impossible Dialogue on Science and Consciousness
Albert Einstein: "God does not play dice with the universe." (Referring to the development of quantum mechanics, which bases its foundation on probability rather than the determinism of classical physics)
Niels Bohr: "Einstein, stop telling God what to do."
Richard Feynman: "God not only plays dice with the universe, but also throws them where they can see. I do not know if you realize that there is plenty of space at the bottom." (Where the term "lower" is intended as the world below the molecular size )
Erding Schroedinger: "The Mind has erected the objective external world of natural philosophy making it emerge from its substance. "
Bernard D'Espagnat:" The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and the facts established by experiment. "
Max Planck" For my part, I regard consciousness as fundamental and derived a matter of conscience. "
Sir Arthur Eddington:" In fact, the Idea of \u200b\u200ba Universal Mind, and Logos is, I think, a fairly plausible inference based on the current state of scientific theory, or at least it is in harmony with it. "
Max Planck:" Science ... and sustained efforts and development continues to progress towards a goal that intuition poetry may include, but not the intellect never grasp completely. Science can not reveal the fundamental mystery of nature. This is because, ultimately, we ourselves are part of the riddle we're trying to solve. "
From this virtual dialogue is clear awareness of many scientists that consciousness is a fundamental element for achieving a better understanding of the goals and the functioning of our universe, and therefore also of ourselves.
Change is the key to evolution, and science has a source if the challenge to broaden their horizons and fields of application by changing their point of view and incorporating Consciousness nelle proprie teorie.
Molti scienziati, alcuni dei quali sono citati nel mio post Cambiare il Paradigma Scientifico , hanno già pioneristicamente intrapreso questo cammino, che sarà certamente difficoltoso e non lineare ma che potrà offrire all’umanità una più vasta comprensione e consapevolezza del Tutto.
Aggiungo a questi precursori anche David Wilcock, che nel suo libro Il Cosmo Divino presenta una nuova cosmologia, un nuovo modo di comprendere l’Universo della materia fisica e non fisica e come esso funzioni, che rimuove molti dei paradossi e degli enigmi presenti nella cosmologia attuale.
Come d’abitudine mi auguro che, nei collegamenti offerti in questo blog, i lettori aperti al superamento di concezioni e punti di vista ad oggi considerati "baluardi inviolabili" possano trovare materiale interessante per il loro percorso individuale di evoluzione.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
How To Lace Coverse Double Uppers Hi Tops
Physicists find a way to see the extra dimensions change the scientific paradigm
Articolo tratto da Space Daily , traduzione di Andrew
Guardando all’indietro nel tempo un istante dopo il Big Bang, i fisici della University of Wisconsin-Madison hanno concepito un approccio che può aiutare a scoprire le minuscole forme delle dimensioni extra dell’universo. Un nuovo studio dimostra che le ombre di dimensioni extra possono essere “viste” decifrando la loro influenza nell’energia cosmica rilasciata dalla violenta nascita the universe 13 billion years ago.
The method, published in the February 2007 issue of the journal Physical Review Letters , provides evidence that physicists can use experimental data to discern the nature of these elusive dimensions, whose existence is a critical but as yet unproven of string theory, the leading contender for a "theory of everything" merged (the "Holy Grail" of modern science, NDT).
Scientists developed string theory, which proposes that everything in the universe is made up of tiny vibrating strings of energy, in order to understand the physical principles of all objects: from immense galassie alle particelle subatomiche. Benché attualmente candidata al successo per spiegare la struttura del cosmo la teoria rimane, alla data, non testata.
La matematica della teoria delle stringhe suggerisce che il mondo che conosciamo non sia completo. In aggiunta alle nostre quattro dimensioni familiari – tre spaziali ed una temporale – questa teoria predice l’esistenza di sei dimensioni spaziali extra, che sarebbero nascoste ed arrotolate in minuscole forme geometriche presenti in ogni singolo punto del nostro universo.
“Non abbiate paura se non siete capaci di immaginare un mondo in dieci dimensioni. Le nostre menti sono abituate solo a tre dimensioni spaziali e mancano di un punto di riferimento per the other six, "said physicist Gary Shiu, a physicist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who led the new study. Though scientists use computers to understand what kind of geometry may resemble those six extra dimensions, no one really knows for sure which form they may take.
The new work of the University of Wisconsin-Madison may provide a basis to observe and measure this aspect of string theory previously undetectable.
According to the mathematics of string theory, extra dimensions may have tens of thousands of possible shapes, each of which ideally corresponds to a specific universe with a characteristic set of physical laws.
For our universe, "Nature has chosen one, and we want to know what it looks like," explains Henry Tye, a physicist at Cornell University who was not involved in the new research.
Shiu said that the multi-dimensional shapes are too small to be seen or measured by the traditional means of measurement, which make it so difficult this important verification of string theory. "You can theorize anything, but you must be able to demonstrate experimentally. The question now is how to test string theory? "
Shiu and Bret Underwood graduated looked skyward for inspiration.
Their approach is based on the idea that the six tiny extra dimensions had their greatest influence in the universe because it was a tiny speck of matter and energy tablets, or the instant just after the Big Bang.
Shiu says: "Our idea was to go back in time to see what happened in those days. Obviously, we can not really go back in time. "
Without the indispensable need a time machine, they used the next best tool: a map of cosmic energy released by the Big Bang. The energy, captured by satellites such as the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) NASA has remained virtually unchanged over the last 13 billion years, essentially making the energy map as a "baby picture of the universe," Shiu says. The WMAP experiment is the successor of the project Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) NASA, who have won the 2006 Nobel Prize for Physics.
Shiu explains that "as a shadow can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe shape of an object, the pattern of cosmic energy in the sky can give an indication of the shape of the other six dimensions present."
To learn how to read from the cosmic map hidden signs six-dimensional geometry, they worked backward. Beginning with two different types of simple mathematical geometries, called warped throats (warped throats), calculated the expected energy map that you would see in the universe described by each shape. When they compared the two maps, they found small but significant differences.
Their results show that specific patterns of cosmic energy can hold clues to the shape of six-dimensional geometry, and the first type of observable data seem to confirm this promise.
Although current data are not precise enough to compare their findings with our universe, upcoming experiments such as the European Space Agency's Planck satellite should have adequate sensitivity to discover the subtle differences between the geometries.
Shiu said that "our experiment with simple forms and well known to give a demonstration that the geometry of hidden dimensions can be deciphered from the pattern of cosmic energy. This provides a rare opportunity in which string theory can be tested. "
The improvement of technologies to capture more detailed cosmic maps should help narrow the possibilities and allow scientists to open the code maps of energy, and to approach identification of the individual shapes that fill our universe.
"The implications of this possibility are profound, "says Tye. "If the forms can be measured, this will confirm to us that string theory is correct."
Articolo tratto da Space Daily , traduzione di Andrew
Guardando all’indietro nel tempo un istante dopo il Big Bang, i fisici della University of Wisconsin-Madison hanno concepito un approccio che può aiutare a scoprire le minuscole forme delle dimensioni extra dell’universo. Un nuovo studio dimostra che le ombre di dimensioni extra possono essere “viste” decifrando la loro influenza nell’energia cosmica rilasciata dalla violenta nascita the universe 13 billion years ago.
The method, published in the February 2007 issue of the journal Physical Review Letters , provides evidence that physicists can use experimental data to discern the nature of these elusive dimensions, whose existence is a critical but as yet unproven of string theory, the leading contender for a "theory of everything" merged (the "Holy Grail" of modern science, NDT).
Scientists developed string theory, which proposes that everything in the universe is made up of tiny vibrating strings of energy, in order to understand the physical principles of all objects: from immense galassie alle particelle subatomiche. Benché attualmente candidata al successo per spiegare la struttura del cosmo la teoria rimane, alla data, non testata.
La matematica della teoria delle stringhe suggerisce che il mondo che conosciamo non sia completo. In aggiunta alle nostre quattro dimensioni familiari – tre spaziali ed una temporale – questa teoria predice l’esistenza di sei dimensioni spaziali extra, che sarebbero nascoste ed arrotolate in minuscole forme geometriche presenti in ogni singolo punto del nostro universo.
“Non abbiate paura se non siete capaci di immaginare un mondo in dieci dimensioni. Le nostre menti sono abituate solo a tre dimensioni spaziali e mancano di un punto di riferimento per the other six, "said physicist Gary Shiu, a physicist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, who led the new study. Though scientists use computers to understand what kind of geometry may resemble those six extra dimensions, no one really knows for sure which form they may take.
The new work of the University of Wisconsin-Madison may provide a basis to observe and measure this aspect of string theory previously undetectable.
According to the mathematics of string theory, extra dimensions may have tens of thousands of possible shapes, each of which ideally corresponds to a specific universe with a characteristic set of physical laws.
For our universe, "Nature has chosen one, and we want to know what it looks like," explains Henry Tye, a physicist at Cornell University who was not involved in the new research.
Shiu said that the multi-dimensional shapes are too small to be seen or measured by the traditional means of measurement, which make it so difficult this important verification of string theory. "You can theorize anything, but you must be able to demonstrate experimentally. The question now is how to test string theory? "
Shiu and Bret Underwood graduated looked skyward for inspiration.
Their approach is based on the idea that the six tiny extra dimensions had their greatest influence in the universe because it was a tiny speck of matter and energy tablets, or the instant just after the Big Bang.
Shiu says: "Our idea was to go back in time to see what happened in those days. Obviously, we can not really go back in time. "
Without the indispensable need a time machine, they used the next best tool: a map of cosmic energy released by the Big Bang. The energy, captured by satellites such as the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) NASA has remained virtually unchanged over the last 13 billion years, essentially making the energy map as a "baby picture of the universe," Shiu says. The WMAP experiment is the successor of the project Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) NASA, who have won the 2006 Nobel Prize for Physics.
Shiu explains that "as a shadow can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe shape of an object, the pattern of cosmic energy in the sky can give an indication of the shape of the other six dimensions present."
To learn how to read from the cosmic map hidden signs six-dimensional geometry, they worked backward. Beginning with two different types of simple mathematical geometries, called warped throats (warped throats), calculated the expected energy map that you would see in the universe described by each shape. When they compared the two maps, they found small but significant differences.
Their results show that specific patterns of cosmic energy can hold clues to the shape of six-dimensional geometry, and the first type of observable data seem to confirm this promise.
Although current data are not precise enough to compare their findings with our universe, upcoming experiments such as the European Space Agency's Planck satellite should have adequate sensitivity to discover the subtle differences between the geometries.
Shiu said that "our experiment with simple forms and well known to give a demonstration that the geometry of hidden dimensions can be deciphered from the pattern of cosmic energy. This provides a rare opportunity in which string theory can be tested. "
The improvement of technologies to capture more detailed cosmic maps should help narrow the possibilities and allow scientists to open the code maps of energy, and to approach identification of the individual shapes that fill our universe.
"The implications of this possibility are profound, "says Tye. "If the forms can be measured, this will confirm to us that string theory is correct."
Monday, April 21, 2008
Tie A Mattress To Roof Rack
Like all the actions of human beings is also the institution of science is subject to change.
This evolution is slow, because each new theory must be integrated into the existing interconnected system of ideologies in order to draw a coherent picture as a whole and, wherever possible, free of paradoxes.
But not everyone knows of the existence of theories of the border which, taken together, form the basis of a new science that combines the materialism and spirituality. It raggiunge un grado di evoluzione superiore a quello della scienza attuale mediante il superamento della dualità tra materia e coscienza, che vengono finalmente fuse in un tutt'uno indissolubile.
Queste teorie non vengono però ancora integrate con l’attuale insieme di credenze scientifiche. Il motivo? Le nuove idee costringerebbero a rimettere in discussione la maggior parte dei punti di vista che la cultura occidentale attualmente accetta, con la conseguenza che l'autorevolezza di molti scienziati sarebbe drasticamente ridimensionata e molti centri di potere verrebbero, seppur lentamente, pesantemente destabilizzati.
Le teorie di cui stiamo parlando non sono ancora disponibili nei canali ufficiali, anche se hanno lo scopo dealing with the scientific method classic phenomena invisible or not obviously physical, material and mechanical. The same
Science officially recognized about 90% of the Universe not visible to our senses and our physical instruments of measurement. Therefore, the Science Officer is able to observe and explain only a small part of what exists! If humanity is to truly pursue the development of their knowledge and awareness there is therefore a need to understand 90% of the universe unknown and invisible to it, and it is important to be willing to change, even radically, the points of scientific view or not. In New Science magazine also medicine is deeply in the prospect of replacing pharmacological principles with the intent of self-healing power of mind, which - and show - can act at the sub atomic quantum change our cells and make them heal.
New paradigms allow the man to finally put their lives at the center of the well-being and consciousness, and can support - even for those who have so far spoken only with the orthodox scientific language - the fact that the universe as a whole is multidimensional, intelligent and constantly evolving, a wonderful creation in which humanity is a fundamental manifestation of intelligence suprema ma non l'unica.
Il mio punto di vista é che noi stiamo a questa Nuova Scienza come gli scienziati del 1900 stavano ad Einstein, le cui teorie sulla relatività erano troppo innovative per essere comprese diffusamente durante la sua epoca.
Una delle più grandi sfide é rimettere in gioco le conoscenze e gli schemi di pensiero con i quali ci identifichiamo.
Provate a leggere il materiale indicato di seguito. Se siete disposti a cambiare alcune delle vostre convinzioni circa la descrizione più profonda della realtà di cui siamo parte integrante potreste trovare molti spunti interessanti e molte risposte che stavate cercando.
LA Biology of Belief Bruce Lipton
MESSAGES FROM WATER Masaru Emoto php? extend.3304.7
OF GREGG BRADEN The Divine Matrix
Open in PDF format
Open in PDF
Open in PDF format
FIELDS OF morphic Rupert Sheldrake
Open in PDF format
http:/ / / eng / Corbucci / index.htm
http://it.wikipedia .org / wiki / Teoria_delle_stringhe
you create your own reality '(WHAT THE BLEEP)
THE Divine Cosmos by David Wilcock
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
English To Spanish, Sympathy
My mom is healed! Still on
As you know from my previous post my mom followed the therapy Dr. Simoncini (the one that makes use of sodium bicarbonate for instance) to treat metastatic lymph nodes in right armpit.
this morning was carried ultrasound control, to the surprise of doctors and the result is that the node has returned to normal size and no longer has the characteristics of malignant tumor!
So my mother is healed of cancer caring with simple flebo di bicarbonato di sodio, in barba alle ormonoterapie ed alle chemioterapie prescritte dall'Oncologia classica.
Referto ecografico prima della cura
"Si rileva formazione solida ipercogena di 17mm di diametro max, a margini sfumati, localizzata in sede ascellare dx. Si consiglia valutazione oncologica ed eventuale approfondimento diagnostico mediante esame citologico."
Referto ecografico dopo la cura
"In corrispondenza del cavo ascellare di destra attualmente é riconoscibile formazione linfonodale di circa 7,6mm che non presenta sicuro carattere reattivo. Non riconoscibili linfoadenomegalie a sinistra."
Sono felicissimo, ed in questo stato di euforia auguro Pace e Salute a tutti :-)
As you know from my previous post my mom followed the therapy Dr. Simoncini (the one that makes use of sodium bicarbonate for instance) to treat metastatic lymph nodes in right armpit.
this morning was carried ultrasound control, to the surprise of doctors and the result is that the node has returned to normal size and no longer has the characteristics of malignant tumor!
So my mother is healed of cancer caring with simple flebo di bicarbonato di sodio, in barba alle ormonoterapie ed alle chemioterapie prescritte dall'Oncologia classica.
Referto ecografico prima della cura
"Si rileva formazione solida ipercogena di 17mm di diametro max, a margini sfumati, localizzata in sede ascellare dx. Si consiglia valutazione oncologica ed eventuale approfondimento diagnostico mediante esame citologico."
Referto ecografico dopo la cura
"In corrispondenza del cavo ascellare di destra attualmente é riconoscibile formazione linfonodale di circa 7,6mm che non presenta sicuro carattere reattivo. Non riconoscibili linfoadenomegalie a sinistra."
Sono felicissimo, ed in questo stato di euforia auguro Pace e Salute a tutti :-)
Monday, February 25, 2008
Nausea Spinal Stenosis
After the first cycle of therapy by Dr. Simoncini described in my previous post my mom had to stop treatment because of his chronic hypokalemia that gave her trouble.
Despite the fact only 1 cycle of 3, the values \u200b\u200bof tumor markers in recent months were rising steadily regressed to those of about five months ago in one week! I think this is a very strong signal and encouraging.
So your next step is to verify the possibility of administering bicarbonate in any other way directly into the nodule sick, avoiding drips. After the service
Mi Manda Rai 3 of 22 febbraio 2008 sono ancor più persuaso che medici come Simoncini stanno alla Medicina Ufficiale come gli eretici stavano alla Chiesa ai tempi nel medioevo.
Ergo, la Medicina Ufficiale ha dei dogmi da difendere, ovvero le pratiche "Ufficiali e Scientifiche" approvate dagli "Organi Ufficiali" - controllati o partecipati dalle multinazionali del farmaco - al fine di difendere degli interessi che - eufemisticamente - nessuno ci garantisce essere quelli della nostra salute.
Coloro che a qualsiasi titolo osteggiano o sembrano osteggiare questa istituzione ricercando e sperimentando metodi alternativi, naturali, poco costosi e quindi popolari sembrano essere sistemicamente screditati come ciarlatani. L'opinione pubblica é così condizionata ed assuefatta da questa visione da condividerla senza dubbi o incertezze, rendendo il compito dello screditamento assai facile. Vedete ad esempio in questo filmato come sia stato semplice per Mi Manda RAI 3 nella puntata del 26 maggio 2006 manipolare l'informazione per negare a Simoncini la possibilità di dimostrare la proria buona fede.
Leggendo Kancropoli - La mafia del cancro oppure i servizi di Report di RAI 3 intitolati Il Marketing del Farmaco e Il fallimento del metodo Di Bella ci si può rendere conto che il mondo della medicina, delle cure e dell'informazione medica non sono esenti da pratiche scorrette ed immorali come tutti vorremmo che fosse.
Nel caso specifico cancer, try to feel what oncologists really think of chemotherapy .
If only a small percentage of these unofficial were true it would be really outrageous. Each
information, documents and choose the most convincing truth.
After the first cycle of therapy by Dr. Simoncini described in my previous post my mom had to stop treatment because of his chronic hypokalemia that gave her trouble.
Despite the fact only 1 cycle of 3, the values \u200b\u200bof tumor markers in recent months were rising steadily regressed to those of about five months ago in one week! I think this is a very strong signal and encouraging.
So your next step is to verify the possibility of administering bicarbonate in any other way directly into the nodule sick, avoiding drips. After the service
Mi Manda Rai 3 of 22 febbraio 2008 sono ancor più persuaso che medici come Simoncini stanno alla Medicina Ufficiale come gli eretici stavano alla Chiesa ai tempi nel medioevo.
Ergo, la Medicina Ufficiale ha dei dogmi da difendere, ovvero le pratiche "Ufficiali e Scientifiche" approvate dagli "Organi Ufficiali" - controllati o partecipati dalle multinazionali del farmaco - al fine di difendere degli interessi che - eufemisticamente - nessuno ci garantisce essere quelli della nostra salute.
Coloro che a qualsiasi titolo osteggiano o sembrano osteggiare questa istituzione ricercando e sperimentando metodi alternativi, naturali, poco costosi e quindi popolari sembrano essere sistemicamente screditati come ciarlatani. L'opinione pubblica é così condizionata ed assuefatta da questa visione da condividerla senza dubbi o incertezze, rendendo il compito dello screditamento assai facile. Vedete ad esempio in questo filmato come sia stato semplice per Mi Manda RAI 3 nella puntata del 26 maggio 2006 manipolare l'informazione per negare a Simoncini la possibilità di dimostrare la proria buona fede.
Leggendo Kancropoli - La mafia del cancro oppure i servizi di Report di RAI 3 intitolati Il Marketing del Farmaco e Il fallimento del metodo Di Bella ci si può rendere conto che il mondo della medicina, delle cure e dell'informazione medica non sono esenti da pratiche scorrette ed immorali come tutti vorremmo che fosse.
Nel caso specifico cancer, try to feel what oncologists really think of chemotherapy .
If only a small percentage of these unofficial were true it would be really outrageous. Each
information, documents and choose the most convincing truth.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
How Many Calories Is Vegetable Chow Mein?
Good news
Two years after the discovery of axillary lymph node metastases in right now my mom has started the therapy by Dr. Simoncini . Thank you right now that Helen is giving us support in the practice of this remedy is still atypical, and even more for telling me to feel lucky to have met a remarkable woman as my mom. Elena reminded me that the habit can make us forget what are special people who have next.
cure cancer with sodium bicarbonate may seem like a madness.
But if this statement in context to the hypothesis that "cancer is a fungus ", in this case candida, and knowing that baking soda is the best available natural antifungal then the perspective changes radically.
indeed get the my gratitude to the doctors visionaries who, through their work gives hope to people who listen to the signals of their body, and after that think with their head they want to be able to choose their care!
Two years after the discovery of axillary lymph node metastases in right now my mom has started the therapy by Dr. Simoncini . Thank you right now that Helen is giving us support in the practice of this remedy is still atypical, and even more for telling me to feel lucky to have met a remarkable woman as my mom. Elena reminded me that the habit can make us forget what are special people who have next.
cure cancer with sodium bicarbonate may seem like a madness.
But if this statement in context to the hypothesis that "cancer is a fungus ", in this case candida, and knowing that baking soda is the best available natural antifungal then the perspective changes radically.
indeed get the my gratitude to the doctors visionaries who, through their work gives hope to people who listen to the signals of their body, and after that think with their head they want to be able to choose their care!
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