Cruciata is actually a late period of the thirteenth century, when now the phenomenon has been institutionalized and is used by the Church against many of his political enemies (for the accused 'at as infidels, as the Albigensian heretics or Frederick II, called it the Antichrist). Originally the invitation of Urban was a pilgrimage - pilgrimage - of atonement to the Holy Land. And indeed it was a pilgrimage, only that it was an armed pilgrimage , as historians call it, because, "as it passed through from there," Urban urged the pilgrims to assist in the Church of the East against infidels.
be remembered, incidentally, that the oppression of the Turks on the Christian communities of the East and the pilgrims going to Jerusalem can not be considered decisive reason for the crusade, since the so-called "infidels", since the time of Muhammad, had been very tolerant and allowed Christians and Jews in the profession of their faith - in exchange for a fee - except that ensured their forms of authority and autonomy "of their fellow residents in the territories Christians do not even dreamed of" (Vitolo). Among these pathways was also the possibility of a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, but Christians seemed esserselo forgotten.
However, from 1095 to 1270 Christians in several waves (there are seven, some go to nine) will try to recapture Jerusalem, as well as giving rise to a brief occupation of the Holy City (1099-1187) to a series of episodes queer (so that in me focus on the first and fourth shipment) and bringing to the fore rather bizarre characters.
Jacque Le Goff has argued that the sole result of the crusade was the 'APRICOT ( al-braquq; Le Goff, 1969, p.95), whose cultivation seems to spread into Europe after the rides Middle East (but few deny). Add to it, out of curiosity of headaches, so-called locusts crusades, invading and "at that time infested the southern part of Abruzzo and Campania, and large clouds the plains of Puglia."

I - Peter of Amiens and fanaticism of the Poor
The first to incorporate the religious enthusiasm aroused by the crusading movement was an itinerant preacher, that Peter of Amiens, said the hermit because he went around in rags and riding a donkey [ as shown in the illustration, taken from the parchment manuscript Roman du Chevalier du Cygne (1270 ca)] A man of little education but great speech, his speech in 1075 with Peter Ruscha put together a large group of poor and marginalized , poorly armed and without any form of organization. On horde of more than 12,000 people among the poor, women, children, impatient of all disciplines who marched to the East through the valleys of the Rhine and Danube to the cry "God wills it" (the Deus volt).
The passage of burning derelict everywhere was marked by looting and massacres of Jews, provoking the reaction of local lords and bishops. Eventually, however, those who survived the massacres and the fatigue of travel, including old men, women and children, arrived at their destination. Once there, they were slaughtered by the Turks.
Peter was one of the few who managed to escape and waited for the arrival of the crusade to Constantinople "official."
When they reached the crusaders sent by the other kings in Europe, Peter followed them, as Wikipedia is edited by stress, "but not in a position of excellence."
During the siege of Antioch even tried to escape, but was soon recaptured. After a few months filming credibility among the crusaders.
Once he reached Jerusalem, his Sermon on the Mount of Olives was followed by the sacking of the city and the massacre of the defenseless inhabitants of the Holy City: Jews and Muslims.
II - Second attempt
The Second Crusade (as above) was a failure, all those who participated in pursuing their political objectives, to the great wrath of the Pope, looking for example, as in the case of Roger II, to rub the domains Byzantines in the Peloponnesus.
Meanwhile Saladin recaptured Jerusalem in 1187
III - Third Crusade

Nothing done. Jerusalem remains in the hands of the infidels.
4 - Fourth Crusade "blatant deviation of the Bosphorus."
Innocent III (the great pope of the papal centralism etc. etc.) decided to try again, by announcing a crusade in 1198 with the dual purpose of 1) to recover Jerusalem for Christianity and 2) bring the Eastern Church under the papal sovereignty. For various problems (including the death of Richard the Lionheart), the departure was postponed from year to year. We managed to get going until 1202.
In 1202 the crusaders gather in Venice ready to set sail and reach the East by sea, but come on-site notice unfortunately do not have enough money to pay for transport. What to do?
The Doge Enrico Dandalo took over the initiative and offered free transport to fighters provided that you did stop in Zadar, to recover the city that was given to the Hungarians. The Crusaders stormed the city and agree with the usual looting, sending back the pope on a rampage. They had forgotten that the Hungarians were the most Catholic people of the Balkans, whose conversion was one of the greatest successes of the Western Church. Even the pope himself was to send the crown with the crooked cross (is in the church in Budapest and is the pride of post-communist Hungary) to the Hungarian King Stephen I in 1000. In addition, the Hungarian king, who before the date was known as Prince Vaik and later was made a saint, however (Bloch 1999, p.26), it was even "writing" alla stessa crociata che gli aveva saccheggiato la città! Per tale ragione Innocenzo III decise di scomunicare la crociata. I diversi baroni dichiararono però di essere stati ricattati e costretti da Venezia alla sciagurata azione; il papa allora tolse loro la scomunica che andò completamente a carico dei veneziani.
Intanto dopo questo intoppi diplomatici i crociati riprendono il viaggio. E cosa succede?
Altro colpo di scena. Il doge riesce a convincere i capi crociati ad un nuovo cambiamento di programma: perché non puntare sulla conquista di Costantinopoli invece che di Gerusalemme? La città, capitale dell’impero Eastern Roman Empire is surely the richest of the holy city, then Alexis, pretender to the throne, promised generous compensation and participation in the crusade if you had installed on the throne.
Here is the crime that happens, "blatant deviation of the Bosphorus." Constantinople was taken and for how horribly PURPOSE sacked in 1204. The Green Pope rage.
When the greed of the spoils subsided it was provided - in the skillful direction of Dandalo - the division of the kingdom and the foundation of 'Latin Empire of the East. A quarter of this, together with the title of emperor, he was assigned to Baldwin of Flanders.
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