impossible Dialogue on Science and Consciousness
Albert Einstein: "God does not play dice with the universe." (Referring to the development of quantum mechanics, which bases its foundation on probability rather than the determinism of classical physics)
Niels Bohr: "Einstein, stop telling God what to do."
Richard Feynman: "God not only plays dice with the universe, but also throws them where they can see. I do not know if you realize that there is plenty of space at the bottom." (Where the term "lower" is intended as the world below the molecular size )
Erding Schroedinger: "The Mind has erected the objective external world of natural philosophy making it emerge from its substance. "
Bernard D'Espagnat:" The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and the facts established by experiment. "
Max Planck" For my part, I regard consciousness as fundamental and derived a matter of conscience. "
Sir Arthur Eddington:" In fact, the Idea of \u200b\u200ba Universal Mind, and Logos is, I think, a fairly plausible inference based on the current state of scientific theory, or at least it is in harmony with it. "
Max Planck:" Science ... and sustained efforts and development continues to progress towards a goal that intuition poetry may include, but not the intellect never grasp completely. Science can not reveal the fundamental mystery of nature. This is because, ultimately, we ourselves are part of the riddle we're trying to solve. "
From this virtual dialogue is clear awareness of many scientists that consciousness is a fundamental element for achieving a better understanding of the goals and the functioning of our universe, and therefore also of ourselves.
Change is the key to evolution, and science has a source if the challenge to broaden their horizons and fields of application by changing their point of view and incorporating Consciousness nelle proprie teorie.
Molti scienziati, alcuni dei quali sono citati nel mio post Cambiare il Paradigma Scientifico , hanno già pioneristicamente intrapreso questo cammino, che sarà certamente difficoltoso e non lineare ma che potrà offrire all’umanità una più vasta comprensione e consapevolezza del Tutto.
Aggiungo a questi precursori anche David Wilcock, che nel suo libro Il Cosmo Divino presenta una nuova cosmologia, un nuovo modo di comprendere l’Universo della materia fisica e non fisica e come esso funzioni, che rimuove molti dei paradossi e degli enigmi presenti nella cosmologia attuale.
Come d’abitudine mi auguro che, nei collegamenti offerti in questo blog, i lettori aperti al superamento di concezioni e punti di vista ad oggi considerati "baluardi inviolabili" possano trovare materiale interessante per il loro percorso individuale di evoluzione.