After the first cycle of therapy by Dr. Simoncini described in my previous post my mom had to stop treatment because of his chronic hypokalemia that gave her trouble.
Despite the fact only 1 cycle of 3, the values \u200b\u200bof tumor markers in recent months were rising steadily regressed to those of about five months ago in one week! I think this is a very strong signal and encouraging.
So your next step is to verify the possibility of administering bicarbonate in any other way directly into the nodule sick, avoiding drips. After the service
Mi Manda Rai 3 of 22 febbraio 2008 sono ancor più persuaso che medici come Simoncini stanno alla Medicina Ufficiale come gli eretici stavano alla Chiesa ai tempi nel medioevo.
Ergo, la Medicina Ufficiale ha dei dogmi da difendere, ovvero le pratiche "Ufficiali e Scientifiche" approvate dagli "Organi Ufficiali" - controllati o partecipati dalle multinazionali del farmaco - al fine di difendere degli interessi che - eufemisticamente - nessuno ci garantisce essere quelli della nostra salute.
Coloro che a qualsiasi titolo osteggiano o sembrano osteggiare questa istituzione ricercando e sperimentando metodi alternativi, naturali, poco costosi e quindi popolari sembrano essere sistemicamente screditati come ciarlatani. L'opinione pubblica é così condizionata ed assuefatta da questa visione da condividerla senza dubbi o incertezze, rendendo il compito dello screditamento assai facile. Vedete ad esempio in questo filmato come sia stato semplice per Mi Manda RAI 3 nella puntata del 26 maggio 2006 manipolare l'informazione per negare a Simoncini la possibilità di dimostrare la proria buona fede.
Leggendo Kancropoli - La mafia del cancro oppure i servizi di Report di RAI 3 intitolati Il Marketing del Farmaco e Il fallimento del metodo Di Bella ci si può rendere conto che il mondo della medicina, delle cure e dell'informazione medica non sono esenti da pratiche scorrette ed immorali come tutti vorremmo che fosse.
Nel caso specifico cancer, try to feel what oncologists really think of chemotherapy .
If only a small percentage of these unofficial were true it would be really outrageous. Each
information, documents and choose the most convincing truth.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
How Many Calories Is Vegetable Chow Mein?
Good news
Two years after the discovery of axillary lymph node metastases in right now my mom has started the therapy by Dr. Simoncini . Thank you right now that Helen is giving us support in the practice of this remedy is still atypical, and even more for telling me to feel lucky to have met a remarkable woman as my mom. Elena reminded me that the habit can make us forget what are special people who have next.
cure cancer with sodium bicarbonate may seem like a madness.
But if this statement in context to the hypothesis that "cancer is a fungus ", in this case candida, and knowing that baking soda is the best available natural antifungal then the perspective changes radically.
indeed get the my gratitude to the doctors visionaries who, through their work gives hope to people who listen to the signals of their body, and after that think with their head they want to be able to choose their care!
Two years after the discovery of axillary lymph node metastases in right now my mom has started the therapy by Dr. Simoncini . Thank you right now that Helen is giving us support in the practice of this remedy is still atypical, and even more for telling me to feel lucky to have met a remarkable woman as my mom. Elena reminded me that the habit can make us forget what are special people who have next.
cure cancer with sodium bicarbonate may seem like a madness.
But if this statement in context to the hypothesis that "cancer is a fungus ", in this case candida, and knowing that baking soda is the best available natural antifungal then the perspective changes radically.
indeed get the my gratitude to the doctors visionaries who, through their work gives hope to people who listen to the signals of their body, and after that think with their head they want to be able to choose their care!
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