Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sayings To Go With Candies

Saturday, September 12, 2009 in Milan Cathedral, and live on RAI 1 has been conducted State Funeral of Michael Nicholas Salvatore Bongiorno.

Michael Nicholas Salvatore Bongiorno, Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic , the highest honor of the Italian Republic, is intended to
" reward merit acquired to the Nation in the field of literature, arts, economy and the disengagement of public functions or activities for social, philanthropic and humanitarian, as well as for long careers in the civil service and reported and military " ( from the site of the Quirinal )
had been given highly- in 2004, for its crisp and clear merit acquired to the Nation.

So consistently September 9, 2009 the Council of Ministers with the Prime Minister proposing resolved 'the
Assumption by the State expenditure for the funeral of Mike Bongiorno, pursuant to Act Feb. 7, 1987, No 36.

But what says the law February 7, 1987, n.36 ?

State Funeral

Who is

Law February 7, 1987, No 36, entitled "State regulation of the funeral of" states that they belong to the highest authorities of the republic, or after the termination of it, may also be made, upon resolution of the Council of Ministers, personalities who have offered special services to Homeland or citizens who have shown the nation , or citizens killed in the line of duty and victims of terrorist acts or organized crime.

But this Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, which had acquired to the Nation merit in the field of letters ...? ... The arts? ... in the hallway and in the field of social activities for ...? ... philanthropic? humanitarian ...? ... Oh well he had acquired to the Nation merit, and that was more a personality that had offered special services to the country and a citizen who had shown the nation, in practice, who was it? what did he do?
( Warning for purists: this is an attempt to surrender speech )

was a presenter of a quiz and teleshopping.

can not escape as all those solemn honors conferred by the institutions and the state to host a quiz and teleshopping is a symptom, a symbol, and further confirmation of the primary and essential role that television is come to play in society, politics and the State in Italy, had become almost an institution in itself.
Moreover, to support this thesis, it is sufficient to observe that our prime minister is an entrepreneur television, Porta a Porta has almost risen to the unofficial "third chamber" and the percentage of citizens who according to the 2008 Annual Report Censis , usually follow (at least 3 times a week) the general television is 85 .6%, and a 20.6% habitually watching satellite TV and a 7.7% using the DTT.

That said, we try to bring Michael Nicholas Salvatore its proper dimension, and to do this, we will make use of the analysis conducted by Umberto Eco in his "Phenomenology of Mike Bongiorno" back in 1961 (only seven years after the birth of TV [1954]), which, although written 48 years ago now, retains all its sharpness and expressiveness, and remains a viable ideology of the average exposure (CRE) (the monster, dangerous delinquent, conformist, colonialist, racist, slave, regardless of PPP discussed earlier in this posting ).

Umberto Eco - Phenomenology Mike Bongiorno
Minimum Diary (1963)
facsimile reproduction of the original verbatim ac litteratim in short I've copied the hand in the best tradition of the friars scribes.

Man circuit from media is at the bottom, among all his fellows, the most respected: not you ask him never to become that what he already is. In other words, are caused along the lines of his wish to study trends. However, since one of which he is entitled to compensation narcotics and evasion in the dream, the presents usually between him and which would establish a voltage. To eliminate any liability shall, however, to ensure that these ideals are in fact unattainable, so that the tension will be resolved in a projection and not a series of operations designed to change the actual state of affairs. In short, he was asked to become a man with a refrigerator and a television 21 inches, that is, they are asked to remain as it is adding to the objects that have un frigorifero e un televisore; in compenso gli si propone come ideale Kirk Douglas o Superman. L'ideale del consumatore di mass media è un superuomo che egli non pretenderà mai di diventare , ma che si diletta a impersonare fantasticamente, come si indossa per alcuni minuti davanti a uno specchio un abito altrui, senza neppur pensare di possederlo un giorno.

La situazione nuova in cui si pone al riguardo la TV è questa: la TV non offre, come ideale in cui immedesimarsi, il superman ma l' everyman . La TV presenta come ideale l'uomo assolutamente medio. A teatro Juliette Greco appare sul palcoscenico e subito crea un mito e fonda un culto; Joséphine Baker scatena rituali idolatrous and gives its name to an era. Appears on TV several times the face of Juliette Greek magic, but the myth does not even born, the idol is not her, but announcer, and among the most beloved and famous announcers will be precisely the one that best represents the average characters : modest beauty, sex appeal limited, questionable taste, some home expressionless.

Now, in the field of quantitative phenomena, the average is just half a term, and for those who have not yet been standardized, it represents a milestone. If, in the familiar joke , statistics is a science on a daily basis so if a man eat two chickens and another no, those two uomini hanno mangiato un pollo ciascuno - per l'uomo che non ha mangiato, la metà di un pollo al giorno è qualcosa di positivo a cui aspirare. Invece, nel campo dei fenomeni qualitativi, il livellamento alla media corrisponde al livellamento a zero. Un uomo che possieda tutte le virtù morali e intellettuali in grado medio, si trova immediatamente a un livello minimale di evoluzione. La "medietà" aristotelica è equilibrio nell'esercizio delle proprie passioni, retto dalla virtù discernitrice della "prudenza". Mentre nutrire passioni in grado medio e aver una media prudenza significa essere un povero campione di umanità.
Il caso più vistoso di riduzione del superman all' everyman lo abbiamo in Italy and in the shape of Mike Bongiorno in the history of his fortune. Idolized by millions of people, this man owes his success to the fact that in every action and every word of the character which gives life before the cameras reveal a combined absolute mediocrity (this is the only virtue which he possesses in excess of grade) an immediate and spontaneous charm explained by the fact that he did not feel any building or scenic fiction: it seems that he sells for what it is and what is likely to not put any audience in a state of inferiority, even the most ill. The viewer sees the glorified and honored with national authorities officially the portrait of his own limitations.

To understand this extraordinary power of Mike Bongiorno need to carry out an analysis of his behavior, to a real "Phenomenology of Mike Bongiorno," which means, with this name is given, not man, but the character.

Mike Bongiorno is not particularly handsome, athletic, courageous, intelligent. It is, biologically speaking, a modest degree of adaptation to the environment. Love from tributatogli hysterical teenagers be attributed in part to the whole breast that he is able to awaken in a young girl, in part to the prospect that he allows us to glimpse a lover's ideal, submissive and fragile, gentle and courteous.

Mike Bongiorno not ashamed to be ignorant and do not feel the need to educate themselves. Comes in contact with the most breathtaking areas of knowledge and leaving virgin and untouched, others comforting the natural tendencies to apathy and mental laziness. Puts great care not to impress the viewer not only shows ignorance of the facts, but also very determined not to learn anything. However

Mike Bongiorno and shows sincere admiration for primitive one who knows. However, in light of this man raises the quality of manual application, memory, methodology and primary obvious: to become educated by reading many books and believing what they say. Not the slightest suspicion of nearly ua function of critical and creative culture. Of it has a purely quantitative criterion. In that sense (if necessary, be educated, having read many books for many years) it is natural that man is not predestined to renounce any attempt.

Mike Bongiorno professes a respect and unlimited confidence to the expert, a professor is a scholar, is the culture allowed. It 's the technical branch. The will refer the matter to competence.

admiration for the culture, however, comes when, according to culture, it comes to making money. Then it turns out that culture is something. The poor man refuses to learn, but it is proposed to study the child.

Mike Bongiorno a petty bourgeois concept of money and its value ("pensi, ha guadagnato già centomila lire: è una bella sommetta!").

Mike Bongiorno anticipa quindi, sul concorrente, le impietose riflessioni che lo spettatore sarà portato a fare: "chissà come sarà contento di tutti quei soldi, lei che è sempre vissuto con uno tipendio modesto! Ha mai avuto tanti soldi così tra le mani?"

Mike Bongiorno, come i bambini, conosce le persone per categorie e le appella con comica deferenza (il bambino dice: "scusi, signora guardia...") usando tuttavia sempre la qualifica più volgare e corrente, spesso dispregiativa: "signor spazzino, signor contadino".

Mike Bongiorno accetta tutti i miti della società in cui vive: alla signora Balbiano d'Aramengo bacia la mano e dice che lo fa perché si tratta di una contessa (sic.).

Oltre ai miti accetta della società le convenzioni. E' paterno e condiscendente con gli umili, deferente con le persone socialmente qualificate.

Elargendo denaro, è istintivamente portato a pensare, senza esprimerlo chiaramente, più in termini di elemosina che di guadagno. Mostra di credere che, nella dialettica delle classi, l'unico mezzo di ascesa sia rappresentato dalla provvidenza (che può occasonalmente assumere il volto della Televisione).

Mike Bongiorno parla un basic italian. Il suo discorso realizza il massimo di semplicità. Abolisce i congiuntivi, le proposizioni subordinate, riesce quasi a rendere invisibile la dimensione sintassi . Evita i pronomi, ripetendo sempre per esteso il soggetto, impiega un numero stragrande di punti fermi. Non si avvicina mai in incisi o parentesi, non usa espressioni ellittiche, non allude, utilizza solo metafore ormai assorbite dal lessico comune. Il suo linguaggio è rigorosamente referenziale e farebbe la gioia di un neo-positivista. Non è necessario fare alcuno sforzo per capirlo. Qualsiasi spettatore avverte che, all'occasione, egli potrebbe essere più facondo di lui.

Non accetta l'idea che a una domanda possa esserci più di una risposta. Guarda con sospetto alle varianti. Nabucco e Nabuccodonosor non sono la stessa cosa; egli reagisce ai dati come an electronic brain, because it strongly believes that A is equal to A and tertium non datur. Aristotelian default , his pedagogy is therefore conservative, paternalistic, cast in stone.

Mike Bongiorno is no sense of humor. Ride because it's happy reality. Escapes the nature of paradox as he was offered, he repeats with an amused and shakes his head, implying that the other person is pleasantly abnormal refuses to suspect that behind the paradox is hiding the truth, however, does not consider it as a vehicle authorized of opinion.

avoids the controversy, even on legitimate issues. Not learn about the strange lack of knowledge of (a new trend in painting, an abstruse discipline ... "tell me a bit, 'is there so much talk today of the future. But what exactly this future?"). On receipt of the explanation does not attempt to investigate, but felt rather let his right-thinking of polite dissent. Respects, however, the views of others, not about ideology, but for lack of interest.

Of all the possible questions about a subject chooses the one that would first occur to anyone that half the audience now would discard as too obvious: "What does that picture represent?" "Why you chose a hobby so different from his work?" "How comes to mind to deal with philosophy? ".

Bring cliches to the extreme. A virtuous woman is educated by nuns, a girl with colored socks and a ponytail is" burned. "asks the first if you , which is good for a girl like you want to become like the other.; fattogli note that the opposition is offensive, comforts the second girl, highlighting its superior physical and humiliating the schoolgirl. In this dizzying game gaffes not even attempt to use periphrasis: the periphrasis is already a agudeza and agudezas belong to a cycle which Vico Bongiorno is unaware of. For him, we said, everything has a name and only one, is the rhetorical sophistication. After all the faux pas always arises from an act of sincerity is not masked, when the sincerity is not desired but has gaffe challenge and provocation, the gaffe (in which Bongiorno excel, according to the critics and the public) is born when you are sincere in error and carelessness. The more mediocre, the mediocre man is clumsy. Mike Bongiorno gaffe bringing the comforts him to the dignity of figure of speech, as part of a label approved by the transmitter and the nation listened.

Mike Bongiorno sincerely rejoice with the winner because it honors his success. Please uninterested in losing, if they are moved in serious condition and is the organizer of a charity race, which occurs over a pay and convince the public, then flew across to other treatments comforted by the existence of the best of all possible worlds. He ignores the tragic dimension of life.

Mike Bongiorno then convince the public, with a living example and triumphant, the value of mediocrity. It does not cause inferiority complexes while offering himself as an idol, and the public pays him back, loving grateful. He represents an ideal that no one should strive for because everyone is already at this level. No religion has never been so lenient with faithful. In him is undo the tension between being and ought to be. He tells his worshipers: you are God, stay motionless.