Yes, Hip Belun if pol!
Questo articolo semiserio ed un po’ irriverente è dedicato a noi che siamo simpatica, intelligente, spregiudicata, intraprendente ed aperta gente da Belun.
Avete mai provato a proporre qualche idea più o meno innovativa a dei Belumat?
Se lo avete fatto, al 90% avrete sentito esprimere la loro partecipazione ed entusiasmo con una di queste affermazioni (o derivate):
a) “Si bel quel che te me conta, ma tanto a Belun i è masa duri/seradi/zoc…”
b) "Yes, but such figures if something like that if Belun na pol propose"
c) "Yes, and according to Belun pol you working?"
d) "Yes, but so much Belun pol who is interesarghe stuff? "
e)" Yes, but if after that bonfire? "
What an extraordinary example of self-knowledge and awareness is the beloved Belumat, right?
Belumat The fact knows that his future is identical to its past, and that life goes inexorable always equal to itself. He knows that nothing can change unless others do. The Belumat knows that it is useful to avoid wasting energy to try to evolve in what way he vedere funziona già benissimo. Il Belumat ha una sbalorditiva conoscenza intuitiva che tutto è fisso ed immobile, e vive naturalmente e senza sforzo questa Verità Assoluta. Il Belumat ha l’innata abilità di saper cogliere e prevedere tutti i possibili effetti negativi (e solo quelli) che un qualsiasi cambiamento può produrre, e pertanto lo ostacola al meglio delle proprie possibilità. Sa che perfino l’ipotesi di un cambiamento è pericolosa, e va prontamente inibita e smorzata.
Il Belumat è consapevole che i suoi pensieri creano la sua realtà. Quindi per manifestare coscientemente e perpetuamente la sua immutabile immagine di Sé, il Belumat non perde l’occasione per reiterare sempre gli stessi mental patterns of limitation and can not ... sorry ... and plenty of creativity. The
Belumat knows that the others are a mirror of ourselves, and that every statement we make on our neighbor is basically a projection of what we think of us. So he is fully aware that saying "yes, but not if Belun pol never change anything" is implicitly saying "I'm afraid to change first, do I leave it to others because I do not have the ability or the courage." He then clear understanding of the limitations that are within the self, even if modestly prefers to attribute to others.
Belumat The only understands the mechanisms of complex systems. Like the cells of your body work together to keep him alive, so he works with his fellows to support a better society. Like its connective tissue cells are cohesive, so he uses the trust in the next as the glue to support the community. Because giving is receiving, and knowing that the exchange energy is produced commonly called Love that benefits the entire system, the Belumat promptly leaves his small, modest interest to embrace the greater good of the community, knowing that she eventually also get more for himself.
Unfortunately, not all are so super Belumat aware. Some indeed are so crazy to think sometimes "Yes, Hip Belun if pol" and want to try to share the potential of new ideas for Belluno. They believe that change can never be complete and instantaneous. If a glass of water does not freeze all the more reason to block a company changes a little at a time. Someone has to start without waiting for others to do it. The former can not have anyone that comes before them. If we are responding to a call to the news saying "Yes, but so much Belun ..." maybe we forgot to give us a simple question: "But if I were just to be first?"
processing engines are Love for the Self and the Other el'Anelito Evolution. The old limiting thought patterns are replaced with positive thoughts and full of possibilities. The main limitation on what can happen is in what we think of ourselves, and therefore the world around us. The
Belumat that hinders their ideas for potential new territory Belluno is creating himself the limits of which I will complain in the future!
All this directly affects me is that I'm writing, that you who are reading.
Where do we stand? Thoughts that we have to offer ourselves, our fellow citizens and our land? What kind of new awareness we can develop to give it to Bellunesi other? We can change ourselves first, no matter what they do and others think? We can be ourselves the pioneers?
If you intend to abandon the old adage "Yes, but so much Belun ..." and want to be among those who "Yes, if pol Belun Hip!" raises her hand and let it be known around ! Discuss with your family, your friends, leave a comment on this blog or subscribe to this group on Facebook, share your thoughts about and if you like forward this article to your friends openly by Belun.
Andrea Rombaldi .
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