo ha fatto. Per dovere di correttezza si cita la fonte direttamente, e questo mi sembra più che sufficiente per non essere tacciati in alcun modo di plagio. Fermo restando che, qualora si verificassero problemi, l'articolo stesso è stato salvato e la veridicità delle mie asserzioni e dei fatti nudi e crudi attendibili, mi sento in dovere di renderlo ancor più pubblico. In this article extracted from the address referring Web which you will find by clicking on the title, there is a statement that supports the confidentiality of the content. Maybe, but from my point of view is not right , citing in its entirety as the source of a news THAT 'INTERESTS OF ALL can not apply similar restrictions, otherwise what good is it to give a news story? How could all this get?
After all, I do not arrogate to themselves the authorship of the article of course! I have not written, I will limit myself only to spread it for someone to see it in the beginning of a personal struggle or group.
Newspapers, in my view, should allow everyone to be able to borrow their articles, unless, of course, distortion or manipulation of the same. " If we stick to the slightest chance of seeing him 'turn' in the network under other names, that is another thing, but if this refers to the true source of origin is all the better. A report of this kind is not reserved , also because reported from other sources.
We see for example
Naples, absolutely no food to give stray
Fines from 100 to 600 € For those who eat on the street or in parks, stray dogs and cats and pigeons. Are the penalties provided for by an order issued by the union town of Monte di Procida, in the province of Naples.
The use of the measure - it is stated in the order - is explained by the need to address "problems of health and hygiene in certain public streets, squares and green areas, caused by food residues that are administered to dogs and cats stray dogs and pigeons from private citizens. "
'A' absurd and inhuman order against which we are already working in order not to starve the dogs and cats of the town. " So the commissioner of Campania, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, and the provincial secretary of the Greens, Carlo Ceparano, spoke on the order that union in the town of Monte di Procida (Napoli) is strictly forbidden for people to give food to stray dogs and cats.
"Today - continue environmentalists - are animals, tomorrow it could tap to the homeless or the homeless. Our lawyers, Pietro Amedeo Pisanti and Marzano, are already studying how to appeal against this order of shocking. "
"We support the protests of animal rights organizations as" Fido and Surroundings "- says councilor Peppe Pugliese - and ask the mayor to back off. In any case, we will continue to feed the animals at our peril e pericolo pur di non vederli morire di fame».
Questo è quanto.
Una legge orribile, vergognosa. Tanto casino se non si fa l'elemosina ad un essere umano quando, e questo ho potuto vederlo e viverlo direttamente, mi sono trovata nella condizione di comprare da mangiare a chi diceva di aver fame. Ma no! Questo non voleva i soldi per il cibo, bensì voleva i soldi e basta. Li voleva per farne quello che voleva, non per necessità. Infatti, aveva talmente fame che ha gettato, davanti ai miei occhi, due panini imbottiti nella spazzatura. Panini fatti e comprati per lui, per il suo appello!
E quindi?
Quindi verrei multata se dessi da mangiare ad un animale affamato che solo attraverso il mio aiuto/sostentamento could be said to be able to live or die?
But we're kidding or serious?
is nonsense to stem the problems of sanitary streets soiled by careless giving food to animals put on the cross from the cold and hungry ... I have to laugh. Yes, why do not I know that animals dispersed into the environment so dear to Italy toxic waste scattered everywhere, empty beer bottles, plastic bottles of various drinks, empty cigarette packs, candy wrappers, or ice cream, tissues reminiscent of a report of road consumed in some kind of conditions, condoms, syringes infected ...
will agree with me that what was said is in line with reality. I defy anyone, even inhabitant in small towns, to support that I have never witnessed such a decline. Not to mention those urine in the streets, in subways, train stations. And the spitting on the ground? This where we put them?
But if we feed a stray animal are punishable by fines expensive ...
What a beautiful Italy! Where it suits them to enforce the laws!
And if we focus on the underlying problem, which varies greatly from south to north, civilized Italian side in which I live? We want to discuss
of stray dogs and the shameful neglect of those who might have time to arrest this phenomenon, but has preferred to wash their hands like Pontius Pilate?
reflect for a moment and another riportiamoci headlines an excerpt from the article link:
Sos mavericks
The solution: sterilization campaigns, renovation of kennels moratorium on sales of livestock and the fight against illegal trafficking of puppies
One thing is certain: the tragic end on Sunday afternoon in Ragusa, the small Joseph Brafford mauled by a pack of stray dogs is not the fault of the animals so hungry and aggressive as battered. Instead of those who, despite the existence in our country of ad hoc regulations, did not ensure nor prevented such an event could happen, unacceptable even in a third world country. We are in an emergency and not just the remnant of Sicily, where yesterday there was another fierce ambush this time against a young German tourist, disfigured his face and body. The figures speak for themselves. Stray dogs in Italy are around 600,000: approximately 149,500 of these are housed in kennels equipped, one quarter of the total.
It is estimated, then there are six million dogs owned. And each year we are left around 45,000. We say that where the laws are applied, especially in the north, the situation is quite under control. The regions most affected are concentrated in the south where the army of strays.
They lie in Parliament ten bills to improve the Act 281 of 1991 on the prevention of stray dogs. The laws are there but are disregarded.
Mayors Campania, for their part, complain of a scarcity of resources. 'We have money for gasoline for cars, let alone for dogs, "says Ernesto Sica, Mayor of Pontecagnano in the province of Salerno. In his town on May 6 last year a woman of 61 years was torn from her pitbull. And would the appropriations for a municipal dog pound also the mayor of Montesarchio (Benevento) Antonio Izzo, as its common spends "more than 100,000 euro a year to keep stray dogs ensnared in a private kennel in Caserta. In short, the stray dogs can be prevent.
seems to watch a game of tennis. A ball-dogs or cats, but the list can be extended ...-, two players, institutions, communities, and foolish people wandering ... the point is that no one wants a Match Point. No, better to lose the ball and then, with un'amichevolissima handshake, to return friends studying what may be the next 'sacrifices'. Who knows why the money still missing? The State - WE! - Bestows them to cause targeted but this piece of watermarked paper and sweating disappear into thin air ... poof ... no more!
Certainly the ghosts do not use them, not sure how we would do us humans, then somewhere must still finish. One suggestion to chi ha fatto la delibera/divieto di dar da mangiare ai randagi: e se questi iniziasse a dare il buon esempio con un personalissimo digiuno di settimane? Magari per strada, al freddo, alla sporcizia, alla mercé di violenze, calci, vessazioni? E se iniziasse questo soggetto a vivere nella spazzatura così, come pretende che lo faccia una 'bestia'? Sarebbe un bell'esempio di civiltà, oppure la vita è migliore dormendo a pancia piena e al calduccio?
Certo, i soldi fanno bene alla salute e migliorano la qualità della vita...tutti cristiani, con la bocca, ma a fatti neppure il DIAVOLO li vorrebbe nei suoi gironi, tizi così schifosi.
Eppure...eppure c'è qualcosa che non torna in tutto questo. Ma il denaro, we know that can not buy eternity. What a pity!
Something in the air, which is cut with a knife ...
How many dogs are in various kennels? We all know that those municipalities have given way to someone who calls himself private and who knows how to handle them. He does not talk much-better to do the dumb, right? - But rumors are many and all very clear. And no one dares to fight back, otherwise you get warnings in priority burst. Functions as a tangible sign of democracy and free thought in this sad country. But this does not seem to cause the drowsiness of many. There are health warnings that run for weeks on the net and that, all things are making a ferocious crackdown on stray dogs. Yes, it seems someone who intends to put an end to this pervasive phenomenon. How? And do not be too many questions! Do not you ever have the real answers but conventional! Do not talk about the nasty business, or those who dare to do so are always the usual suspects are not affiliated to anyone or anything. All have been left out. I stray ... the problem of stray dogs ... the municipalities that do not have money or do not want them ...
you remember anything that? Really?? Never seen so many stray
thus give trouble in our country. Actually, never seen so many stray ... but there are. And how if you are! And the solution, someone is already implementing.
Ergo, all die with the Philistines Samson.
Too bad that, according the story, Samson is capable of repentance, even though the end of his life. In
those who really intend to repent?
Tiziana Paghini
Di Tiziana Paghini
Non ho mai fatto mistero del mio essere 'cattolica non osservante', e non sarà certamente attraverso questo post che sento nel cuore che rettificherò quanto ho sempre affermato. Se devo dirla tutta, non posso neppure considerarmi atea, poichè nonostante lo schifo che impera nel mondo, sento che una forza superiore domina questa terra e tutti i suoi abitanti, me compresa. Purtroppo, duole ammettere che le ingiustizie sono tali e si consumano con tale regolarità da rendere dubbia qualsiasi considerazione di un essere superiore, tuttavia credo che il male fatto, in un modo o nell'altro, venga sempre scontato. Citando un passaggio di 'Misery', noto romanzo di Stephen King, c'è una giustizia superiore a quella dell'uomo, e da quella sarò giudicata, per il resto mi arrogo il sacrosanto diritto di dire la mia appellandomi al diritto costituzionale di controbattere alle troppe stronzate che dilagano farcite come una legge ma che sono totalitarismo bello e buono, soprattutto dinanzi alla cattiveria umana che non conosce limiti e confini di nessun genere. Bando alle ciance, la rabbia è molta dopo aver letto una notizia di tale assurdità sulle testate dei maggiori quotidiani nazionali che, ancora una volta, mi fanno vergognare di essere italiana. Non scenderò in un discorso puramente religioso or patriotic, but I will try to find the religion itself and the reasoning to hold a sentient being able to join the discussion under this article as alarming and a sense of civic consciousness-if any-that is in everyone.
The belief is belief, faith is faith, but without awareness you can fill your mouth with billions of words ends in themselves, and I do not want glory only because I tried to say the right thing at the right time or in for just cause.
'm not interested in this type of 'unhealthy' media like many celebrities, so that others may judge me a good 'Christian'.
I'm not a 'good Christian', but I know where is the thin red LIEA crosses between good and evil, and not exceed at any time. Strong character? Maybe. Of course meal is a bit of my bag, a bit is the good education that my parents have taught me even though their was little time to spare and humble backgrounds. Thing I do with pride, as those who had to struggle in life has full knowledge of what it is really a good thing in horror.
That said, I quote a biblical passage and connection with Article I of the newspapers that carry below:
"Then the King will say to those on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. Why I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you visited me in prison and you came to me. Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we saw you hungry and we fed you, or thirsty and gave thee drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome, lacking clothes and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit thee?
the King will answer them, Verily I say unto you: every time you did it to one of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me "(Mt 25, 34-40)
Why this passage?
sure to read the fine amenities of this article and you traetene the necessary conclusions.
Controversy Monte di Procida:
'Fines for those who give food to stray dogs'
NAPOLI (February 10) - fines ranging from 100 to 600 € for those feeds in the street or in parks, stray dogs and cats and pigeons. Are the penalties provided for by an order issued by the union town of Monte di Procida, in the province of Naples.
The use of the measure - it is stated in the order - is explained by the need to address "problems of health and hygiene in some public streets, squares and green areas, caused by food residues that are fed to stray dogs and cats and pigeons from private citizens. " Hence the ban on feeding food to stray.
"inhuman and absurd ordinance against which we are already working in order not to starve the dogs and cats of the town." So the commissioner of Campania, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, and the provincial secretary of the Greens, Carlo Ceparano, spoke on the order. "Today - continue environmentalists - are animals, tomorrow it could tap to the homeless or the homeless. Our lawyers, Pietro Amedeo Pisanti and Marzano, are already studying how to appeal against this order of shocking. " «Sosteniamo la protesta delle associazioni animaliste come "Fido e Dintorni" - afferma il consigliere comunale Peppe Pugliese - e chiediamo al sindaco di fare marcia indietro. In ogni caso continueremo a sfamare gli animali a nostro rischio e pericolo pur di non vederli morire di fame».
Questo pezzo non è firmato da nessuno, neppure con le iniziali di chi lo ha fatto. Per dovere di correttezza si cita la fonte direttamente, e questo mi sembra più che sufficiente per non essere tacciati in alcun modo di plagio. Fermo restando che, qualora si verificassero problemi, l'articolo stesso è stato salvato e la veridicità delle mie asserzioni e dei fatti nudi e crudi attendibili, mi sento in dovere di renderlo ancor più pubblico. In this article extracted from the address referring Web which you will find by clicking on the title, there is a statement that supports the confidentiality of the content. Maybe, but from my point of view is not right , citing in its entirety as the source of a news THAT 'INTERESTS OF ALL can not apply similar restrictions, otherwise what good is it to give a news story? How could all this get?
After all, I do not arrogate to themselves the authorship of the article of course! I have not written, I will limit myself only to spread it for someone to see it in the beginning of a personal struggle or group.
Newspapers, in my view, should allow everyone to be able to borrow their articles, unless, of course, distortion or manipulation of the same. " If we stick to the slightest chance of seeing him 'turn' in the network under other names, that is another thing, but if this refers to the true source of origin is all the better. A report of this kind is not reserved , also because reported from other sources.
We see for example
Naples, absolutely no food to give stray
Fines from 100 to 600 € For those who eat on the street or in parks, stray dogs and cats and pigeons. Are the penalties provided for by an order issued by the union town of Monte di Procida, in the province of Naples.
The use of the measure - it is stated in the order - is explained by the need to address "problems of health and hygiene in certain public streets, squares and green areas, caused by food residues that are administered to dogs and cats stray dogs and pigeons from private citizens. "
'A' absurd and inhuman order against which we are already working in order not to starve the dogs and cats of the town. " So the commissioner of Campania, Francesco Emilio Borrelli, and the provincial secretary of the Greens, Carlo Ceparano, spoke on the order that union in the town of Monte di Procida (Napoli) is strictly forbidden for people to give food to stray dogs and cats.
"Today - continue environmentalists - are animals, tomorrow it could tap to the homeless or the homeless. Our lawyers, Pietro Amedeo Pisanti and Marzano, are already studying how to appeal against this order of shocking. "
"We support the protests of animal rights organizations as" Fido and Surroundings "- says councilor Peppe Pugliese - and ask the mayor to back off. In any case, we will continue to feed the animals at our peril e pericolo pur di non vederli morire di fame».
Questo è quanto.
Una legge orribile, vergognosa. Tanto casino se non si fa l'elemosina ad un essere umano quando, e questo ho potuto vederlo e viverlo direttamente, mi sono trovata nella condizione di comprare da mangiare a chi diceva di aver fame. Ma no! Questo non voleva i soldi per il cibo, bensì voleva i soldi e basta. Li voleva per farne quello che voleva, non per necessità. Infatti, aveva talmente fame che ha gettato, davanti ai miei occhi, due panini imbottiti nella spazzatura. Panini fatti e comprati per lui, per il suo appello!
E quindi?
Quindi verrei multata se dessi da mangiare ad un animale affamato che solo attraverso il mio aiuto/sostentamento could be said to be able to live or die?
But we're kidding or serious?
is nonsense to stem the problems of sanitary streets soiled by careless giving food to animals put on the cross from the cold and hungry ... I have to laugh. Yes, why do not I know that animals dispersed into the environment so dear to Italy toxic waste scattered everywhere, empty beer bottles, plastic bottles of various drinks, empty cigarette packs, candy wrappers, or ice cream, tissues reminiscent of a report of road consumed in some kind of conditions, condoms, syringes infected ...
will agree with me that what was said is in line with reality. I defy anyone, even inhabitant in small towns, to support that I have never witnessed such a decline. Not to mention those urine in the streets, in subways, train stations. And the spitting on the ground? This where we put them?
But if we feed a stray animal are punishable by fines expensive ...
What a beautiful Italy! Where it suits them to enforce the laws!
And if we focus on the underlying problem, which varies greatly from south to north, civilized Italian side in which I live? We want to discuss
of stray dogs and the shameful neglect of those who might have time to arrest this phenomenon, but has preferred to wash their hands like Pontius Pilate?
reflect for a moment and another riportiamoci headlines an excerpt from the article link:
Sos mavericks
The solution: sterilization campaigns, renovation of kennels moratorium on sales of livestock and the fight against illegal trafficking of puppies
One thing is certain: the tragic end on Sunday afternoon in Ragusa, the small Joseph Brafford mauled by a pack of stray dogs is not the fault of the animals so hungry and aggressive as battered. Instead of those who, despite the existence in our country of ad hoc regulations, did not ensure nor prevented such an event could happen, unacceptable even in a third world country. We are in an emergency and not just the remnant of Sicily, where yesterday there was another fierce ambush this time against a young German tourist, disfigured his face and body. The figures speak for themselves. Stray dogs in Italy are around 600,000: approximately 149,500 of these are housed in kennels equipped, one quarter of the total.
It is estimated, then there are six million dogs owned. And each year we are left around 45,000. We say that where the laws are applied, especially in the north, the situation is quite under control. The regions most affected are concentrated in the south where the army of strays.
They lie in Parliament ten bills to improve the Act 281 of 1991 on the prevention of stray dogs. The laws are there but are disregarded.
Mayors Campania, for their part, complain of a scarcity of resources. 'We have money for gasoline for cars, let alone for dogs, "says Ernesto Sica, Mayor of Pontecagnano in the province of Salerno. In his town on May 6 last year a woman of 61 years was torn from her pitbull. And would the appropriations for a municipal dog pound also the mayor of Montesarchio (Benevento) Antonio Izzo, as its common spends "more than 100,000 euro a year to keep stray dogs ensnared in a private kennel in Caserta. In short, the stray dogs can be prevent.
seems to watch a game of tennis. A ball-dogs or cats, but the list can be extended ...-, two players, institutions, communities, and foolish people wandering ... the point is that no one wants a Match Point. No, better to lose the ball and then, with un'amichevolissima handshake, to return friends studying what may be the next 'sacrifices'. Who knows why the money still missing? The State - WE! - Bestows them to cause targeted but this piece of watermarked paper and sweating disappear into thin air ... poof ... no more!
Certainly the ghosts do not use them, not sure how we would do us humans, then somewhere must still finish. One suggestion to chi ha fatto la delibera/divieto di dar da mangiare ai randagi: e se questi iniziasse a dare il buon esempio con un personalissimo digiuno di settimane? Magari per strada, al freddo, alla sporcizia, alla mercé di violenze, calci, vessazioni? E se iniziasse questo soggetto a vivere nella spazzatura così, come pretende che lo faccia una 'bestia'? Sarebbe un bell'esempio di civiltà, oppure la vita è migliore dormendo a pancia piena e al calduccio?
Certo, i soldi fanno bene alla salute e migliorano la qualità della vita...tutti cristiani, con la bocca, ma a fatti neppure il DIAVOLO li vorrebbe nei suoi gironi, tizi così schifosi.
Eppure...eppure c'è qualcosa che non torna in tutto questo. Ma il denaro, we know that can not buy eternity. What a pity!
Something in the air, which is cut with a knife ...
How many dogs are in various kennels? We all know that those municipalities have given way to someone who calls himself private and who knows how to handle them. He does not talk much-better to do the dumb, right? - But rumors are many and all very clear. And no one dares to fight back, otherwise you get warnings in priority burst. Functions as a tangible sign of democracy and free thought in this sad country. But this does not seem to cause the drowsiness of many. There are health warnings that run for weeks on the net and that, all things are making a ferocious crackdown on stray dogs. Yes, it seems someone who intends to put an end to this pervasive phenomenon. How? And do not be too many questions! Do not you ever have the real answers but conventional! Do not talk about the nasty business, or those who dare to do so are always the usual suspects are not affiliated to anyone or anything. All have been left out. I stray ... the problem of stray dogs ... the municipalities that do not have money or do not want them ...
you remember anything that? Really?? Never seen so many stray
thus give trouble in our country. Actually, never seen so many stray ... but there are. And how if you are! And the solution, someone is already implementing.
Ergo, all die with the Philistines Samson.
Too bad that, according the story, Samson is capable of repentance, even though the end of his life. In
those who really intend to repent?
Tiziana Paghini
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Prayer Defense Thesis
Tiziana PAY
http://www.corriere.it / animali/10_febbraio_05/zoo-harbin-live-feeding-animali-vivi-pasto-tigri_783db80e-1268-11df-b50d-00144f02aabe.shtml
initial premise:
There seems to be a new 'fashion' among humans, and how All fashions are not always in good taste. Stressing that good taste seems to be condoning it turns out the Internet through the best of the national press and magazines, that 'human' rediscover the sadistic pleasure of dressing symbolically the role of the new gladiator of modern times. A 'Gladiator' sad, just remember that those of ancient Rome, but with a few euro-because we all know, money is the best friend of the stupid-allows anyone with a thirst for blood and carnage to enjoy the macabre spectacle of death live.
a fashion not too new, as is well known, popular in China for the massacres and that it seems shamefully conquer the web with a lot of movies and background of shrill little voice that will entertain. How do these idiots beano?
Read the news that I report faithfully 'Corriere.it':
Live data fed to tigers:
4 € to see a hen tear
the safari park in Harbin can be left at the mercy of chickens and calves and cats attend as they are torn
LONDON - Up to now had been famous for its spectacular festival of snow and the huge ice sculptures that attract thousands of visitors each year. But Harbin, Manchuria Chinese city not far from the border with Russia and North Korea in recent years is doing more than just talk about himself for the 'attraction' that the leaders of the local zoo safari - one of the largest in northeast China , dove vivono quasi 3 mila animali di 150 specie diverse - hanno voluto regalare ai frequentatori del parco: il «live feeding», ovvero la liberazione nel recinto delle tigri siberiane di un impaurito animale da cortile, e offrire così al pubblico pagante lo spettacolo della morte in diretta.
LOTTA IMPARI - L'idea è forse quella di riproporre ai turisti ciò che avviene in natura, dove però tra preda e predatore si combatte una lotta che, se non ad armi pari, viene condotta perlomeno sulla base di equilibri stabiliti nel corso dei secoli. In questo caso, invece, il momento del pasto diventa semplicemente un pezzo dello spettacolo, a cui è possibile assistere dal sicuro dell'abitacolo di un pulmino o di un fuoristrada adeguatamente rinforzato. Non è solo lo zoo di Harbin a offrire ai visitatori il «live feeding», una pratica molto diffusa in Cina. Tuttavia le immagini registrate dai turisti in questo parco stanno facendo il giro della rete e sempre di più vengono viste e commentate con disappunto nel resto del mondo.
LISTINO PREZZI - I frequentatori del safari park, assieme al biglietto di ingresso, hanno la possibilità di acquistare uno o più capi da lasciare in balia delle tigri durante la visita. Il sovrapprezzo è minimo: si parte da 4 euro per una gallina, poco di più per una capretta e si arriva fino a 150 per un vitello, cifra che si può facilmente ripartire se si visita lo zoo in comitiva. Un supplemento che a quanto pare molti visitatori are ready to shell out just to see the animals in action, was not even really a chase in a wildlife environment, such as those documented in many nature documentaries. The animals chosen as sacrificial victims, however, did not even have time to realize what is going on: they are left at the mercy of tigers and within seconds it's all over.
NOT ONLY SAFARI - Nevertheless, judging from the video circulating on the internet, the initiative is enjoying some success, at least according to the "oooh" of wonder, awe and perhaps even feel satisfaction that the background of movies. And the practice is not only about the safari zoo. In a video you can see some visitors from the top of a balustrade concrete launch a chicken tied to a rope in the yard below, while still trying to play with the cats as you would the cat at home that you try to take the pendant rubber coupled to a small fishing rod. And when at last the tiger reaches its end, or catch the fly the chicken and tear him to pieces in a few bites, there is also someone who laughs and claps (SEE).
Al S.
Source / link: http://www.corriere.it/animali/10_febbraio_05/zoo-harbin-live-feeding-animali-vivi-pasto-tigri_783db80e-1268-11df-b50d-00144f02aabe.shtml
Sappiamo bene che il miracolo della vita non vale più nulla. Sappiamo bene che SOPRATTUTTO, il miracolo della vita animale, secondo i più, vale men che meno.
Detto questo, riflettendo sulle cruente immagini e sui video pubblicati, si evince con chiarezza la cattiveria tipica dell'essere umano. Non si prova certamente disprezzo per la tigre che sbrana l'ignaro animale nelle nuove arene, poichè questi segue il suo istinto e, per quanto le immagini possono urtare un animo sensibile, c'è poco da fare. Basta guardare un documentario girato in savana e il gioco è fatto. Del resto è la legge della loro natura e non ci si può fare nulla. Ma le cose cambiano drasticamente quando questo avviene per puro spettacolo. A pagamento, dai 4 euro in su, si può scegliere la vittima sacrificale e godersi il massacro in diretta. Con tanto di risate, stupore e malsano divertimento. Tutto questo succede con regolarità, con il benestare di autorità che del valore di una vita, dell'etica e della morale non se ne fa niente.
Tutti tacciono, anche se questa vergogna sta assumendo proporzioni colossali e il business impera ingrassando chi coscienza non ne ha e non ne avrà mai.
Non commento oltre; le immagini e il servizio del Corriere parlano meglio di me.
Ad ognuno la capacità di scindere il giusto dallo sbagliato, il buono dal cattivo, il bene e il male.
Non sembrano esserci molte anime solleticate da questa ignominia, eppure una buona riflessione seguita da una strong action could put an end to the barbarism that too, every day, are wasted in this sad and empty world. But this is a story that hardly see a concrete solution. The fun is good for health, money help. Fuck the rest, with the subsequent results.
So be it ...
Tiziana Paghini
Tiziana PAY
http://www.corriere.it / animali/10_febbraio_05/zoo-harbin-live-feeding-animali-vivi-pasto-tigri_783db80e-1268-11df-b50d-00144f02aabe.shtml
initial premise:
There seems to be a new 'fashion' among humans, and how All fashions are not always in good taste. Stressing that good taste seems to be condoning it turns out the Internet through the best of the national press and magazines, that 'human' rediscover the sadistic pleasure of dressing symbolically the role of the new gladiator of modern times. A 'Gladiator' sad, just remember that those of ancient Rome, but with a few euro-because we all know, money is the best friend of the stupid-allows anyone with a thirst for blood and carnage to enjoy the macabre spectacle of death live.
a fashion not too new, as is well known, popular in China for the massacres and that it seems shamefully conquer the web with a lot of movies and background of shrill little voice that will entertain. How do these idiots beano?
Read the news that I report faithfully 'Corriere.it':
Live data fed to tigers:
4 € to see a hen tear
the safari park in Harbin can be left at the mercy of chickens and calves and cats attend as they are torn
LONDON - Up to now had been famous for its spectacular festival of snow and the huge ice sculptures that attract thousands of visitors each year. But Harbin, Manchuria Chinese city not far from the border with Russia and North Korea in recent years is doing more than just talk about himself for the 'attraction' that the leaders of the local zoo safari - one of the largest in northeast China , dove vivono quasi 3 mila animali di 150 specie diverse - hanno voluto regalare ai frequentatori del parco: il «live feeding», ovvero la liberazione nel recinto delle tigri siberiane di un impaurito animale da cortile, e offrire così al pubblico pagante lo spettacolo della morte in diretta.
LOTTA IMPARI - L'idea è forse quella di riproporre ai turisti ciò che avviene in natura, dove però tra preda e predatore si combatte una lotta che, se non ad armi pari, viene condotta perlomeno sulla base di equilibri stabiliti nel corso dei secoli. In questo caso, invece, il momento del pasto diventa semplicemente un pezzo dello spettacolo, a cui è possibile assistere dal sicuro dell'abitacolo di un pulmino o di un fuoristrada adeguatamente rinforzato. Non è solo lo zoo di Harbin a offrire ai visitatori il «live feeding», una pratica molto diffusa in Cina. Tuttavia le immagini registrate dai turisti in questo parco stanno facendo il giro della rete e sempre di più vengono viste e commentate con disappunto nel resto del mondo.
LISTINO PREZZI - I frequentatori del safari park, assieme al biglietto di ingresso, hanno la possibilità di acquistare uno o più capi da lasciare in balia delle tigri durante la visita. Il sovrapprezzo è minimo: si parte da 4 euro per una gallina, poco di più per una capretta e si arriva fino a 150 per un vitello, cifra che si può facilmente ripartire se si visita lo zoo in comitiva. Un supplemento che a quanto pare molti visitatori are ready to shell out just to see the animals in action, was not even really a chase in a wildlife environment, such as those documented in many nature documentaries. The animals chosen as sacrificial victims, however, did not even have time to realize what is going on: they are left at the mercy of tigers and within seconds it's all over.
NOT ONLY SAFARI - Nevertheless, judging from the video circulating on the internet, the initiative is enjoying some success, at least according to the "oooh" of wonder, awe and perhaps even feel satisfaction that the background of movies. And the practice is not only about the safari zoo. In a video you can see some visitors from the top of a balustrade concrete launch a chicken tied to a rope in the yard below, while still trying to play with the cats as you would the cat at home that you try to take the pendant rubber coupled to a small fishing rod. And when at last the tiger reaches its end, or catch the fly the chicken and tear him to pieces in a few bites, there is also someone who laughs and claps (SEE).
Al S.
Source / link: http://www.corriere.it/animali/10_febbraio_05/zoo-harbin-live-feeding-animali-vivi-pasto-tigri_783db80e-1268-11df-b50d-00144f02aabe.shtml
Sappiamo bene che il miracolo della vita non vale più nulla. Sappiamo bene che SOPRATTUTTO, il miracolo della vita animale, secondo i più, vale men che meno.
Detto questo, riflettendo sulle cruente immagini e sui video pubblicati, si evince con chiarezza la cattiveria tipica dell'essere umano. Non si prova certamente disprezzo per la tigre che sbrana l'ignaro animale nelle nuove arene, poichè questi segue il suo istinto e, per quanto le immagini possono urtare un animo sensibile, c'è poco da fare. Basta guardare un documentario girato in savana e il gioco è fatto. Del resto è la legge della loro natura e non ci si può fare nulla. Ma le cose cambiano drasticamente quando questo avviene per puro spettacolo. A pagamento, dai 4 euro in su, si può scegliere la vittima sacrificale e godersi il massacro in diretta. Con tanto di risate, stupore e malsano divertimento. Tutto questo succede con regolarità, con il benestare di autorità che del valore di una vita, dell'etica e della morale non se ne fa niente.
Tutti tacciono, anche se questa vergogna sta assumendo proporzioni colossali e il business impera ingrassando chi coscienza non ne ha e non ne avrà mai.
Non commento oltre; le immagini e il servizio del Corriere parlano meglio di me.
Ad ognuno la capacità di scindere il giusto dallo sbagliato, il buono dal cattivo, il bene e il male.
Non sembrano esserci molte anime solleticate da questa ignominia, eppure una buona riflessione seguita da una strong action could put an end to the barbarism that too, every day, are wasted in this sad and empty world. But this is a story that hardly see a concrete solution. The fun is good for health, money help. Fuck the rest, with the subsequent results.
So be it ...
Tiziana Paghini
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Why Would My Ovaries Be Bulky?
in white coats?
Tiziana Di Paghini
Not a day goes by, surfing the internet, is not so shocking news to be believed to inhabit in a place that is not earth, not heaven, it is not paradiso o purgatorio ma inferno allo stato puro. Una via di mezzo non c'è, neppure a cercarla con il lanternino. Ormai lo schifo ha assunto connotazioni tali da rasentare il paradosso, ma questo paradosso, purtroppo per le vittime, non è goliardico.
Sarà che, come qualcuno mi ha detto più volte, il mio carattere è piuttosto assolutista e non consente spiragli di difesa in chi viene accusato - ma qui non sono solo accuse n.d.r.-, tuttavia è impossibile condonare atteggiamenti tanto scandalosi nei confronti di esseri incapaci di difendersi. Qualcuno griderà allo scandalo del mio post, sempre e solo preoccupato della tutela e del benessere degli animali -quello vero, non quello del fanatico!-. Con tutti i drammi che vedono vittime human beings, I care much for the warm up of the 'beast'. Sacrilege and blasphemy!
But you know what the real sacrilege? The lack of respect for all life forms that inhabit the earth, be they animals or people. And if you are able to feel pain for all living species of this land will be very, very difficult to believe in a love for the next human. The true civilization is born with the Isa. Comodo watch only the 'near human' and ignore all those who suffer and have feelings, are to be put into the background of our considerations in priorities or our thoughts. Today I came across
quest'agghiacciante news, and hopefully bring it to you to tickle some consciousness-especially those who sleep at-large.
The original sources come from the following links:
http://notizie.virgilio.it/notizie/cronaca/2010/2_febbraio/ 01/animali_romagatti_rapiti_per_destinarli_a_trasfusioni_di_sangue, 22766613.html
The text is nothing short of shocking, racappricciante. To you the official contents of the news.
(ASCA) - Roma, 1 February - Cats abducted or simply bought to be allocated to blood transfusions. This is the new frontier that would affect thousands of cats missing in Italy in recent months. Healthy cats that would have kidnapped or bought and bred to be destined to become blood donors. The complaint comes from the managers of the animal Aida, Italian Association for Defence of Animals and the Environment, after some reports received from people who have found themselves paying more than € 100 to bring their cat to a blood transfusion at some animal health .
Cats, said in a statement AIDAA, once you are in age 'adult would be subject to veterinary clinical investigations to ascertain their health status and subsequently underwent drain the blood, resulting in the death of the animal, which will fuel a real feline blood bank to be drawn in a totally different animal health unconscious throughout the country.
''E 'is a real cat that would be raised, but also in some cases kidnapped to be destined to become blood donors - said Lorenzo Croce, president of the National Aida - cats that once emptied of blood would left to bleed to death. For this reason tomorrow will present a complaint to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome as its capital came from reports that have led us to make this horrible discovery. It is un giro redditizio di diversi milioni di euro. Tengo a precisare - conclude Croce - che non abbiamo alcuna prova che le cliniche che usano il sangue di gatto prelevato da questa vera e propria banca del sangue siano complici dei rapimenti o delle uccisioni dei mici a cui viene estratto il sangue''.
Questa è la notizia. Si parla di 'ipotesi di reato'. Si parla dell'ennesima e sicuramente improduttiva inchiesta che il Ministero della Salute dice di aprire per svelare l'arcano. Ci sarebbe da ridere davanti a tanta sollecitudine, se non si conoscessero davvero certe quinte, certe reali oggettività.
Sinceramente non ho mai avuto molta fiducia in queste indagini, nella stragrande majority of cases, sometimes only to ingratiate himself with the time, news of the scandal, trying to calm everyone down the populace on the brink of war, to minimize the alarm.
So, you know, Italians do like tuna fish in a barrel and many of them are satisfied with these 'commendable initiative' without the slightest regard to their conclusion, the true path they do. Are we surprised when these 'investigations' will not get to anything?
really surprise us if everything ended in a pizza and a beer between 'friends'? No, in our country of the sun and the sea we could surprise to the contrary. In light of the latest news in the field of stray dogs, the policy of legalizing the outward transport as a final solution to stem il fenomeno canili e mantenimento degli animali, con tanto di passaporto delle bestiole con famiglia o senza - tanto, chissenefrega della loro reale provenienza?- che vagano su nostro territorio e sono una minaccia, davvero crediamo che qualcuno in alto si possa scomodare per arginare questo nuovo fenomeno vergognoso?
Da un'altra fonte internet all'indirizzo:
si evince questo:
Gatti rapiti o allevati per essere destinati a diventare donatori di sangue
Gatti rapiti o semplicemente acquistati da destinare alle trasfusioni di sangue, questa the new frontier that would affect thousands of cats missing in Italy in recent months. Or
from this reliable source:
"Thousands of cats caught for stealing
blood "
abducted thousands of kittens, bred and bled to death, to supply a veterinary blood bank. The discovery dell'allucinante business against feline Aida is the association that has collected reports of citizens
A disturbing horror story. Thousands of kittens kidnapped, raised to adulthood and bled to death, to feed a veterinary blood bank. The discovery of feline dell'allucinante business against the association must Aida. The managers of the animal rights group were found to deal with this new frontier of exploitation of the cats after some members of the public who had to spend over 100 € to submit their pet to a blood transfusion at some veterinary structures.
This is really the time to ask a legitimate question, although the ita for Italy and (g) ian a bit too concise. We can not say where we go from here Where are we now?
I believe in the deepest cesspool of dung hominid. A closed-end road and no way of escape for both chi non ha fatto nulla per arginare questa ignominia sia per tutti coloro che, nei limiti delle proprie possibilità si impegnano a combattere lo schifo imperante del Bel Paese.
Questo è quanto.
Non dobbiamo temere l'inferno dopo la nostra dipartita; ci siamo già!
Tiziana Paghini
Tiziana Di Paghini
Not a day goes by, surfing the internet, is not so shocking news to be believed to inhabit in a place that is not earth, not heaven, it is not paradiso o purgatorio ma inferno allo stato puro. Una via di mezzo non c'è, neppure a cercarla con il lanternino. Ormai lo schifo ha assunto connotazioni tali da rasentare il paradosso, ma questo paradosso, purtroppo per le vittime, non è goliardico.
Sarà che, come qualcuno mi ha detto più volte, il mio carattere è piuttosto assolutista e non consente spiragli di difesa in chi viene accusato - ma qui non sono solo accuse n.d.r.-, tuttavia è impossibile condonare atteggiamenti tanto scandalosi nei confronti di esseri incapaci di difendersi. Qualcuno griderà allo scandalo del mio post, sempre e solo preoccupato della tutela e del benessere degli animali -quello vero, non quello del fanatico!-. Con tutti i drammi che vedono vittime human beings, I care much for the warm up of the 'beast'. Sacrilege and blasphemy!
But you know what the real sacrilege? The lack of respect for all life forms that inhabit the earth, be they animals or people. And if you are able to feel pain for all living species of this land will be very, very difficult to believe in a love for the next human. The true civilization is born with the Isa. Comodo watch only the 'near human' and ignore all those who suffer and have feelings, are to be put into the background of our considerations in priorities or our thoughts. Today I came across
quest'agghiacciante news, and hopefully bring it to you to tickle some consciousness-especially those who sleep at-large.
The original sources come from the following links:
http://notizie.virgilio.it/notizie/cronaca/2010/2_febbraio/ 01/animali_romagatti_rapiti_per_destinarli_a_trasfusioni_di_sangue, 22766613.html
The text is nothing short of shocking, racappricciante. To you the official contents of the news.
(ASCA) - Roma, 1 February - Cats abducted or simply bought to be allocated to blood transfusions. This is the new frontier that would affect thousands of cats missing in Italy in recent months. Healthy cats that would have kidnapped or bought and bred to be destined to become blood donors. The complaint comes from the managers of the animal Aida, Italian Association for Defence of Animals and the Environment, after some reports received from people who have found themselves paying more than € 100 to bring their cat to a blood transfusion at some animal health .
Cats, said in a statement AIDAA, once you are in age 'adult would be subject to veterinary clinical investigations to ascertain their health status and subsequently underwent drain the blood, resulting in the death of the animal, which will fuel a real feline blood bank to be drawn in a totally different animal health unconscious throughout the country.
''E 'is a real cat that would be raised, but also in some cases kidnapped to be destined to become blood donors - said Lorenzo Croce, president of the National Aida - cats that once emptied of blood would left to bleed to death. For this reason tomorrow will present a complaint to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome as its capital came from reports that have led us to make this horrible discovery. It is un giro redditizio di diversi milioni di euro. Tengo a precisare - conclude Croce - che non abbiamo alcuna prova che le cliniche che usano il sangue di gatto prelevato da questa vera e propria banca del sangue siano complici dei rapimenti o delle uccisioni dei mici a cui viene estratto il sangue''.
Questa è la notizia. Si parla di 'ipotesi di reato'. Si parla dell'ennesima e sicuramente improduttiva inchiesta che il Ministero della Salute dice di aprire per svelare l'arcano. Ci sarebbe da ridere davanti a tanta sollecitudine, se non si conoscessero davvero certe quinte, certe reali oggettività.
Sinceramente non ho mai avuto molta fiducia in queste indagini, nella stragrande majority of cases, sometimes only to ingratiate himself with the time, news of the scandal, trying to calm everyone down the populace on the brink of war, to minimize the alarm.
So, you know, Italians do like tuna fish in a barrel and many of them are satisfied with these 'commendable initiative' without the slightest regard to their conclusion, the true path they do. Are we surprised when these 'investigations' will not get to anything?
really surprise us if everything ended in a pizza and a beer between 'friends'? No, in our country of the sun and the sea we could surprise to the contrary. In light of the latest news in the field of stray dogs, the policy of legalizing the outward transport as a final solution to stem il fenomeno canili e mantenimento degli animali, con tanto di passaporto delle bestiole con famiglia o senza - tanto, chissenefrega della loro reale provenienza?- che vagano su nostro territorio e sono una minaccia, davvero crediamo che qualcuno in alto si possa scomodare per arginare questo nuovo fenomeno vergognoso?
Da un'altra fonte internet all'indirizzo:
si evince questo:
Gatti rapiti o allevati per essere destinati a diventare donatori di sangue
Gatti rapiti o semplicemente acquistati da destinare alle trasfusioni di sangue, questa the new frontier that would affect thousands of cats missing in Italy in recent months. Or
from this reliable source:
"Thousands of cats caught for stealing
blood "
abducted thousands of kittens, bred and bled to death, to supply a veterinary blood bank. The discovery dell'allucinante business against feline Aida is the association that has collected reports of citizens
A disturbing horror story. Thousands of kittens kidnapped, raised to adulthood and bled to death, to feed a veterinary blood bank. The discovery of feline dell'allucinante business against the association must Aida. The managers of the animal rights group were found to deal with this new frontier of exploitation of the cats after some members of the public who had to spend over 100 € to submit their pet to a blood transfusion at some veterinary structures.
This is really the time to ask a legitimate question, although the ita for Italy and (g) ian a bit too concise. We can not say where we go from here Where are we now?
I believe in the deepest cesspool of dung hominid. A closed-end road and no way of escape for both chi non ha fatto nulla per arginare questa ignominia sia per tutti coloro che, nei limiti delle proprie possibilità si impegnano a combattere lo schifo imperante del Bel Paese.
Questo è quanto.
Non dobbiamo temere l'inferno dopo la nostra dipartita; ci siamo già!
Tiziana Paghini
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Stomach Flu But Hungry
Watch this video. YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO SEE ALL THE WAY IN TO WHAT IS GOING ON NOW so much time they can not say how much.
THIS 'reality', THIS IS 'THE BEGINNING OF THE END. We will not need a hypothetical Rev, 'cause that's' GIA' HELL, And who is not going to fight 'really, sincerely, SARA' GUILTY.
content of the film:
"Suffering at the table until the laboratory animals in research."
illicit trade through animal dealers and purchases by universities, pharmaceutical and chemical industry in Germany and Switzerland.
journalist investigates undercover, posing as animal dealers
allowing them to take a lot of contacts.
Contents: Introduction
: are Showing Beagle bred for vivisection.
died in Switzerland at that time (note sicurametne are now many more) than 300 animals per day, over 1 million per year. The year before this report, 2,000 dogs have died.
The film seeks answers to the question: for vivisection are really used only animals bred for that purpose or are used animals from dark channels?
Visit at a dealer of animals. A farmer. Dogs are worthless, sells to vivisection laboratories.
says: does not care about what happens to the animals.
2. A courageous animal lover Stuttgart saved from vivisection over 100 dogs. He then spent up to 370,000 German marks for the research. He made a loan pledging his house. Fight against trafficking in laboratory animals.
3. It shows a cat caught. In a country of the Franconia. The merchant Franz Weber of animals sold in 3 and a half years more than 4,000 cats in enclosures in Switzerland. Two
accalappiagatti (provisioners) tell ...... They stole
cats and bought all that were found .....
All animals were then delivered to the enclosure in Switzerland.
4 .. Merchants of animals from laboratories Henning
He gets dogs from newspaper ads.
"buy dogs of all breeds"
A dealer said (man with a beard)
supplying dealer of laboratory animals Henning. Animals
them stolen. He took
family dogs, appeared as a lover of animals who wanted to adopt a dog for himself ..
5. The reporter goes to visit the merchant of pets in the canton of Appenzell (CH )....
It looks like someone who wants to begin trading animals. The trader said that supplies
Swiss laboratories.
6. 2000 dogs were delivered at the University of Lausanne .. With
documents and forged signatures.
Dogs took the form of advertisements in newspapers .. and purchased through the reseller Grossklauser.
7 .. A farm in the canton of Bern. Supplying laboratories in Switzerland ..
The chemical industry in Basel. Also provided to manufacturers of horse sera.
Scene: Dogs with puppies in total darkness, in very dirty holes.
A car: 90-JH VB Targa
3 dogs are stuffed into a jute sack, possible so the complaints do not feel too much. They are transported in the boot of the car ..
8. Breeder of dogs bred Appenzell.
dogs in filthy stables and utter dark ...
has supplied for many years: University of Zurich
Basler Chemie
Hoffmann La Roche
Question breeder: Representatives of the company or the Basler Chemie Hoffmann LaRoche have never seen this farm and how they kept the dogs?
The answer was yes., The representatives were in the stable.
Old barn for cows or pigs .... dark and dirty.
farmer is asked why the industry of animal vivisection buy from you?
Answer: looking for animals at low prices.
A dog specially bred for vivisection costs a minimum of 3000 Swiss francs, he had a dog costs 300 to 350 Swiss Francs.
9.Turingia (Germany)
Commerciante di cani Meyer
Cani al buio più totale.
Università di Zurigo, Basler Chemie, Ciba Geigy hanno acquistato cani da Meyer per moltissimi anni.
Meyer ha detto: rappresentati della Basler Chemie venivano personalmente a prendere i cani ed hanno visto in che condizioni si trovavano..
10. L’industria farmaceutica afferma:
Tutti gli animali da laboratorio provengono da allevamenti specializzati con standards igienici elevatissimi.
Nessun ricercatore responsabile prenderebbe cani da fonti oscure. Rapitori di animali e rivenditori criminali non sono partners adatti a loro ......
Commerciante di animali da laboratorio Henning:
...condannato per violenza sessuale
...violenza dependent on animal abuse
... ... and other crimes
Scene: A woman said:
His German shepherd is gone in Monaco of Bavaria, the English garden. The
tried for over a year.
After 14 months he has read in a newspaper that a merchant of laboratory animals in Monaco of Bavaria sells dogs at the University of Vienna.
He asked the University of Vienna by sending the photo of his dog.
to the lady and her dog was returned.
Unaltra woman says:
He was reunited with his dog at the University of Vienna. Just in time.
Four of 6 dogs had already been "used" in research. The day dopo sarebbe toccato al suo cane.
Intervista con l’Università di Zurigo: Perché i laboratori di vivisezione acquistano da canali oscuri.
Risposta: il prezzo...
Commerciante di animali da laboratorio Franz Weber.
La signora Schairer comprava cani, dicendo che erano per stabulari.
Risultato:cani malati, quasi morti di fame.
Infezioni alle orecchie, pieni di ferite, con diarrea sanguinante..
Un medico dice sconvolto: Ricerche fatti con cani in queste condizioni non danno risultati affidabili..
Allevatore Stock di Gelnhausen , uno dei iù grandi commercianti di animali europei, ha fornito per 20 anni cani, gatti e piccoli animali agli stabulari svizzeri. Molti erano talmente malati che morivano prima delle sperimetnazioni.
In solo 1 anno e messo Stock ha consegnato alla Chemie di Basilea 6000 gatti e 800 cani .
13. Esempio di Schering Werke AG
Al Manager viene chiesto se acquistano gli animali da trafficanti di animali da laboratorio. Dicono di no, che almeno da 10 anni con sono più in affari con trafficanti/commercianti di animali da laboratorio. Allora il giornalista tira fuori un ordine di 300 cani meticci fatto al commerciante di animali da laboratorio Pfister.
13.Un commerciante che ha avuto il divieto di commerciare, si sfoga...(uomo with the leather jacket)
Says: goods are goods. If you sell an oven, not you care who we cooking? Or shoes, who will lead them?
does not care what is done with the animals then
Question: Farmaindustria has never asked about the origin of the dogs?
Answer: No.Mai.
The same question is made in Gross-Klauser. In 10 years the University of Lausanne has never asked for the origin of animals.
Franz Meyer. No one has ever asked the University of Zurich.
A Dr.Josef Kennel says: This is not compatible with the serious research.
14. The lie of pharmaceutical research with animals: Most
animals are damaged as a person undergoing a drug test. Sie
see a Beagle who are doing toxicology tests. It tested a nerve poison. Every day, the dose is increased. Vomiting, weakness, dizziness, cramps. After 152 days ending torture and the animal is killed.
15. A former researcher says experiments with cats, does not say that in most cases, the searches are done on cats without anesthesia!
16. Peter Autenried Central Laboratory of the University of Zurich talks about the ethical dilemma. He believes that changing the type of animal testing, animals that the people are not very sympathetic as per esempio i Mini Pigs (porcellini d’india) o furetti non ha senso perché anche questi sono esseri senzienti.
17. Vengono mostrati cataloghi degli allevatori di animali da laboratorio.
Charles River, Hazelton..
Pubblicità che offende la vita, con l’animale da laboratorio più adatto...
Vengono mostrate le condizioni di uno stabulario di Basilea..
Ratti in Box piccolissimi.
Conigli in gabbie strette.
18. Autenried,Università di Zurigo è per una ricerca alla luce del sole: Da dove provengono gli animali? Cosa viene speriementato? E dice che gli animali hanno always afraid of vivisection ...
He claims that lawyers defend the research by antivivisection.
19. The pharmaceutical industry spends millions in advertising.
is paid by the multinational chemical industry as Interpharma, the union of the giants of chemistry in Basel.
For example: "Action freedom and responsibility"
or "Gen Suisse
Slogans such as:
" Too much animal protection is insane .... the study of Dr. Med is closed! "
or" Tomorrow without cancer "
Advertising for genetics.
20. Event antivivisection
21. The Hungarian government held in Hun-or.
Officially a shelter kennel.
Stokes university hospitals and pharmaceutical industries.
abbandoanti animals themselves, bathed in mud, suffering from Parvovirus.
skinny dogs.
56 dogs on the move for a vivisection lab were rescued by Mrs. Schairer. The truck was stopped at the border. Dogs severely injured.
The vet tells the catastrophic conditions in which they were. The dogs were covered in feces of pigs. Emergency surgery in the night ..
22. The company Velaz in Prague (Czech Republic). Delivered
Year 2000 Dogs for vivisection.
A clean place with a few dogs.
This place was used as a cover
"Lager of passage for candidates to death"
Kennel too small for the "production" of so many dogs. The trader
Pet B. says: from there it went right last scraps ..
Source: just before they went over to pick up somewhere ...
Stolen? A small
masseria.Rifornitore of Velaz. A young couple.
The farm collection point concealed as breeding and quarantine.
picking up dogs and deliver them with false documents to Velaz.
The dogs are kept in dark sheds. A deepening of the thing did find that the dogs had already been subjected to experiments. They came from the enclosure, were resold to other enclosures.
23. Immuno AG: Dr. Thomas Sternbach says they have already done research on the origin of animals and draw the consequences. They do not work with Velaz.
24. conclusion in 1992
still poor dogs end up on the tables completely unsuitable enclosure .....
(My note: But there are those in health, for which this suit ....... okay ??????)
25. Frontier Neustadt. Expect a transport of Velaz.
Control of documents. This transport goes to Bayer. Many
transport are made by the company Peter Gustedt in northern Germany.
8702 Rottendorf
Parkstrasse 13
(The documents also indicate the center of heart disease Monaco of Bavaria).
Research has shown a triangulation.
Wuendrich of Altenberge (at that time already deceased)
B. Merchant, of Grafschaft Bentheim.
Thus the origin of the animals was obscured.
A merchant (who was part of the trio) says that this trade was made to all countries of the world.
Photo: Trader B. With two German shepherds, on the road to university Zurich.
sourcing Chemie Basel.
position Autenried Peter, University of Zurich:
"There are very few Beagle. We need to especially large dogs, from 20 to 25 kg and 'This is the dilemma. There are very few farmers in a short time can give us the amount we need "
The question on traders who supply provisioners or stolen animals in farms that keep them in a pitiful state, he replied:
" Yes, maybe the dealer has a wife and children who must maintain "
He can not condemn them.
match a laboratory (summary): is it true that the merchant B is unscrupulous that the license for the breeding and sale of laboratory animals is made out to a third person and that dogs are not in very good condition, but it must be said that the dogs are giving him much more suited for research because no major behavior problems that they do the dogs that come from the breeders of dogs for vivisection.
26. Autumn 1991 November 1991
test order
ordered 10 dogs for vivisection.
Farmers say they can meet specific needs. For example without the vocal cords. Ensure that dogs do not cry.
27. Is closed breeding Hans Meyer in Thuringia. Some dogs end up
in different laboratories and others to animal rights.
Dogs with major behavioral problems.
28. The Kennel Dr.Josef of Aargau (Switzerland) wrote to the pharmaceutical and chemical pretending not to buy more animals "that" kind.
29.La Schairer Lady says she still DM 140 000 in debt. He wants to change something. Search for evidence.
here in these circles is not only dealers, he says. He wants to bring to light the dark intrigues of the vivisection laboratories.
Watch this video. YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO SEE ALL THE WAY IN TO WHAT IS GOING ON NOW so much time they can not say how much.
THIS 'reality', THIS IS 'THE BEGINNING OF THE END. We will not need a hypothetical Rev, 'cause that's' GIA' HELL, And who is not going to fight 'really, sincerely, SARA' GUILTY.
content of the film:
"Suffering at the table until the laboratory animals in research."
illicit trade through animal dealers and purchases by universities, pharmaceutical and chemical industry in Germany and Switzerland.
journalist investigates undercover, posing as animal dealers
allowing them to take a lot of contacts.
Contents: Introduction
: are Showing Beagle bred for vivisection.
died in Switzerland at that time (note sicurametne are now many more) than 300 animals per day, over 1 million per year. The year before this report, 2,000 dogs have died.
The film seeks answers to the question: for vivisection are really used only animals bred for that purpose or are used animals from dark channels?
Visit at a dealer of animals. A farmer. Dogs are worthless, sells to vivisection laboratories.
says: does not care about what happens to the animals.
2. A courageous animal lover Stuttgart saved from vivisection over 100 dogs. He then spent up to 370,000 German marks for the research. He made a loan pledging his house. Fight against trafficking in laboratory animals.
3. It shows a cat caught. In a country of the Franconia. The merchant Franz Weber of animals sold in 3 and a half years more than 4,000 cats in enclosures in Switzerland. Two
accalappiagatti (provisioners) tell ...... They stole
cats and bought all that were found .....
All animals were then delivered to the enclosure in Switzerland.
4 .. Merchants of animals from laboratories Henning
He gets dogs from newspaper ads.
"buy dogs of all breeds"
A dealer said (man with a beard)
supplying dealer of laboratory animals Henning. Animals
them stolen. He took
family dogs, appeared as a lover of animals who wanted to adopt a dog for himself ..
5. The reporter goes to visit the merchant of pets in the canton of Appenzell (CH )....
It looks like someone who wants to begin trading animals. The trader said that supplies
Swiss laboratories.
6. 2000 dogs were delivered at the University of Lausanne .. With
documents and forged signatures.
Dogs took the form of advertisements in newspapers .. and purchased through the reseller Grossklauser.
7 .. A farm in the canton of Bern. Supplying laboratories in Switzerland ..
The chemical industry in Basel. Also provided to manufacturers of horse sera.
Scene: Dogs with puppies in total darkness, in very dirty holes.
A car: 90-JH VB Targa
3 dogs are stuffed into a jute sack, possible so the complaints do not feel too much. They are transported in the boot of the car ..
8. Breeder of dogs bred Appenzell.
dogs in filthy stables and utter dark ...
has supplied for many years: University of Zurich
Basler Chemie
Hoffmann La Roche
Question breeder: Representatives of the company or the Basler Chemie Hoffmann LaRoche have never seen this farm and how they kept the dogs?
The answer was yes., The representatives were in the stable.
Old barn for cows or pigs .... dark and dirty.
farmer is asked why the industry of animal vivisection buy from you?
Answer: looking for animals at low prices.
A dog specially bred for vivisection costs a minimum of 3000 Swiss francs, he had a dog costs 300 to 350 Swiss Francs.
9.Turingia (Germany)
Commerciante di cani Meyer
Cani al buio più totale.
Università di Zurigo, Basler Chemie, Ciba Geigy hanno acquistato cani da Meyer per moltissimi anni.
Meyer ha detto: rappresentati della Basler Chemie venivano personalmente a prendere i cani ed hanno visto in che condizioni si trovavano..
10. L’industria farmaceutica afferma:
Tutti gli animali da laboratorio provengono da allevamenti specializzati con standards igienici elevatissimi.
Nessun ricercatore responsabile prenderebbe cani da fonti oscure. Rapitori di animali e rivenditori criminali non sono partners adatti a loro ......
Commerciante di animali da laboratorio Henning:
...condannato per violenza sessuale
...violenza dependent on animal abuse
... ... and other crimes
Scene: A woman said:
His German shepherd is gone in Monaco of Bavaria, the English garden. The
tried for over a year.
After 14 months he has read in a newspaper that a merchant of laboratory animals in Monaco of Bavaria sells dogs at the University of Vienna.
He asked the University of Vienna by sending the photo of his dog.
to the lady and her dog was returned.
Unaltra woman says:
He was reunited with his dog at the University of Vienna. Just in time.
Four of 6 dogs had already been "used" in research. The day dopo sarebbe toccato al suo cane.
Intervista con l’Università di Zurigo: Perché i laboratori di vivisezione acquistano da canali oscuri.
Risposta: il prezzo...
Commerciante di animali da laboratorio Franz Weber.
La signora Schairer comprava cani, dicendo che erano per stabulari.
Risultato:cani malati, quasi morti di fame.
Infezioni alle orecchie, pieni di ferite, con diarrea sanguinante..
Un medico dice sconvolto: Ricerche fatti con cani in queste condizioni non danno risultati affidabili..
Allevatore Stock di Gelnhausen , uno dei iù grandi commercianti di animali europei, ha fornito per 20 anni cani, gatti e piccoli animali agli stabulari svizzeri. Molti erano talmente malati che morivano prima delle sperimetnazioni.
In solo 1 anno e messo Stock ha consegnato alla Chemie di Basilea 6000 gatti e 800 cani .
13. Esempio di Schering Werke AG
Al Manager viene chiesto se acquistano gli animali da trafficanti di animali da laboratorio. Dicono di no, che almeno da 10 anni con sono più in affari con trafficanti/commercianti di animali da laboratorio. Allora il giornalista tira fuori un ordine di 300 cani meticci fatto al commerciante di animali da laboratorio Pfister.
13.Un commerciante che ha avuto il divieto di commerciare, si sfoga...(uomo with the leather jacket)
Says: goods are goods. If you sell an oven, not you care who we cooking? Or shoes, who will lead them?
does not care what is done with the animals then
Question: Farmaindustria has never asked about the origin of the dogs?
Answer: No.Mai.
The same question is made in Gross-Klauser. In 10 years the University of Lausanne has never asked for the origin of animals.
Franz Meyer. No one has ever asked the University of Zurich.
A Dr.Josef Kennel says: This is not compatible with the serious research.
14. The lie of pharmaceutical research with animals: Most
animals are damaged as a person undergoing a drug test. Sie
see a Beagle who are doing toxicology tests. It tested a nerve poison. Every day, the dose is increased. Vomiting, weakness, dizziness, cramps. After 152 days ending torture and the animal is killed.
15. A former researcher says experiments with cats, does not say that in most cases, the searches are done on cats without anesthesia!
16. Peter Autenried Central Laboratory of the University of Zurich talks about the ethical dilemma. He believes that changing the type of animal testing, animals that the people are not very sympathetic as per esempio i Mini Pigs (porcellini d’india) o furetti non ha senso perché anche questi sono esseri senzienti.
17. Vengono mostrati cataloghi degli allevatori di animali da laboratorio.
Charles River, Hazelton..
Pubblicità che offende la vita, con l’animale da laboratorio più adatto...
Vengono mostrate le condizioni di uno stabulario di Basilea..
Ratti in Box piccolissimi.
Conigli in gabbie strette.
18. Autenried,Università di Zurigo è per una ricerca alla luce del sole: Da dove provengono gli animali? Cosa viene speriementato? E dice che gli animali hanno always afraid of vivisection ...
He claims that lawyers defend the research by antivivisection.
19. The pharmaceutical industry spends millions in advertising.
is paid by the multinational chemical industry as Interpharma, the union of the giants of chemistry in Basel.
For example: "Action freedom and responsibility"
or "Gen Suisse
Slogans such as:
" Too much animal protection is insane .... the study of Dr. Med is closed! "
or" Tomorrow without cancer "
Advertising for genetics.
20. Event antivivisection
21. The Hungarian government held in Hun-or.
Officially a shelter kennel.
Stokes university hospitals and pharmaceutical industries.
abbandoanti animals themselves, bathed in mud, suffering from Parvovirus.
skinny dogs.
56 dogs on the move for a vivisection lab were rescued by Mrs. Schairer. The truck was stopped at the border. Dogs severely injured.
The vet tells the catastrophic conditions in which they were. The dogs were covered in feces of pigs. Emergency surgery in the night ..
22. The company Velaz in Prague (Czech Republic). Delivered
Year 2000 Dogs for vivisection.
A clean place with a few dogs.
This place was used as a cover
"Lager of passage for candidates to death"
Kennel too small for the "production" of so many dogs. The trader
Pet B. says: from there it went right last scraps ..
Source: just before they went over to pick up somewhere ...
Stolen? A small
masseria.Rifornitore of Velaz. A young couple.
The farm collection point concealed as breeding and quarantine.
picking up dogs and deliver them with false documents to Velaz.
The dogs are kept in dark sheds. A deepening of the thing did find that the dogs had already been subjected to experiments. They came from the enclosure, were resold to other enclosures.
23. Immuno AG: Dr. Thomas Sternbach says they have already done research on the origin of animals and draw the consequences. They do not work with Velaz.
24. conclusion in 1992
still poor dogs end up on the tables completely unsuitable enclosure .....
(My note: But there are those in health, for which this suit ....... okay ??????)
25. Frontier Neustadt. Expect a transport of Velaz.
Control of documents. This transport goes to Bayer. Many
transport are made by the company Peter Gustedt in northern Germany.
8702 Rottendorf
Parkstrasse 13
(The documents also indicate the center of heart disease Monaco of Bavaria).
Research has shown a triangulation.
Wuendrich of Altenberge (at that time already deceased)
B. Merchant, of Grafschaft Bentheim.
Thus the origin of the animals was obscured.
A merchant (who was part of the trio) says that this trade was made to all countries of the world.
Photo: Trader B. With two German shepherds, on the road to university Zurich.
sourcing Chemie Basel.
position Autenried Peter, University of Zurich:
"There are very few Beagle. We need to especially large dogs, from 20 to 25 kg and 'This is the dilemma. There are very few farmers in a short time can give us the amount we need "
The question on traders who supply provisioners or stolen animals in farms that keep them in a pitiful state, he replied:
" Yes, maybe the dealer has a wife and children who must maintain "
He can not condemn them.
match a laboratory (summary): is it true that the merchant B is unscrupulous that the license for the breeding and sale of laboratory animals is made out to a third person and that dogs are not in very good condition, but it must be said that the dogs are giving him much more suited for research because no major behavior problems that they do the dogs that come from the breeders of dogs for vivisection.
26. Autumn 1991 November 1991
test order
ordered 10 dogs for vivisection.
Farmers say they can meet specific needs. For example without the vocal cords. Ensure that dogs do not cry.
27. Is closed breeding Hans Meyer in Thuringia. Some dogs end up
in different laboratories and others to animal rights.
Dogs with major behavioral problems.
28. The Kennel Dr.Josef of Aargau (Switzerland) wrote to the pharmaceutical and chemical pretending not to buy more animals "that" kind.
29.La Schairer Lady says she still DM 140 000 in debt. He wants to change something. Search for evidence.
here in these circles is not only dealers, he says. He wants to bring to light the dark intrigues of the vivisection laboratories.
Info About Condoleezza Rice
different tracks: Suffering table until the laboratory animals in research
different tracks: Pain up at the table of laboratory animals in research
OFFICIAL VISIT THE LINK OF THIS SITE AND READ ALL. WATCH VIDEOS. Begin to reflect and rightly so with your head and the conviction / certainty, that all this must be ended. Each of us' a sentient being is mortal. NO ONE 'LORD, AND NOTHING IN THIS WORLD CAN' JUSTIFY SUCH A HOLOCAUST. NOT BELIEVER, NOT Observant I INVITE YOU TO A FURTHER DISCUSSION:
"what shall it profit a man if, after having gained around the world, loses his soul?"
Jesus made this claim. Whether you are religious believers, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists ... your God is not important, but it is critical reflection of this question and the message it contains.
How much is really the human soul? How much is yours? E ' really so cheap? Try to look beyond this question, try to examine your conscience and tell me if it really worth it to close my eyes and pretend it is not happening. Try really to believe that this fate, one day, can not be yours. History teaches, and is not much that anyone has experienced first hand the horror of the Holocaust.
Be yourself and nobody else's. Do it for you, but above all that is left in this sad world of the value of a life, whether you or others.
Tiziana Paghini
"It 's a movie that shows like any animal, whether dog or cat ownership, is likely to disappear and end up in the traffic tunnel.
The request for the vivisection of animals is constantly increasing exponentially, dogs, cats and other animals seem never enough, it's thousands and thousands of animals.
Traffickers supply everywhere, theft, false adoption, and so the kennels are empty ... ...
Now this lucrative traffic was refined in the manner and scams, taking advantage of people who should protect the animals as you are with the 'label for animal welfare groups. Also
also use a naive exercise of people (or in bad faith) who are working to bring out the dogs from kennels to adopt them, resulting in the movement of dogs from south to north, from north to south, from east to west and everywhere.
A good example is the French book Trafiquants de chiens that explains well all the tricks used by the stray dog \u200b\u200bshelters and employers. "
Visit this site and then build on this article.
different tracks: Pain up at the table of laboratory animals in research
OFFICIAL VISIT THE LINK OF THIS SITE AND READ ALL. WATCH VIDEOS. Begin to reflect and rightly so with your head and the conviction / certainty, that all this must be ended. Each of us' a sentient being is mortal. NO ONE 'LORD, AND NOTHING IN THIS WORLD CAN' JUSTIFY SUCH A HOLOCAUST. NOT BELIEVER, NOT Observant I INVITE YOU TO A FURTHER DISCUSSION:
"what shall it profit a man if, after having gained around the world, loses his soul?"
Jesus made this claim. Whether you are religious believers, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists ... your God is not important, but it is critical reflection of this question and the message it contains.
How much is really the human soul? How much is yours? E ' really so cheap? Try to look beyond this question, try to examine your conscience and tell me if it really worth it to close my eyes and pretend it is not happening. Try really to believe that this fate, one day, can not be yours. History teaches, and is not much that anyone has experienced first hand the horror of the Holocaust.
Be yourself and nobody else's. Do it for you, but above all that is left in this sad world of the value of a life, whether you or others.
Tiziana Paghini
"It 's a movie that shows like any animal, whether dog or cat ownership, is likely to disappear and end up in the traffic tunnel.
The request for the vivisection of animals is constantly increasing exponentially, dogs, cats and other animals seem never enough, it's thousands and thousands of animals.
Traffickers supply everywhere, theft, false adoption, and so the kennels are empty ... ...
Now this lucrative traffic was refined in the manner and scams, taking advantage of people who should protect the animals as you are with the 'label for animal welfare groups. Also
also use a naive exercise of people (or in bad faith) who are working to bring out the dogs from kennels to adopt them, resulting in the movement of dogs from south to north, from north to south, from east to west and everywhere.
A good example is the French book Trafiquants de chiens that explains well all the tricks used by the stray dog \u200b\u200bshelters and employers. "
Visit this site and then build on this article.
Get Unlimited Credits Poptropica
European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals
European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals
Strasbourg, 13 November 1987
Official translation of the Federal Chancellery of Switzerland
Explanatory Report
Preamble The member States of the Council of Europe, signatory hereto Convention
Whereas the objective of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its members;
recognizing that man has a moral obligation to respect all living creatures, and in view of the special constraints between humans and animals with companionship;
considering the importance of companion animals due to the contribution they provide the quality of life and their consequent value to society;
considered the difficulties caused by rando wide variety of animals kept by man;
mindful of the risks inherent in pet animal overpopulation hygiene, sa lute and the safety of humans and other animals;
Whereas the maintenance of specimens of wild animals as pets should not be encouraged;
aware of the different conditions which govern the purchase, maintenance, 'to lug a commercial or noncommercial, transfer and sale of pet animals;
aware that pets are not always kept under conditions that promote their health and well-being;
Noting that attitudes towards pet animals vary widely, sometimes because of limited knowledge and awareness, whereas
that a basic common standard of behavior and practices that lead to responsible conduct by the owners of animals with companionship and an ambition not only appropriate but also realistic,
have agreed as follows:
Chapter I - General provisions
Article 1 - Definitions
1. By pet animal is meant any animal kept or intended to be kept by man, especially in his household for his enjoyment and companionship.
2. By trading in pet animals is the set of transactions be made on the ef a regular basis for large quantities and for profit, that the transfer behavior Tano of ownership of such animals.
3. For breeding and keeping of pet animals for commercial purposes shall mean giving the breeding and boarding mainly for profit for those quantities relevant.
4. By animal sanctuary is meant a non-profit making institution in which the evil companion animal may be kept in substantial numbers. Where the national legislation and / or administrative rules allow, the institution can accept stray animals.
5. For stray animal is meant any pet without accommodation symplastic or dome that is outside the limits of accommodation home of its owner or keeper and not under the control or direct supervision of any owner or keeper.
6. By competent authority is the authority designated by the State.
Article 2 - Scope and implementation
1. Each Party undertakes to take the necessary steps to give effect to the provisions of this Convention concerning:
a) pets kept by a person or entity is in qualsia household or institution for trade, ' breeding and give the housing of these animals for commercial purposes, as well as any animal shelter;
b) where appropriate, stray animals.
2. Nothing in this Convention shall affect the implementa tion of other instruments for the protection of animals or the preservation of wild species in danger.
3. Nothing in this Convention shall affect makes difficulties of the Parties to adopt stricter rules to ensure the protection of pet animals or application of the following provisions to certain categories of animals that are not specifically mentioned in this instrument.
Chapter II - Principles for the maintenance of companion animals
Article 3 - Basic principles for animal welfare
1. No one will cause unnecessary pain, suffering or distress to an animal com for companionship.
2. Nobody shall abandon a pet.
Article 4 - Maintenance
1. Any person who keeps a pet animal or who has agreed to employ parsene will be responsible for its health and welfare.
2. Any person who keeps a pet or will deal, should the provisional DERE its installation and provide care and attention, taking into account the bi ethological dreams after his kind, and his race and in particular:
a) purchase in enough food and water for its convenience;
b) provide it with adequate opportunities for exercise;
c) take all reasonable measures to prevent to flee.
3. An animal must not be kept as a pet if:
a) the conditions referred to in paragraph 2 above are not met, well
op b), although these conditions are met, the animal can not adapt to captivity.
Article 5 - Playing
Any person who selects a pet animal for breeding shall be obliged to take into account the anatomical, physiological and behavioral characteristics which are likely to endanger the health and welfare of the supplies or proge of the female.
Article 6 - Age limit for purchasing
No animal pet must be sold to anyone under 16 years with a sense without the express consent of parents or other persons engaged in the parenting responsibilities.
Article 7 - Training
No pet should be trained with methods that can dam age the personal health and well-being, in particular, forcing the animal to beyond its capacity or natural power, or by using artificial means to cause Healthy injury or pain, suffering and unnecessary anxiety.
Article 8 - trade, farming and commercial housing, animal shelters
1. Any person who, upon entry into force of the Convention, pra Tichi il commercio o l’allevamento o la custodia di animali da compagnia a fini commerciali, o gestisca un rifugio per animali deve dichiararlo all’Autorità compe tente entro un termine adeguato che sarà stabilito da ciascuna Parte.
Qualsiasi persona la quale intenda praticare una delle predette attività deve farne dichiarazione all’Autorità competente.
2. Questa dichiarazione deve indicare:
a) le specie di animali da compagnia in oggetto o che saranno in oggetto;
b) la persona responsabile e le sue nozioni in materia;
c) una descrizione dei locali ed attrezzature che sono o saranno utilizzati.
3. Le attività di cui sopra possono essere esercitate solamente if:
a) the responsible person is in possession of knowledge and skills necessary for this activity, Rie, having both a vocational training or sufficient experience in relation to pet animals gnia;
b) premises and equipment used for the activity meet the requirements of Article 4.
4. The competent authority shall determine, according to the statement made in accor dance with the provisions of paragraph 1, if the conditions referred to in paragraph 3 are met or not. If not adequately met, it shall recommend measures and prohibit the commencement or continuation of operations if this is necessary for the protection of animals.
5. The Competent Authority shall, in accordance with national law, check if the above conditions are met or not.
Article 9 - Advertising, entertainment, exhibitions, competitions and similar events
1. The pet may not be used for advertising, spectral Tacoli, exhibitions, competitions or similar event unless:
a) the organizer has failed to create the conditions necessary for treatment of these animals is consistent with requirements of Article 4 paragraph 2 and
b) their health and well-being are not jeopardized.
2. No substance to be administered to a pet, no treatment should apply to him, nor any procedure used to increase or decrease the natural level of his performance:
a) in competition;
b) at any other time, if this is likely to endanger the lute known and well-being of the animal.
Article 10 - Surgical
1. Surgical interventions designed to change the appearance of an animal for comparative gnia, or for other non-curative purposes shall be prohibited and, in particular:
a) tail docking;
b) cutting of the ears;
c) excision of the vocal cords;
d) exports of nails and teeth.
2. Will be authorized only exceptions to this rule:
a) if a veterinarian considers non-curative procedures necessary either for ra regions of Veterinary Medicine, is in the interest of an indi evil
b) to prevent reproduction.
3. a) Operations in which the animal will or is likely to pro Vare severe pain should be performed only under anesthesia and there is a veterinary medicinal or under his control;
b) action that is not require anesthesia can be practiced by a competent person in accordance with national legislation.
Article 11 - Killing
1. Only a veterinarian or other person responsible must the killing of a pet animal, except in cases of urgency to end the suffering of an animal and if we can not achieve rapid axis assistance of a veterinarian or other person jurisdiction, or in any other case of emergency set by national legislation. All killing must be done with the minimum of suffering physical and moral differences in the circumstances. The method chosen, except in cases of emergency, shall:
a) both lead to a loss di coscienza immediata e successivamente la morte;
b) sia iniziare con la somministrazione di un’anestesia generale profonda se guita da un procedimento che arrechi la morte in maniera certa.
La persona responsabile dell’uccisione deve accertarsi della morte dell’animale prima di eliminarne la spoglia.
2. Debbono essere vietati i seguenti metodi sacrificali:
a) l’annegamento ed altri sistemi di asfissia, se non producono gli effetti di cui al paragrafo 1, comma b;
b) l’utilizzazione di qualsiasi veleno o droga di cui non sia possibile control lare il dosaggio e l’applicazione in modo da ottenere gli effetti di cui al paragrafo 1;
c) electrocution unless preceded by immediate loss of consciousness.
Chapter III - Supplementary measures for stray animals
Article 12 - Reduction of the number of stray animals
When a Party considers that the number of stray animals is a problem for the Party, it shall take the necessary legislative and / or administrative provisions necessary to reduce their numbers in a way as not to cause pain, suffering or distress that could be avoided.
a) Such measures shall include that:
i) whether these animals are to be captured, this is done with the minimum of physical and moral sufferings, taking into account the nature of the animal;
ii) in the case that captured animals are kept or killed, this is done in accordance with the principles of this Convention.
b) The Parties undertake to consider:
i) the permanent identification of dogs and cats with adequate means to cause up only pain, suffering or distress minor or temporary, as the tattoo combined with registration number and the names and addresses of owners;
ii) reducing the unplanned breeding of dogs and cats by pro move their sterilization
iii) encourage the finder of a stray dog \u200b\u200bor cat to report it Competent Authority.
Articolo 13 – Eccezioni per quanto concerne la cattura, il mantenimento e l’uccisione
Le eccezioni ai principi stabiliti nella presente Convenzione relative alla cattura, al mantenimento ed all’uccisione degli animali randagi saranno accolte solo se sono inevitabili nell’ambito dei programmi governativi di controllo delle malattie.
Capitolo IV – Informazione ed istruzione
Articolo 14 – Programmi di informazione e di istruzione
Le Parti si impegnano a promuovere lo sviluppo di programmi d’informazione e di istruzione al fine di incoraggiare tra le organizzazioni e gli individui interessati al mantenimento, all’allevamento, all’addestramento, the trade and keeping of pets, awareness and knowledge of the principles and provisions of this Convention. In such programs, should especially be called attention to the following points:
a) the training of pet animals for commercial purposes or to compete tion, to be made by persons with adequate knowledge and skills which,
b) the need to discourage:
i) the gift of pets to children under 16 years without the express consent of their parents or other persons exercising parental responsi bility;
ii) the gift of animals pet as prizes, awards or bonuses;
iii) the unplanned breeding of pet animals;
c) the possible adverse health and welfare of wild animals, they are purchased or introduced as pets;
d) risks arising from ' purchase irresponsible pet that leads to an increase in the number of unwanted and abandoned animals.
Chapter V - Multilateral consultations
Article 15 - Multilateral consultations
1. The Parties shall, within five years after entry into force of the Convention and thereafter every five years, and in any case, whenever a majority of representatives of Parties so request, hold multilateral consultations within the Council of Europe to examine the implementation of the Convention and the advisability of a revision or extension of some of its provisions. These consultations will take place at meetings convened by the Secretary General if the Council of Europe.
2. Each Party shall be entitled to appoint a representative to participate in these consultations tions. Each State member of the Council of Europe which is not a Party to the Convention are entitled to be represented by an observer in these consultations.
3. After each consultation, the Parties shall submit to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe a report on the consultation With the operation of the Convention and including, if deemed necessary, proposals to bring ame heating in Articles 15 to 23 of the Convention.
4. Subject to the provisions of this Convention, the Parties shall establish rules of procedure for consultations.
Chapter VI - Amendments
Article 16 - Amendments
1. Any amendment to Articles 1 to 14, brought by a Party or the Committee of Ministers shall be communicated to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and forwarded by the Member States of the Council of Europe, to any Party, and any State invited to accede to the Convention in accordance with the provisions Article 19.
2. Any amendment proposed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph pre transferor is considered, at least two months after the date of its notification by the Secretary-General, at a multilateral consultation in which the amendment can be approved by a majority of two thirds of the Parties. The text adopted shall be communicated to the Parties.
3. An amendment shall enter into force at the expiry of a period of twelve months after its adoption at a multilateral consultation, unless one of the Parties have notified objections.
Chapter VII - Final provisions
Article 17 - Signature, ratification, acceptance,
approval This Convention is open for signature by member States of the Council of Europe. It is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
Article 18 - Entry into force
1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date on which four member States of the Council of Europe have expressed their consent to be bound by the Convention with in accordance with the provisions Article 17.
2. The Convention will enter into force for any Member State which subsequently expresses its consent tively to be bound by the Convention on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of deposit of instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval.
Article 19 - Accession by non-members
1. After the entry into force of this Convention, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe may invite any State not a member of the Council of Europe to accede to this Convention, by majority decision if condo Article 20 d) Statute of the Council of Europe and unanimously by the representatives of States Parties abilitati a partecipare al Comitato dei Mini stri.
2. La Convenzione entrerà in vigore, per ogni Stato membro, il primo giorno del mese successivo alla scadenza di un periodo di sei mesi dopo la data del deposito dello strumento d’adesione presso il Segretario Generale del Consiglio d’Europa.
Articolo 20 – Clausola territoriale
1. Ogni Stato può, all’atto della firma o del deposito del proprio strumento di rati fica, di accettazione, di approvazione o di adesione, indicare il territorio o i territori ai quali si applicherà la presente Convenzione.
2. Ogni Parte può in qualsiasi momento successivo, tramite dichiarazione rivolta al Segretario Generale del Consiglio of Europe, extend the application of this Convention to any other territory specified in the declaration. The Convention will enter into force in respect of such territory on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of receipt of the declaration by the Secretary General.
3. Any declaration made under the two preceding paragraphs may be withdrawn, in respect of any territory specified in such declaration by notification addressed to the Secretary General. The withdrawal shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary General.
Article 21 - Reserves
1. Any State may, when signing or depositing its instrument of ratification Pussy, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that use of one or more reservations in respect of Article 6 and paragraph to paragraph 1 of ' Article 10. No reservations may be made.
2. Any Party having made a reservation under the preceding paragraph may wholly or partly withdraw it by notifying the Secretary General with the Council of Europe. The withdrawal shall take effect from the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary General.
3. A Party which has made a reservation in respect of a provision of pre sente Convenzione non può richiedere l’applicazione di tale disposizione ad un’altra Parte; tuttavia essa può, se la riserva è parziale o condizionale, domandare l’appli cazione di tale disposizione nella misura in cui essa stessa l’ha accettata.
Articolo 22 – Denuncia
1. Ogni Parte può, in ogni tempo, denunciare la presente Convenzione inviando una notifica al Segretario Generale del Consiglio d’Europa.
2. La denuncia avrà effetto il primo giorno del mese successivo alla scadenza di un periodo di sei mesi dopo la data di ricezione della notifica da parte del Segretario Generale.
Articolo 23 – Notifiche
Il Segretario General of the Council of Europe shall notify the member States of the Council and any State which has acceded to this Convention or is to be asked to do so:
a) any signature;
b) the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
c) any date of entry into force of this Convention in accordance with Articles 18, 19, 20 of the Convention;
d) any other act, notification or communication relating to this Convention .
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention pre.
Done at Strasbourg 13 November 1987 in French and English, i due testi facenti ugualmente fede, in un unico esemplare che sarà depositato negli archivi del Consi glio d’Europa. Il Segretario Generale del Consiglio d’Europa ne trasmetterà copia certificata conforme a ciascuno degli Stati membri del Consiglio d’Europa e ad ogni Stato invitato ad aderire alla presente Convenzione.
European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals
Strasbourg, 13 November 1987
Official translation of the Federal Chancellery of Switzerland
Explanatory Report
Preamble The member States of the Council of Europe, signatory hereto Convention
Whereas the objective of the Council of Europe is to achieve a greater unity between its members;
recognizing that man has a moral obligation to respect all living creatures, and in view of the special constraints between humans and animals with companionship;
considering the importance of companion animals due to the contribution they provide the quality of life and their consequent value to society;
considered the difficulties caused by rando wide variety of animals kept by man;
mindful of the risks inherent in pet animal overpopulation hygiene, sa lute and the safety of humans and other animals;
Whereas the maintenance of specimens of wild animals as pets should not be encouraged;
aware of the different conditions which govern the purchase, maintenance, 'to lug a commercial or noncommercial, transfer and sale of pet animals;
aware that pets are not always kept under conditions that promote their health and well-being;
Noting that attitudes towards pet animals vary widely, sometimes because of limited knowledge and awareness, whereas
that a basic common standard of behavior and practices that lead to responsible conduct by the owners of animals with companionship and an ambition not only appropriate but also realistic,
have agreed as follows:
Chapter I - General provisions
Article 1 - Definitions
1. By pet animal is meant any animal kept or intended to be kept by man, especially in his household for his enjoyment and companionship.
2. By trading in pet animals is the set of transactions be made on the ef a regular basis for large quantities and for profit, that the transfer behavior Tano of ownership of such animals.
3. For breeding and keeping of pet animals for commercial purposes shall mean giving the breeding and boarding mainly for profit for those quantities relevant.
4. By animal sanctuary is meant a non-profit making institution in which the evil companion animal may be kept in substantial numbers. Where the national legislation and / or administrative rules allow, the institution can accept stray animals.
5. For stray animal is meant any pet without accommodation symplastic or dome that is outside the limits of accommodation home of its owner or keeper and not under the control or direct supervision of any owner or keeper.
6. By competent authority is the authority designated by the State.
Article 2 - Scope and implementation
1. Each Party undertakes to take the necessary steps to give effect to the provisions of this Convention concerning:
a) pets kept by a person or entity is in qualsia household or institution for trade, ' breeding and give the housing of these animals for commercial purposes, as well as any animal shelter;
b) where appropriate, stray animals.
2. Nothing in this Convention shall affect the implementa tion of other instruments for the protection of animals or the preservation of wild species in danger.
3. Nothing in this Convention shall affect makes difficulties of the Parties to adopt stricter rules to ensure the protection of pet animals or application of the following provisions to certain categories of animals that are not specifically mentioned in this instrument.
Chapter II - Principles for the maintenance of companion animals
Article 3 - Basic principles for animal welfare
1. No one will cause unnecessary pain, suffering or distress to an animal com for companionship.
2. Nobody shall abandon a pet.
Article 4 - Maintenance
1. Any person who keeps a pet animal or who has agreed to employ parsene will be responsible for its health and welfare.
2. Any person who keeps a pet or will deal, should the provisional DERE its installation and provide care and attention, taking into account the bi ethological dreams after his kind, and his race and in particular:
a) purchase in enough food and water for its convenience;
b) provide it with adequate opportunities for exercise;
c) take all reasonable measures to prevent to flee.
3. An animal must not be kept as a pet if:
a) the conditions referred to in paragraph 2 above are not met, well
op b), although these conditions are met, the animal can not adapt to captivity.
Article 5 - Playing
Any person who selects a pet animal for breeding shall be obliged to take into account the anatomical, physiological and behavioral characteristics which are likely to endanger the health and welfare of the supplies or proge of the female.
Article 6 - Age limit for purchasing
No animal pet must be sold to anyone under 16 years with a sense without the express consent of parents or other persons engaged in the parenting responsibilities.
Article 7 - Training
No pet should be trained with methods that can dam age the personal health and well-being, in particular, forcing the animal to beyond its capacity or natural power, or by using artificial means to cause Healthy injury or pain, suffering and unnecessary anxiety.
Article 8 - trade, farming and commercial housing, animal shelters
1. Any person who, upon entry into force of the Convention, pra Tichi il commercio o l’allevamento o la custodia di animali da compagnia a fini commerciali, o gestisca un rifugio per animali deve dichiararlo all’Autorità compe tente entro un termine adeguato che sarà stabilito da ciascuna Parte.
Qualsiasi persona la quale intenda praticare una delle predette attività deve farne dichiarazione all’Autorità competente.
2. Questa dichiarazione deve indicare:
a) le specie di animali da compagnia in oggetto o che saranno in oggetto;
b) la persona responsabile e le sue nozioni in materia;
c) una descrizione dei locali ed attrezzature che sono o saranno utilizzati.
3. Le attività di cui sopra possono essere esercitate solamente if:
a) the responsible person is in possession of knowledge and skills necessary for this activity, Rie, having both a vocational training or sufficient experience in relation to pet animals gnia;
b) premises and equipment used for the activity meet the requirements of Article 4.
4. The competent authority shall determine, according to the statement made in accor dance with the provisions of paragraph 1, if the conditions referred to in paragraph 3 are met or not. If not adequately met, it shall recommend measures and prohibit the commencement or continuation of operations if this is necessary for the protection of animals.
5. The Competent Authority shall, in accordance with national law, check if the above conditions are met or not.
Article 9 - Advertising, entertainment, exhibitions, competitions and similar events
1. The pet may not be used for advertising, spectral Tacoli, exhibitions, competitions or similar event unless:
a) the organizer has failed to create the conditions necessary for treatment of these animals is consistent with requirements of Article 4 paragraph 2 and
b) their health and well-being are not jeopardized.
2. No substance to be administered to a pet, no treatment should apply to him, nor any procedure used to increase or decrease the natural level of his performance:
a) in competition;
b) at any other time, if this is likely to endanger the lute known and well-being of the animal.
Article 10 - Surgical
1. Surgical interventions designed to change the appearance of an animal for comparative gnia, or for other non-curative purposes shall be prohibited and, in particular:
a) tail docking;
b) cutting of the ears;
c) excision of the vocal cords;
d) exports of nails and teeth.
2. Will be authorized only exceptions to this rule:
a) if a veterinarian considers non-curative procedures necessary either for ra regions of Veterinary Medicine, is in the interest of an indi evil
b) to prevent reproduction.
3. a) Operations in which the animal will or is likely to pro Vare severe pain should be performed only under anesthesia and there is a veterinary medicinal or under his control;
b) action that is not require anesthesia can be practiced by a competent person in accordance with national legislation.
Article 11 - Killing
1. Only a veterinarian or other person responsible must the killing of a pet animal, except in cases of urgency to end the suffering of an animal and if we can not achieve rapid axis assistance of a veterinarian or other person jurisdiction, or in any other case of emergency set by national legislation. All killing must be done with the minimum of suffering physical and moral differences in the circumstances. The method chosen, except in cases of emergency, shall:
a) both lead to a loss di coscienza immediata e successivamente la morte;
b) sia iniziare con la somministrazione di un’anestesia generale profonda se guita da un procedimento che arrechi la morte in maniera certa.
La persona responsabile dell’uccisione deve accertarsi della morte dell’animale prima di eliminarne la spoglia.
2. Debbono essere vietati i seguenti metodi sacrificali:
a) l’annegamento ed altri sistemi di asfissia, se non producono gli effetti di cui al paragrafo 1, comma b;
b) l’utilizzazione di qualsiasi veleno o droga di cui non sia possibile control lare il dosaggio e l’applicazione in modo da ottenere gli effetti di cui al paragrafo 1;
c) electrocution unless preceded by immediate loss of consciousness.
Chapter III - Supplementary measures for stray animals
Article 12 - Reduction of the number of stray animals
When a Party considers that the number of stray animals is a problem for the Party, it shall take the necessary legislative and / or administrative provisions necessary to reduce their numbers in a way as not to cause pain, suffering or distress that could be avoided.
a) Such measures shall include that:
i) whether these animals are to be captured, this is done with the minimum of physical and moral sufferings, taking into account the nature of the animal;
ii) in the case that captured animals are kept or killed, this is done in accordance with the principles of this Convention.
b) The Parties undertake to consider:
i) the permanent identification of dogs and cats with adequate means to cause up only pain, suffering or distress minor or temporary, as the tattoo combined with registration number and the names and addresses of owners;
ii) reducing the unplanned breeding of dogs and cats by pro move their sterilization
iii) encourage the finder of a stray dog \u200b\u200bor cat to report it Competent Authority.
Articolo 13 – Eccezioni per quanto concerne la cattura, il mantenimento e l’uccisione
Le eccezioni ai principi stabiliti nella presente Convenzione relative alla cattura, al mantenimento ed all’uccisione degli animali randagi saranno accolte solo se sono inevitabili nell’ambito dei programmi governativi di controllo delle malattie.
Capitolo IV – Informazione ed istruzione
Articolo 14 – Programmi di informazione e di istruzione
Le Parti si impegnano a promuovere lo sviluppo di programmi d’informazione e di istruzione al fine di incoraggiare tra le organizzazioni e gli individui interessati al mantenimento, all’allevamento, all’addestramento, the trade and keeping of pets, awareness and knowledge of the principles and provisions of this Convention. In such programs, should especially be called attention to the following points:
a) the training of pet animals for commercial purposes or to compete tion, to be made by persons with adequate knowledge and skills which,
b) the need to discourage:
i) the gift of pets to children under 16 years without the express consent of their parents or other persons exercising parental responsi bility;
ii) the gift of animals pet as prizes, awards or bonuses;
iii) the unplanned breeding of pet animals;
c) the possible adverse health and welfare of wild animals, they are purchased or introduced as pets;
d) risks arising from ' purchase irresponsible pet that leads to an increase in the number of unwanted and abandoned animals.
Chapter V - Multilateral consultations
Article 15 - Multilateral consultations
1. The Parties shall, within five years after entry into force of the Convention and thereafter every five years, and in any case, whenever a majority of representatives of Parties so request, hold multilateral consultations within the Council of Europe to examine the implementation of the Convention and the advisability of a revision or extension of some of its provisions. These consultations will take place at meetings convened by the Secretary General if the Council of Europe.
2. Each Party shall be entitled to appoint a representative to participate in these consultations tions. Each State member of the Council of Europe which is not a Party to the Convention are entitled to be represented by an observer in these consultations.
3. After each consultation, the Parties shall submit to the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe a report on the consultation With the operation of the Convention and including, if deemed necessary, proposals to bring ame heating in Articles 15 to 23 of the Convention.
4. Subject to the provisions of this Convention, the Parties shall establish rules of procedure for consultations.
Chapter VI - Amendments
Article 16 - Amendments
1. Any amendment to Articles 1 to 14, brought by a Party or the Committee of Ministers shall be communicated to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and forwarded by the Member States of the Council of Europe, to any Party, and any State invited to accede to the Convention in accordance with the provisions Article 19.
2. Any amendment proposed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph pre transferor is considered, at least two months after the date of its notification by the Secretary-General, at a multilateral consultation in which the amendment can be approved by a majority of two thirds of the Parties. The text adopted shall be communicated to the Parties.
3. An amendment shall enter into force at the expiry of a period of twelve months after its adoption at a multilateral consultation, unless one of the Parties have notified objections.
Chapter VII - Final provisions
Article 17 - Signature, ratification, acceptance,
approval This Convention is open for signature by member States of the Council of Europe. It is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
Article 18 - Entry into force
1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date on which four member States of the Council of Europe have expressed their consent to be bound by the Convention with in accordance with the provisions Article 17.
2. The Convention will enter into force for any Member State which subsequently expresses its consent tively to be bound by the Convention on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of deposit of instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval.
Article 19 - Accession by non-members
1. After the entry into force of this Convention, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe may invite any State not a member of the Council of Europe to accede to this Convention, by majority decision if condo Article 20 d) Statute of the Council of Europe and unanimously by the representatives of States Parties abilitati a partecipare al Comitato dei Mini stri.
2. La Convenzione entrerà in vigore, per ogni Stato membro, il primo giorno del mese successivo alla scadenza di un periodo di sei mesi dopo la data del deposito dello strumento d’adesione presso il Segretario Generale del Consiglio d’Europa.
Articolo 20 – Clausola territoriale
1. Ogni Stato può, all’atto della firma o del deposito del proprio strumento di rati fica, di accettazione, di approvazione o di adesione, indicare il territorio o i territori ai quali si applicherà la presente Convenzione.
2. Ogni Parte può in qualsiasi momento successivo, tramite dichiarazione rivolta al Segretario Generale del Consiglio of Europe, extend the application of this Convention to any other territory specified in the declaration. The Convention will enter into force in respect of such territory on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of receipt of the declaration by the Secretary General.
3. Any declaration made under the two preceding paragraphs may be withdrawn, in respect of any territory specified in such declaration by notification addressed to the Secretary General. The withdrawal shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary General.
Article 21 - Reserves
1. Any State may, when signing or depositing its instrument of ratification Pussy, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that use of one or more reservations in respect of Article 6 and paragraph to paragraph 1 of ' Article 10. No reservations may be made.
2. Any Party having made a reservation under the preceding paragraph may wholly or partly withdraw it by notifying the Secretary General with the Council of Europe. The withdrawal shall take effect from the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary General.
3. A Party which has made a reservation in respect of a provision of pre sente Convenzione non può richiedere l’applicazione di tale disposizione ad un’altra Parte; tuttavia essa può, se la riserva è parziale o condizionale, domandare l’appli cazione di tale disposizione nella misura in cui essa stessa l’ha accettata.
Articolo 22 – Denuncia
1. Ogni Parte può, in ogni tempo, denunciare la presente Convenzione inviando una notifica al Segretario Generale del Consiglio d’Europa.
2. La denuncia avrà effetto il primo giorno del mese successivo alla scadenza di un periodo di sei mesi dopo la data di ricezione della notifica da parte del Segretario Generale.
Articolo 23 – Notifiche
Il Segretario General of the Council of Europe shall notify the member States of the Council and any State which has acceded to this Convention or is to be asked to do so:
a) any signature;
b) the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
c) any date of entry into force of this Convention in accordance with Articles 18, 19, 20 of the Convention;
d) any other act, notification or communication relating to this Convention .
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention pre.
Done at Strasbourg 13 November 1987 in French and English, i due testi facenti ugualmente fede, in un unico esemplare che sarà depositato negli archivi del Consi glio d’Europa. Il Segretario Generale del Consiglio d’Europa ne trasmetterà copia certificata conforme a ciascuno degli Stati membri del Consiglio d’Europa e ad ogni Stato invitato ad aderire alla presente Convenzione.
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different tracks: Stray? Mestizo? Please: Random Source 2
TRACCE DIVERSE: Randagio? Meticcio? Prego: Random Source 2
Veniamo a noi allora, perché non c’è chi non sappia che affrontare il discorso “ricerca” per gli Stati Uniti vuol dire, naturalmente, parlare della ricerca in Europa: parametri e protocolli sono gli stessi, anzi sono tout court quelli americani. E sono le stesse anche le necessità pratiche ed economiche. Il mondo della sperimentazione è un villaggio globale.
Ci sono in Europa i B dealers per la ricerca? Ci sono eccome, col loro esercito di bunchers (avevamo già il nostro Dealing Dogs. È lo svizzero Tiere in der Forschung di Mark Rissi, del 1992, diciotto anni portati benissimo: http://traccediverse.blogspot.com/2008/07/sofferenza-sino-al-tavolo-del.html). Sono accettati? Lo sono eccome: non da tutti, ma da chi conta. E fanno parte di un sistema così profondamente incardinato in quello dell’economia e della politica da rendere arduo anche solo il discuterlo - At least for now. Europe Animal Class B, the rich, industrial, driving, and cancellation, trade, experimentation. On this bedrock float laws and measures that often sound very good ... confirming a practice that goes in the opposite direction, perhaps with the help of some official or unofficial trick where you have to deal with conflicting claims. To meet needs while responding to the password ... the urgent and growing needs of dogs.
Like after the entry into force of Tierschutzgesetz German, a good repertoire of tricks laws. Since the '80s, in place of direct labor to hook up supplying laboratories, prompted the advent of a myriad of "groups" modeled on the import of animals from Class B to less industrialized countries and their trade. Which, looks a bit ', is being prosecuted in Germany only when it complies with the rules on the proper treatment of animals (the rest is perfectly integrated into the German economic system, so as to fall below the VAT sales tax).
Obviously this brings a total change of language. So when it comes to Tierschutzverein, also known as Vermittlung: placement, mediation ... in translation targeted foster care. E "rescue" is called the removal of cheap goods. It is a job like any other, just understood. Taught as Juliet in Romeo, also rose by another name always has the same scent.
For their part, the least developed countries adapt to the hand like a glove: welcome collection centers of foreign trade, let it develop the local business support, multiply the dog population, minuet on the law. Someone pushes the zeal to proclaim the indispensability of these benevolent actions, as required by the party.
The web of trade routes from the Mediterranean, the Balkans and Russia, Africa and Asia lead the Northern Europe know. We know the web of associations between branches and agencies of different countries (some with bilingual website, directly or German) and more often we encounter in the support given to them by generous foundations of science. We want to mention for completeness relations of synergy between associations of Germany, Great Britain, the United States in the management of the basin of abstraction? We want to add that American associations go to save dogs and cats that Greeks and Turks and their German sister stretch her hand up in Latin America, as is already done and you certainly will by the United States?
The Strasbourg Convention on the Protection of Pet Animals was signed in 1987, when the Union Europea non esisteva ancora. Per la sua stessa natura di accordo fra parti diverse, si guardava bene dal toccare più di tanto certi interessi e necessità di singoli Stati o di gruppi di Stati. Purché gli animali non soffrano troppo, si tiene fuori dal tema della sperimentazione e da quello della soppressione fatta per motivi, diciamo così, pratici (basta leggere l’art. 11: Uccisione). Per la stessa ragione le è estraneo anche il tema dei traffici di animali, e più che mai quello dei commerci di randagi e del mondo oscuro che si portano dietro. Perché non fu affrontato? Perché, diciamo ancora così, non ce n’era motivo. Finché si scherza si scherza, ma queste son cose serie.
Chi si fosse proposed more stringent standards that had to be adopted into national law (Article 3).
Subsequent history, however, is that of the European Union is no more conventions, but planning a policy intervention - and non-intervention - in order to approve the behavior of various states on an economic policy. And so the cards, sparigliarle today, blew out two exceptions (ie, from the European point of view, two events): Greece and Italy. The former had already adopted Law 1197/1981 on the protection of animals, then recast in 3170/2003. The second, just one year before the birth of the Union, had issued under the law 281/1991. In both countries, no more transfer of the dog kennel for experimental purposes, no more suppression, more or less balanced with a tight schedule and sterilizations dell'Anagrafe dogs. Commendable, innovative and daring. The result? Multiplication of the stray dog \u200b\u200bkennels in disarray, and a business already suspicious that easily adapts to acquire the rules of traffic (only within the borders of both countries, because once past the Swiss border, German or Austrian everything is in place). Bad laws? No: law inapplicable, or not designed to be applied. Fluctuations in resonant surface, while the practice, which is influenced by many other needs, continua ad andare in tutt’altra direzione. Non per nulla le proteste contro i traffici di chi onestamente tutela gli animali non hanno mai prodotto più che circolari o direttive ministeriali, apprezzate quando si scherza e ignorate con discrezione quando si fa sul serio.
Nel frattempo il business del randagismo è diventato uno dei più floridi settori economici nel campo della fornitura di beni e risorse, sorpassando a livello europeo (ampiamente, crediamo) l’import-export dei cuccioli di razza. Solo che in Italia, dove non è regolamentato come tale e quindi deve funzionare sotto mentite spoglie, si organizza da sé secondo la legge della giungla. Da un lato la necessità di escogitare slalom continui fra (e fuori di) regole che non gli appartengono, di piroettare fra identità cangianti, di sapersi rafforzare con joint ventures con partner esteri, di insinuarsi accortamente fra o negli organi di controllo di ogni livello produce una selezione naturale: solo i forti, i furbi e i coalizzati governano la barca. Ai remi stanno quelli con la sindrome di Noè, i patiti e i manovali dell’animal hoarding, i corrieri, i fattorini e gli anarchici del cosiddetto animalismo. Ma per la stessa ragione di fondo si è prodotta anche una vera guerra dei clan: scippi, arrembaggi e rapine tra affaristi di ogni genere ed etichetta; B dealers veri e mascherati in concorrenza spietata per strapparsi i rispettivi settori imprenditoriali; avventurieri alla conquista di ghiotti traffic sectors. Traffic coming out, but be careful, even in transit. Under the eyes of law enforcement and judicial bodies that move too much without knowing where to go, tools, and especially without the support of the legislature, and when they have a certain perception of the offense and desperate they are forced to rely on the most fragile compasses, that under the rule of law would have no reason to exist: the sensitivity of personnel assigned to the control and repression.
in this situation is that Italy is preparing to ratify the Strasbourg Convention, and it shows. The decree of the Ministry of Health which is now under discussion is broader than the Convention, because many things have happened in the meantime. In fact, it comes at last, how much of a novelty, trades pets ... that illegal importation of puppies from the East. Point. Why? but because we continue to say that there is no reason to talk about something else. As long as you mess around with kids ... what follows, and it was flawless Franco Frattini, foreign minister and vice-president of the European Commission (and, say, a careful observer of the stray problem in the Union), to collect and re-verbatim, in Italy and abroad, the message wrapped in this "crime of trafficking of cats and dogs" ready- halved.
Message received. Perhaps, then, is a good time to ask some serious questions about the function and especially on the meaning of animal protection. Not that whining and chirping, and even the Taliban and self-managed, they are just the reverse of a terrible story. However, much less what to pursue first and foremost the preservation of itself, as is now the major associations around the world, indulging pleasure to compromise masquerading (badly) in the communication effect. It seems to us that it makes sense that that appeals not to love, but to respect and protect the rights and follows with wisdom, firmness and independence, the path of legality without pretense, cunning, disguises and complicity. We would like this other message, ours was well understood by all those who sit at the table in good conscience work opened by the Ministry of Health on truckloads of animals exported across the border "for adoption". Of the others we do not care, we already know everything.
Otherwise we say plainly that the spirit of Italian laws, we are even though they may have been made to look good to someone and that (quoting from the petition ENPA) are "the most advanced in Europe" , is a deviation, which must adapt to the economic framework of the Union has passed through the archaic residues such as chocolate with cocoa and cheese French artisan. As we said, just understood. If anything spieghiamolo also to "persons and associations estimated and credible" that what we have said here they say in Germany, and therefore above suspicion.
This blog has never given special importance to animal experimentation in the cities plundered our country, because he knows how wide the range of their uses and commercial consumers. Maybe from now on do so, given the urgent and growing need of animals for the implementation of the European project REACH for toxicity testing of tens of thousands of chemical compounds. But
in confidence, we wrote this post because well-informed the plan target of at least bullshit (bullshit NdT) exclusive use of purebred dogs, purpose bred for experimentation.
http://traccediverse.blogspot.com/2009/11/germania-il-gorgo-infinito-dei- cani.html
Strasbourg Convention:
http://traccediverse.forumattivo.com/tutela-animali-documenti-e-normativa -f10/convenzione-europea-per-la-protezione-degli-animali-da-compagnia-13111987-capp-1-3-t15.htm
http://traccediverse.forumattivo.com/tutela-animali-documenti-e -normativa-f10/convenzione-europea-per-la-protezione-degli-animali-da-compagnia-13111987-capp-4-7-t16.htm
TRACCE DIVERSE: Randagio? Meticcio? Prego: Random Source 2
Veniamo a noi allora, perché non c’è chi non sappia che affrontare il discorso “ricerca” per gli Stati Uniti vuol dire, naturalmente, parlare della ricerca in Europa: parametri e protocolli sono gli stessi, anzi sono tout court quelli americani. E sono le stesse anche le necessità pratiche ed economiche. Il mondo della sperimentazione è un villaggio globale.
Ci sono in Europa i B dealers per la ricerca? Ci sono eccome, col loro esercito di bunchers (avevamo già il nostro Dealing Dogs. È lo svizzero Tiere in der Forschung di Mark Rissi, del 1992, diciotto anni portati benissimo: http://traccediverse.blogspot.com/2008/07/sofferenza-sino-al-tavolo-del.html). Sono accettati? Lo sono eccome: non da tutti, ma da chi conta. E fanno parte di un sistema così profondamente incardinato in quello dell’economia e della politica da rendere arduo anche solo il discuterlo - At least for now. Europe Animal Class B, the rich, industrial, driving, and cancellation, trade, experimentation. On this bedrock float laws and measures that often sound very good ... confirming a practice that goes in the opposite direction, perhaps with the help of some official or unofficial trick where you have to deal with conflicting claims. To meet needs while responding to the password ... the urgent and growing needs of dogs.
Like after the entry into force of Tierschutzgesetz German, a good repertoire of tricks laws. Since the '80s, in place of direct labor to hook up supplying laboratories, prompted the advent of a myriad of "groups" modeled on the import of animals from Class B to less industrialized countries and their trade. Which, looks a bit ', is being prosecuted in Germany only when it complies with the rules on the proper treatment of animals (the rest is perfectly integrated into the German economic system, so as to fall below the VAT sales tax).
Obviously this brings a total change of language. So when it comes to Tierschutzverein, also known as Vermittlung: placement, mediation ... in translation targeted foster care. E "rescue" is called the removal of cheap goods. It is a job like any other, just understood. Taught as Juliet in Romeo, also rose by another name always has the same scent.
For their part, the least developed countries adapt to the hand like a glove: welcome collection centers of foreign trade, let it develop the local business support, multiply the dog population, minuet on the law. Someone pushes the zeal to proclaim the indispensability of these benevolent actions, as required by the party.
The web of trade routes from the Mediterranean, the Balkans and Russia, Africa and Asia lead the Northern Europe know. We know the web of associations between branches and agencies of different countries (some with bilingual website, directly or German) and more often we encounter in the support given to them by generous foundations of science. We want to mention for completeness relations of synergy between associations of Germany, Great Britain, the United States in the management of the basin of abstraction? We want to add that American associations go to save dogs and cats that Greeks and Turks and their German sister stretch her hand up in Latin America, as is already done and you certainly will by the United States?
The Strasbourg Convention on the Protection of Pet Animals was signed in 1987, when the Union Europea non esisteva ancora. Per la sua stessa natura di accordo fra parti diverse, si guardava bene dal toccare più di tanto certi interessi e necessità di singoli Stati o di gruppi di Stati. Purché gli animali non soffrano troppo, si tiene fuori dal tema della sperimentazione e da quello della soppressione fatta per motivi, diciamo così, pratici (basta leggere l’art. 11: Uccisione). Per la stessa ragione le è estraneo anche il tema dei traffici di animali, e più che mai quello dei commerci di randagi e del mondo oscuro che si portano dietro. Perché non fu affrontato? Perché, diciamo ancora così, non ce n’era motivo. Finché si scherza si scherza, ma queste son cose serie.
Chi si fosse proposed more stringent standards that had to be adopted into national law (Article 3).
Subsequent history, however, is that of the European Union is no more conventions, but planning a policy intervention - and non-intervention - in order to approve the behavior of various states on an economic policy. And so the cards, sparigliarle today, blew out two exceptions (ie, from the European point of view, two events): Greece and Italy. The former had already adopted Law 1197/1981 on the protection of animals, then recast in 3170/2003. The second, just one year before the birth of the Union, had issued under the law 281/1991. In both countries, no more transfer of the dog kennel for experimental purposes, no more suppression, more or less balanced with a tight schedule and sterilizations dell'Anagrafe dogs. Commendable, innovative and daring. The result? Multiplication of the stray dog \u200b\u200bkennels in disarray, and a business already suspicious that easily adapts to acquire the rules of traffic (only within the borders of both countries, because once past the Swiss border, German or Austrian everything is in place). Bad laws? No: law inapplicable, or not designed to be applied. Fluctuations in resonant surface, while the practice, which is influenced by many other needs, continua ad andare in tutt’altra direzione. Non per nulla le proteste contro i traffici di chi onestamente tutela gli animali non hanno mai prodotto più che circolari o direttive ministeriali, apprezzate quando si scherza e ignorate con discrezione quando si fa sul serio.
Nel frattempo il business del randagismo è diventato uno dei più floridi settori economici nel campo della fornitura di beni e risorse, sorpassando a livello europeo (ampiamente, crediamo) l’import-export dei cuccioli di razza. Solo che in Italia, dove non è regolamentato come tale e quindi deve funzionare sotto mentite spoglie, si organizza da sé secondo la legge della giungla. Da un lato la necessità di escogitare slalom continui fra (e fuori di) regole che non gli appartengono, di piroettare fra identità cangianti, di sapersi rafforzare con joint ventures con partner esteri, di insinuarsi accortamente fra o negli organi di controllo di ogni livello produce una selezione naturale: solo i forti, i furbi e i coalizzati governano la barca. Ai remi stanno quelli con la sindrome di Noè, i patiti e i manovali dell’animal hoarding, i corrieri, i fattorini e gli anarchici del cosiddetto animalismo. Ma per la stessa ragione di fondo si è prodotta anche una vera guerra dei clan: scippi, arrembaggi e rapine tra affaristi di ogni genere ed etichetta; B dealers veri e mascherati in concorrenza spietata per strapparsi i rispettivi settori imprenditoriali; avventurieri alla conquista di ghiotti traffic sectors. Traffic coming out, but be careful, even in transit. Under the eyes of law enforcement and judicial bodies that move too much without knowing where to go, tools, and especially without the support of the legislature, and when they have a certain perception of the offense and desperate they are forced to rely on the most fragile compasses, that under the rule of law would have no reason to exist: the sensitivity of personnel assigned to the control and repression.
in this situation is that Italy is preparing to ratify the Strasbourg Convention, and it shows. The decree of the Ministry of Health which is now under discussion is broader than the Convention, because many things have happened in the meantime. In fact, it comes at last, how much of a novelty, trades pets ... that illegal importation of puppies from the East. Point. Why? but because we continue to say that there is no reason to talk about something else. As long as you mess around with kids ... what follows, and it was flawless Franco Frattini, foreign minister and vice-president of the European Commission (and, say, a careful observer of the stray problem in the Union), to collect and re-verbatim, in Italy and abroad, the message wrapped in this "crime of trafficking of cats and dogs" ready- halved.
Message received. Perhaps, then, is a good time to ask some serious questions about the function and especially on the meaning of animal protection. Not that whining and chirping, and even the Taliban and self-managed, they are just the reverse of a terrible story. However, much less what to pursue first and foremost the preservation of itself, as is now the major associations around the world, indulging pleasure to compromise masquerading (badly) in the communication effect. It seems to us that it makes sense that that appeals not to love, but to respect and protect the rights and follows with wisdom, firmness and independence, the path of legality without pretense, cunning, disguises and complicity. We would like this other message, ours was well understood by all those who sit at the table in good conscience work opened by the Ministry of Health on truckloads of animals exported across the border "for adoption". Of the others we do not care, we already know everything.
Otherwise we say plainly that the spirit of Italian laws, we are even though they may have been made to look good to someone and that (quoting from the petition ENPA) are "the most advanced in Europe" , is a deviation, which must adapt to the economic framework of the Union has passed through the archaic residues such as chocolate with cocoa and cheese French artisan. As we said, just understood. If anything spieghiamolo also to "persons and associations estimated and credible" that what we have said here they say in Germany, and therefore above suspicion.
This blog has never given special importance to animal experimentation in the cities plundered our country, because he knows how wide the range of their uses and commercial consumers. Maybe from now on do so, given the urgent and growing need of animals for the implementation of the European project REACH for toxicity testing of tens of thousands of chemical compounds. But
in confidence, we wrote this post because well-informed the plan target of at least bullshit (bullshit NdT) exclusive use of purebred dogs, purpose bred for experimentation.
http://traccediverse.blogspot.com/2009/11/germania-il-gorgo-infinito-dei- cani.html
Strasbourg Convention:
http://traccediverse.forumattivo.com/tutela-animali-documenti-e-normativa -f10/convenzione-europea-per-la-protezione-degli-animali-da-compagnia-13111987-capp-1-3-t15.htm
http://traccediverse.forumattivo.com/tutela-animali-documenti-e -normativa-f10/convenzione-europea-per-la-protezione-degli-animali-da-compagnia-13111987-capp-4-7-t16.htm
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