In data odierna ricevo e pubblico una mail privata da Edgar Meyer, portavoce dell'Associazione GAIA in merito ai nostri rispettivi punti di vista sulle adozioni dei cani all'estero e sul nostro operato in merito alla tutela e benessere degli animali.
Con il suo permesso scritto , senza arrogarmi il diritto di postarne il testo senza autorizzazione, divulgo il suo pensiero, le sue domande e le mie risposte.
Risposte che vengono offerte al pubblico lettore e che sono il mio pensiero, my point of view, not an invitation to a debate for all those who have the will and patience to read this book.
recently seems to have dropped a thick curtain on freedom of speech and expression, so I think that, even if adverse, should be a dialogue in mutual respect for different ways of thinking.
This article has as its sole purpose not being "biased" but the comparison of two different ways of thinking and seeing reality with regard to animal welfare.
Lately waste the email warning about the content of an article that is in clear opposition of thought with a modus operandi that I do not agree with ideologically, and waste also "calls" very polite and undemocratic of "suppression" of the same only differing points of view.
If we want to be civil, plead a cause, to publish one of our ideas, the latest way to do this is to foment a war webbiana.
is not a war that will get you goals. Not at current levels.
Tiziana Paghini
This is the text of the email received with the omission of obligation:
From: edgar.meyer*********
Date: 20/12/2009 18:07. 59
To: tiziana*************
Subject: Blogs and adoptions of dogs
Dear Tiziana Paghini,
a voluntary association of animal I shot some action on his blog, I did not know, without knowing-where-I am called personally concerned about international adoptions of dogs.
I try to answer it, hoping I can be of interest.
to me "like this weird thing," as she calls it international adoption for several reasons. Here is someone (other than that "thing" is not strange but clear and transparent so that the association with Let The Paw promote the sunlight on our site):
are nationals Italian-German (born, lived and graduated in Italy) by Italian-Swiss mother and German father. I consider myself a European citizen and I know the different cultures and realities. Reality and culture, especially concerning animal rights, and in Germany and Northern Europe in general is much more advanced than in Italy - unfortunately. Just one example: in Germany, the sterilization is an absolute rule (an exception from us) and the straying essentially unknown, and we have approx. 800,000 stray dogs (data La Sapienza University of Rome) concentrated mainly in central and southern Italy. I could give dozens of examples, but I will stop here. Believe me: the two realities are unfortunately very far apart and one of my efforts, as a journalist, as a professional (I was for five years head of the Animal Rights in the Province of Milan and I helped to build the most extensive network of local Uda in Italy: 38 on the territory of the Province of Milan) and as a volunteer movement animal, is to bring the Italian to the German model.
who has seen with his own eyes the reality of Germany (and not only speak from hearsay, error of superficiality where unfortunately too many animals fall) knows that there is overcrowding in shelters Germans: there are no kennels lager with 800 / 1000 as dogs from us !!!!! When a German says that their shelters are overcrowded will dire che hanno in gestione più di una cinquantina di cani…ecco un’altra differenza tra le due realtà. Un Tierheim (che tradotto alla lettera significa Casa (Heim) degli animali (Tier) può ospitare sì 800 animali, come il Tierheim di Amburgo, ma di questi 600 sono uccelli recuperati e da recuperare, un centinaio animali vari da cortile (oche, asini ecc) e solo un centinaio i cani, di cui vari provenienti da Grecia e Spagna, dove erano condannati a morte! Perché nel nord-Europa è “normale” occuparsi di TUTTI gli animali in difficoltà, non solo di cani e gatti. Per cui esistono strutture efficienti e i cittadini sanno a chi rivolgersi…da noi i CRAS – centri recupero animali selvatici are an absolute rarity and above all hidden and unknown to most. Returning to the dogs, I saw Germans experienced animal cry visiting kennels Italian (Northern Ireland, among other things) contracted with public facilities: they had never seen anything like that in their country.
The trip to Germany and Switzerland is no more stressful than any dog \u200b\u200bwith his "master" when he goes on vacation. If the dog is in bad condition, eg. those in the shelter of Rieti, the association is restored Let the leg in Milan before the journey. This, to an association of animal protection, is so obvious che spiace dover essere costretti a sottolinearlo.
I cani che “mandiamo” in Germania o Svizzera non vanno in canili bensì in case – famiglia, là molto diffuse (altra differenza…), oppure direttamente alla famiglia adottiva. Le Associazioni tedesche gemellate da anni con Diamoci La Zampa fanno severi e accurati controlli pre e post adozioni. Si tratta di associazioni organizzate, precise, rigorose nei controlli, rigide nella scelta delle famiglie, talvolta (a mio giudizio) eccessivamente severe. “Tedesche”, per l’appunto. Lontane dal modello organizzativo più tipico delle associazioni italiane, non escluse quelle nelle quali milito, piene di buon cuore ma anche talvolta di improvvisazione.
Association Let the leg has the certainty that the dogs are entrusted in good hands. Our volunteer work, laborious and expensive in terms of money and time, including those of close relations with volunteers from Germany and Switzerland: daily mail, telephone calls, travel, meetings. Who wants to have as many certainties, he has only to do the same thing. Work together and to struggle together. Disclose to the four winds lists of names and home addresses of adoptive families, you should know, is a crime - both for the Italian law for the German law. Simply, you can not do. They can not do and not do the public shelters, they can not do and not do the private shelters, can not do it and do not take the associations only to Italian families (there is someone who does?), they can not do and not do the associations that take dogs in Italy and abroad with adoptions international. We trust the volunteers of the German associations sisters just as you would normally trust between Italian volunteers who have known for years: because we work together, side by side, because we know each other because they share the anxieties and joys, etc. etc.. It 's funny to discover that a voluntary trust Catanzaro control postaffido a voluntary Bologna (if you know it well) but you can not trust a volunteer from London to Frankfurt or Zurich (which conosce altrettanto bene)…
Ora avrei io qualche domanda per Lei
- Da anni in Italia una minoranza di animalisti si batte -senza mai essere andata a fondo della cosa- contro le adozioni internazionali che si definiscono “esportazioni”, “commercio” ecc. coinvolgendo, nel cupo gridare “al lupo al lupo”, anche cittadini ignari, che comprensibilmente rimangono sconcertati da queste accuse. Mai però è successo che a queste voci infondate siano seguite azioni concrete. Se qualcuno ha in mano, oltre che “timori”, prove reali e concrete di illegalità, faccia per favore denunce mirate e precise: si colpisca durissimamente chi agisce in malafede. Saremmo the first to join with such complaints. Why do not you and we will just throw vague suspicions?
- so fervently against international adoptions. Much less fervor, and many fewer words are used by these animals in demanding an end to the importation of puppies from the East: this means an awful speculation (managed by traders and not-as-international adoptions from animal charities) that causes the death of many puppies. Why not concentrate more efforts on this issue real, ask for a change in legislation, as here the evidence is there?
- If it is true that the laws for the protection of animals we are at the forefront (I helped someone to push them too, as a member of the Council of the Lombardy Region for the prevention of stray dogs), so it is not the reality, especially in the South-but-not only puts us at the Third World. He has never visited, Ms Tiziana, some kennels of Sicily, Campania, Calabria, Puglia, etc.? Have you ever visited all over the country, public shelters is contracted out to unscrupulous people? Have you ever seen the miserable life / death of these poor beings without a future? We are bombarded by desperate appeals. As you can ignore them and prefer to sow doubts against animal rights organizations for over 20 years to help them spit blood?
- The reality of these desperate poor animals is a certainty. They are not "doubt." Why so much obstinacy on international adoptions? To allay their concerns seriously enough to enter the mechanism. If the doubt (as they are) found to be unfounded? It is profoundly unjust to deny the possibility of finding an adoptive family (even if "foreign land") to so many dogs in Italy (step-mother earth) will never be found? Better to let them rot in the hundreds (I'm approx. 300 seconds a recent survey published in the magazine four-legged) of kennels lager?
- Let the leg in over 20 years of desperate activity has helped to take approx. 7,000 dogs: 95% of them 5% in Italy but also abroad. Few, very few, compared to approx. 1,600,000 dogs (data LAV) languishing behind bars of kennels. One million six hundred thousand convicts without guilt. Not numbers, living things. To which, if you can, Let The Paw, Animals & Environment Gaia and many other groups trying to make a new life expectancy. Who cares if it's Franz Klammer at home instead of Toni Esposito. A frontier for us is not bad (better represented by the mental borders). The important thing is that there is a house. A family. A "flock". And a dirty box kennel. She not only sow doubt, but for those one million six hundred thousand of desperate endeavor producing adoptions, right?
For the sake of the dogs would be desirable collaboration, and the struggle between those who deal with animal rights. To focus on the real enemies: hunting, vivisection, abused, abandoned. There is so much to do that, in my humble opinion, is a crime to waste time on anything that does not reach the target.
Yours sincerely.
Edgar Meyer
spokesman Let The Paw
*** in Italy for many years a minority of animal-fights without ever having gone to the bottom of the thing-against international adoptions, which are defined as "exports", "trade" and so on. involving, in the dark crying "wolf wolf", even unsuspecting citizens, who are understandably shocked by these allegations. But never has it been that these rumors are followed by concrete action. If someone's hand, as well as "fears" real concrete evidence of illegality, please make complaints targeted and precise: they blow those who act in bad faith. We would be the first to join with such complaints. Why and we do not simply throw vague suspicions?
R: first:
Urge the premise that the undersigned NOT PART OF ANY ASSOCIATION animals and / or political faction. ALSO URGE specified for the umpteenth time that THE SIGNED NON SARA 'MAI FROM CATALOG AS BELONGING TO ONE OF THOSE TWO CATEGORIES. In response to Meyer add that I also have German roots from my father and my husband has repeatedly highlighted the civilization of northern Europe compared to Italy itself, being "adopted" North European. That said, stressing that I move only as an Italian national law-abiding player and doors to the public my feelings, my personal experiences, il mio punto di vista e/o pensiero senza fregiarmi di far parte di qualsivoglia gruppo animalista o movimento politico. TUTTO E' TRASPARENTE E SFIDO CHIUNQUE A DIMOSTRARE IL CONTRARIO.
Ora, il mio pensiero si sviluppa attraverso una miriade di denunce che si rincorrono da anni attraverso il web e che portano in primo piano la realtà del trasferimento dei nostri cani e gatti dall'Italia all'estero. Denunce che non portano con unicamente una sigla animalista ma dei veri e propri blitz portati ai cittadini come testimonianze da parte dei Nas, della Forestale, dei Carabinieri, della Polizia, e addirittura di persone semplici ma, disgraziatamente per loro, vittime di sottrazione dei propri animali per destinazione ignota. Per ovvie ragioni, al momento non posso publish without written consent of the names of these people, that if they want will eventually in the future requiring the publication of an article on their own experience. Of course I am available for further testimony corroborated by sources and provided valid documentation in order to uncover a reality that should not now be seen as an attack on Edgar Meyer himself or his group, but the transfer of animals from Italy to 'abroad. The real evidence, unfortunately Sign. Meyer are there, and even if they have nothing to do with his person or the association which represents, however, evidence are going to validate my doubts about foreign adoptions. To this we can add the many appeals / articles already in the second half of the 90 people caught between the press and the web itself. So because of this it is normal to require clarity and doubt where it is pitch dark. If not, the concern and the testimonies that have been the subject of many news reports would have no reason to exist. In secundis, Sign. Meyer, it is difficult for all of us who oppose foreign adoptions, but open to constructive dialogue, without being able to believe in miraculous adoption corroborate the truth, because as she points out himself, the names of the adopters are private. Make them public is a crime. This, in the absence of volunteers ready to appear publicly with name, reduces the whole to one track: the transfer of doubt.
Although this expression is bad, you must be honest with God and admit that without some reference to a double check tangible, legitimate doubt is fixed in people's minds like a fire brand. At this point, you will agree with me that it is difficult for citizens to make an accusation without some certainty on the other fonte.Una sort of two-way street in both directions but that is a closed fund. If everything was clear and obvious, there would be no hesitation or otherwise would be limited to the individual and not extended to the ground. See for yourself an animal to be adopted in Italy and then to note that these results have already booked abroad raises doubts qualsiasi persona. Questa affermazione non vuole accusare Lei o la sua Associazione di nulla, tuttavia è chiaro che in un panorama simile, l'attacco nasce spontaneo se non ha elementi validi di riferimento. Personalmente ho chiesto chiarimenti in merito a molti volontari, ma le mie mail sono sempre state ignorate.
*** Tanto fervore contro le adozioni internazionali. Molto meno fervore e molte meno parole vengono usate da questi animalisti nel chiedere la fine dell’importazione di cuccioli dall’Est: questa sì un’orrenda speculazione (gestita da commercianti e non -come le adozioni internazionali- da associazioni di volontariato animalista) che causa la morte di moltissimi cuccioli. Perché not concentrate more efforts on this issue real, ask for a change of legislation, because here the evidence is there?
course for this response limits the thought and experience only to myself, not being a spokesman for anyone.
On this question to mail me, I can safely say that my little 'battle' you are never limited to the subject of foreign adoptions and has never favored a single category with regard to the protection and animal welfare.
On my blog, if read carefully, you will find plenty of reasons advocated and feel. From illegal trafficking of animals, abuse, use of 'commercial', to that of the same food! Not least on the illegal trafficking of pups from the East. It is certain that, once again, I feel compelled to point out my position of NOT TIED TO PRIVATE CITIZEN GROUPS or against themselves and against the institutions. Duty is to remember, however, that the institutions and associations are placed in 'field' right to file this painful and shameful corner of illegal trafficking of human beings. Also here, Sign. Meyer, agree with me that what a citizen can do without any valid membership is very, very, very limited.
Needless to focus on all those who, while declaring animals live with contempt adoption of a dog from a kennel or a cat da un gattile, prediligendo a questi il famoso quanto triste 'cane' o 'gatto' di razza. Scusi, ma io non mi sento appartenente a questi gruppi impellicciati, impomatati, predicanti bene e razzolanti male. Ho sempre adottato animali in condizioni di salute molto precarie, non ultimo un cane spacciato come tale e proveniente dal 'famigerato' canile Dogmar di San Genesio ed Uniti in provincia di Pavia.
Un cane senza 'referenze', che stando a ciò che è ancor oggi viene pubblicato con grande risonanza dal web, arriva da un "lager".
Bene, né io né mio marito ci siamo posti il dilemma di cosa avremmo portato a casa! Il tutto era a scatola chiusa e veniva concettualmente concepito in virtù di ciò che veniva e viene conveyed via the web. In essence, a lottery. But we wanted to know the conditions of the dog, and he has lifted the morale to have understood that our Ares did not come from what they call too many kennels lager! Ares, our great puppy from the character of steel, so as to get a kennel, but not from a camp! Did not come from Trump Plaza, but did not reach even to Auschwitz. I am sorry to raise an argument in many uncomfortable and I had no intention to exhume more, but that's the truth, and not trust it, even if supported with names and surnames, in fortune or misfortune of the adopter. This is not a question of fate but of objectivity. This dog is well, and here I published everything possible, but no one wanted to believe me. Perhaps it was easier and more useful illusion to the contrary. But what could be my profits? None! I have never come to terms with anybody, and I was very saddened by the fact that, when asked, the Mayor of San Genesio ed Uniti, head of the doghouse dogma, did not want to accept my testimony and that of my husband. Written evidence, signed, and sent via registered mail and that he never had any order if not the welfare of animals. After four years of stay in abundant Dogma, this dog has no particular problems Sgambati or adapt to our environment. It 's a healthy dog, both from a psychological point of view of health. This dog lived almost his whole life in a kennel all define a lager, but
Details? Maybe. What is certain is that we have always adopted animals from seemingly absurd situations, and with great desire and love-unfortunately-we have grown up losers emerge and become part of our family environment. Love is always sacrifice. This is not just a motto, but our philosophy of life is to be human beings that 'animals'.
*** If it is true that the laws for the protection of animals we are at the forefront (I helped someone to push them too, as a member of the Council of the Lombardy Region for the prevention of stray dogs), not so is the fact that especially in the South-but-not only puts us at the Third World. He has never visited, Ms Tiziana, some kennels of Sicily, Campania, Calabria, Puglia, etc.? Have you ever visited all over the country, public shelters is contracted out to unscrupulous people? Have you ever seen the miserable life / death of these poor beings without a future? We are bombarded by desperate appeals. As you can ignore them and prefer to sow doubts against animal rights organizations for over 20 years to help them spit blood?
A: No
, Sign. Meyer, I have never visited the kennels of the South Italy. I have enough that I could see the video on YouTube, the testimonies, the data horrible ... I limit myself to the miserable life of the kennels North, which, in my opinion should be healed and be made fit for use on site and open to the public without too many restrictions, but with documents in hand for every visitor! Now I'm almost nurseries, and if they are not healed in time-and we are miserably lagging behind on the timetable will remain eternal priorities-such as if nobody really intervene to protect them. For the series, "wash their dirty linen at home" and not always be lagging behind Europe. It 'also right to stress the fact that Italy is not really the stepmother of these animals forgotten by God and man, but the uterus is the same, and as such should be duly safeguarded. Children must always remain within their mother, and not to the same inglorious torn by the promise of a fairytale life - while possible-and then projected or thrown into the darkness of a stepmother true that has nothing to do with the country and the true origins of the same creature. The commitment of the institutions must focus on this absolutely must be remedied and the animals on site. No foreign travel, then. Would you, you, really be torn from your mother? NOT ME, YET WITH MY MOTHER HAD A RELATIONSHIP highly confrontational. The country is our mother, how can we forget? Move a living and sentient from place to place, making travel hundreds of miles without his endorsement, his opinion ... and you if you were in his place? If you were those of you unable to speak, to express their thoughts? Have you thought for a moment? I did, and as free as the wind I struggled not to live this experience. But even moving from south to north. Hats off to you, Meyer and associations that you believe and you're fighting for this, but it is a fact of reality that these animals can not for obvious reasons have their say. Unfortunately I do not agree and I know to be a drop in the bucket. For me it is impossible to believe that in the Motherland you can not resolve a problem that has continued for over twenty years. State funds have been budgeted by the greedy in order to limit the stray dogs, then one wonders how it could be a situation so out of hand dramatic. And then, why we can claim the right to extract an animal from its environment without really knowing what is best for these?
course, shame is immense and I agree with you, Meyer and the concept of an Italy Third World. However reminded of a dramatic question that touches the kennels 'lager' Italians, even if these are only of kennels and just: because where there is corroborated by testimonies and last names on the realities of our kennels North, it is shamefully accused of belonging to organizations or political factions?
A small example to follow is the bunting situation of the moment, as a dogma and Pandino where kennels are defined by popular lager although this non è vero. Diamine, li ho visitati, li ho visti!!!
Sono canili aperti al pubblico e ci sono un pugno di cani, non di più, ergo controllabilissimi. E' veramente terribile dover accogliere le rimostranze di chi si ostina a definirli dei campi di concentramento per animali alla stregua di troppi altri. Perchè fare di tutte le erbe un fascio? Ma perchè volete che questi canili vengano perpetuamente tacciati come feccia anche se non lo sono? Io ci sono stata, certo, i cani sono nei box, ma c'è qualcuno che li sgamba, e non parlo propriamente di volontari o associazioni. Io ho visto anche privati! Perchè non si vuol credere a testimonianze firmate col proprio nome?
Ma questo non è importante laddove si è voluto see Mark, however, even though there was no reason to see it.
I tell you one thing, though, know that a kennel is always a pound, so a hospital is always a hospital and an orphanage is always an orphanage.
not turn the omelette to the ordinary citizen well-being of the latter as they are mayors, municipalities, organizations and institutions to be held to account.
fails to comply with obligations to help and rescue operators themselves? The face you pay to them, not the poor animals.
many of us have a roof to shelter and those living on the street, the same way as strays?
I say that there are many, and these are the shelters, the love of many volunteers who work to not leave these unfortunate brothers in a forgotten corner. This may not be possible for our animals? Really?
I do not believe, and do not want it that way.
*** you, in addition to sow doubt, but for those one million six hundred thousand of desperate endeavor producing adoptions, right?
Sign. Meyer, believe me, if I could save well over this number of animals! This is a question a little provocative, but I do not want to spark any controversy and say quietly, in my yardstick and action, in full clarity of conscience, as the wicked will be the thing.
For nearly forty years, that is my age, I live with rescued animals from the most absurd situations. I did not know the year of my life in their absence. I gave almost everything to do proud of them. I do not regret, I do not complain and do it again until the end of my days, because I realized that a thousand friends there is only one truly sincere: an animal. Obvious? Apparently, this will seem, but I do not process the intentions and I'm not presuming to judge of all. I talk with my heart in my hand, though they may consider 'enemies' for our views disagree, basing what I say with personal experience. Given that in the morning, though aware of the approach of a day nefasta, so di poter essere felice perchè il mio cane e i miei gatti mi cercano, e non solo perchè possono aver fame, ho anche cognizione di aver salvato a molti di loro la vita. Non è tanto per dire. Certo, il mio limite è commisurato alla mia disponibilità economica e di spazio, eppure mi ripeto sempre che se almeno la metà dei nostri concittadini facesse lo stesso, saremmo ad un buon punto di civiltà. Do da mangiare a tutti, non solo ai miei animali. Ormai il mio balcone e il mio giardino sono un porto di mare, e ne sono felice. Abitando in campagna e non dovendo litigare con il vicino di casa, faccio del mio spazio quel che più mi si aggrada. Il mio giardino offre ospitalità a tutti gli animali di 'passaggio', che siano these dogs, cats, chickens, chickens, ducks. Everything and everyone.
My husband and I made our choice and not only for the disabled, we have sacrificed for the cause that animal to feel in the marrow. We do not give a damn about the dinners, pizza with friends, cinema, discos. All pretensions useless. After all, what's better than watching a movie with your dog on his lap and knees to make pet? Nothing, at least not for us. We believe only what we could do more for our animals and our guests 'pass'. And not only.
This makes us rich, still goes, whatever happens.
When the animals look at us, even when we scratch or growl at times 'No', we know we have done and do everything that was and is in our possililità to offer them a decent life. We do not want a medal, we do not want a pat on the shoulder. All we need is a cat or a dog as we passed that she rubs tearing his clothes. That's all we need, that gives us satisfaction.
We can not offer them the world, but we know that out of our territory we can not ensure effective protection, ergo circumscribe adoptions among friends and relatives know to do the right thing. We can control the 'after'. Sign. Meyer, as private citizens we can do, but what we do in our limitations come from the heart. The Is that enough?
I do not dare to speak only for myself, not now. Added to this are the names of my husband and my sister who lives with us.
A whole family that has always dedicated itself to animals. We do things big, Sign. Meyer. We limit our actions based on what we can offer a concrete way.
We hope this article has fulfilled at least part of his questions, trusting in his efforts on behalf of those who have no voice, observing his work and his point of view.
If we could be friends, at least for the sake of the animals we can not really consider us enemies.
Tiziana and Massimo Granata
Gabriella Paghini